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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari / Tanggal : Kamis, 27 September 2018

Kelas/Semester : Empat / I (Satu) Waktu : 90 menit

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, C or D !

(Pilihlah jawaban yang paling benar dengan menyilang A, B, C atau D !)

1. We study in the ...........

A. park B. garden C. house D. classroom

2. My ................ is big and clean.

A. room B. pool C. bedroom D. house

3. “Good morning” in Indonesian is .........

A. Selamat siang C. Selamat sore
B. Selamat pagi D. Selamt malam

4. “ Good day ” in Indonesian is .........

A. Selamat siang C. Selamat sore
B. Selamat pagi D. Selamt malam

5. Tomi has a breakfast in the ...........

A. morning B. afternoon C. midday D. night

6. n – i – e – g – n – e – v
The correct word is .........
A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. midday

7. d – a – d – m – i – y
The correct word is ........
A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. midday

8. The colour of grapes is .......

A. orange B. purple C. green D. blue

9. The colour is .......

A. dark blue C. dark red
B. dark brown D. dark green

10. That guava is .......

A. light green C. light brown
B. light blue D. pink
11. This jacket is .......
A. dark blue B. dark green C. dark brown D. dark red

12. That wallet is .......

A. black B. purple C. green D. blue

13. This kite is .......

A. reddish B. brownish C. blackish D. grayish

14. Yourdoll in Bahasa Indonesia is …..

A.bola saya B. bola kamu C. boneka saya D. boneka kamu

15. My book in Bahasa Indonesia is …..

A. pencil kamu B. buku saya C. buku kamu D. tas saya

16. This is my ruler in Bahasa Indonesia is …..

A. Ini adalah buku saya C. Ini adalah penggaris saya
B. Ini adalah penggaris kamu D. Ini adalah penghapus saya

17. I like grape in Bahasa Indonesia is …..

A. Saya mempunyai anggur C. Saya suka manggis
B. Saya mempunyai manggis D. Saya suka anggur

18. It is number……

21 A. Twenty two
B. Thirty one

This is a .......
C. Forty two
D. Twenty one

A. tabel B. chair C. blackboard D. table

20. It is my .......
A. comb B. chair C. clock D. watch

21. It is a ........
A. clock B. pillow C. ball D. doll

22. This is a ........

A. bag B. ruler C. book D. cap

23. It is a ........
A. shoes B. bag C. socks D. tie

24. I like eating ........

A. mango B. apple C. banana D. grape
25. Selamat tinggal in English is …..

A. good morning B. good bye C. good night D. see you

26. Selimut in English is ……

A. pillow B. bed C. blanket D. bolster

27. Magazine in Bahasa Indonesia is ......

A. koran B. sisir C. kemoceng D. majalah

28. This is my ..............

A. map B. pencil C. tie D. lamp

29. I have a ..................

A. tie B. watch C. clock D. belt

30. This is a .................

A. comb B. hat C. mirror D. lamp

31. Duster in Bahasa Indonesia is ................

A. asbak B. kemoceng C. sisir D. handuk

32. That is my .....................

A. blanket B. uniform C. flag D. handkerchief

33. Thank you in Bahasa Indonesia is ..............

A. Sampai jumpa B. Selamat tinggal C. Selamat malam D. Terima kasih

34. I put my pencil in the ........................

A. bag B. table C. home D. pencil case

35. These are .................... books

A. four B. one C. five D. eight

II. Complete this sentence ! (Lengkapilah kalimat ini !)

1. Robi : “Good evening, Yosi !”

Yosi : “………, Robi.”

2. This is my …..

3. Papantulis in English is ……

4. This is a …..
5. Dark green in Bahasa Indonesia is …….

6. I have ……………. Pencils

7. f – r – e – o – n – o – A – t – n
The correct word is .........
8. This is my …………

9. I have a ball in Bahasa Indonesia is …………

10. Saya suka pisang in English is …………

III. Answer the questions ! (Jawablahpertanyaan – pertanyaannya !)

My School

My name is Johri. I am a student. I study in SDN Tunas Jaya Nganjuk. I am in the

third class. I go to school on foot everyday. My school is big and clean, I love it. There are
15 teachers and 200 students in my school. The students study in the classrooms.

There are many things in my classroom. There is a blackboard in front of the

classroom. We can write on it with a chalk. There is a vase on the teacher’s desk. The map
is hanging on the wall. There are 20 tables and 40 chairs for students.

1. What is the title of that text ? ... .

2. Where does Johri study? ... .
3. How many teachers are there? ... .
4. Where is a vase ? ... .
5. What is hanging on the wall ? ... .
Kunci Jawaban B. Inggris
Kelas 4
UTS SEMESTER 1 T.A. 2018 / 2019

I 1. D 11. A 21. C 31. B II 1 Good evening

2. D 12. A 22. A 32. B 2 Chair
3. B 13. D 23. A 33. D 3 Blackboard
4. A 14. D 24. A 34. D 4 Fan
5. A 15. B 25. B 35. A 5 Hijau tua
6. C 16. C 26. C 6 Three
7. D 17. D 27. D 7 Afternoon
8. B 18. D 28. D 8 Belt
9. B 19. D 29. B 9 Saya mempunyai sebuah bola
10. A 20. C 30. B 10 I like banana

III. 1 My School
2 In SDN Tunas Jaya Nganjuk
3 15 teachers
4 On the teacher’s desk
5 The map

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