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Pak Electron Limited

6 August 2019

Muhammad Umar Adeeb

Air University Islamabad
Internship Report (July Batch)
IR&A Department


I am pleased to acknowledge the sheer efforts of PEL to allow me enhance my
knowledge and learning about organisational work executions. I was placed at IR&A
department therefore I would also acknowledge the role of my supervisor Miss Uzma
Chandni ( Database Administrator) in developing my organisational learninpg and skills
regarding the functions of IR&A department. It’s really an honour to be a part of PEL
Summer Internship Program.



PEL was founded in 1956 through technical collaboration with AEG. It was
acquired by Saigol Group in 1978 and was later taken public. It is the flag carrier of the
Saigol Group. It is an engineering corporation which manufactures major home
appliances and electrical equipments. It’s functioning has been divided as follows:

1. Power Division
Under this division power products such as Energy Meters, Switchgear and
Transformers are being manufactured.

2. Appliances Division
Appliances such as Air Conditioners, Microwave Ovens, Refrigerators, Deep
Freezers, Water Dispensers and LED’s are being manufactured in this division.

3. Common Division
Departments of Accounts & Finance, Human Resources, IT, Internal Audit, IR&A
fall under this division.

Industrial Relations and Administration


I was placed at IR&A department which is Industrial Relations and Administration
by the HR department. It is responsible for the recruitment and training of all the junior
staff which are graded as:

Supervisor-1 (S1)
Supervisor-2 (S2)
Supervisor-3 (S3)
Trainee Associate Engineer (T2)
Clerical-1 (C1)
Non-Graded Permanent Workers (NG)
Apprentice (APT)
Temporary Workers (WK)

Moreover IR&A department overlooks the accommodation, mobility, provident

fund, health and life insurance and EOBI of all the employees.

Under supervision of Miss Uzma Chandni I have learned about multiple functions
which the said department performs which includes
1. Recruitment of junior staff
2. File management
3. Data management (electronic and manual)
4. Data Analysis

I have gone through all the process of how the said functions are being performed in
detail. Further explanation is as follows


The IR&A department recruits the junior staff by displaying a notice of vacant post
on the notice board in the PEL facilities to create a word of mouth which helps PEL find


the right person for the right job. Applicants are than called for an interview and
experienced workers are given the priority. Once the interview is done the successful
candidate has to submit important documents and a file is prepared which contains the
documents which are
1. Requisition Form
2. Experience Certificate
3. Educational Documents ( If necessary)
4. Confirmation Letter
5. Appointment Letter
6. Provident Fund
7. GLI Form
9. Photographs

Once filing is completed according to the check list P# is allotted which is the employment
number. Appointment could be Permanent, Temporary or of Probation period which
could also be extended or even considered for permanent basis.

Salary of junior staff is divided into parts which are

1. Basic pay
2. House Rent Allowance
3. Conveyance Allowance
4. CLA
5. Utility Allowance
6. Special Punjab
7. Minimum Wage Allowance
8. Dearness Allowance

Data Management

Data management is vital in smooth execution of work tasks in any organisation and
I have witnessed that PEL is managing it’s data up to the mark which includes both
electronically and manually. Manually files are maintained according to the check list and
all necessary documents are attached. For electronic data management PEL uses different
modern softwares as they optimise workload and ensure data security which includes:


1. Oracle
It is a database commonly used for data warehousing and mixed database
workloads. PEL uses this platform to manage it’s data. Record regarding
employee is updated including their personal details, payroll management, and
salary divisions.

2. Employee Management System (EMS)

PEL’s EMS is designed to simplify the process of record maintenance of
employees. It is used to manage employees information for HR functions. It
includes the professional, personal, educational and for appraisals management.

3. Time Management System (TMS)

PEL uses time and attendance management system to flawlessly monitor
employees shift timings and attendance which helps the payroll manager to
accurately track time and wage information of employees as the dashboard
gives a holistic view of payroll, scheduling and human resource information.

File management

Once data from files is updated on the electronic databases the files are placed in the
cabinets safely according to the employment number sequences. For that, IR&A
department facility has cabinets which are further divided into “On service” and “End
service” type by pasting said notices on them. All the files are managed and placed
according to the P# which makes it easy for the staff to easily pull out any file at anytime
when needed.

Data Analysis

Data analysis is important as it helps to take certain decisions. At PEL record on

both data management systems, “ Oracle” and “EMS” are inspected for cleaning,
transforming and modelling the existing data. In this regard data in exported to the
Microsoft Excel to perform data analysis process. It helps the organisation to keep records
on all data management softwares up to date. If any record is missing or wrong it is


updated in the softwares by rechecking it on the manual files containing original


As part of PEL summer internship program and on the basis of the knowledge I
have gained and the perception I have built I would like to mention few
1. Interns must be paid in order to motivate and engage them with their job.
2. PEL should adopt decentralised system so that all employees could take part in
decision making which will enhance company’s performance.
3. PEL must adopt proper recruitment and hiring process by using digital
platforms so that best talent could become it’s part.
4. PEL must invest more on creative marketing to build more stronger brand image
which I believe it lacks.
5. Employees must be given rewards according to their performance so they could
perform even better
6. Organisational Behaviour Models should be adopted to understand the
complexity of human behaviour and work performance according to it.
7. PEL should adopt proactive approach to compete with it’s competitors by
investing in research and development to come up with new products and
use new technology in its products.
8. Training conferences should be arranged to enhance employee scope and
professional development among all level of employees.


I would like to conclude by saying that it’s been a great experience to work as an
intern at PEL. PEL is an amazing organisation but still lacks in few departments
which I believe it will work on as I have recommended above. I will consider PEL as
future employer. My supervisor Miss Uzma played an important role in assisting me for
the learning I had at IR&A department. Thank you.


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