Debbie Joins Politech

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Debbie Joins Politech

By Mermaid Master

Debbie was wondering just what her new boss would be like, as she followed her new
employer down the corridor. Hopefully, he wouldn‟t be too much of the dominant male that
seemed to categorize many managers in the new way the world was heading.

They arrived at his door and the man, Winchell he said his name was, knocked loudly.
“Come in” a voice said and Winchell opened the door and entered. I timidly followed and a
handsome looking man rose from his desk and greeted us.

George Kennedy, the Politech Corporation‟s staff attorney, wondered where his
temporary PA was. Here at Politech, the managers no longer had secretaries. Instead they had
personal assistants and the job entailed much more than just the kind of office work that was
done in companies before the depression. The worldwide depression and near total economic
collapse had some pretty powerful effects on society. The women‟s liberation movement was
one of the most prominent casualties. As women had moved into many of the most prominent
political and business positions, they seemed destined to rise to total equality with men. Then
disaster struck. The world economy nearly collapsed and blame was placed on the women in
charge. That quickly spread to placing blame on women for many of the world‟s ills and a desire
grew to have the world return to the days when men were in charge and women served them. At
the same time, the sexual revolution continued and in the chaos, the two merged.

Beginning in Europe, especially in Germany, pressure built to have women totally submit
to men. A very few companies began to adopt this idea and were extremely successful. Some of
the university academics began to examine the phenomenon and found that the spirit at these
companies was very strong. They scratched their heads and didn‟t know what to make of it.
Still there was curiosity and so they investigated further. Sick days had dropped and production
was way up. When they checked further, they found that both sexes were healthier and better

The movement spread like wildfire. The rest of Europe began to change their laws to
allow this kind of treatment of women and the companies followed with amazing results. The
economy started to shoot up. Of course there were winners and losers. Women who refused to
play along, soon found themselves unable to work. Worse, this was not considered a
compensable situation so they ended up in desperate straits. Some of them had to resort to
becoming sex workers just to have some income.

Getting a job, though, meant putting up with what had been called sexual harassment. It
was widely denounced by remnants of what had been the Women‟s Lib movement but in some
countries, like Germany, that was now illegal. The education system began to change as well
and to prepare girls to work, sex education was substantially expanded and became a very
practical approach. It was much slower in the United States. The laws were changing but
socially there was still resistance. Women wanted to work for smaller companies where there
was a bit more of an old fashioned approach but the
larger the company, the more they were oriented
around the improvements that the new approach

Politech was an international conglomerate

with offices in many countries. They had decided
to expand with a major facility in the United States
but for a variety of reasons they elected to open in
the mid-east. George had decided to come out here
after a few years of practice as an attorney in New
York and the new company appealed to him. They
were looking for an attorney to represent them on
staff rather than hiring an outside firm. He was
hired by Winchell Yeung, the Director of Sales,
who was really the head honcho.

Winchell introduced the candidate and gave

her a little push. George graciously asked her to sit
down. “So, you want to come to work for Politech.
Have you worked for other companies?”

“No, sir, this is my first job.”

“So you are just out of school?”

”No, if you look at my resume, you will see I have a college degree and I was employed
by PoliTech as a Management trainee in New York.”

“Oh really? I was a lawyer there before I came here.”

“I worked my way up to a Marketing Account Manager, before the closures and I was
forced to re-locate here to Kansas.”

“So it‟s a matter of finding you a spot or letting you go. Well I don‟t handle marketing
and I don‟t think they have any openings. All I have for you is to be my personal assistant. It
would be a step down but I suppose it‟s better than unemployment. Especially since you are
being offered this and would be ineligible for severance or compensation.”

“I know that, sir. I am ready to accept.”

“You are, are you?” He laughed. “I want to see your assets first.

“Well, sir, all you have to do is look at my resume. I think I have a lot to offer the

“I think you may as well but I would like to have a better look. Sand up.”
Debbie looked confused but reluctantly stood up.

“Now turn around. Let me look at you.”

She quickly turned, embarrassed by the humiliating order.

“Not bad,” he said. “Do you understand what a PA does?”

