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LA400 Senior Integrative Seminar

University Learning Objectives Worksheet

I. Communication and Problem Solving

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity


Partially Met

Not Met
Use the X In my artistic expression class, Tap I, my final project
expressive arts was to express myself through movement. I
as a mode of performed a tap piece to the Greatest Show, and I was
inquiry or able to integrate the movements learned in class and
expression express myself in the final project. I was able to add
elements of style and movement in the two minute
final project of the course. I integrated movements
and concepts of tap theory into the final piece. Many
of these movements were new expressions that I
learned in the tap course. I have a video of my project
that I will include in my final digital portfolio.

Demonstrate X I have a leadership position in the Physician

leadership, Assistant Club as the secretary for the club. In this
negotiation, role, I help to plan, carry out fundraisers,
relational, and communicate with faculty advisors and other
consensus skills students. As the secretary of the Physician Assistant
club, I have demonstrated leadership by planning and
leading club meetings and collaborating with
Physician Assistant faculty and staff. Negotiation
skills go hand in hand with leadership. I believe
anyone in a leadership position must utilize these
valuable skills. A specific example of negotiation was
this semester. I negotiated the specific dates and
times of the soup sale with my fellow officers, soup
sale coordinators, Physician Assistant faculty and the
dining hall resources that we would need to utilize.
For relational skills, as a part of our fundraisers, I
have reached out to various clubs and organizations
to attain their approval and support for our
fundraisers. For example, for the bi-annual CCK
Soup Sale, I had to reach out to SHGA and get their
approval for our fundraiser. Additionally, I had to
reach out the Darren to get approval and assistance in
helping to make the soup. Finally, I demonstrated

consensus skills through the club meetings and soup
sale as well. I had to gather groups of people and rally
all of us together to sell the soup, distribute the soup
and make the soup.

Use X In the Composition and Culture class, we were able to

technological utilize multimodal components into our final project.
skills to access The technology utilized in this project was accessible
information, online via a PowerPoint presentation, video and
organize interactive sounds. The information was organized
knowledge, and in a cohesive manner utilizing our Apple technology.

 communicate Through the Celebration of Writing, for example, I
researched the positive effects of yoga and movement
for children with Autism. The information accessed,
utilizing the library website and online journals made
available, was organized into a multimodal
presentation consisting of a video, PowerPoint and
trifold. I thoroughly enjoyed sharing my knowledge
with others and communicating the importance of
movement for those who need those

Another example of technology was in the

Anthropology of Tribal Art. Throughout the course,
we were asked to research topics including
ethnocentrism, socio-cultural issues among Amazon
tribespeople and influential anthropologists. In the
course of my research, I was able to gain knowledge
through the use of library resources. The library
website offered me a host of resources that would not
have been available to me otherwise. The
information accessed through the online database
was then organized to meet the assignment objectives
and communicated thoroughly through assignment
guidelines, whether that be a presentation or written

Propose new X In Latinos in Medicine, I was able to create a website

solutions to outlining the importance of Mexican and Mayan
current issues herbal remedies. I was able to propose the solution
that herbal remedies are viable medical treatment if
the medical professional is well-educated in such
treatments. Additionally, I created a website outlining
this argument. In my website, I organized my
argument in a visually appealing manner that
incorporated by love of the Spanish language and
cultural differences associated. My website was split

up into the history of why Mexicans and Mayans
believe in and utilize herbal remedies. Toward the end
of this section, I discussed the current relevance to
this historical issue. Immigrants to the United States,
from Mexico specifically, oftentimes, do not have
access to modern medicine in their native country.
Because of this, those individuals are forced to utilize
what they have in their natural environment. As they
immigrate to the United States, their own views on
healthcare are most likely not going to change. My
solution to this issue was for modern healthcare
professionals in the United States to understand and
be culturally competent to where the immigrants
originate and why they might choose to use herbal
remedies over modern medicine.

