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Campaign English for

Law Enforcement Glossary

Unit 1 The world of law smuggler (n)  person who brings things into a
country illegally
overload (v)  to put too heavy a load on
enforcement statement (n)  an account of the facts relating
to a crime or case
overtake (v)  to pass a vehicle driving in the
same direction
assault (n)  a physical attack on someone taser (n)  a non-lethal weapon that transmits penalty (n)  official punishment for an offence
badge (n)  symbol or emblem worn on a police electronic pulses used to incapacitate or crime
uniform or carried by detectives to show someone penalty points (n)  In the UK, if you are
they are policemen terrorism (n)  violence, or the threat of violence convicted of a motoring offence, your
baton (n)  a short stick carried by a policeman carried out for political purposes driving licence will get a number of
and used as a weapon uniform (n)  clothes that show someone’s penalty points set against it. (The number
book (v)  to charge someone with an offence occupation e.g. law enforcement officer, depends on how severe the offence is).
briefing (n)  a meeting where officers receive nurse, soldier If you have more than 12 penalty points
information and updates unit (n)  a group of people with a specific within a 3-year period, you will be
bullet-proof (adj)  can stop or is resist bullets, function disqualified from driving
e.g. bullet-proof glass petrol (n)  liquid fuel for cars (US = gas)
civilian (n)  a person who does not work in law
enforcement or for the military Unit 2 Traffic and registration plate (n)  the signs on the front
and rear of vehicles showing a unique
custody (n)  when you are detained in a cell by
police, they hold you in custody
vehicles identification number (also known as
number plates, licence plates)
customs (n)  government department that (traffic) accident (n)  collision involving a motor regulations (n)  official rules which say what
collects taxes on imports and prevents vehicle that results in damage, personal may or may not be done
illegal imports injury or death right-hand (adj)  on the right
defuse (v)  to make a bomb safe so that it bonnet (n)  the cover over the engine of a road sign (n)  sign by the side of the road that
cannot explode vehicle (US = hood) gives instructions or directions
enforce (v)  to make people obey something boot (n)  the luggage compartment of a vehicle seat belt (n)  long, strong strap that sits across
escort (v)  to go with or accompany someone (usually at the back of the vehicle) (US = a vehicle driver’s / passenger’s body to
somewhere trunk) keep them securely in their seat
fight (n)  an argument or dispute when people category (n)  division or set of things or people signature (n)  your name, written by hand, on
attack each other physically with common characteristics that are official documents, at the end of letters, on
gun (n)  a weapon that fires bullets classified together cheques, etc.
handcuffs (n)  a pair of metal rings locked child seat (n)  small, detachable seat used for slow down (v)  to reduce speed when driving
around someone’s wrists to restrain them children that is placed on a normal car seat speeding (n)  the offence of driving a vehicle
hostage (n)  someone who is held as a prisoner coach (n)  long-distance bus over the prescribed speed limit
by a person or group until they receive compulsory (adj)  necessary, required by law speed limit (n)  the maximum speed at which
money or meet specific demands control (n)  the place where law enforcement you may drive
illegal (adj)  against the law officials deal with phone calls and radio steering wheel (n)  a wheel in a vehicle that is
injury (n)  physical damage to the body messages used to move it in a specific direction
investigate (v)  to carry out an official enquiry cracked (adj)  usually of glass (or other hard tyre (n)  rubber edge for a wheel on a vehicle
to find out something about someone substance) which has been broken, but that is filled with compressed air (US =
kidnapping (n)  to abduct or take someone by which is still intact (in one piece) tire)
force and hold them prisoner; usually for driving licence (n)  a document to prove that a valid (adj)  can be legally used
money person has passed a test that shows they vehicle (n)  means of land transport (usually
kit (n)   special clothing and equipment can drive safely with wheels) for people or goods, e.g. car,
monitor (v)  to check something regularly exceed (v)  to go over or beyond something truck
offender (n)  person who breaks a law expiry (n)  time or date when something is no windscreen (n)  the large glass or plastic screen
partner (n)  person you work with closely, longer valid that forms the front window of a motor
usually as a pair fine (n)  sum of money paid as a punishment vehicle (US = windshield)