“I‟m not sure,” she said with obvious discomfort. She had heard rumors about it but
wasn‟t 100% sure they were true. Was she really going to have to submit to him sexually? She
had very mixed feelings about that. He was a handsome man but it would be so humiliating to
have to submit that way.

“Debbie, we run this company according to the new social order. Women are expected,
as their first duty, to take care of the men. It is the natural order and it works well for everyone.
Now I want to see what you look like. Please take off your vest.”

She stared at him in amazement. She didn‟t know what to do. She wanted to just walk
out but where would she go? Still, she didn‟t think he would take this too far. It was probably
just the kind of hazing any new employee would get. She decided to go along with it and took
off her vest and laid it on the desk.

“Very nice figure. Now your skirt.”

She looked at him again, not quite believing him.

“Go on, take it off.”

She unbuttoned the tight, short skirt and let it fall. Then she laid it over the side of the
desk in his inbox. She stood there in just her bra and panties with her pantyhose covering her

“I see you are wearing pantyhose.”

She was confused. “Yes sir.”

“Pantyhose is a violation of the company dress code. We do not allow that sort of thing
here. And as far as that goes, your dress generally is completely unsuitable. Your skirt was
much too long and your outfit was just not conducive to a collegial atmosphere. We will have to
have you change as soon as this interview is over.”

Change? She thought. That would be great! It was the first sign that she was going to be
hired and she would dress however he wanted if that would get her the job.
“Alright, let‟s get that bra off.”

She was embarrassed and didn‟t know what

to do. She turned around away from him,
postponing for the last moment having to reveal
herself to him. Reaching back, she unhooked her
bra and laid it on the chair.

Mortified, she tried to cover herself with her

hands but George was having none of it. “Turn
around to face me,” he ordered. “Put your hands
on your head.”

Doing that made her feel totally defenseless.

It wasn‟t like he could touch her, sitting across the
desk as he was, but he stared at her.

“I want you to understand very clearly that

when you violate a company rule, it is up to me, as
your manager, to determine the punishment. You
have agreed to this as an employee. Now come
over here and I will remove that pantyhose.”

“But sir, I can do it myself.”

“Then it should have been done before you came to work. Come over here.”

With the utmost reluctance, Debbie turned around and faced George, still covering her
breasts with her hands. He snorted impatiently and she moved closer to him. He looked up at
her and said, “Put your hands down, you silly girl.”

As she let her hands fall to her sides, George tucked his fingers in the waistband of her
pantyhose and began to pull it down. He face was close enough that his hair brushed against her
breasts and she wanted desperately to pull back but didn‟t dare. He continued to work the
pantyhose down lower but didn‟t try to remove her panties. She inwardly sighed with relief,
hoping he would be content with just taking the pantyhose off.

The pantyhose dropped loose her her feet and he told her to step out of it. When she did,
he bent down, picked it up with two fingers as if it was totally distasteful and dropped it into the
wastebasket. “Don‟t wear that again,” he told her sternly.

“Yes, sir,” she replied in a meek voice.

He looked her slowly up and down, from head to toe, once again. “Very nice,” he said.
“OK, let‟s take off the panties.”

Before he had a chance to do it for her, she hooked her fingers in the band and dropped
them to her feet.
“Good. Now there is just the matter of
punishment for wearing illegal clothing.” He
pushed his wheeled chair back and stood up.
Moving over to the strange chair by his desk he
said to her, “This is my naughty girl chair. I use
this when we have to correct you.” He took a seat
and leaned back. Then he reached out and took her
by the wrist. Giving her a firm pull, he yanked her
over his lap, face down.

She squealed in surprise as she found

herself in the classic spanking position. She was
already beyond mortified when he told her, “Spread
your legs.”

She felt totally exposed and helpless but to

her further embarrassment, she could fell herself
getting damp. This was just getting worse and

George put a hand around her waist and pulled her in close. He was in no hurry. He
began to feel the soft skin of her bottom and caught a little moan as he did so. He smiled. Then
he smacked her without any warning. She yelped and kicked her leg. He then did the same to
initiate the other cheek. Getting a firm grip on her waist, he began to spank her.

