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Concept of Career :Concept of Career A career can be defined as a sequence of positions, roles or

jobs held by one person over a relatively long time span. A career is the pattern of work – related
experience e.g. .job positions, job duties, decisions, and subjective interpretations about work-
related events and activities over the span of the person’s work life.

Concepts of career :Concepts of career Career Path : Sequential pattern of jobs that form a career .
Career Goal : The future positions that an individual strives to reach as part of a career. Career
Planning : Refers to the process by which an individual selects career goal and the path to these

Career Anchors:Career Anchors Career Anchors are the basic attitudinal characteristics that guide
people throughout their careers. Knowledge of these career anchors helps in planning career
development Autonomy /Independence Managerial Competencies Security / Stability
Technical/Functional Competence General Management Entrepreneurial Creativity Service Pure
Challenge Life Style

Career Planning Process:Career Planning Process Direction Career Time Transition Outcomes

Elements Of A Career Planning Program:Elements Of A Career Planning Program There are four
distinct elements of career planning . They are as follows : Individual Assessment and Need Analysis
Organizational Assessment and Opportunity analysis Need – Opportunity Career Counseling

PowerPoint Presentation:Individual Assessm ent Organizational Assessment Need Analysis

Opportunity Analysis Need- Analysis Alignment Career Counseling

Benefits of the Career Planning :Benefits of the Career Planning Ensures Availability of Resources for
Future Enhances Organizational Ability to Attract and retain talent . Ensures Growth Opportunities
for All Handles Employee frustration

Benefits of CP to an Individual :Benefits of CP to an Individual To understand strength and

weaknesses Better knowledge of the career opportunities Choose a career that suits his lifestyles,
self development plans, family environment etc. A long term perspective Opportunity to change his
career plans according to his changing needs or a changing environment Achieving career objectives
gives the employee a sense of satisfaction and achievement
Issues in Career Planning :Issues in Career Planning Dual Career Planning Low Ceiling Careers
Declining Opportunities Career Stages Restructuring Career Plateaus Work- family Issues

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