patrol (n)  a regular tour (on foot or by car) for breaking a law
made by a law enforcement officer
police (v)  to make sure that law and order are
flat (adj)  no longer filled with air
fog lights (n)  strong front/rear lights on a
Unit 3 Out in the
promotion (n)  a move to a more senior rank or
vehicle with a beam that can penetrate fog
headlights (n)  atrong, powerful lights on the
position front of a vehicle abandon (v)  to leave something behind for
protect (v)  to keep safe heavy (adj)  weighing a lot others to deal with
rank (n)  an official title in law enforcement helmet (n)  hard, protective hat agency (n)  administrative division of a
and the military that shows your position indicator (lights) (n)  lights that a vehicle driver government organization
e.g. constable, sergeant, superintendent uses to signal they are turning or moving anti-social behaviour (n)  any activity that affects
ransom (n)  the money that kidnappers ask for left or right members of the community in a negative
(or that is paid) to release someone that insurance (n)  financial protection offered to way
they have kidnapped a customer by a company against loss, arms (n)  weapons
report to (v)  to be under someone’s authority; damage, etc in return for a payment arrest (v)  to take someone into custody
usually a senior officer premium beat (n)  the route or area a police officer
rescue (n)  saving someone from harm or from lorry (n)  a large vehicle that transports goods usually covers when working
a dangerous situation by road – also called a truck beggar (n)  a person in the street who asks
rota (n)  a list of people’s names that gives the make (n)  a brand of something, e.g. Rolls strangers for money
order in which they should carry out their Royce, BMW, Lexus cattle-rustling (n)  to steal someone’s cows
duties mirror (n)  highly reflective surface of glass CCTV (n)  closed-circuit television
shift (n)  a period of working time over a 24- that gives back a clear image cell (n)  room for holding a prisoner or
hour period, e.g. day shift, night shift model (n)  version of a car, e.g. a 2009 model someone who has been arrested
smuggle  to bring things into a country offence (n)  crime community (n)  group of people who all live in
illegally (smuggling (n)) out-of-date (adj)  not current the same area

Glossary 1
community policing (n)  policing that integrates
officers into the local community to reduce Unit 4 Emergency call surround (v)  to enclose or encircle someone or
crime and to establish good relations with abdomen (n)  surface of the body around the survive (v)  to live through something
residents stomach unconscious (adj)  experiencing temporary loss
confiscate (v)  to take something away with ankle (n)  the joint between the foot and the of senses usually following an accident or
authority leg injury
crack down on (v)  to act more forcefully assailant (n)  someone who attacks someone victim (n)  someone who is hurt or killed by
crime prevention (n)  trying to stop crime from else someone or something especially in a
happening assess (v)  to examine something in order to crime or accident
criminal (n)  a person who has committed a evaluate it violent (adj)  using physical force to injure
crime ATM (n)  an electronic machine that dispenses someone or to damage something
deal drugs (v)  to buy and sell drugs in order to cash (also known as a cashpoint and cash witness (v)  to see a crime or an accident when
make money dispenser) it happens
deal with (v)  to take action to solve a problem attend (v)  to be present at wrist (n)  the joint between the arm and the
or to help someone bandage (n)  a long strip of cloth used to cover hand
disorder (n)  a public disturbance or breach of a wound or injury
the peace
dump (v)  to illegally throw away or abandon
bleed (v)  to lose blood from the body through
a wound
Unit 5 Crimes against
rubbish or unwanted objects
emergency (n)  a sudden problem or critical
blood (n)  the red fluid that circulates in the
event that you have to deal with urgently brake (v)  to cause a vehicle to slow down and accomplice (n)  someone who helps someone
estate (n)  residential area (housing estate) stop else to commit a crime
with shops and other amenities where all breathe (v)  to take in and blow out air from at risk (n)  in a potentially dangerous situation
the houses (blocks of flats) were planned the body alarm (n)  a security device that is fitted to a
and built at the same time by a local bruise (n)  a mark on the body where the skin home and which makes a loud warning
authority / council, usually to provide is discoloured as the result of a fall or a sound if there is an attempt to break in
affordable rented accommodation blow (US = contusion) appeal (v)  to make an urgent request to
graffiti (n)  writing sprayed, scratched, or collapse (v)  to fall down someone for something