One smack followed another and her bottom turned pink and then red. She kicked and
squirmed but suddenly she could feel George‟s thing getting hard under her. She didn‟t know
what to do. Her bottom was on fire but the worst thing was that the fire was spreading between
her legs and feeling his manhood so close was making it worse.

Things were happening too fast for Debbie. She was going along with what he was doing
because there was no real alternative. It got to a point where she just lay across his lap and him
do as he wished.

The sudden smack on her left buttock brought her back to life with a jolt! He repeated the
spank on the right cheek, causing her to kick her legs which she then clenched together as she
realized he would be getting a clear view of her intimate parts. As he continued to lambast her
rear, she managed to restrict her cries to sort of grunts, but could not stop herself from wriggling
around on his lap.

Beneath her, Debbie could feel him growing harder as he continued the spanking. Her
butt was getting hot and she assumed, very red. There was however, heat growing in her groin as
well and she found herself getting aroused! It almost seemed that the hornier she got, the less she
felt the spanks and forgot about trying to keep her legs closed. Before long, she was wriggling
around on top of the large lump in his trousers and kicking her legs around all over the place.
Having a naked and extremely attractive girl wriggling frantically over his lap was
starting to get to George. Then he realized how turned on she was getting. This was a rare
treasure. She was most certainly a keeper.

He stopped spanking her and helped her to stand up. He didn‟t hesitate to put his hands
on her as he did. She stood there breathing hard and he looked at her. “You understand as my
personal assistant, you will be expected to take care of me in any way necessary.”

She nodded. “Yes, sir.” She had a pretty good idea what was coming.

“Normally I would just have you kneel and take care of me but I am impressed by your
cooperation. I‟ll tell you what. If you do as I say, I will let you off the rest of your
punishment…” He glanced at her as he said that and saw her startled look. “IF.” he continued,
you will just straddle the chair and deal with both of us that way.”

He held out his arms and she hesitated. There was no question about what he wanted her
to do. She looked at him. He was a handsome, powerful man who was now her boss. Worse,
she needed relief as well. She went over close to him and spread her legs to straddle the chair.
As she did so, she came down close to him.

“Unzip my pants,” he told her.

She reached between her own legs and did as she was told. His erect organ immediately
poked out and she couldn‟t resist touching it hesitantly.

George groaned. “Sit down,” he ordered.

Debbie squirmed her way in closer and lowered herself on the stiff cock below her. She
could feel it entering her body and sending waves of pleasure through her. The heat from her
well spanked bottom merged with the lust in her loins and she threw her head back and began to
bob on his lap.

George found her large breasts pressed into his face and he was in heaven. He could feel
her gripping his cock but he couldn‟t move because of her weight. For the moment, she was in
control and he loved it.

From the moment she slid down on his very stiff cock, Debbie knew she was in control
and she wasn‟t going to let him go until she had enjoyed the experience to the max. She moved
slowly on him at first, sometimes raising herself before sliding down again so he was deep inside
her. Then she would rock backwards and forwards on him, gripping his cock as tightly as she
could with the muscles of her cunt. Her movements gradually sped up until she was riding him
harder and faster.

“Suck on my nipples,” she ordered and was delighted as he hungrily did as she bid. Her
actions became faster and faster, until she was riding him for all she was worth. Her juices she
could feel running down her legs and soaking his trousers. It soon became obvious that he was
close to cumming, and Debbie was ready also. She stopped humping and slid almost off his
cock and then slid down, sinking him deep inside her cunt. Gripping with her muscles, she did
this again and again. At about the fifth stroke, he let go and she felt him shoot deep in her and
then let herself go as well, slumping forwards onto him, her titties full in his face. Ohhhh bliss!

George was feeling a bit overwhelmed but it didn‟t last. He smiled at her and said, “OK
sweetie, time to stand up now. You are good but we expect you to work too. I don‟t think we
can have you wandering around the office naked but we can‟t let you dress in that,” he said in
disgust, motioning to the office clothes that were still piled on his desk. He looked her over with
an expert eye. I think I might have a change of clothes for you here that would be suitable.”

