Post Campaign Report

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FRESH by Brookshire’s

Post Campaign Report

Hayley Brookshire
Sean Petty
Amy Beeler
Graham Woldert
Josh Boutin

MARK 3311 Wooldridge

Executive Summary
Campaign Overview
Our goal at the beginning of this project was to promote the areas of FRESH that our
client, Christi Khalaf, their marketing and community relations specialist, stated should be our
main focus. We wanted to use and balance our budget effectively; our goal was to spend $220,
leaving a cushion of $30 dollars to fall back on just in case. Our click through rate, or CTR,
focus was to achieve 1.00% by the finish of the project. As for the components of FRESH, our
goal was to expand customer knowledge about specialty products at FRESH, inform customers
of entertainment and events during the week, and overall increase the number of customers
coming into FRESH. To accomplish these goals, we planned to monitor the campaign and make
changes to keywords and budget as needed.
Key Results
At the start of the project, our most successful campaigns were the Prepared Meals, Catering,
and Entertainment. Our campaigns for Fresh Goods, Organic Foods, and Unique Foods were not
seeing any activity. To resolve this problem, we changed and added keywords for the campaign, but
kept the budget the same. We were more focused in the beginning about being frugal with our balance
and not exceeding our limit. The three text ads we created were seeing clicks from the start of the
project. With the last week approaching, we decided to make some major changes to the campaigns.
We increased the budget to $35/day for Prepared Meals and $25/day for Entertainment and Catering.
This dramatic change in the budget was made to ensure that we moved our average position to 1. We
also went through and froze the keywords that were not seeing any clicks. Although our project had
seen minimal results in the beginning, it saw a huge improvement in the last week due to our changes.
The Delicious Prepared Foods text ad received 238 clicks with a .42% CTR; Entertainment in Tyler,
TX text ad received 207 clicks but only had a .05% CTR; FRESH Catering in Tyler received 76 clicks
and had a .11% CTR. Our campaigns received a total of 544 clicks. Prepared Meals had the highest
with 238 clicks. Fresh Goods, Organic Foods, and Unique Foods unfortunately never received any
clicks. Our average position for these campaigns was 3.4.
Our report will inform the client in detail what made certain campaigns successful and why
others were not. We will lay out in detail how we used our budget and what we did as a group to come
together and make this project successful.
Future Online Marketing Recommendations
The Google Online Marketing campaign is something we can highly recommend to our client.
For the right campaigns and text ads, there was definite success for FRESH. To have the most success
with online marketing, we suggest to our client that they focus on only a few campaigns and put their
entire budget into these. If you have too many campaigns, money can get wasted on a campaign or text
ad that may not be bringing the client any revenue and ends up wasting the client their money. The
text ads worked very well for FRESH and we strongly recommend continued use of these.

Industry Component
Campaign Overview
The overall goal of the campaign was to increase customer’s knowledge about the diverse
products and services that FRESH by Brookshire’s offers. We planned to do this by making each
of our campaigns keywords related to products and services people may not know that FRESH
even offers. Our client really wanted us to focus on promoting the kinds of unique activities and
events FRESH offers as entertainment its customers. So with that request, our group created the
campaign “Entertainment in Tyler, TX” with a wide variety of keywords and extra funding to
achieve a higher advertising position.
We began our campaigns on March 29th and ended them on April 14th. At the beginning,
we had originally started with six Campaigns. The Ad groups that we decided to use were:
Prepared Meals, Entertainment in Tyler, TX, Catering Services, Unique foods, Organic foods,
and Fresh foods. When we set up each of the campaigns on Google Adwords, we decided to
follow the budget plan that was originally agreed upon in our pre-campaign report. The CTR
that our team had hope to achieve was at least 1.00%, and as far as the CPC, or cost per click, we
felt that Google Adwords’ Automatic bid system would be good for us to use since we were
unfamiliar with the program. During the first week of the campaign, we noticed that only two of
the adgroups had any activity. At this point in time, we decided to add additional keywords,
some of which came from the Google Adwords Keyword Tool. After the keywords were added
to the campaigns, we decided to let each of the campaigns resume with the minor changes to see
if their performance would change.
Evolution of the Campaign Strategy
After monitoring campaign performance, we noticed that the number of clicks hadn’t
changed at all for the campaigns we adjusted. At that point, we decided that it was time to make
major changes in order to optimize our remaining budget before the deadline. On April 10th we
decided our best option would be to pause all the campaigns that were not performing as desired
and make changes to the campaigns we still felt had potential. Once all underperforming
campaigns were paused and removed from our future plans, we decided that we should
reconfigure our spending plan for the remaining time of the campaign. At this point, we decided
to drastically increase the amount of spending on the last three campaigns. The changes that we
implemented consisted of raising the budget amounts for the following campaigns:
“Entertainment in Tyler, TX” from $15.00 to $35.00; “Catering Services” from $10.00 to
$45.00; “Prepared meals from $30.00 to $50.00. In addition to those budget changes, we also
added a new text ad for the “Catering Services” campaign. Table 1 shows that our spending
drastically increased and we began to receive better results.
Table 1 – Actual Budget Spent by Week and Campaign
Fresh Unique Organic Prepared Catering Entertainment Total Budget
Goods Foods Foods Meals Services in Tyler TX Per Week
Week 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.79 $0.00 $3.36 $6.15
Week 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.35 $22.79
Week 3 Paused Paused Paused $105.92 $59.78 $55.30 $221.00
Total by
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $119.15 $59.78 $71.01 $249.94

