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MyHACCP Study: rice and paddy


Business name: ama

This document was created using the MyHACCP web tool.

Date generated: 05/10/2019

Management commitment

The following evidence shows the support of senior management to food

safety management based on HACCP:

A Food Safety Policy has been drawn up and signed by management.

Training takes place for HACCP studies.

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Terms of reference
This Modular HACCP plan covers:
processed rice packed in plastic bags of 3 and 5 kgs

It will start at incoming inspection through to dispatch.

The HACCP plan will cover final product safety and will look at the

following hazards:


Wood splinters
Finger nails


Agricultural residues: Pesticides

Heavy metals
Environmental contaminants

The company has in place a number of effective prerequisite programmes,


Supplier approval
Incoming material specifications
Finished product specification
Training (incl. training needs analysis, job descriptions)
Contract services (i.e. waste/laundry)
Pest Control
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
Product recall
Document control

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Audit schedule (incl. HACCP/internal audits)
Customer complaints
Tracking non-conformances
Microbiological control
Preventative maintenance
Equipment suitability, cleaning and maintenance
Measures to prevent cross-contamination
Cleaning and sanitising
Personnel hygiene and employee facilities
Contamination control

The location of the above documents is:

in the plant / on -site

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The HACCP team

Role Name Training Qualifications Experience

HACCP lead ABC done yes 10years


quality check XYZ yes done 5years


We confirm that the team have sufficient skills (scientific/technical knowledge and HACCP expertise)
to ensure that the HACCP study will be effective.

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Product description and intended use

rice and paddy

Physical properties

solid pH moisture


less moisture


plastic bags


in storage bins by trucks

Shelf life of product

3 to 4 years

Storing, handling and preparation advice

keep at dry and cold condition

Intended Use
Name of the product: rice

The product is suitable for consumption by the general public.

The product is suitable for the young.

The product is suitable for the elderly.

The product is suitable for pregnant ladies.

The product is suitable for the immunosuppressed / immunocompromised.

The product is suitable for people with allergies or intolerances.

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We have considered the likely abuse / unintended use of the product by the consumer in
the following ways:

they will not

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Process flow and confirmation
We have completed a flow diagram covering all steps in the manufacturing process of
this product.

See Appendix A for the flow diagram.

On-site confirmation of flow diagram

abc has confirmed that our flow diagram is correct.

Every process step is identified in our flow diagram.

The flow diagram is an accurate representation of the process from start to finish.

The flow diagram is correct for all shifts (e.g. days, nights and weekend).

The flow diagram is correct during all seasonal variations.

The HACCP lead has signed off and dated the flow diagram as being correct.

The following members of our organisation are responsible for making changes to the flow diagram
and storing out of date versions:


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Identify and list potential hazards

Step Step Name Biological Chemical Physical Allergens


1 paddy Chances of microbial contamination Pesticide residue, Heavy Chance of Foreign material e-coli bacteria
receiving due to improper handling of raw Metals, Banned chemical such as Wood, Metal, Dust,
material by food handler, microbes usage, Undeclared immature paddy, Inferior
contamination and Illness of the allergens etc. quality material, etc.

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Severity scores

1. paddy receiving

Hazard Hazard Description Severity Likelihood Significance

Chances of microbial contamination [1] Effective control of supplier & processing. [2] Effective 2 2 4
due to improper handling of raw PRP in place ( Due to source of harvesting, packing &
material by food handler, microbes transportation condition )
contamination and Illness of the

Pesticide residue, Heavy Metals, [1] Effective control of supplier & processing. [2] Heavy 3 1 3
Banned chemical usage, Undeclared Metals test results. (Due to improper pesticide treatment,
allergens etc. usage of banned pesticide & heavy metal contamination in
the agriculture land itself). [3] Insects and rodents pest are
natural reservoir of many bacterial pathogens. [4] From the
farmer source and soil source. [5] Undeclared allergen also
hamper the product.

Chance of Foreign material such as Effective control of supplier & processing. Effective PRP in 3 2 6
Wood, Metal, Dust, immature paddy, place ( Due to source of material packing & transportation
Inferior quality material, etc. condition) Likely to occur.

e-coli bacteria bacteria contamination 3 1 3

The threshold, above which we consider the hazard to be 'significant' is: 5

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Control Measures

Step Step Name. Hazard Hazard Description Control Measures


1 paddy receiving Chance of Foreign material such Effective control of supplier & [1] Approval, evaluation & re-
as Wood, Metal, Dust, immature processing. evaluation of suppliers.
paddy, Inferior quality material, [2] RM specification give to the
etc. Effective PRP in place ( Due to source supplier & purchase of material after
of material packing & transportation approval of the sample
condition) [3] Vehicle Cleanliness check
[4] Good handling & Good hygiene
Likely to occur. practices are follow
[5] Supplier visit - once / year for site
[6] Inspection at receiving according
to Quality Plan

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CCPs for significant hazards
For this study, we are using the Codex decision tree.