He stood up, zipped up his pants and went over to a drawer. Rummaging around, he came
back with a couple of skirts and blouses. “Here, see if one of these fits. You won‟t need a bra,
we don‟t usually allow them anyway and you can leave off the panties. You should be able to
borrow a pair of heels from one of the other girls. Come back when you are properly dressed
and I‟ll look you over.”

Debbie took the garments offered and scuttled out of his office, blushing bright red as she
ran the gauntlet of stares and smirks to the Ladies Room. The blouses George had given her were
both a size too small and had plunging necklines that barely concealed her breasts and without a
bra, her nipples were quite obvious beneath the thin stretchy material. She picked the pale blue

The skirts fitted alright, but were very short. One was a black pleated material and the
other was of a red stretch material and clung to her like a second skin. Both were so short that
they would have shown her panties... if she had any! Without, the skirts, both revealed her entire
upper thighs and her bottom if she bent over. Sighing, she decided on the black one, making an
outfit similar to that she had worn as a high-school cheer leader.

Seeing her as she emerged from the Ladies Room, the girls seemed to realize her problem
and gathered around sympathetically. She asked if anyone had a pair of shoes she could borrow
and a pair were found for her which, fortunately, fitted, although they were much higher heels
than she was used to. Thanking them all, she tottered to George‟s office and tapped gently on the

George took one look at her and fell in lust. He had rarely seem a more attractive woman.
He didn‟t even know what it was about her but he wanted her and he wanted her totally and
completely. George didn‟t spread it around but he was Gorean and when he wanted a woman,
unless there was some good reason, he intended to have her. She brought to mind one of his
favourite quotes, “One can prize and treasure, of course, only something which one owns; a free
person can be respected, and even loved, but cannot stand to another in that unique relationship
which is that of prize and treasure; to stand in that relationship a woman must be owned; further,
since each man, in his heart, desires a beautiful woman as a slave, he is, when he owns one, at
least in this respect, contented, satisfied and pleased; a contented, pleased, satisfied man is a
happy man, and a happy man is a kind man, and a generous man; he is jealous only of his
prerogatives over the slave; of course, when his heat is upon him, then he becomes less kind and
generous, and more the harsh master; she then, to her pleasure, well understands his dominance
over her; then her slavery is truly brought home to her; even among free lovers.” It was by John
Norman from Slave Girl of Gor.
He, of course, had a stunningly beautiful wife who was also his slave. But he was quite
entitled to have another one if he wanted it. He wasn‟t about to take any chances with her
though. This would be kept completely above board and open until he was ready to spring his
trap. Then it would be too late.

“What you are wearing now is excellent,” he told her, “so consider it the standard for the
office from now on.

“Now you are going to be my personal assistant from here on out but that will also
include some legal duties as well so you will make use of the paralegal training you have had.
You will, of course, keep track of everything including papers, appointments, deadlines and so
on. I see that you are not married so there should be no interference from your home life.
Perhaps one of these days, I will invite you to come home with me and have a nice home-cooked
meal. My wife is an excellent cook.” And, of course, you will be staying on indefinitely, he
added silently.

“Now some of your work will involve confidential files and accounts so I will be trusting
you, of course. Don‟t disappointment me.”

She assured him she would not and he dismissed her and went to work. This couldn‟t
have been more perfect. Ten minutes work revealed she was deeply in debt through no fault of
her own. Single women had a very tough row to hoe in the modern world. He wondered why
she hadn‟t gotten married and a few more minutes revealed that she had suffered a recent
breakup which was always hard on the woman. It was intentionally intended to induce them to
please their men. But it was to his good fortune that it worked out this way. In a few days, she
would be his.

George was nothing if not a man of decision. He decided he was going to have this girl.
He actually raised the issue with her, asking her is she had heard about the growing custom of
Gorean lifestyle. She shuddered and said she had heard a little and was obviously horrified by
the idea. She let drop that in spite of the changes in the law, there were some things that any
reasonable person would consider an obscenity. “Slavery is still illegal in the civilized world,”
she said with some pride.

“That is quite true, agreed George, although privately he knew that wasn‟t totally true.
They just didn‟t call it slavery.