painted on public walls or other public chest (n)  the upper, front part of the body attack (v)  to use violence to harm someone
surfaces. (Note that graffiti usually takes a crash (v)  a collision involving moving average (n)  the number that is typical of
singular verb) vehicles a group of numbers; you calculate the
harassment (n)  persistent, threatening damage (v)  to harm someone or something average by adding each member of the
behaviour demand (v)  to ask for something clearly and group and then dividing the total by the
hen party (n)  celebration for women before firmly number of members
someone gets married demonstration (n)  a public show where a bolt (n)  a sliding bar that fits into a socket
house-to-house enquiries   going from one group usually walks through the streets which secures a door
house to another to ask people questions of a town or gathers outside a public burglar (n)  someone who enters a property
to help in a case (also called door-to-door building in support of an issue, cause or illegally with the intention of stealing
enquiries) person something
immigrant (n)  person who has newly settled in dial (v)  to press the numbers of a telephone crime reduction (n)  crime reduction focuses
another country keypad on the immediate steps you can take to
intimidate (v)  to scare someone into doing domestic abuse (n)  any incidents of violent protect yourself, your family, and your
something by threatening them behaviour in a family or a relationship property from crime
issue a warning to (v)  to give someone a explosion (n)  sudden loud noise you hear deter (v)  to discourage someone from taking
piece of advice to stop doing something when a bomb goes off action by making them feel afraid of the
pickpocket (n)  a thief who quickly steals from fracture (n)  a break in a bone consequences they might face
people’s pockets and bags in public places grab (v)  to take hold of something quickly drink-driving (n)  the offence of driving a
and who is usually not noticed and forcefully vehicle while having a higher than
property (n)  building that is owned by hurt (v)  to injure somebody or something permitted blood-alcohol content (US
someone HAZMAT (n)  short for hazardous materials = drunk-driving or driving under the
provide (v)  to supply someone with something substances or chemicals which are influence)
representative (n)  someone who speaks or acts potentially dangerous to the health of exploit (v)  to take advantage of something for
on behalf of others humans or to the environment personal gain
resident (n)  someone who lives (resides) in a incident (n)  something that happens, an event fence (n)  a structure (usually made of wood
place in progress (adj)  happening now or wire) that encloses an area and acts as a
rowdy (adj)  noisy and disorderly intersection (n)  a crossroads barrier to entry to a property
rubbish (n)  unwanted waste material (US = neck (n)  the part of the body that joins the funding (n)  financial support
trash) head to the rest of the body high-end (adj)  expensive and likely to appeal
spray (v)  to discharge liquid in the form of on suspicion of   as a suspect to a rich and / or expert audience
fine particles from a pressurized container, outstanding (adj)  still to be dealt with hotspot (n)  place of potential unrest or
e.g. hair spray, spray paint pain (n)  unpleasant physical discomfort in a criminal activity
stag party (n)  party for men only usually just particular part of the body initiative (n)  a plan or strategy aimed at
before someone’s wedding day priority (n)  having the greatest importance or tackling a particular problem
suspect (n)  person who might be guilty of an urgency intruder (n)  someone who enters a property
offence pull out (v)  to drive a vehicle away from the without permission usually in order to
threaten (v)  to express an intention of doing side of the road commit a crime
harm to or inconveniencing someone rape (n)  forcing someone to have sexual joyriding (n)  stealing a vehicle and driving it at
unless they do what has been demanded intercourse high speed
of them recognise (v)  to identify something or ladder (n)  piece of equipment with rungs or
unemployed (adj)  not in work someone you have seen before steps usually made of metal or wood that
uniformed presence (n)  visible numbers of shoulder (n)  the place at each side of the neck is used to climb and reach high places
police in uniform on the streets where the arm joins the trunk inside and outside buildings
unstable (adj)  lacking or not having emotional skid (v)  to slide dangerously (and usually launch (v)  to start a campaign or initiative
or psychological control unintentionally and uncontrollably) across leaflet (n)  a small sheet of paper used as part
vandalize (v)  to destroy or damage property a road of an advertising or awareness campaign
