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The Pathophysiology of Dry Eye Disease

What We Know and Future Directions for Research

Stephen C. Pflugfelder, MD, Cintia S. de Paiva, MD, PhD

Clinical and laboratory studies performed over the past few decades have discovered that dry eye is a chronic
inflammatory disease that can be initiated by numerous extrinsic or intrinsic factors that promote an unstable and
hyperosmolar tear film. These changes in tear composition, in some cases combined with systemic factors, lead
to an inflammatory cycle that causes ocular surface epithelial disease and neural stimulation. Acute desiccation
activates stress signaling pathways in the ocular surface epithelium and resident immune cells. This triggers
production of innate inflammatory mediators that stimulate the production of matrix metalloprotease, inflam-
matory cell recruitment, and dendritic cell maturation. These mediators, combined with exposure of autoantigens,
can lead to an adaptive T cellemediated response. Cornea barrier disruption develops by protease-mediated lysis
of epithelial tight junctions, leading to accelerated cell death; desquamation; an irregular, poorly lubricated cornea
surface; and exposure and sensitization of epithelial nociceptors. Conjunctival goblet cell dysfunction and death
are promoted by the T helper 1 cytokine interferon gamma. These epithelial changes further destabilize the tear
film, amplify inflammation, and create a vicious cycle. Cyclosporine and lifitegrast, the 2 US Food and Drug
Administrationeapproved therapies, inhibit T-cell activation and cytokine production. Although these therapies
represent a major advance in dry eye therapy, they are not effective in improving discomfort and corneal epithelial
disease in all patients. Preclinical studies have identified other potential therapeutic targets, biomarkers, and
strategies to bolster endogenous immunoregulatory pathways. These discoveries will, it is hoped, lead to further
advances in diagnostic classification and treatment. Ophthalmology 2017;124:S4-S13 ª 2017 by the American
Academy of Ophthalmology.

Dry EyedA Multifactorial and as a barrier to environmental, microbial, and inflammatory

Self-perpetuating Inflammatory Disease insults. Next to the intestine, the conjunctival epithelium has
the second-highest density of mucus-producing goblet cells.
Knowledge regarding the pathophysiology of dry eye has It also harbors a variety of resident immune cells, such as
advanced tremendously over the past 2 decades and con- natural killer cells, dendritic cells, macrophages, and gd,
tinues to evolve. Although tear disorders were traditionally CD4, and CD8þ T cells that function primarily in antimi-
classified by deficient component (e.g., aqueous or lipid), or crobial defense but may participate in the dry eye patho-
as aqueous deficient or evaporative, the reality is that most genesis.4e6 The cornea epithelium must withstand daily
patients experiencing symptoms or signs of tear dysfunction environmental challenges while maintaining clarity and
have multiple risk factors and disease or dysfunction of comfort. The lacrimal glands and ocular surface epithelia
more than 1 tear-producing cells/glands that result in an produce an array of antimicrobial factors including, a and b
unstable tear film.1 Tear instability is accompanied by defensins, IgA, lactoferrin, and lysozyme that are present in
increased tear osmolarity (either in area of tear breakup or the tear film and function to maintain a paucibacterial
diffusely), which activates stress signaling pathways in the microenvironment.7e20 Many of the mechanisms to main-
ocular surface epithelium and resident immune cells and tain ocular surface and glandular homeostasis are disrupted
triggers production of innate inflammatory molecules that in dry eye (Fig 2). Studies performed in animal models and
initiate a vicious self-perpetuating cycle (Fig 1) that may dry eye patients have found that desiccation is a potent stress
lead to further decline in tear function and worse (in the same magnitude to microbial products) to the ocular
symptoms.2,3 The numerous extrinsic (e.g., desiccating surface that initiates a secondary immune response that can
environment, exposure) and intrinsic (e.g., aging, autoim- lead to a vicious cycle (Fig 1).21e27 Hyperosmolar stress has
munity, drying medications) factors that can contribute to a direct proinflammatory effect on the ocular surface
this inflammatory cycle demonstrate why it is often difficult epithelium. It has been shown to activate mitogen-activated
to ascribe a single cause for most cases of dry eye disease protein kinases (MAPKs); stimulate secretion of pro-
and the importance of addressing all modifiable risk factors. inflammatory cytokines (e.g., interleukin [IL]-1b, TNF-a,
The ocular surface is a very unique exposed mucosa. It is
covered with a specialized stratified epithelium that serves Statement of Potential Conflict of Interest and Funding/Support: See page S13.

