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Josiah Nonan

Title: Underground Cable Construction in Barangay Tacunan, Mintal

Barangay Tacunan, Mintal is one of the 182 barangays in Davao City, Province of
Davao del Sur. It is the principle contributor to the progress of Davao development.
Additionally, it is the center of market and businesses, be it in the field of agriculture or industry.
According to the census conducted by LGU Davao in 2015, there are 12,773 individuals living
in the barangay Tacunan, Mintal which is 78.21% of the total population of Davao City.
Since the progress of Tacunan, Mintal is inevitable, it is expected that the barangay
would allow infrastructures and buildings to be constructed as led by the entrepreneurs which
would also allow handful of opportunities. As stated, the number of cables and wires also
increased that would deliver the electricity from one facility to another. However, the issue of
coiled and tangled wirings would possibly become obstructions on the roads and sideways
bringing danger to anyone if there’s no immediate action taken.

The main objectives of underground cable system are given below.
 To lower tree trimming cost
 To lower the storm damage and restoration cost
 To lessen the motor vehicle accidents
 To reduce the live-wire contact
 Fewer structures impacting sidewalks
 To ensure the safeness of the resident

Upon implementing the Underground Cable system Drivers and Residents are the
beneficiaries of this project. In order to reduce the motor vehicle accidents, undergrounding
completely eliminate the risk of vehicle pole colision of all equipment in relocated to the sub-
surface. Overhead lines will occasionally burn down and fall in the ground. And to reduce the
case of power outages that happens mostly when calamities such as hurricane and typhoon

Underground cable is a cable buried below the ground. It is a typical underground
cable will consist of conductors covered by numbers of insulting and protective layers
necessary for its satisfactory operation.
Overhead cable is a structure used in electric power transmission and distribution to
transmit electrical energy across large distance.

Table 1: General budget of Underground Cable System

Necessities in Implementing this project Amount (in peso)

Heavy Equipment P50,000,000.00

Materials P50, 000,000.00

Labor P40,000,000.00

Total P140,000,000.00

Source of Fund:
Under the Republic Act No. 7638 otherwise known as Department of Energy Act of
1992. One of the contributors of this project was the Department of Energy (DOE) which is
the executive Department of Philippine Government. It is responsible for preparing all plans,
programs, projects and activity of the government that is affiliated to the energy utilization and
Another government agency that will contribute to the implementation of this project is
the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) also play a vital role in
implementing this project since their Annual budget is 290.5 billion and its functions as the
engineering and construction arm of the Government tasked to continuously develop its
technology for the purpose of ensuring the safety of all infrastructure facilities and securing for
all public works and highways the highest efficiency and quality in construction.
The agencies mentioned above would not be the contributor of this project without the
key role of Local Government Units (LGUs) because it plays a major part in community’s
development, provide links between the people and national agencies addresses to
community’s issues and concerns of electricity. The local government units are main point of
contact for delivery of services and for delivery of national programs to the citizens.

Time Frame:
Table 2. Length of time to accomplish Underground Cable Construction
Iteration No. Description Time Frame
1 Decide where is the
starting point to buried the Week 1-Week 4
cable wires
Conduct a meeting with
2 people who are involved to Week 5
this project with regards to
construction and budgeting
Integrate the underground
3 cable construction Week 7-Week 58
Conduct and inspection to
4 the land where the wires Week 59-Week 60

5 Operate the underground Week 61

cable construction

Person’s Involved:
 Engineers
-These are the people who will do a plan for this project. They evaluate, test, inspect
and maintain a wide variety of products and systems. They also the one who recommended
and specify materials and processes, supervise manufacturing and construction.
 Barangay Captain and City Mayor
-With the assistance and guidance of them, this project will surely implemented as soon
as possible. Through them, the possible budget will be generated because they are the
one who speak out for this project to the government and ask a request for budget with
regards of this project.
 Construction Workers

-Construction workers also one the person's involved because they work on
construction sites. They are responsible for a number of on-site tasks, such as removing
debris, erecting scaffolding, loading and unloading building materials, and assisting with
operating heavy equipment.


1. Members of Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)

Since, they are the one taking the responsibility for the planning, design,
construction and maintenance of infrastructure, especially the national highways,
flood control and water resources development system, and other public works in
accordance with national development objectives.

2. Members of Department of Budget and Management (DBM)

The amount of money will be used in this project must be spent in to the project
itself. Hence, the members and workers of this government agency shall evaluate and
observe the under construction of underground cabling if it’s improving by time to time.
Also, they will be conducting an inspection of the funds if it is really being used on the
project or not.
Science and Technology Application:
An Underground Cable consist of one or more conductor covered with suitable
insulation and surrounded by surrounded some protective layer. In construction of
Underground cabling it consists of conductors, insulation, sheath, bedding, armour and
serving. Normally, electric power can either be transmitted using overhead lines or
underground cables. Underground cable would not be construction without inventions of the
science and technology. Heavy Equipment that can be use such as drills, backhoe loaders,
bulldozer and trucks, to the materials also such us cements, aggregates, metals and concrete.
All of that are the application of science and technology. With the help of science and
technology, underground cable has been developed to increase its effectiveness in the field.

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