visible (adj)  often seen in public stamp (v)  the act of bringing down a foot and which is distributed free of charge
forcefully on something legitimate (adj)  legal
suicide (n)  when you commit suicide you kill lock (n)  a securing mechanism for doors,
yourself cases etc which you open with a key

Glossary 2 Glossary
loophole (n)  a gap in the law which gives opium (n)  highly-addictive drug that comes march (n)  a walk to protest against something
people a means of avoiding it from the seeds of the opium poppy or to publicize a cause
motion detector lighting (n)  external lighting over the limit  having drunk more than the mounted police (n)  police riding horses
with a sensor which switches itself on permitted amount of alcohol plain-clothes (adj)  not in uniform
whenever movement is detected painkiller (n)  a drug to ease pain prosecute (v)  to have someone tried in a court
neighbourhood (n)  a distinct area within a local penniless (adj)  having no money of law
community pit (n)  hole in the ground used to inspect the protest (n)  a demonstration of public
opportunistic (adj)  taking advantage of undersides of cars and other vehicles opposition or disapproval
opportunities pull up (v)  (of a vehicle) to arrive and stop at public order offence  offences such as riot,
poster (n)  police posters are printed pictures a place unlawful assembly, affray, shouting
/ graphics with wording that offer advice, pupil (n)  the dark centre of the human eye obscenities in public, etc
give information, or ask for help they are surrounded by the iris punishment (n)  penalty for doing something
displayed in public places quantity (n)  amount wrong
preventable (adj)  when you can stop sedative (n)  a drug that calms you down or release (v)  to set free
something from happening tranquilizes you riot (n)  a violent public disturbance in which
property (n)  possessions sentence (n)  a court judgement a group is noisy and out of control
recover (v)  to get something back that was lost severe (adj)  harsh shield (n)  a piece of armour carried on the
robbery (n)  taking something illegally by force slur (v)  to speak indistinctly so that what is arm and used to protect the carrier from
or violence that belongs to someone else said cannot be understood weapon blows and projectiles (e.g. stones)
secure (adj)  safe sniffer dog (n)  a dog that is specially trained to spread (v)  to have effect or influence over a
security (n)  safety detect drugs and explosives by smell wider area
shoplifting (n)  stealing something from a shop stimulant (n)  a drug that produces a strike (n)  when employees stop work in order
spy hole (n)  small hole, usually in a front door, temporary increase in the functioning of a to make a protest
through which you can see any visitors bodily organ or part supporter (n)  a person who gives
before opening your door stoned (adj)  under the influence of illegal encouragement to a person or a team by
target (n)  someone or something aimed at drugs being present at an event
take down (the details) (v)  to write (the supply (v)  to provide, sell drugs suppress (v)  to put an end to or destroy
details) down to make a note of them tax (n)  money paid to the government something by force
target (v)  to make a person or thing the focus tolerant (adj)  open-minded tactic (n)  a method used to achieve a short-
of something treatment (v)  remedy or technique to cure or term aim
timer switch (n)  a device that can be pre-set ease a condition or disease tear gas (n)  chemicals in the form of a gas that
to switch automatically on and off at a under the influence  intoxicated by irritate and hurt the eyes
specific time or times user (n)  person who takes illegal drugs trouble-maker (n)  a person who causes
theft (n)  the stealing of someone’s property vary (v)  to differ problems or trouble
toolbox (n)  a box used for storing tools and weave (v)  to move from side to side twist (v)  to make something turn in the
equipment, e.g. hammer, nails, screws, chisel weighbridge (n)  large metal plate(s) on a road opposite direction by moving it out of its
trafficking (n)  trading in illegal goods such as surface to weigh large vehicles usual position
stolen cars, drugs or weapons water cannon (n)  a large device that shoots a
update (v)  to provide someone with the latest
information on something Unit 7 Civil disorder high pressure stream of water and is often
used to disperse rioters
weakness (n)  a weak point in something whip (n)  a length of leather attached to a
accuse (v)  to charge someone with a crime
handle to hit people or animals
back-up (n)  support
Unit 6 Drugs and ban (v)  to prohibit

beat (v)  to hit, strike
body armour (n)  protection for the upper body
Unit 8 At the police
addict (n)  a person who is dependent on /
breach (v)  to break a law