S4 ª 2017 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ophtha.2017.07.010

Published by Elsevier Inc. ISSN 0161-6420/17
Pflugfelder and de Paiva 
Dry Eye Pathophysiology

Tear Instability Dry, drafty environment
Surface Contact lens wear
Desiccation Eye drop/preservative toxicity
Prolonged video display viewing
Post blepharoplasty exposure
Lasik surgery
Barrier Disruption
Neural sensitization
Glandular Secretory Hyperosmolarity
Dysfunction and
Activation of
Stress Signaling
Intrinsic ↑ Innate
Aging Inflammatory
Female sex Mediators
Systemic autoimmunity Recruitment and
Dysbiosis Activation of CD4+
Systemic anticholinergics T Cells

Figure 1. Dry eye inflammatory cycle that can be initiated or amplified by extrinsic and intrinsic factors that cause tear instability and tear composition
changes, including hyperosmolarity, that activate stress signaling pathways in the ocular surface cells, which triggers production of innate inflammatory
mediators, which can lead to recruitment and activation of CD4þ T cells, which produce cytokines that cause corneal, conjunctival, and lacrimal gland
epithelial disease.

and IL-6), chemokines, and matrix metalloproteinases and decreased pathogenicity of autoreactive T cells in
(MMP) such as MMP-3 and MMP-9; and induce mouse models of dry eye.69,70
apoptosis.22,23,26,28e38 The interaction of these inflamma- Another effect of desiccation is upregulation of innate in-
tory mediators is complex and they have been shown to flammatory pathways in the epithelium, including the
upregulate each other, thus amplifying the inflammatory nucleotide-binding domain, leucine-richecontaining family,
cascade. For example, IL-1b stimulates the production of pyrin domainecontaining-3 (NLRP3), toll-like receptor, and
TNF-a and MMP-3, among other factors.31,32,39,40 In turn, oxidative stress pathways.29,30,71e80 Antioxidants have
TNF-a stimulates MMP-9 and MMP-3, which is a physio- shown therapeutic potential for treating dry eye in preclinical
logical activator of MMP-9.41,42 MMP-9 contributes to culture or mouse studies and in a pilot clinical trial.30,34,81e85
corneal barrier disruption by lysing tight junctions in the Metaplasia and goblet cell loss in the conjunctival
superficial epithelium.23,26,43 MMP-9 knockout mice are epithelium is a well-recognized feature of aqueous tear
resistant to corneal barrier disruption when exposed to deficiency.86e92 The most severe ocular surface diseases,
desiccating stress, and MMP inhibitors, such as corticoste- such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome, mucous membrane
roids and doxycycline, have shown potential in preventing pemphigoid, graft-versus-host disease, and severe alkali
desiccation-induced corneal epithelial barrier disruption in burns involving the conjunctiva often have complete loss of
animal models.26,43e45 A point-of-care MMP-9 detection conjunctival goblet cells.93e96 T helper cytokines have
system (InflammaDry, RPS, Sarasota, FL) is approved for been found to modulate conjunctival goblet cell differen-
detecting elevated levels of MMP-9 in tears of dry eye tiation. The Th2 cytokine IL-13 stimulates proliferation and
patients.46e50 Increased tear MMP-9 has also been detected mucus production, whereas the Th1 cytokine interferon
in other ocular surface diseases, such as atopic and vernal gamma (IFN-g) induces goblet cell entrapment, expression
keratoconjunctivitis, corneal ulceration, recurrent corneal of cornified envelope precursors, decreased mucus pro-
erosions, and ocular burns, that also have corneal barrier duction, unresponsiveness to cholinergic stimulation,
disruption.51e63 Detection of elevated tear MMP-9 provides endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and unfolded protein
a rationale for use of anti-inflammatory/protease therapies in response and apoptosis.27,97e104 In addition to producing
these conditions. tear-stabilizing mucins,105,106 goblet cells also produce
Ocular surface epithelial cells also secrete chemokines immunoregulatory factors, such as TGF-b and retinoic
that attract inflammatory cells. Increased levels of chemo- acid.104,107 Crosstalk between goblet cells and dendritic
kines CCL20 (MIP3a), CXCL9 (MIG), CXCL10 (IP-10), cells is critical to maintaining immune tolerance in mucosal
and CXCL11 (I-TAC) and their receptors were noted in tissues.108 Goblet celleassociated passages that deliver
ocular surface cells and/or tears of dry eye patients and mice surface antigens to the underlying dendritic cells and
with experimentally induced dry eye.64e68 Genetic deletion promote tolerance have been identified in both intestine
or pharmacologic blockage of certain chemokines or che- and conjunctiva.108,109 Mice with deletion of the SAM
mokine receptors (CCL20, CCR6, or CXCR3) prevented the pointed domain containing ETS transcription factor gene
development of desiccation-induced ocular surface disease (Spdef knockout) are devoid of goblet cells, develop

Ophthalmology Volume 124, Number 11, Supplement, November 2017

Figure 2. Function of the cornea, conjunctiva, and lacrimal gland in maintaining ocular surface homeostasis (left side of each tissue) and disease-relevant
mediators and pathologic changes in each tissue (right side of each tissue). IL-17 ¼ interleukin 17, IL-13 ¼ interleukin 13, IFN-g ¼ interferon gamma.