Another example of proposing a new solution to a

current problem was in my J-term class with Dr. Leap
called Faith, Religion and Society. Integrating the
principles of Catholic Social Teaching, I delved into
the current issue of insurance for those who cannot
afford the oftentimes high prices. I additionally
compared and contrasted the system of health
insurance in the United States with other systems such
as those of Australia, Switzerland, England and
Switzerland. In the United States, as I explained in my
paper, the government is not directly involved in
medical insurance, but many people have private
insurance. The issue with private insurance is that
there are many people do not have access to private
insurance and therefore often cannot get medical care.
As a solution to this disparity, I propose that every
person has the right to quality healthcare. No system
is perfect and there is room to improve, but the bottom
line is that each person deserves quality healthcare.
To connect this solution with the principles of
Catholic Social Teaching, a direct quotation from my
paper, “Each person at every stage of life is entitled
to be treated with the respect they deserve. In God’s
eyes, we are all equal in His gracious activity. Treat
others as you would want to be treated. If we expect
quality medical care for ourselves, we should also aid
in providing it for our neighbors.”

Express X During the Spring semester of 2019, I took the class

arguments or detailed Logic in Our Lives. I expressed the
main points argument that the well-known principles of logic are

clearly, in still found in our lives today. Each decision that we
written and oral make, from what we eat for breakfast to what we
communication decide to do as a profession, is made with logic. To
further prove this point, I decided to utilize class
concepts and analyze the logic behind why I became
a Physician Assistant student by enhancing my past
life experience, present life at Seton Hill and my
hopes for the future. In order to outline and argue for
these principles, I put together a paper detailing these
principles with pertinent examples in my own life.
Additionally, for the presentation portion, I did a
voice-over presentation where I put multi-modal
portions of my paper together in a cohesive format.

Transfer X I was able to integrate my personal views supported

knowledge and by classroom knowledge to make an informed
values into decision. For my anthropology of tribal cultures class,
sound decision- one of our final projects was to research a tribe and
making talk about their lives and how the modern world
effects their life every day. I chose to research to Kogi
tribe of the Amazon and the work that the ACT or
Amazon Conservation Team does in order to preserve
their culture and values. I was able to further make an
informed opinion about the ideals and specifics of
conservation work. I believe that tribes of any origin
are very interesting, and there are many things that we
can learn from those individuals. If those tribes are
not saved, then we cannot learn from them. With so
many unique customs, rituals, and nuances of
everyday life, indigenous tribes, like the Kogi,
deserve to be appreciated and understood. There is
such diversity and vivacious people in the world and
their stories deserve to be heard.

II. Historical, Cultural, and Global Awareness

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity


Not Met

Communicate in X As a Spanish minor, I have taken several courses in Spanish that

a second have integrated language at the college level. My favorite
language at the example comes from Dr. Reyna’s class where I was able to make

introductory an e-cookbook. Through this cookbook, I was able to integrate
college level culturally relevant information, photos and recipes in an online
book format. The information was organized by recipes as the
meal proceeded from traditional appetizers to the rich desserts.
The knowledge learned was showcased throughout the cookbook
and communicated thoroughly as each step was written out in
detail, in Spanish of course. I was able to learn and correctly
utilize another Spanish verb tense.

Another example of communication in a second language was

the immersive language experience that I was able to take part.
This past summer, I traveled to Spain with the university and
took classes at the Academia Hispanica in the most advanced
Spanish level that the academy. Spanish has always been
something very near and dear to my heart since I began taking
those courses. I truly enjoy learning the language, but I am
constantly amazed at my ability to learn pertinent cultural topics.
I am eager to apply my knowledge of Spanish in my future career
as a Physician Assistant.

Analyze the X In the Anthropology of Tribal Cultures course, I was able to

impact of analyze the impact of the work of esteemed anthropologist and
history, environmentalist, Dr. Plotkin. In my research, I was able to
geography, and analyze the impact of history on the Amazon tribespeople and
socio-cultural their use of hallucinogenic drugs in their rituals. Additionally, I
dynamics on learned the significance and challenges of the geographical
 location that many tribespeople face. Socio-cultural dynamics of
the Amazon tribespeople are affected by environmental
destruction and commercialization. Groups, like the Amazon
from a variety of
Conservation Team, are able to protect the Amazon
tribespeople’s rituals and spread their message on a global scale.
In Latinos in Medicine in the United States, we were able to
complete a comprehensive final project. Through this final
project, I created a website detailing the history of Mexican and
Mayan herbal remedies. Geographically, I focused my study on
Mexico and the land of the Mayans. The impact of the herbal
remedies has a great socio-cultural impact in our society today.
Many people from Mexico or of Mexican descent utilize herbal
remedies, and modern health care professionals do not study
these in depth. The folklore surrounding these herbs and rituals
often overshadows their practical applications in the healthcare
field. From a cultural lens, I understand the importance of
upholding the traditions through the use of the herbal remedies.
In a language aspect, I wrote the website in sections of Spanish
and English so that all who view my website can understand.