break out (v)  to happen suddenly
cannot do without drugs chaos (n)  complete disorder and confusion admit (v)  to confess to having committed a
addictive (adj)  likely to make someone an civil disorder  public disturbance involving crime
addict three or more people whose violent acts archive (n)  collection of official documents
bay (n)  a special off-road area for vehicles cause immediate danger, damage, or bail (n)  sum of money to get someone
(normally to park for unloading or injury to people and property temporarily released from custody
inspection) comply (v)  to obey blur (v)  to make or become fuzzy where you
channel (n)  passageway contain (v)  to stop something spreading by cannot see something clearly
corrupt (v)  to make someone dishonest or restricting its movement armoury (n)  the room where weapons and
immoral convict (v)  to declare someone guilty of a ammunition are stored
counselling (n)  meetings to talk over problems crime caution (n)  a legal warning given instead of a
with a psychologist or other professional detachment (n)  the dispatch of a police unit for penalty
dealer (n)  a person who sells illegal drugs a special duty or mission charge (n)  an accusation of wrongdoing
death penalty (n)  also called ‘capital disperse (v)  to scatter or (of a crowd) to move clarification (n)  making something clearer by
punishment’ the punishment of death for off in different directions explaining in more detail
committing a serious crime disruption (n)  a specialized group or unit consult (v)  to ask for specialist, professional
declare (v)  to inform customs authorities disturbance (n)  noisy and violent behaviour in advice
about goods or income that you have to a public place court (n)  a place where legal judgments are
pay tax on elbow (n)  joint between the upper and lower made
derive (v)  to come from a source parts of the arm detainee (n)  a person who is held in custody
dilate (v)  to expand or become wider escalate (v)  to become more serious by stages evaluate (v)  to examine and judge something
dope (n)  illegal drugs freeze (v)  to stop or not move evidence (n)  something that proves that a
forgery (n)  copying something illegally so that to frisk (v)  to search someone quickly by crime happened or a person is guilty
it looks authentic and intending to make feeling their body through their clothes fidget (v)  to move in a nervous, absent-
financial gain from it gas mask (n)  a mask that protects the wearer minded or uneasy way
high (n)  under the influence of drugs from the effects of gas fingerprint (n)  the pattern of curved lines on
impair (v)  to lessen the quality of something hooligan (n)  a violent person who commits the skin of a fingertip
insignificant (adj)  of very little importance criminal acts guilty (adj)  found responsible for a crime
intent (n)  state of mind when deliberately infiltrate (v)  to go into a place or become part harm (v)  to damage, hurt or injure
planning or carrying out an unlawful act of an organization secretly in order to find hold (v)  to keep a person in custody
judgement (n)  legal verdict out information ink (v)  to cover a surface with ink
manifest (n)  a cargo list that also shows the magistrate (n)  an official who has legal powers jail (n)  prison
destination of goods for customs purposes – the judge of a lower court liar (n)  person who doesn’t tell the truth

Glossary 3
line-up (n)  another word for an identification coroner (n)  an official who investigates tag (v)  to label
parade where a group of people are suspicious deaths tattoo (n)  permanent picture or design on the
shown to a witness to see whether they crime-scene tape (n)   brightly-coloured tape skin
can identify the person who allegedly used by law enforcement officers to secure toxicology (n)  scientific study of poisons
committed a crime an area trace (n)  a tiny amount of something
lookalike (n)  somebody that looks like dust (v)  to sprinkle a power over something tweezers (n)  a small metal tool with two
someone else usually when looking for fingerprints slightly-curved arms joined at one end
mattress (n)  a large pad for sleeping on eliminate (v)  to remove or get rid of something it is used for extracting or holding small
muster room (n)  room in a station where police fibre (n)  a thin thread (US spelling = fiber) objects (e.g. eyebrow hair, stamps)
officers gather to learn about their duties forensic (adj)  crime-solving vacuum (n)  space with all of the air removed
when they come on shift fragment (n)  a broken or incomplete piece of vomit (n)  stomach contents when a person has
palm (n)  the flat, inner surface of a hand from something been sick or thrown up
the wrist to the fingers genetic (adj)  relating to genes (basic units of
reverse order (n)  backwards, moving from the
most recent to the most distant
heredity that transmit characteristics from