George was fair with Debbie. He treated her pretty much as he did with the other office
girls but he kept a close watch on her. He also did some further investigation of her current
finances. She was having a lot of problems because of her poor family background and she did
want to live in a reasonable style. This forced her to pretty much stay on top of things and didn‟t
give her any leeway to lose her job or run into major financial problems. It also made his plans

One night of late work and he was ready. He went into Winchell‟s office with a grim
look. “I‟m afraid I have some bad news,” he said. It looks like some substantial amount of
money has been diverted.
“What?” came the outraged voice of his superior. Nothing could hurt Winchell more
than the loss of funds. “I‟m sorry to say that it appears to be my fault.”

“Your fault? What do you mean?”

“Well one of my girls was behind it. I just found out when it came up on a routine
voucher. We are talking about a substantial amount of money, too. It‟s a good thing I caught it
so early. She apparently got my code. What she didn‟t know was that we have fail-safe routines
and they worked. She apparently had the payments headed toward her parents which was what
gave her away.”

“George, that‟s not your fault. You couldn‟t have done anything. You caught her. Now
I want the money back.”

“That may not be so easy. What if she doesn‟t have it any more?”

“Then she is going to jail until we get it back. How much did she get?”

George told him and his eyebrows went up. “She was greedy, wasn‟t she? Did she think
we wouldn‟t catch her?”

George shrugged. “I‟m sorry. I guess there should have been more security.”

“It‟s hard to maintain it that tight against someone who works for you.”

A half hour later, George went into Debbie‟s office with the police. “You have
disappointed me,” he said to her.

She looked up puzzled. “What‟s wrong sir?”

“The money you stole. Did you think we wouldn‟t catch you?”

The blood drained from Debbie‟s face. “What money? I didn‟t take anything. I
wouldn‟t do that.”

“It‟s too late for that. We have the evidence.”

“What evidence? I didn‟t do anything.”

George just shook his head in disappointment. The police led her away in handcuffs.

It was two months later that they had a three way conference between the defendant as
represented by her attorney, the Judge and George and Winchell representing the victim. The
amount of money was far beyond what Debbie could repay. She continued to deny any guilt but
the money had been traced to her account. From there, it has been distributed to people she
knew, some relatives and most of it to an off-shore account that was suspected of being in the
control of a gambling ring.
“Given the amount of money she stole,” said the Judge, “I‟m afraid this calls for a long

“There is an alternative,” said George.

“What alternative?” asked Winchell suspiciously, “I know you liked her George but we
want the money, don‟t we?” he asked.

“Yes but where is she going to get that kind of money? Suppose she agrees to be sold as
an indentured servant,” said George.

“That is a good idea,” said Winchell.

“Would you be willing to drop the charges?” asked the defense attorney.

“Yes, if we could get a reasonable amount back, we would be willing to do that.” was
Winchell‟s answer.

The Judge agreed that no one really wanted to send her to prison so the defense lawyer
agreed to offer it to his client as an alternative. It was a new move for the increasing amount of
pressure on women who got into financial difficulties. They could offer themselves for bid and
the money would be used to retire their debts. It was normally for a term of anywhere from two
to five years, depending on the amount, and once it was done, although they didn‟t say that, the
women were reduced to slave status with absolute authority held by the men who bought the
contracts. Whatever was paid, legally retired the debt even if it wasn‟t the full amount. It was
seen as a merciful out for women who otherwise would be in much worse trouble. Their
ostensible “employer” held even more authority over them than a regular employer did with the
right to use whatever methods of persuasion were needed to ensure ongoing cooperation. To get
the most money, they were sold at auction.

The defense attorney took the offer back to his client.

Debbie was led into an interview room to see her defence lawyer. “Good news,” he said.

At last, thought Debbie, they have realized that I didn‟t do anything wrong and know I
am innocent. The last couple of months had been really tough in the prison. There were a range
of inmates, some really bad butch bitches who you tried to avoid, but one had tried to make
Debbie her own sex object and had beaten her up a bit when Debbie had refused her advances.