From a medical and scientific perspective, I did understand the
apprehension of modern medical professionals treating patients
with herbal remedies that have not been tested by reputable
organizations like the FDA.

Analyze current X During the Spring semester of 2019, I was able to take Liturgy
and historical and the Sacrament with Dr. Martino. Our final paper was called
events through A Blessed Life: Benedictine Guidelines for Those Who Long for
the lens of Good Days. During this paper, I was able to analyze and
spirituality and comprehend the history of the Benedictine way of life. The
faith Benedictines have been around for hundreds of years, and they
have survived wars, plagues and horrible world events. Their
faith and structured way of life has survived to the modern day.
The monastic and Benedictine spirituality thrives on the silence,
hospitality, humility and prudence. In the class, we integrated a
field experience into our paper. Through our field trip, the
Benedictine nuns talked to us about their survival in the present
day. At St. Emma’s monastery, they are completely self-
sufficient. Currently, they operate a bed and breakfast, own a
large amount of farmland and host religious retreats for those
who wish to attend. Through all of this, the Benedictine nuns
have integrated their faith into their work and survived to this

Assess privilege X During my Western Cultures 1 and 2, I took these courses online
and oppression through Westmoreland County Community College and these
from the courses were approved through the university. During these
perspective of courses, I participated in online discussions with my other
culture, race, classmates and teacher. For the gender aspect, we discussed the
class, and 
 treatment of women before and after the passing of the 19th
amendment in 1920 allowing women to vote. The disparity of
treatment of women was discussed heavily in our course, and we
discussed the profit that men experienced throughout history. For
race, we talked about the slave community and the disparity that
African Americans faced. The slave owners prospered
monetarily from having slaves because they were having their
work done for them. For the Western Cultures 2, we talked about
the Holocaust to incorporate culture and race. I was able to watch
animations and read articles about the Holocaust. These horrible
events raged its oppression on lower class individuals, people of
various religious values that Hitler’s regime did not agree with
and physically or mentally disabled people. Those who fit into
the perfect stereotype of Hitler’s regime were privileged. The
people who did not fit into this perfect perspective were heavily
oppressed and often to death.

In the first weeks at Seton Hill University, through my
connections course, we were able to attend a drug and alcohol
seminar. Through this presentation, the speaker said something
that still impacts me to this day. In talking about his battle with
drugs and alcohol, he made the comment that drugs have no
gender, race, age or class of people. Using and abusing drugs and
alcohol has the potential to impact anyone who comes in contact
them. As the conversation proceeded, the speaker addressed the
point of statistics that exist about correlations between drug use
and various genders, socio-economic classes and other things
like this. Then, he said the statistics do not take into account the
impact that drug and alcohol abuse on the persona effected and
their family and friends. Whether an individual is privileged or
oppressed, male or female, from a different culture, of a different
race or of a varied socio-economic class, drugs and alcohol do
not care. The effect of the decision to use and abuse drugs and
alcohol affects the individual, their family and their friends for
the rest of their lives. I never understood the gravity of that
seminar until this past January when a close family friend lost his
battle with drug addiction. In addition to this immense impact on
my personal life and professional career, this out of class
example is being looked at under the lens of culture, gender, race
and class.

III. Multiple Modes of Inquiry

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity


Partially Met

Not Met

Generate and X Through my introductory statistics course, my final project was

analyze to gather data on the average weight of baby octopi. The
numerical and statistical output was generated in PSPP, a free statistical
scientific data software provided by the university. The data was then analyzed
to find the mean weight of the octopi at various ages in several
different environments.

In Organic Principles laboratory, during my freshman year, we

did recrystallization of a solution. The crystals were generated
from solution and analyzed using a specialized piece of
equipment. The IR or infrared spectroscopy machine was utilized
to analyze peaks that coincided with different functional groups

found in the crystals. The recrystallization product was weighed
to see how much was lost during the recrystallization process.
The weight and the INR data were generated, analyzed and
organized in a laboratory report.