Step No. Hazard Control Measures Decision Tree CCP?

1 Chance of Foreign material such as Wood, Metal, [1] Approval, evaluation & re- evaluation of suppliers. Q1: Yes Yes
Dust, immature paddy, Inferior quality material, [2] RM specification give to the supplier & purchase Q1a: N/A
etc. of material after approval of the sample Q2: No
[3] Vehicle Cleanliness check Q3: Yes
[4] Good handling & Good hygiene practices are Q4: No
[5] Supplier visit - once / year for site visit.
[6] Inspection at receiving according to Quality Plan

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Critical limits for the CCPs
The following critical limits have been established for the CCPs.

Step Step Name. Hazard Critical limit How was the critical Will the critical Can the critical
No. limit determined? limit control the limit be measured
specific hazard? or observed in real

1 paddy Chance of Foreign 0% metal using heavy magnets Yes Yes

receiving material such as Wood, particles
Metal, Dust, immature
paddy, Inferior quality
material, etc.

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The HACCP Plan
Process Step Hazard Control measure Critical Monitoring Corrective action
step no. limit procedures

paddy 1 Chance of Foreign [1] Approval, evaluation 0% metal check the calibration of Corrective action to be
receiving material such as & re- evaluation of particles magnets at regular taken: change the
Wood, Metal, Dust, suppliers. intervals magnets
immature paddy, [2] RM specification
Inferior quality give to the supplier & Monitoring activity Personnel who have the
material, etc. purchase of material frequency: twice every authority to take the
after approval of the day stated corrective
sample action: FSTL/MD
[3] Vehicle Cleanliness How the monitoring
check activities are carried all things stops
[4] Good handling & out: manually
Good hygiene practices Actions for product
are follow The following people are produced when the CPP
[5] Supplier visit - once responsible for was out of control will
/ year for site visit. monitoring actions at be recorded in: log
[6] Inspection at this CCP: FSTL / register 2
receiving according to minions
Quality Plan All personnel are
The deputy is: QC trained and competent
for performing the
The results of activities stated.
monitoring are
recorded: log register Records of competency
are maintained.
Monitoring records will
be checked and signed
off by FSTL/ceo at the
frequency of: daily

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Validation study

check with master magnet

FSTL/MD/CEO is responsible for ensuring the contents of the HACCP plan are validated and will
also formally sign off the HACCP plan.

The following verification activities are undertaken:

Internal audits of

Critical Control Points

Records of monitoring
Corrective actions

Finished product

Microbiological testing

Interim product

Microbiological testing


Addressing the findings of customer and third party audits

Trending and analysing customer complaints


Corrective actions

Other verification activities

no other verification

All verification records are maintained

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The HACCP system is formally reviewed twice annually.

CEO/MD is responsible for carrying out a formal annual review.

The following triggers will initiate a review in the organisation:

Technological advances in production

New controls that become available
Change in raw material/ingredients/product formulation/packaging
Modification to process equipment (e.g. new equipment, modification of existing equipment)
Failures in the system, e.g. corrective actions or the need for product recall/withdrawal
Emergence of foodborne pathogens with public health significance
Changes in legislation
Environmental changes/issues (i.e. local changes external to the food operation; climate

Other mechanisms that will automatically trigger a review: none

All records from reviews are documented, brought to the attention of senior management and used
to keep the HACCP plan up-to-date.

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Documentation and record keeping
Documentation relating to this HACCP study that the business retains:

Scope of the study

Reference to prerequisite programmes
HACCP team members with details of their role, experience, training and qualifications
Product description
Intended use of the product
Flow diagram, and the confirmation that it is correct
Relevant hazards (as determined from the hazard analysis) and control measures
Details of all CCP’s that have been determined
The critical limits at the CCP’s, with targets and tolerances where relevant
The corrective action plan for each CCP
Reference to relevant procedures/work instructions and record forms

Other supporting information that is retained


Documentation control

issue number

The maximum length of time we retain this information for is 3 years / shelf life

All records are accessible, accurate and up to date.

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Appendix A - Flow Diagram
The flow diagram begins on the next page.

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