“They are prepared to let you pay off the debt and be released from here,” said her
lawyer. “All you will need to do is pay as much of the debt as possible and that will be the end
of it.”•

“What??? You mean they still think I did this!?” Debbie was aghast. “I have no real
money anyway!”•

“It is an alternative they can offer. All you need to do is offer yourself for say a 2 or 3
year period and someone can buy you with the money going to pay off your debt.”•
“What? You mean I work for someone for a year or two and they pay it off?” Debbie
was trying to get her head around this. “But I already have a job.”•

“You will probably be able to keep your job, but outside office hours, you will work and
live with whoever purchases you. The alternative, of course, is that you get sent to a maximum
security prison for probably about 6 years and will never get a job after that, so you would
probably have to live and prostitute yourself on the streets after that.”•

This was definitely not an option, thought Debbie. “So I just become a sort of maid for
someone then?”•

“Well, you will need to offer yourself when asked by the judge if you will accept this
offer, and then you will be offered for sale probably at an auction to get the most money. The
highest bidder will basically take over your life from then on.”•

“I don‟t like the sound of an auction. What if someone I don‟t like should buy me?”•

“Well, that would be unfortunate, but there is no other real alternative for you.”•

Debbie was desperate to get out of the prison and she could only imagine how much
worse the maximum security prison would be. She shook with fear and made up her mind that
whatever, being free again was imperative. “Alright, I will accept the offer. What will happen

“The judge will release you and you will be handed over to the department who organizes
the sale process.”

Debbie slumped, defeated as she was led back to her cell. This was an unimaginable turn
for the worse. She cried as she waited for whatever was next. After breakfast, the next day, she
was taken to the courtroom.

“Alright young woman,” said the stern judge, “are you ready to plead in this case?”

“Yes, your honor,” said the defense attorney.

“How do you plead?”

“Guilty, your honor, but willing to make recompense.”

“Are you ready to return the money?” the judge asked of Debbie.

When she just stood there silently, stunned, her defense attorney spoke up. “Your honor,
may it please the court, my client does not have the cash on hand to reimburse the company for
the funds that were stolen but she is willing to indenture herself for a period of two years to
recompense the loss.

“I don‟t know that two years is sufficient to cover such an amount. Is the victim‟s
representative present?”
George stood up. “Yes your honor. Given the amount stolen, we do not think that two
years is going to be sufficient. We think that a five year term is insure that we are

The judge gave Debbie a hard look as if he were appraising an automobile. “She is quite
a lovely young woman. I think that a three year contract will be sufficient.” He banged his gavel.
Defendant is to be put up for auction to serve as an indentured servant for a period of three years.
During that time she will be totally under the authority of her purchaser who may discipline her
as may be required to insure her total cooperation. At the end of that time, providing that she has
served well and paid off her debt to society and to the victim, she is free to return to normal

The judge knew this was unlikely. To all intents, he had just sentenced Debbie to a life of

She was taken from the courtroom back to the cell. Her attorney told her the auction
would be held in three days. They needed time to advertise it. He recommended that she let him
coach her a bit on how to be ready for the proceeding. If she didn‟t get a bid high enough to
cover her debt, the length of the sentence would be much increased.

“Debbie,” said the attorney, “I want you to think about how you are going to present
yourself. Let‟s face it, no one is going to pay this kind of money just to have you clean the house,
empty the trash and wash the dishes. You are going to go to work for a man and he is going to
want more. A great deal more,” he told her with a snide look. It will be up to you to convince
someone that you are so desirable and so attractive that he is willing to put up the money to
reimburse Politech. The sheriff will take you to the auction stage the day after tomorrow. Now if
you want, you can call me before that and I will run through the proceeding with you and help
you get ready or you may prefer to just deal with them on your own. That‟s up to you. The
sheriff will allow you to call me if you want my help. Good luck to you.”

Debbie slumped, defeated as she was led back to her cell. This was an unimaginable turn
for the worse. She cried as she waited for whatever was next. After breakfast, the next day, she
was taken to the courtroom.

“Alright young woman,” said the stern judge, are you ready to plead in this case?”

“Yes, your honor,” said the defense attorney.

“How do you plead?”

“Guilty, your honor, but willing to make recompense.”

“Are you ready to return the money?” the judge asked of Debbie.