one generation to the next) Unit 10 Criminal justice
sally port (n)  a secure space in a police station goatee (n)  a short, pointed beard on the chin
abolish (v)  to put an end to something
where vehicles can pick up people or (like the beard on a goat)
abscond (v)  to go away suddenly and secretly
goods homicide (n)  murder
because you have done something wrong
sample (n)  a specimen or example of human implicate (v)  to show that someone plated a
acquitted (adj)  declared innocent in a court of
blood, saliva, etc for scientific or medical part in or was connected with something
a law
examination or analysis (e.g., a crime)
adulterer (n)  a person who has sex with
scan (v)  to convert an image into digital or layout (n)  the way individual items or part
someone who is married (and who is not
electronic format using a light-sensitive have been arranged
their wife or husband)
device lift card (n)  a piece of card used for taking
alias (n)  false name
seal (v)  to close something securely fingerprints
ammunition (n)  bullets, bombs, etc that can be
security (n)  something deposited to guarantee log (v)  to record information
fired from a weapon
an obligation magnifying glass (n)  a convex lens in a frame
assets (n)  a person’s property that can be
smudge (v)  to smear or blur ink so that what (usually a round frame with a handle) that
taken by law if debts need to be paid
is written is unclear makes objects viewed through it appear
bench (n)  a judge’s seat
still photo (n)  a photo taken by a camera and larger
breach (v)  to break a law
printed onto paper mole (n)  a small dark, growth on the skin
breathalyzer (n)  a device that measures the
records (n)  database of past crimes or criminal overalls (n)  clothes that are worn over
concentration of alcohol in a person’s
convictions ordinary clothes to protect them
register (n)  a book for official records paternity (n)  the state of being a father, e.g. a
capital punishment (n)  death penalty
remand (v)  to return a prisoner to custody paternity test to find out if this child is my son
community service (n)  unpaid work by a
retain (v)  to keep pathology (n)  scientific study of the nature,
convicted offender that is beneficial to
right (n)  something that a person must have if cause and progress of disease
the community done as an alternative
they ask for it because the law says so perpetrator (n)  person responsible for
sober (adj)  not drunk committing a crime or doing something
concrete (adj)  definite
solicitor (n)  lawyer who gives legal advice that’s morally wrong
crack (n)  purified and extremely addictive
substance (n)  material or matter, e.g. an illegal piercing (n)  a hole for a ring in the body (e.g. a
form of cocaine
substance nose or eyebrow ring or a tongue stud)
custodial sentence (n)  prison sentence
thumb (n)  the thickest finger on your hand poisoning (n)  harming someone or something
defendant (n)  a person who has been accused
transcription (n)  an exact copy of something, with a toxic substance
of a crime
e.g. the exchanges in an interview pony tail (n)  hairstyle where the hair is pulled
deliver (n)  to announce a decision or
tightly into a band at the back of the head,
Unit 9 Crime scene leaving the hair to fall like the ‘tail of a
pony’ (young horse)
dock (n)  area in court where the accused
person stands during a trial
investigation powder (n)  a substance in the form of
microscopic loose, small, dry grains or
drop (v)  to abandon or decided not to follow a
plan or course of action
anatomy (n)  the scientific study of the body particles e.g. gunpowder, face powder,
extradition (n)  the return of a wanted criminal
and body parts talcum powder
to the legal authorities in another country
anonymous (adj)  when a person’s name or profiling (n)  criminal investigation analysis
for trial or punishment
identity is not known or not given and classification of someone based on
freeze (v)  to prevent a financial asset from
ballistics (n)  the scientific study of the personal information
being sold
movement of objects that are projected residue (n)  something that has been left
fugitive (n)  a person who runs away from
through the air, especially of bullets fired behind, e.g. gunshot residue on someone’s
from a gun, hand which shows they have fired a weapon
harsh (adj)  severe
bacteria (n)  very small organisms, some of saliva (n)  the clear liquid in the human mouth
house arrest (n)  when you are not legally
which can cause disease sample (n)  a specimen for analysis
allowed to leave your own house
bone (n)  the human skeleton is made of bone scalpel (n)  a surgical knife
imprisonment (n)  being locked up in prison
casing (n)  outer covering scar (n)  a mark on the skin after a wound or
jury (n)  group of people who give a verdict
cell (n)  the smallest independent unit in the burn has healed