It is clear that our spending was very minimal for the first two weeks of running the
campaigns; we quickly realized that the original budgeted plan that we had hoped to follow
wasn’t realistic enough to give significant results. After implementing the major changes, it is
clear that our final week was great for the three remaining campaigns. Sadly, we didn’t reach our
CTR goal of 1.00%, although our campaigns did show impressive results that we hadn’t planned,
such as the increase in clicks and impressions. Table 2 shows the amount of clicks and the CTR
for the top three campaigns, each with their text ads.
Table 2 – Top Performing Campaigns

Campaign Text Ad Copies Clicks CTR Avg. Pos.

Delicious Prepared Foods 238 .42% 4.3
Prepared Meals Fresh Foods at Affordable Prices
Prepared Especially for you
Entertainment in Tyler, TX 230 .05% 2.9
Entertainment in
Enjoy Live Music and Great Food
Tyler, TX Check out our Even Calendar
FRESH Catering in Tyler 76 .11% 5.9
Catering Services Wide variety & Exceptional Service
Visit our Website for more details!

Key Results
Initially, our group decided that 6 different campaigns would be sufficient in getting great
results, considering the diversity of FRESH. The six groups were Prepared Meals, Entertainment
in Tyler, TX, Catering Services, Fresh Goods, Unique Foods, and Organic Foods, which had
been budgeted at $1.19, $2.00, $1.72, $1.44, $1.59, and $1.47 per day, respectively. Seeing that
Fresh Goods, Unique Goods, and Organic Foods were getting zero clicks and impressions
triggered a need for change. Therefore, we re-evaluated the keyword structure adding many more
keywords to all of the campaigns (we added 34 new keywords to Unique Foods alone). We then
waited for any changes to make further adjustments.
After evaluating what needed to be changed, we increased the budget by $1.81 per day to
Prepared Meals, and $0.50 per day to Entertainment in Tyler, TX since they seemed to be
working, but needed to grow.
We added two text ads here, and they were for our two most successful campaigns at this
Prepared Foods Entertainment in Tyler, TX
Delicious Prepared Foods Entertainment in Tyler TX
Great Foods at Affordable Prices Enjoy Live Music and Great Food
Prepared Especially for You Check out our Event Calendar!

After a few days without noticeable change, we realized that Easter was approaching and
FRESH by Brookshire's was having an Easter Egg Hunt. To take full advantage of it, we put a
new text ad and more keywords under the Entertainment in Tyler, TX campaign. Following that
optimization effort, we saw slight increases in clicks, from 3 on April 4, to 8 on April 6, and
significant increases in impressions, from 7,488 on April 4 to 21,433 to its peak on April 6. We
continued to wait for any positive results.
Unfortunately, our efforts to see results of the campaign were insignificant insofar that we
needed an entire new game plan. We saw that we had only used $36.34 out of our $250.00 since
the starting date of March 30. Therefore, on April 10, we decided on a revolutionary change; we
cut the campaigns that were not delivering results: Fresh Goods, Unique Foods, and Organic
Foods. Re-evaluating yet again, with consideration to the little time we had left, we increased the
almost unused budget to the remaining campaigns: $2.50 to $25.00 per day in Entertainment in
Tyler, TX, $1.72 to $10.00 per day in Catering Services, and $3.00 to $30.00 per day in Prepared
Meals. We added 4 keywords to Prepared Meals, and 31 to Entertainment in Tyler, TX, and 36 to
Catering Services. Also, we created a new text ad for Catering Services, so now all three of the
currently active campaigns had detailed text ads.
The new text ad for Catering Services was this:
Catering Services
FRESH Catering in Tyler
Wide variety & Exceptional Service
Visit our Website for more details!