When she just stood there silently, stunned, her defense attorney spoke up. “Your honor,
may it please the court, my client does not have the cash on hand to reimburse the company for
the funds that were stolen but she is wiling to indenture herself for a period of two years to
recompense the loss.
“I don‟t know that two years is sufficient to cover such an amount. Is the victim‟s
representative present?”

George stood up. “Yes your honor. Given the amount stolen, we do not think that 2
years is going to be sufficient. We think that a five year term is insure that we ae

The judge gave Debbie a hard look as if he were appraising an automobile. “She is quite
a lovely young woman. I think that a three year contract will be sufficient.” He banged his
gavel. Defendant is to be put up for auction to serve as an indentured servant for a period of 3
years. During that time she will be totally under the authority of her purchaser who may
discipline her as may be required to insure her total cooperation. At the end of that time,
providing that she has served well and paid off her debt to society and to the victim, she is free to
return to normal society.

The judge knew this was unlikely. To all intents, he had just sentenced Debbie to a life
of slavery.

She was taken from the courtroom back to the cell. Her attorney told her the auction
would be held in three days. They needed time to advertise it. He recommended that she let him
coach her a bit on how to be ready for the proceeding. If she didn‟t get a bid high enough to
cover her debt, the length of the sentence would be much increased.

“Debbie,” said the attorney, “I want you to think about how you are going to present
yourself. Let‟s face it, no one is going to pay this kind of money just to have you clean the
house, empty the trash and wash the dishes. You are going to go to work for a man and he is
going to want more. A great deal more,” he told her with a snide look. It will be up to you to
convince someone that you are so desirable and so attractive that he is willing to put up the
money to reimburse Politech. The sheriff will take you to the auction hall the day after
tomorrow. Now if you want, you can call me before that and I will run through the proceeding
with you and help you get ready or you may prefer to just deal with them on your own. That‟s
up to you. The sheriff will allow you to call me if you want my help. Good luck to you.”

All that night, Debbie contemplated her predicament. She could not see an answer to it
except to hope to attract someone who felt sorry for her, and would pay well for her services.
Services. She mulled that over as well and came to the conclusion that she would have to accept
his demands if he wanted sexual relations with her.

The next morning, she asked to see the sheriff, and requested a call to her lawyer.

“Ah, good morning Debbie,” he responded as he answered her call. “How can I help?”

She stammered out that she wanted him to visit and run through the auction proceedings
and help her prepare for it. He seemed pleased that she had asked him and said that it would
probably be as well if she knew what to expect. He arranged to visit that afternoon.

Debbie was returned to her cell and tried to relax and shed some of the tension that was
engulfing her.
The legal services lawyer came in to see her after lunch. “I am very glad to know you are
going to cooperate. Frankly, I hate to see a girl get sent to prison. Whatever you are in for as an
indentured servant, it is nothing compared to being in a women‟s jail. Now I know you probably
think that being a servant means you will be expected to clean someone‟s house and he might
make a pass at you.”

She nodded at him tentatively.

He sighed in resignation. “Debbie, I‟m sorry. No man is going to pay off your debt for
that. We call you an indentured servant but what you really are is a slave. The man who buys
your contract will consider that he owns you. Now certain things he can‟t do. He can‟t injure
you to a degree that requires hospitalization. He can‟t take your life. To that extent, you are
protected. Outside of that, you are legally required to obey any order that does not put you in
what the law calls reckless danger of grievous bodily harm. And he can punish you in any
manner he deems appropriate. within those guidelines, for any failure.

“Now you are still a free woman so you do have some choices left. You can just stand on
the stage and let the men bid without attempting to influence them. Or...” He looked at her with
an eyebrow raised, “you can do whatever you can to make them see you as an exceptionally
desirable girl. What constitutes desirable is going to differ from man to man, of course. So think
about the kind of man you want to own you. You are going to have about 10 minutes of free
time to allow the men to talk to you and to perform for them. That can include anything or
nothing. You can strip to show off your charms or just sit quietly. Some men may like one,
some will be attracted by the other. Think about the kind of man you want for a Master and what
he might be attracted to and then do your best to present that.

“Have you ever been disciplined?”

Her eyes got wide. “Only once when I was hired at Politech. It was awful! The man
spanked me like a little girl.”

