Ignite Your Burning Desire

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6/25/2018 Ignite Your Burning Desire


August 1, 2008

Ignite Your Burning Desire

I “It is the soul’s duty to be loyal to its own FOLL

desires. It must abandon itself to its master

passion.” – Dame Rebecca West

I’m curious about your motivation. Are you clear about what you want,
are you creating the life that you desire? Li

If yes, you usually have a great amount of motivation and energy Be th

towards it. You are here because you know that personal development
will increase your ability to fulfill your desires and want to connect Fo

with people alike. Y


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If no, maybe you are here to start and make progress into this direction.
If your daily level of motivation is not as you wish it to be, then this is
not because that is just the way it is. Although sometimes it may seem
so and even people around us may contribute unconsciously to this
limiting belief, your motivation is something that you alone are
responsible of.

It is because you haven’t tapped into your deepest desires and are in
the creative act to fulfill them. You don’t need to look outside to find
what you want, you need first to look inside and find it and then express
it into the world. You use the outside world as a feedback-system, as
something that stimulates you and that shows you what works and
what doesn’t work. But the impulse comes from your desire inside.

So, what is it that drives you? What do you want to create? What are you
here for on earth? And how can you contribute to others?

These questions are really fundamental and to answer them is to make

the first real step in fulfilling your dreams in life. Oh and by the way, I
think we are able to answer the questions several times in our lives
differently. This may be by new knowledge, by having fulfilled the
former desires or by changing circumstances or interests. If you can tell
your deep desires right now, such ones that really excite you, then you
have made some serious reflection and maybe even set written goals
towards them. If you currently have difficulties with your motivation
and are not very happy with your live situation, then maybe we can look
into the process of how to find out about your desires … (and if you
know them, well then read on anyway ;))

You are allowed to desire

First I like to encourage you to really go for your desires and for want
you want. Because although you know what you want, deep down you
may also feel that it is a bit selfish to want that much for yourself. But
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rethink this thought. If you are able to create what you want, you are
also able to inspire other people to go for what they want and you
usually create something of value for others. This is the foundation of
contribution to others, may it be by jobs, by ideas, by the products of
your creative work or by inspiration.

Also there may be the fear of failing or the fear of looking foolish.
Listen, is being true to yourself not the most important thing to do? And
also the basis of being true with others? And as I already covered , the
fear of failure is really an illusion. You have to fail, in order to succeed.
Only by failing in small terms or sometimes also in big terms you get
feedback of what works and what doesn’t. If you use this feedback to
learn and to grow, your failures are learning experiences on your way to

So, you are officially allowed to go for your desires! ;-)

How do we reveal our burning desires?

I think it begins with recognizing what you really like, where you can’t
get enough of and where you hate to stop working on. I can remember
those things very early in my life. I started obsessively painting images
of Disney comic-figures like Mickey Mouse or Goofy as they were shown
in miniature on my private stamp collection. I later painted the floppy-
discs of my Amiga 500 games and then directly in the computer,
developing small graphic-intense demo-programs that I shared with my
friends. Later I started websites and computer game levels in great
detail. Now I have this blog here J These creative acts gave me so
much joy, that I always dived totally into it. You can also call that the act
of creation and being in flow, the state when you become one with what
you create. I may be extreme in this direction, but I think there is
something similar in everyone and the key is to discover it and then run
with it. It maybe something totally different for you. Maybe it is working
with other people or animals, maybe it is being in nature or a sport you
like, or it is science like mathematics, astronomy. The point that I’m
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making here is: find out what you do with great passion and joy and
almost without effort.

If we recognized this, then usually a burning desire is somehow

connected with it. And this process above gives us an orientation of
something that we know and that we can develop from. For instance
the my passion for creativity and technology developed into the desire
to start something with games and with the internet. When the
opportunity presented itself, I jumped on and founded a company that
creates internet sites for gamers. The burning desire then was to create
something outstanding here, something that fulfills me when I see it.
The key here is it came right off from what I loved to do before and I
developed a personal vision out of it that motivated me to stretch
myself joyfully.

So if you look at what you really enjoy and what you would like to have
or create, connect these two together and then develop a greater vision
for this for you.

Developing a personal vision

Here comes the key to ignite your desire. If you have found an area
where you are and would like to expand in the future (and again, this
maybe something totally different as in my example), then your task is
to create this future as clearly as you can in your head. You develop a
personal vision for yourself where you see that what you desire now.

Envision this in your head and see what you want to accomplish as clear
as possible. This is not a terribly easy task, you should really put a lot of
energy into it, as well as emotions. The intensity of how you do this
determines the degree of clarity you can gain. If you envision make
your pictures big, bright and clear! You may want to draw something on
a sheet of paper and especially make some notes about your vision and
describe it in writing.

