Change Words Into Adjectives

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Test IX

Change words into adjectives ___ful, ___ing, ___less, __y, __able, __al, __ic,
1. I was terrified when a bomb exploded in a department store.
It was one of the most …………………… (frighten) experiences of my life.
2. She was a very …………………… (care) driver and had never had an accident since she
started driving twenty-five years ago.
3. My father was really …………………… (anger) when I told him that I had smashed the car.
For a minute I thought he was going to hit me.
4. I feel really ……………………… (health) since I gave up smoking and started jogging.
5. This knife is ……………………… (use), it won’t cut! We should get it sharpened.
6. It is …………………… (doubt) whether the new Town Hall will be built now, because the
council has run out of money.
7. It was such a …………………… (bore) TV programme that she fell asleep half-way through it.
8. Nowadays, going to the dentist and having a tooth out is a ……………… (pain) operation.
Most people don’t feel a thing.
9. The final of the World Cup was a very ……………… (excite) match. It was the very last
minute when Brazil scored the winning goal.
10. What a ………………… (beauty) dress you are wearing! It is really gorgeous.
11. Don’t try to put your umbrella up, the weather is far too ……………… (wind). It will only get
blown out.
12. There are still thousands of ……………… (home) people in the big cities who sleep rough
every night.
13. Mark Haddon writes in a simple and ____________ way. UNDERSTAND
14. The party was much more ____________ than I had expected. ENJOY
15. I wish I had ___________ powers. MAGIC
16. Mary came to me in a very ____________ state. EMOTION
17. He was terrible at school and left with few ___________ ACADEMY
18. My sister is ____________ to cats. ALLERGY
19. That girl has a ____________ voice. LOVE
20. Peter has a ____________ relationship with his customers. FRIEND

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