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Prima Facie Duties

Classifications/Divisions Description/Meaning Illustrative Examples

 Fidelity is related to the  Professional

1. Duties of Fidelity concept of steadfast responsibilities / social
faithfulness or loyalty. The roles of:
duties include keeping - physician as physician
promises, honoring - nurse as nurse
contracts and - teacher as teacher
agreements, and telling
the truth. They rest on the
person’s previous acts

 Reparation is the act or  A returns the cellphone

2. Duties of Reparation fact of giving satisfaction and says sorry to B, the
or compensation for victim.
wrong or injury done. The
duties include rectifying  C admits cheating and
the wrong perpetrated, accepts punishment for
returning the goods, the same.
wealth, or any property
stolen, restoring the
reputation of someone
slandered, and/or paying
damages for inquires

 Gratitude is thankfulness  If one has provided

3. Duties of Gratitude or a desire to do a favor in quality service to others
return. The duties rest when they are in need,
upon previous acts of the latter stand under a
another person, and duty to reciprocate
include beneficial services service for the former
provided them. The when the same is in
principle of reciprocity need.

 Beneficence is the  To visit the sick, the

4. Duties of Beneficence practice of doing good, prisoners, or the victims
or an act of kindness. The of calamities
duties include going or
searching out to the  To share one’s bounty
needy and making a to the needy
difference in their life.
 Non-maleficence is the  The duties of not to kill,
5. Duties of Non- act of not doing evil or to inflict corporal
maleficence injuring harm to others. punishment, to commit
The duty includes not to arson, and/or to
make the condition of defraud others.
others being worse or

 Justice connotes just  If a nurse works eight (8)

6. Duties of Justice conduct, fair treatment, hours plus overtime,
or giving and receiving he/she must receive the
what one deserves. The agreed legal
duties include fair compensation plus
distribution of benefits overtime pay. It is giving
based on merits, and what is due him/her.
rectifying unjust patterns
of distribution.

 Include the duty to make  A nurse keeps on

7. Duties of Self- better one’s character, studying things related
improvement mind, or the like by to his/her profession,
him/her own effort. The attends capacity-
Divine Provider helps building seminars, and
those who help takes graduate studies.
themselves or the sick gets
well if he/she cooperates
with the health care

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