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What then happens is something almost magic. By seeing clearly that

what you desire, the brain activates a process of creation towards this
vision. It is like Michelangelo seeing his statue David in the solid rock
and then simply cutting off the pieces from it to reveal what he always
saw in his head underneath it. That is what is called having a vision. And
it is nothing spooky, it is real and a huge source for creating something

This kind and amount of energy that becomes activated by seeing such
a compelling vision for yourself, rooted in what you truly want, is really
the source of what I wrote at the beginning of the article. It is the
source of an abundance of motivation to create that what you already
see. Your personal vision takes control of your future: it creates it in

Some additional tweaking

Another opportunity to intensify your personal drive to fulfill your
desire is to commit 100% to it. I found it very interesting what
happened, as I continuously decided myself to go for the next step in
my vision fully, by saying no to other things. Those things were highly
interesting and joyful to do, but they distracted me from what I really
wanted to do and drained energy from my original vision.

You can align yourself fully with your vision by deciding this is what you
commit yourself to. This is also very powerful. It feels like getting out of
your way and the way of the vision to come true. It is almost like
resonating on the same frequency as the thing you want to create. It is
removing any inner resistance to your vision coming into existence. This
also implies how you see yourself or how you see the world and is in
direct relationship with removing limiting beliefs to become a No-
Limit person (a term that Wayne Dyer made popular ).

The thing is if we find our desires and we develop them clearly into a
vision, everything becomes easy. If you put yourself really into it, take it
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seriously with your best intentions for yourself, It goes up to a point

where you can see your vision so clearly, that you are like on autopilot.
You can act like an arrow towards your vision and that’s why you know
what is right on the way and what not. Then you don’t need to think it
over and ponder about decisions too long. The simple question of “Will
this provide to my vision and help me on my way, yes or no?” is
answered intuitively and so you can lead yourself easily towards what
you want. Where do I know this from you may ask. Because I
experienced it very intensively by my own. And I loved this process of
taking the invisible from inside and making it visible. It is the act of
creation or of manifestation if you like and it is a source of fulfillment,
wealth and happiness. You literally become a part of this creation
process by deciding to do so from within.

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by Myrko Thum | Filed under Personal Development. | Tagged desire, goals, growth,


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Hi, I’m Myrko Thum and author of this site. I help entrepreneurs to create
and sell highly profitable information products and scale up their business
online. I also created several online training programs, among others Info
Product Masterclass and Personal Breakthrough Academy. If you want
to learn more click here to get started!



October 19, 2015 at 4:48 pm

The two biggest burning desires for me are 1) Become and stay sober and
2) Playing (and creating a fantastic) video golf. I started to do both of these
but have not achieved either goal. I was sober for 18 months but have not
been lately. I have written two self-help books on sobriety but neither is
selling well. I have designed a 36-hole video-and-mystery-adventure game
but it has not been created.


September 26, 2015 at 9:14 am

Hi Myrko,
nice to meet you.
Thank for your article. I have googled a lot in order to find an anwer to my
“how to grow desire inside” and finally I found your article.

The main problem is that at the moment I have an aim but I have not desire
to satisfy it even if I would like to do it. Desire it seems something we
cannot control. It is something that burn us from inside.

I feel a great energy, I have many passions, many activities but I am not
able to focus my energy in a unique point in order to achieve it.

You have any advice for me?

Thanks for helping.

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September 26, 2015HOME

Hi Myrko, really a great article.


January 23, 2013 at 1:00 pm

Peter, really good to hear that. Thanks a lot! I wish you all the success you
ever wanted! :)

January 23, 2013 at 12:08 pm

Myrko.. my two ambtions now in life.. 1 to achieve my recent goals and 2

too shake your hand. you have given me what ive been missing all my life..

October 11, 2012 at 7:10 am

@Agnes: It’s certainly good to know your motivations. Yes, reflect on those.
For instance, if your main motivation is to show someone else that you are
better… maybe you can leverage that desire and reach your goal. But then
maybe that wasn’t something you would have chosen all by yourself and
may in fact be the opposite of what you really want. So your burning desire
is probably best when it comes from deep inside yourself, fulfilling your
own needs and wants.