on a legal case presented before them in a
structure of an organism semen (n)  the thick white fluid containing
law court
clean-shaven (adj)  with no facial hair the way sperm which a male ejaculates
lenient (adj)  not harsh
a man’s face looks after he has shaved sketch (v)  a quick, rough drawing of
modus operandi (n)  latin expression for ‘way of
cold case (n)  any criminal investigation by a something that doesn’t contain a lot of
doing something’
law enforcement agency that has not been detail
mugshot (n)  photograph of a suspected
solved (usually) within a 12-month period smear slide (n)  a small glass plate on which a
criminal’s face or profile which has been
and which has, therefore, been closed from fluid is spread and used for viewing under
taken by the police
further regular investigations a microscope
persistent (adj)  continuing to do something
comb (n)  a long piece (usually) of plastic or spiky (adj)  sticking up into sharp points
especially for longer than is usual or
metal with long thin teeth to keep one’s stocky (adj)  having a broad, strong-looking
hair tidy physique
plea (n)  the defendant’s answer to a charge in
container (n)  a jar, box or bottle that holds stubble (n)  short, spiky beard growth on a
a court of law
things for storage or during transportation man when he hasn’t shaved
plead (v)  to answer ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ in a
contaminated (adj)  unclean or impure after stud (n)  a metal knob that is raised slightly
court of law
coming into contact with harmful from a surface e.g. a tongue or nose stud
prohibited (adj)  forbidden
substances swab (n)  a specimen of mucus, saliva, etc,
obtained by using a swab (small stick)

Glossary 4 Glossary
religious (adj)  relating to belief or practice in hack (v)  to gain unauthorized access to colonialism (n)  a policy in which one country
religion someone else’s computer data rules other countries and develops trade
represent (v)  to act or speak for someone hangout (n)  place that a person or group often for its own benefit
restorative justice (n)  community payback goes to conflict (n)  warfare
work used as an alternative punishment to hit (n)  a professional killing conservationist (n)  a supporter of
sentencing someone to prison hit-man (n)  a professional killer environmental conservation
restore (v)  to give something back intimidation (n)  scaring someone into doing or culture shock (n)  feelings of confusion and
sanction (n)  a punishment or penalty (for not doing something (by threatening them anxiety when someone experiences an
when someone breaks a rule or law) with violence or by blackmailing them) unfamiliar cultural environment different
serial-killer (n)  a person who murders a loyalty (n)  feeling of duty or attachment to to their own
number of people in a similar way over a someone or something defining issue (n)  the most important problem
period of time i marked (adj)  carrying an identifying mark which has an influence on all the other
shame (n)  an uncomfortable feeling which is market share (n)  share or proportion of total problems
the result of having done wrong or acted sales of a product by a single company deploy (v)  to position troops or resources in a
badly. (gang) or brand specific area
soft option (n)  the easier course of action mindset (n)  a way of thinking that shapes druglord (n)  a person who controls an
source (n)  something that supplies someone’s behaviour and outlook international network for the production,
information misinform (v)  to give wrong information on processing and sale of illegal drugs
summon (v)  to call someone to court purpose endangered (adj)  at risk
suspended sentence (n)  a prison sentence that money laundering (n)  to make money which facilitate (v)  to make something easy or easier
does not take place immediately and has been earned illegally through to do
on condition that the offender does not crime look legal by passing it through a finance (v)  to provide money for something
commit any further crimes during the legitimate business flooding (n)  a situation that results when
period of their sentence (usually 6 months morality (n)  standards of behaviour that are normally dry land is covered with rain or
– 2 years) accepted as right or proper river water
try (v)  to carry out a trial in court of someone owe (v)  to be (financially) in debt forge (v)  to copy something illegally so that
accused of a crime or offence phone tapping (n)  act of secretly listening it seems real – e.g. money or pieces of art,
verdict (n)  the finding or decision of a jury in to other people’s phone conversations, pictures, statues, etc
a trial usually because of a bug or device that has fund (v)  to provide money for something
wig (n)  a covering of false hair worn on the been hidden in the phone hazardous (adj)  potentially dangerous to