Locate and X During my online abnormal psychology class through

analyze Westmoreland County Community College, the course included
expressive many discussions and book readings. As further enrichment, I
media to gain had the opportunity to locate educational videos on
information or psychological disorders to enhance my knowledge. I took
comprehend the advantage of this opportunity to further comprehend the stigma

 significance of mental health. I located two videos, one on Schizophrenia and
another on Eating Disorders (binge eating disorder and
of an issue or an
anorexia). I analyzed the etiology and other factors of those
diseases through the specific cases given in the films. The
information gained helped me comprehend more about the
diseases and the significant impact of those diseases on the
patient and their family and friends.

In my Liturgy and the Sacrament class, we discussed, in detail,

the significance of Moses and the Burning Bush. This is a well-
known and significant story in the Bible. In summary, the
burning bush represents the nature and holiness of God and
Moses’ reaction to this concept. In the course, my professor, Dr.
Martino, integrated several images of Moses and the Burning
Bush. The media was analyzed for its significance of the biblical
event of Moses and the Burning Bush. In addition to Moses and
the Burning Bush, Dr. Martino showed several images of modern
art by Andy Warhol in the same unit. The purpose of analyzing
the modern art was to see that although the artwork was created
in the modern era, there are timeless principles and lessons that
can be taken from these artworks. An additional purpose was to
see that people can have different interpretations of the same
exact thing and all of the people can have a valid point.

Organize and X As a part of the CCK Soup Sale team, I have the pleasure of
manage organizing and managing the sale. Because of this, there are
resources in a many resources and moving parts that have to be taken into
creative way to account in order to achieve the largest impact. For this semester,
achieve impact in specific, I was able to organize the sign up list to spread out
the help in a creative and cohesive manner in order to achieve the
most impact. This is a powerful concept for the sale because it
allows us, as a team, to sell enough soup with the necessary help
and send as many kids as possible to summer camp. The impact
that we would like to achieve this semester is raise $3,000, which
would be enough money to send three children to camp free of


Another example occurred during my biochemistry class. As a

presentation, a partner and I presented on the impact of niacin.
There was a paper written and research organized in a creative
and cohesive manner. To make it even more creative, my partner
and I presented a PowerPoint in class. During the PowerPoint,
my partner and I included fun, themed pictures (meme’s) and a
final portion of question and answer to get our peers and
professor involved in the process. I believe that the information
was conveyed, but furthermore, the highest impact was achieved
when my partner and I saw that our peers were able to retain and
participate in our presentation.

As a part of the Physician Assistant Club, we put on a yearly

event called the Blessing Bag Project. This project entailed
organizing the donations and the items that we exactly needed
to make the bags. We collected all of the items through generous
donations and managed the items by sorting them into individual
gym bags to hand them out to the homeless and underserved
population in Pittsburgh. The Physician Assistant Club students
got together the week before we went into Pittsburgh, had pizza
and physically put together the bags. The greatest impact was
achieved when the homeless and underserved individuals were
able to help them and put a smile on their face through the simple
act of giving them basic toiletries, nonperishable snacks and
clothing items. We oftentimes take for granted the things that we
can quickly grab from our cupboards or run in and buy from
Walmart, but this is not a reality for everyone. It was humbling
and impactful to realize how one small act could change
someone else’s life for the better.

Find, evaluate, X For my General Chemical Principles laboratory freshman year,

and apply my final lab report was entitled the Determination of pH. In my
information report, there are specific sections where I was able to locate
information in my laboratory materials and reputable websites.
This is outlined in the history and theory section of my lab report.
I found this information from Amrita Online Lab, through the
Ministry of Electronics and Informational Technology.
Additionally, I evaluated the sources’ information for validity
and pertinence to my experiment. Through the course of the
experiment, I was able to outline the procedure and complete the
procedure. The information learned from the history, theory and
class lecture was applied into the final data gathered at the end
of the experiment and culminated into a final lab report.