If you don’t feel any right now, yes that’s fine. There are phases in life, I’m
sure something new is just on your horizon … :-)

October 11, 2012 at 2:43 am

What if now I don’t have any goal or burning desire for something and I am
happy just to be and observe people around me? Who knows, maybe I am
just building for my next burning experience. From my experience until
now, in relation with people around me and with myself, I feel that is true.
Also, isn’t trying to understand why you want to do that something bearing
similar importance to that of knowing your goal? Should I not ask myself
“What is that helping me to achieve and I don’t have it already?” And if you
find an answer, than you go for it. If you feel that you are maybe deflecting
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from an emotion/ simply trying to respond to a fear you have/trying to

address a complex,HOME
than what?BLOG
You should solve that
( maybe byK COACHING K
becoming a No Limit person) or is just time to take a conscious decision to
go for your goal and stay aware of that emotion/fear/complex too? Or you
simply discard it and strongly believe that your new goal will transform you?

December 11, 2011 at 5:18 pm

real nice one Myrko,

this burning desire can be a very powerful motivating force
once someone can access it he can become motivated to do whatever he
thank you :)


December 27, 2010 at 1:53 am

I think its so true that “we” are responsible for our motivation, so many
times I see people not become motivated or get down on life but in reality it
is they who needs to change and make something better to turn
themselves around.


July 25, 2010 at 10:41 pm

Jehh thanks for the kind comment! :)

Maintaining the flame … One thing that really helps is visualizing your goal.
Seeing it should excite you and make you jump out of the bed and get to
work on it. That’s the kind of right goal. Maybe make a picture of it, not only
in your head but in reality and put it up prominent on your wall :)
You cannot cluster your wall, that’s the equivalent to having too much
goals, which means having no real goal. Maybe you need to focus a bit
more on the more desirable few goals.


November 30, 2016 at 10:45 pm

How many goals is enough? For me, I have 7 areas in life,

and I have vision on each, and just started to aim to

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accomplish 1 goal for each category. That means, I will

work on 7 major
HOME goals per
BLOG year, is that
WEBINAR K too much? IsKthat an
indicator that I’m not focus enough? Maybe, these goals
are interconnected and help each other to make me a
better ‘me’. How do you know what is enough?

I just found you online, and on my 2nd video. I’m already

learning, thanks!

JEHH Reply
July 25, 2010 at 7:08 am

You write better articles than anybody on the internet. You honestly gratify
and captivate me. You inspire for the better, and you promote the dream. I
just find it hard to wake up and remember my goal (95% average). I try to
plaster my wall, but perhaps it’s a little too clustered now? Do you have an
article that speaks directly to maintaining the flame? Haha, sounds like a
rekindling marriage article, but I find that I am having the most difficulty
with that. Perhaps I will be able to see what I am doing wrong. For know, I
am armed with a great amount of newly found ambition and mental focus,
and I hope it will forever stay this way (as I once was…grade 12 second

June 7, 2010 at 1:55 am

Amazing, enlightner and great post… but.. alex had to said.. “only the ego
cants things”

we are our ego

our ego is ourselves
our inner voice (unconscious) is our ego who is programed with all the
information about ourselves…

so a healthy ego is, per example, i share success !!

an ill ego is, per example, team success is thanks to me because i did it
most of the job

in the perspective of this post, without intention nothing will exist and
intention is your burning desire.

and everything take us to the ego or your goals to became who you wanna

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ego isn’t bad if that was what you were trying to mean

thanks !!

September 9, 2009 at 9:47 pm

Only the ego wants things?

Hm yes, and if it wants things, isn’t it worth doing the best you can do to get
there? I mean “it” wants it? So how to react to it? Transcend it and say “No,
the real me doesn’t want it”? Maybe, if you are really fine with it. Otherwise
it seems a bit like self-delusion at least for me.

I found for myself, at the stage I am, I really like wanting. I try to want
things that really give me enjoyment and others too, if possible. It’s part of
my creation. I try to influence it by my spirit or soul, it is a constant dialog of
spirit and mind.

I mean I’m in this world of form and I’m creating constantly. So wanting is
the idea of what is good to create around me and others. And if I have a
vision and want to go there, I think it’s best to make that vision as clear as
possible, see it right here and put my energy behind it.

If you come from the spiritual side, wanting for the enjoyment of things or
to do right action is still happening.
If you are 21 and say I want a girlfriend, how do I make it happen? I think
that is a very healthy way of working on yourself :)


June 25, 2009 at 6:54 pm

I have just become inspired by someone famous. They have been well
sucessful, even where they started out. They just didn’t get to the top that
quick. But I have a burning deep desire to learn Spanish today. Since I have
this desire at this moment, should I do it?

ALEX Reply
May 4, 2009 at 1:32 am

I thought only the ego wanted things?

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October 18, 2008 atHOME

Loved your article…. I can feel the passion and energy behind the words…

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