conjunctival inflammation, and lose immune tolerance to dendritic cell maturation118 and generation of autoreactive
topically applied antigens,110 as has been found in other T effector cells66,70,101,119e121 in mouse dry eye models.
mouse dry eye models that are accompanied by goblet Human dry eye patients have an increased number of
cell loss.108,111e113 These studies indicate a critical role conjunctival dendritic cells122 (Pflugfelder S, et al. IOVS
of goblet cell products in conditioning tolerogenic proper- 2017;402:ARVO E-Abstract 3754) and a higher
ties in conjunctival dendritic cells and maintaining ocular percentage of cells expressing the dendritic cell
surface immune tolerance (Xiao Y, et al. IOVS 2016;57 maturation marker HLA-DR.123e126 Depletion of den-
ARVO E-abstract 426).107 dritic cells prevented the development of dry eye disease in
Evidence indicates that the initial innate immune mice subjected to desiccating stress.118 Mature dendritic
response to dryness is followed by an adaptive CD4þ cells prime antigen-specific Th1 and Th17 effector T
T-cell autoimmune response in mice exposed to desiccating cells in the conjunctival draining lymph nodes. Several
stress and patients with Sjögren syndrome (SS) and non- laboratories have identified IFN-g and IL-17, produced by
SS-associated aqueous tear deficiency.27,114,115 Though Th1 and Th17 cells, respectively, as critical effector cyto-
the target autoantigen(s) in this autoimmune reaction have kines in dry eye.27,66,69,70,99,101,115,119e121,127e131 IFN-g
not been identified, members of the kallikrein family have promotes conjunctival goblet cell loss and lacrimal gland
been implicated as putative antigens in some studies.116,117 acinar loss, whereas IL-17 causes corneal barrier disruption
Disrupted immune tolerance in dry eye111e113 leads to and lymphangiogenesis in mouse dry eye models. The