Interpret X During my spring semester of my sophomore year, I took a class
quantitative and called Logic and Argument with Dr. Baumeister. This course
qualitative was unlike anything I had ever taken before, but I really enjoyed
information to the class and learned a lot from the course and the information
present a logical taught. Throughout the course, we were able to complete
 problem sets from the information that was taught in class. For
quantitative information, I was able to utilize numerical data
based on
and symbols to draw a close to an argument. In effect, I was
supporting data
able to prove and argument through symbols and numerical data.
In a specific example, the professor for the course gave problem
sets. Our final problem set of the course was mostly for
quantitative logic. To define this, I was able to present a logical
argument based on the supporting quantitative data and
associated principles learned in class. An example problem, in
looking back at previous assignments, was to use the rules of
propositional logic, rules of equivalence, postulates of the system
and/or valid argument forms to prove each case. An example
problem is as follows: R⊃¬ B, D∨R, B /∴D. I was able to use the
principles learned to interpret the quantitative data to present and
ultimately prove my argument for why this specific argument is
valid. It was a different way of learning and thinking. For
qualitative data, I was able to utilize the word expressions to
prove an argument utilizing based on the supporting
information given at the stem of the problem. Examples of
qualitative arguments was to analyze syllogisms for their
relevance and analyze the mood, premises, conclusion and
validity of a syllogism. I was able to prove an argument with
words in a logical process.

In our Physician Assistant seminar course, this fall, we are

learning to take an HPI or History of Present Illness on a patient.
Through the eleven step process, we take quantitative and
qualitative data to draw a logical conclusion to treat our patient
based on their present symptoms and signs (supporting data). As
an example of quantitative data, we ask, “What is the quantity
of the pain on a scale of 0-10?” The patient will respond with a
number. That interpretation of the quantitative data, given from
the patient, can help the provider to administer pain medication,
order various tests and labs and can ultimately help make the
patient more comfortable while they await diagnosis and
treatment. Additionally, when the medical provider interprets
the quantitative data of the pain scale, the number given by the
patient is based off of the patient’s previous experiences with
pain. In turn, the number recorded by the medical provider must
be followed by appropriate action based on the supporting
data. For example, if a patient’s pain is a 5 out of 10, then the

provider must document and take appropriate action to
effectively treat this patient’s pain based on the supporting data
of the medical case. An example of a qualitative data, we will
ask, “What does the pain feel like, is it sharp, dull, stabbing or
achy?” The patient will respond with their feeling on the pain. In
addition to those questions and the other nine, utilizing a logical
process, the provider will use the qualitative and quantitative
information to draw a logical conclusion.

IV. Self Reflection and Assessment

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity


Not Met

Demonstrate X In my Logic and Argument class, taken in the Spring semester

ethical of 2019, my final project was a culmination of all the work and
decision- concepts we had learned during the class. The basis of my
making project was to utilize logical and ethical decision making to
grounded in delve into why I decided to become a Physician Assistant
philosophical student. To analyze this concept even further, I decided to split
inquiry up the presentation into my past experiences, present time at
Seton Hill and hopes for the future. To specifically meet this
objective, I will touch on the future aspect of my project. I
utilized an article called Logic in the Field of Medicine, as well
as, many principles from logicians and philosophers as
Aristotle, Kant, Arnold and Nicole. Grounded in the
principles of the philosophers, article and my personal hopes,
I summarized my decision to become a Physician Assistant
student and how I plan to carry these principles of ethical
decisions making into my future profession. Drawing from the
Logic in the Field of Medicine article, logic and ethical
decision making involves collecting proof, checking for
misinformation and drawing a logical and ethical conclusion
based on inference and experience. In my future profession, as
a medical professional, I will have to make numerous ethical
decisions grounded in the philosophy of the Hippocratic oath.
Apply Catholic X In the J-term class I took with Dr. Leap, Faith, Religion and
social teaching Society, I wrote a final paper on Catholic Social Teaching
to the analysis principles. Through this assignment, I was able to analyze the

of contemporary issue of disparities in insurance coverage in
contemporary the United States of America. To further illustrate that there
social issues is a disparity, I compared the insurance systems of Australia,
Switzerland, England and Switzerland. Out all of the countries
insurance systems compared to the United States, the United
States has the lowest overall ranking based on quality and yet
has the highest cost based on GDP per capita. I defined this as
a major issue, and I deemed it necessary that there must be a
change. To apply Catholic Social Teaching, I tied in the last
portion of my paper to these important social teaching
principles. No system is perfect and there is room to
improve, but the bottom line is that each person deserves
quality healthcare. To connect this solution with the
principles of Catholic Social Teaching, a direct quotation from
my paper, “Each person at every stage of life is entitled to be
treated with the respect they deserve. In God’s eyes, we are all
equal in His gracious activity. Treat others as you would want
to be treated. If we expect quality medical care for ourselves,
we should also aid in providing it for our neighbors.”