Following these massive changes, we found great results in the increase in clicks, impressions
and average position. Also, we saw huge results from specific keywords that had influence from
this increase in budget. These were keywords that had the most success throughout the
Campaign Name Keyword Number of Clicks
Prepared Meals Prepared Meals 110
Prepared Meals Prepared Food 55
Catering Services Catering 15
Prepared Meals Food to go 12
Catering Services Caterers 12
Entertainment in Tyler, TX Free entertainment 11
A few of the ineffective keywords were “fresh fruit, fresh seafood, baked goods,” and
“gourmet foods.” These were ineffective most likely due to their specificity.
From April 10 to April 11, we saw our clicks almost double, from 26 to 43. Impressions
increased from 14,102 to 26,054 and Average Position increased from 4.4 to 4.2. We continued to
see drastic improvement as we tweaked our budget for those three campaigns over the next 3
days. On April 12, Entertainment in Tyler, TX had a budget increase from $25.00 per day to
$35.00 per day, Catering Services went from $10.00 to $45.00 per day, and Prepared Meals
increased from $30.00 to $50.00, it being our highest performing ad campaign throughout. These
massive changes in budget really sparked the massive influx of clicks, from 43 to the peak of 143
on April 13. Also, impressions skyrocketed to almost 200,000 on April 13 from a mere 26,054 on
April 11.
Although our click-through-rate was never incredibly high, (the peak hit 0.63%), the
numbers of clicks and impressions show the budget increases were a success. Also, the keyword
tweaks throughout the campaigns and the addition of the text ads were a significant part of our
final success. Ending the campaign on April 14 at 11:59:59 pm allowed us to end on a high note;
these huge changes attributed to a great final peak in results and ended our campaign with a
Though we had not met our original goal of getting a CTR rate of 1.00% we still could
say that our campaign pulled impressive numbers in its last week, especially in its last few days.
In the end we had reached almost 200,000 impressions, used almost our entire budget, reached a
high point of 143 clicks, moved to 4.2 on our average position, and did get our CTR up to 0.63%.
We did plan around a consistent budget and set of keywords, but that was not effective. After we
had gotten more aggressive with the campaign by adding more keywords, creating a new text ad,
and increasing our budget to focus our campaign, we found the most success and saw the
greatest increase in activity in all areas that could possibly be improved upon. We did have luck
with our Easter addition to the campaigns, but by far our best achievement had to be the
reimagining of the campaign for week three resulting in the dramatic influx of positive feedback
in our numbers.
Future Recommendations
Running an Adwords campaign in the future, we would implore any new campaign to be
focused from the start; have two or three campaigns that are vital and relevant to your business.
A second important factor would be to start with strong keywords, monitor their progress, and
make changes to them either with Google’s aid or from noticing a lack of activity. Also, one
should note that if any special events are coming up, even for a short while, they are worth
adding to boost a campaign. Lastly, have a good budget plan to begin with, ensuring the
campaigns are being supported financially. However, one should be flexible and prepared to
make necessary changes at a moment’s notice. The best thing that can be done to keep the
campaign’s numbers strong and steady is to monitor progress daily so that changes can be made
appropriately and timely.
Learning Component
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
As a team, we hoped to learn the factors of online marketing and the challenges and
decisions a client will face when running a campaign online. Learning how to work with a
budget was also a major component we wanted to understand. We faced many challenges with
trying to increase the success of our campaigns and finding the best way to do so. Dealing with a
budget was a challenge for our team on knowing how much to spend for each campaign and text
ad. However, before it was over, we found that it takes money to see results. We had a better
understanding of our budget in the end and adjusted accordingly to see vastly improved results in
the last week. An unexpected outcome from working in this challenge was getting all the group
members together and on the same page. With different school and work schedules, we had to
learn how to work together without always being able to meet physically. We had a rough start
with the pre-campaign report due to the fact that we did not know what we were expecting of
each other. After this mishap, we were able to come together as a team and put in a group effort
to complete our project successfully. Another unexpected outcome was how hard it was to get
the clicks we were wanting for our client. We had a frustrating time with trying to change
keywords and figuring out what would bring us the greatest results, and for some campaigns all
our hard work and effort still did not pay off. Understanding that you can't always be successful
was an important thing to learn.
Group Dynamics
The biggest hurdle our group had to jump was communication amongst ourselves. The
group debated on a few options and agreed to a combination of a group text messages and the
use of Google’s Gmail service to discuss and share information about the GOMC. The minor
changes during the campaign were made using our own judgment, as well as informing the other
group members of the changes. Any major alterations to the campaign were discussed and
accomplished when we met before class, as this was the only time our group could meet as a
whole. An advantage we had as a group was the support from each member and the overall
positive energy. As we look back during the time of the challenge, there are a few things that
could have been tweaked sooner than later, but in the end we funneled our efforts and
accomplished our project smoothly.
Client Dynamics
Our client, Christi Khalaf, was very supportive and would give us advice where and when
we needed it. She told us what she wanted to bring more attention to at FRESH by Brookshire’s
then gave us the freedom to come up with three text ads that would generate business to both
their website and physical location. Christi was a wonderful client and we certainly enjoyed
teaming up with her to create several attractive ad campaigns along with the many keywords we
Future Recommendations
Any recommendations we might have for Christi if she chooses to continue with Google
Adwords would be to make sure the keywords are kept current and relevant according to search
patterns. Another would be to make sure to keep a high enough daily budget to remain at the top
of online searches. We highly recommend taking advantage of available tools from Google
Adwords because it will allow for the optimization of results for any future campaigns.

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