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Research project : Can the use of bilingual learners’ first languages in an Early Years

setting improve their Communication and Language and Literacy achievement?


1. What language do you use to communicate with your child at home?

a. Your native language

b. English

c. Both

2. What stories do you read with your child?

a. Stories in your native language

b. Stories in English

c. Bilingual stories

d. None

3. Which of the below would you say your child can do in your native language?(Circle any o
statements you feel appropriate)

 Can use more complex sentences to link thoughts (e.g. using and, because)

 Can retell a simple past event in correct order

 Can explain what is happening

 Can ask and answer questions using who/what/where/when

 Can talk about stories

 Can name the sound letters in own name

4. Which of the below would you say you child can do in English?(Circle any of the statements

you feel appropriate)

 Can use more complex sentences to link thoughts (e.g. using and, because)

 Can retell a simple past event in correct order

 Can explain what is happening

Education/PGT-Cert.BILINGUALISM in EDUCATION Module 3/ Teaching and learning in EAL: Special studies in Bilingualism in Education/2017-2018
 Can ask and answer questions using who/what/where/when

 Can talk about stories

 Can name the sound letters in own name or other words

5. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements.


 Using own native language in the preschool activities would be important for my
child because it would allow him/her to be more comfortable with other native

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 Using own native language in the preschool activities is important for my child
because it will enable him/her to better understand and appreciate own culture.

1 2 3 4 5

 Introducing my child’s native language in his Early Years development is important

for his/her future career.

1 2 3 4 5

 Introducing bilingual books and activities in preschool is important for my child

because it will make him/her smarter.

1 2 3 4 5

 Staff should be teaching all children songs, words and greetings from their native

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 Resources and notices in the setting should be developed in both native language and

 1 2 3 4 5
(StronglyDisagree-1, Disagree-2, Not Sure-3, Agree-4, Strongly Agree-5)

Education/PGT-Cert.BILINGUALISM in EDUCATION Module 3/ Teaching and learning in EAL: Special studies in Bilingualism in Education/2017-2018
Education/PGT-Cert.BILINGUALISM in EDUCATION Module 3/ Teaching and learning in EAL: Special studies in Bilingualism in Education/2017-2018

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