head by judges pornography (n)  materials such as films, humans, animals or the environment
magazines, etc that are intended to cause immobilized (adj)  prevented from moving

Unit 11 Organised crime sexual excitement

prostitute (n)  someone who provides sex for
incompetence (n)  lacking the skills or ability to
do something properly
money irreplaceable (adj)   cannot be replaced
alien (n)  someone who comes from a country
prostitution (n)  the act of engaging in or ivory (n)  a hard, cream-coloured substance
different to the one they are currently
performing sex acts for money that forms the tusks of animals such as
living in
pursue (v)  to chase, follow or go after elephants
bell tower (n)  a tall tower (usually connected
someone or people in order to catch them logging (n)  the felling (cutting down) and
to a church) which contains a bell (or bells)
racketeering (n)  profiting from illegal activities transporting of trees
betray (v)  to give or make known information
such as bribery, fraud, or intimidation loot (v)  to rob a place or steal goods using
that is secret
rights (n)  justified claim or entitlement violence and often causing damage
blame (v)  criticize or find fault with someone
surveillance (n)  continual observation of a network (n)  group of people and things that
bribery (n)  offering of money (or other
person or group communicate with each other and work
incentives) to make someone to do
time-lapse (adj)  the taking of a series of together as a system
something that’s (usually) illegal
photographs at regular intervals poaching (n)  catching wild animals illegally
captor (n)  a person who takes another person
undermine (v)  to weaken or destroy someone on public or private land
or something by hidden and malicious policy-makers (n)  the people in government
cheat (v)  to deceive or mislead someone
action who decide what to do
close range   when you shoot someone at close
unscrupulous (adj)  dishonest, corrupt and posting (n)  appointment overseas
range, you are standing very close to them
unprincipled proliferate (v)  to increase greatly in number
condemn (v)  to say that someone or something
secretariat (n)  the administrative headquarters
is bad, wrong or unacceptable
contact (n)  someone you know who may be
personally or professionally helpful
Unit 12 International or main office of an organization
sensitivity (n)  knowing about / being aware of
debt (n)  something owed
dehydrated (adj)  to have lost water from the
co-operation the feelings and opinions of other people
skills (n)  abilities, expertise
abuse (n)  bad or cruel treatment stabilize (v)  to make something stable
antique (n)  a piece of furniture or other object statue (n)  a three dimensional image of a
denial (n)  a statement that says something
that is valuable because it is old human or animal that is sculpted, cast,
isn’t true or correct
artefact (n)  a very old object that comes for a carved or modelled
deport (v)  to force a foreign national to leave
different time in history stereotype (v)  to categorize people or national
a country
beneficiary (n)  person or organization that groups according to an over-simplified
enforcer (n)  us colloquial term for a member
benefits from something image or notion
of a criminal gang who uses physical
body language (n)  non-verbal communication tackle (v)  to deal with something
violence to intimidate and enforce
through bodily postures and facial timber  (n)  wood that has been cut to use in
expressions building or woodworking
ex-con (n)  informal term for someone who
bushmeat (n)  meat from wild animals, also transcend (v)  to go beyond something
has served a sentence in prison
called ‘game’ or ‘game meat’ transnational (adj)  extending over or operating
expertise (n)  high level of skill, knowledge or
carving (n)  an object or design made by within more than one country
opinion that an expert has
cutting and shaping a material such as tusk (n)  one of the long, enlarged and pointed
extortion (n)  crime of obtaining something
wood or stone front teeth of an elephant
(usually money or information) from
circulation (n)  if something is ‘in circulation’ it undercover (adj)  gathering information
someone by using force or threats
means it is currently available secretly, usually when pretending to
fraud (n)  crime of obtaining money (or
Cold War (n)  the period from 1946 – 1989 of be a member of a group that is under
another benefit) by deliberately deceiving
hostile, but non-violent relations, between investigation
the former Soviet Union and the usa and waste (n)  unwanted material, remains,
field (n)  area of activity or specialization
its allies rubbish, or by-products
gambling (n)  betting in the hope of winning
wildlife (n)  animals and birds living in their
natural surroundings

Glossary 5

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