Discussion On Gadamer

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What is the philosophical foundation of the 20th century?

- We are no longer confident that there is an idea – be all, end all.

 19th century: Trust (almost too much) in science/ reason/ human mind
 Philosophy had to confer on the achievement on science
 Hegel philosophy
 Faith in reason (this reason refers to human understanding, this faith has to pass
the criterion of reason)
 Hegel made a distinction of reason
 Subjective spirit ( subjective consciousness)
 Objective spirit ( rationality outside the subjective rationality, the
rationality of society)
 The very formation of rationality (subjective spirit) unless you are part of
the objective society. It is not like enlightenment where individuals enters
into a contract, but it is a society first, that brings formation to your
subjective spirit.
 Individual reason is not the primordial
 We could read the history as the story of reconciliation of these two.
 E.g. the fall of man. Without that fruit of knowledge, we are
actually part of everything, but when we ate the fruit of
knowledge, we come to be conscious of our own existence.
 Social order – it is the reconciliation of the two spirit. Sooner or later, it
will stumble, hence, need another social order.
 Time will come, I will see the society as a mirror of myself. This refers to
absolute spirit.
 NATURE x(irreconcilable)x SPIRIT = object + subject
 How is our (20th century) critique of reason different from Hegel’s (19th century critique
of reason?

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