Pflugfelder and de Paiva 
Dry Eye Pathophysiology

disruption of immune tolerance and generation of effector T microbiome can modulate ocular surface inflammation and
cells suggests inadequate suppression by regulatory T cells severity of dry eye disease.16
(Tregs). Indeed, dysfunctional Tregs that cannot suppress T-
effector activity, but produce IFN-g and IL-17, have been
observed in mouse models of dry eye induced by desiccating Future Directions for Research
stress or associated with aging.120,132 Furthermore, adoptive
transfer of either T effectors or Tregs from aged mice into The 2 approved therapies for dry eye, cyclosporine and
naïve immunodeficient recipient mice caused goblet cell loss lifitegrast, target T cells that are key contributors to the
and lacrimal gland infiltration, whereas the adoptive transfer pathophysiology of chronic dry eye. Cyclosporine bound to
T effectors or Tregs from young mice did not, suggesting that cyclophilin inhibits the activity of the serine/threonine
age-related Treg dysfunction may contribute to induction of phosphatase calcineurin, which normally dephosphorylates
dry eye disease.132 NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) after antigen
Lacrimal gland inflammation and dysfunction develop binding to the T-cell receptor.166 Dephosphorylated NFAT
with age and in the autoimmune disease SS.133 The is transported to the nucleus, where it initiates transcription
hallmarks of SS are lymphocytic infiltration of the lacrimal of T-cell cytokines, notably IL-2 and IFN-g.167 Lifitegrast
and salivary glands, serum autoantibodies, is a small molecule that inhibits binding of leukocyte-
keratoconjunctivitis sicca, and dry mouth.134 Mouse associated antigen 1 on T cells to its ligand, intercellular
models of SS and aging have identified a pathogenic role adhesion molecule 1, on antigen-presenting, epithelial, and
for CD4þT98,132,135e137 and B cells.138e141 Mouse SS vascular endothelial cells and prevents the formation of the
models that develop dacryoadenitis tend to be Th1 immunologic synapse that is required for full T-cell
skewed,142e146 whereas those that develop sialadenitis are activation (Pflugfelder S, et al. IOVS 2017;402:ARVO
Th17 skewed.147e150 IFN-g produced by the infiltrating cells E-Abstract 3754). These molecules have improved dry eye
increases caspase expression and causes acinar signs and symptoms in clinical trials, but they are not
apoptosis.145,146,151e153 Altered NFkB (nuclear factor effective in all dry eye patients and do not address acute
kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells) signaling effects of desiccation on the ocular surface, including the
has been implicated in SS,154e156 and increased NFkB increased production of innate mediators and activation of
signaling in epithelial cells was found to promote lacrimal the MAPK stress signaling pathways.166e168 Therapies
gland acinar apoptosis that preceded lymphocytic infiltration targeting the acute effects of desiccation would likely
in a mouse SS model.156 Infiltration with autoreactive T cells provide more rapid relief of eye irritation and prevent the
and oxidative stress have also been observed in the aged effects of a dry, drafty environment such as an airplane
lacrimal gland, indicating that aging is associated with cabin. Corticosteroids have shown efficacy in treating
inflammation and is not simply a degenerative chronic dry eye and preventing irritation and cornea barrier
process.98,132,157e161 These studies suggest that, similar to disruption in response to a desiccating environmental
the ocular surface, a vicious cycle of inflammation and challenge169e172; however, long-term use of corticosteroids
apoptosis involving infiltrating cells and glandular acinar carries risks of cataract formation and glaucoma, and
cells perpetuates lacrimal gland inflammation, leading to therapies with steroid-like inhibitory effects on innate in-
glandular dysfunction in SS and age-related dry eye. flammatory pathways would represent a major advance.
There is an increased body of evidence demonstrating Conjunctival goblet cells produce soluble mucins that
that the microbiome, the microbial community that inhabits stabilize the precorneal tear layer. They also produce factors
the human body, has immunoregulatory functions. The that maintain homeostasis and immune tolerance on the
presence of an ocular microbiome has long been suspected; ocular surface.103,108 The worst cornea disease develops in
however, traditional swab cultures of the conjunctiva are dry eye conditions with loss of goblet cells, such as SS,
often negative.17,162 This is in sharp contrast to cultures of Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and graft-versus-host dis-
the lid margin and periocular skin, which often grow ease.95,115,173 The Th1 cytokine IFN-g inhibits goblet cell
bacteria.163,164 Studies using 16S genomic sequencing secretion and promotes apoptosis of these cells.129,174 Both
have demonstrated an ocular surface microbiome that may cyclosporine A and serum drops have been reported to in-
have the lowest biomass of any tissue in the body (Ozkan J crease conjunctival goblet cell density.2,175 Research is
et al. IOVS 2017;532:ARVO E-Abstract 5615).16,165 No needed to identify therapies to maintain goblet cell number
difference in the quantity and diversity of the ocular and function with aging and in dry eye conditions, partic-
microbiome was noted between SS and control subjects16; ularly those associated with the most severe goblet cell loss.
however, significant alterations of the intestinal Therapies to bolster endogenous natural anti-
microbiome were noted in the same cohort with a inflammatory and immunomodulatory mechanisms also
significant decrease in commensal genera and an increase appear to have promise. The Western diet is often deficient
in pathogenic genera, such as Escherichia/Shigella and in anti-inflammatory polyunsaturated fatty acids.176,177 Oral
Proteobacteria. Mice that had an antibiotic-induced supplementation with gamma-linolenic acid (n-6) and
depletion of the microbiome with a cocktail of 5 oral omega-3 (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids has been found to
antibiotics before experimental desiccating stress devel- improve ocular irritation symptoms and tear stability, inhibit
oped significantly worse dry eye than control mice that did conjunctival dendritic cell maturation, and decrease in-
not receive antibiotics, suggesting that the intestinal flammatory mediators in patients with dry eye.122,178,179

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Footnotes and Financial Disclosures

Originally received: May 30, 2017. Author Contributions:
Final revision: July 10, 2017. Conception and design: Pflugfelder, de Paiva
Accepted: July 11, 2017. Manuscript no. 2017-425. Data collection: Pflugfelder, de Paiva
Department of Ophthalmology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Analysis and interpretation: Pflugfelder, de Paiva
Obtained funding: Not applicable
Financial Disclosure(s):
The authors made the following disclosures: S.C.P.: Supported by NIH Overall responsibility: Pflugfelder, de Paiva
Grant EY11915, NIH Core Grants-EY002520 & EY020799, NIH funding Abbreviations and Acronyms:
to Cytometry and Cell Sorting Core at Baylor College of Medicine (NIAID IFN-g ¼ interferon gamma; IL ¼ interleukin; MAPK ¼ mitogen-activated
P30AI036211, NCI P30CA125123, and NCRR S10RR024574), Biology of protein kinase; MMP ¼ matrix metalloproteinase; SS ¼ Sjögren syndrome;
Inflammation Center Baylor College of Medicine, an unrestricted grant Treg ¼ regulatory T cell.
from Research to Prevent Blindness, New York, NY, the Oshman Foun- Correspondence:
dation, Houston, TX, the William Stamps Farish Fund, Houston, TX, Stephen C. Pflugfelder, MD, Cullen Eye Institute, Baylor College of
Hamill Foundation, Houston, TX, and Sid W. Richardson Foundation, Ft Medicine, 6565 Fannin St, NC505, Houston, TX 77030. E-mail: stevenp@
Worth, TX. C.S.d.P: Conference - Thea Laboratories. bcm.edu.


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