In my Organic Chemistry lab that I took my second

semester of freshman year, we wrote a paper connecting the
principles of Catholic Social Teachings in connection with
hexavalent chromium and oxoammonium salts. Taken from
my lab report, “When alcohol oxidation is performed, there are
two oxidants commonly used…The first, hexavalent
chromium, has several health and environmental concerns that
deem it undesirable to use in laboratory experiments.” Upon
further research through the California Environmental
Protection Agency, the California EPA urges families to be
conscious of soils containing hexavalent chromium. In
specific, the hexavalent chromium has been shown to cause
lung cancer, especially in those individual with increased
exposure to environmental toxins such as painters and welders.
Additional health problems include nasal and sinus cancers,
kidney and liver damage, eye damage and nasal irritation. The
CST principles of caring for God’s environment and treating
our for our fellow neighbor as we would want to be treated both
connect because of these environmental problems causing
serious health issues in individuals who are exposed to
hexavalent chromium.
Recognize the X In my J-term Faith, Religion and Society class, I was able to
value of diverse delve into several major world religions, such as Islam,
spiritual and Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Hinduism. To understand
religious these fascinating world religions, I was able to read and analyze
perspectives various religious articles. This variety of religious

perspectives have showed me the value and power in diversity
that the world has to offer. I was able to see the religious
perspectives in the real world by attending and actively
participating in two field experiences. First, I visited a Mosque
in Monroeville and shared a meal with those attending their
religious services. Second, I also attended a visit to a Hindu
Temple. Through this visit, we were able to walk and watch the
worshippers offer items and food to their deities. Both of these
field experiences helped me to recognize the value in diverse
spiritual and religious groups. Additionally, the religious
perspectives can be applied to my future work as a Physician
Assistant. Patients with different religious views and spiritual
perspectives may have their beliefs play a role in their medical
decision making. As a medical professional, I will have to
understand their religious and spiritual perspectives and adjust
my plan of care.

Integrate the X As a part of the Physician Assistant club, we were able to

practice of volunteer at the Westmoreland County Food Bank. In addition
charity with the to volunteering our time, I was able to work with several
skill of justice different groups of people from various background, from
other university groups to juvenile detention groups. To
connect this with the practice of charity, I was able to help and
act upon the principles of good-will to the greater
Westmoreland County community. Additionally, I was able to
positively impact those families who have food disparities in
the home. This experience gave me the perspective that having
food in the fridge or in the pantry is not a reality that every
family experiences. Also, it gave me a more worldly and
compassionate understanding that it is important to give our
time to those in need whether it be at the food pantry or at any
other community organization helping others. Justice, in this
sense, is taken to mean the fair treatment of individuals and an
equal access to the resources. By volunteering at the Food
Bank, I was able to exercise good-will and enable the fair
treatment of others through this experience. The food boxes
that were prepared were able to be sent out so that everyone
impacted may have food to put on the table.

Exercise X As a citizen of the United States of America and at the age to

responsible vote, I have always appreciated the sacrifice that our men and
freedom and women in uniform make each and every day so that we may
civic have the right to vote and engage civically in our democratic
engagement government. During my time at Seton Hill, I took an online
based on an Western Cultures 2 class through the Westmoreland County
informed value Community College. During this course, I was able to read and
analyze the time period when women were able to vote through

 system the passing of the 19th Amendment in 1920. This historic event
has shaped American history forever, and as an American
woman, it is my belief and duty to keep updated on politics and
make informed decisions based on the evidence presented.

Another example of exercising responsible freedom was that I

was able to donate my non-perishable food items at the end of
the semester to the food pantry. Because of the rich education
of Catholic Social Teaching at Seton Hill and my own personal
morals and values, I do not throw something away that could
greatly impact someone else’s life. Indeed, I had the choice to
either throw them away or put them to use for someone else to
enjoy. My unused items were going to a greater cause. Because
of my choice to do so, based on my own moral system shaped
by the university’s CST, I was able to exercise responsible
freedom and share with those whom I may never meet. It is a
humbling thought that items that I no longer need would be
able to help someone else in need.


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