“Well,” said the lawyer, “that is the most common form of discipline for indentured
servants so you can expect more of that.”

“That‟s terrible,” she said.

“That is your life from now on. You might just as well accept it. And there are rewards
as well. If you get on his good side, you can live quite a comfortable life. So that‟s it. Do you
have any questions?”

Debbie was stunned. She had realized that an “owner” might want some sexual favors
from her, but the idea he might be able to discipline her however he chose, well, that was almost

The only answer, was to try and attract a nice friendly buyer who would look after her
well she decided. She would play it by ear at the auction, and see if she could attract someone
good. Probably she thought, she would need to strip down to her underwear and then hope to
find a good buyer.
“What do most girls do on the stage?” she asked. “Surely not all men want sexual favors
and discipline their girls do they?”

Well Debbie,” he said, “Let‟s face it. This is a new world. Men aren‟t coming here to
hire a babysitter. You‟ve had the courses at the high school, you‟ve worked a little bit, seriously,
what do you expect?”

She couldn‟t look at him even though she knew he really was trying to represent her.
“It‟s not my place to tell you what to do. You know what you are looking for and you only get
one chance. If he isn‟t happy, he‟s going to turn you into whatever he wants. Now let‟s face it.
In the old days, a woman would think, better anything than dishonor. They‟re going to put you
up for auction and a man is going to buy you. He can‟t seriously injure you and he can‟t kill you
but he can make you wish you were dead if he wants to. Now will you give it your all?”

With the utmost reluctance, she hesitantly agreed. “Excellent,” he said. “We might as
well get on with it,” he said as he called over the deputy.

“Alright dear, you might as well strip.”

“WHAT!? But my lawyer told me I don‟t have to if I don‟t want to!”

“Sorry, ma‟am, new rules. The men want to see the merchandise.

She turned to him frantically, “ but you said,”

“I know I did,” he interrupted, “but they put in some new regulations and does it really

She frowned and looked like she was about to cry.

“Look, ma‟;am, said the deputy in a kind voice, it‟s better if you do now, otherwise they
can do it for you.”

She looked around frantically but no help was visible. With tears freely falling, she
gradually began to remove her clothing.

Then, of all things, a familiar voice. She looked and saw George walking up to her,
obviously representing the company. He looked over her almost clothed figure carefully as she
stood there.

The day of the auction had come much too quickly for Debbie. She couldn‟t DO
anything about it but she would just as soon have put it off longer. Possibly forever. Desperate,
she said to George, “Please sir, I beg you, can you let me keep my clothes on?”
George looked surprised but then the bigger surprise came. “Deputy, I represent the
plaintiff in the matter. This is pretty much under control now. I think we can let the lady stay

“Well I don‟t know,” said the deputy and then George called him aside and spoke to him
for a few minutes. When they came back, he told Debbie, “Alright, we are going to make an

Debbie almost fainted with relief as she looked to George with great thanks.

The sheriffs took her out of the jail and marched her across the street to where the auction
was to be held. She didn‟t see anyone else, which surprised her a bit, but perhaps it wasn‟t that
common, she didn‟t know. At least they let her wear something decent. She was afraid they were
going to make her stand naked which would have been worse than she could imagine. This
almost seemed ordinary and she could tell herself it was almost like another job. Then she looked
over past the man in charge and saw George striding up. She wasn‟t sure how she felt about that.
In some ways it would have been better if no one knew here but in a way, it was sort of
comforting to have someone she knew. Then she realized he was there to make sure that the
company got their illegal money because she knew she hadn‟t stolen it and a hot surge of rage
flew through her. But it didn‟t last. She was totally helpless and whoever paid her fine would get

Then the bidding opened. It was much like any other auction but the men were bidding
on HER! The auctioneer made it clear this would be for a five year term. Indentured servant, he
called it but she knew it was code for slave. There were a few bids and then silence. The bidding
hadn‟t met the requirements. Maybe if it wasn‟t enough, they would call it off. Then George
came over to talk to the auctioneer. She couldn‟t hear much but then she heard the auctioneer
say, “Well Mr. Kennedy, if that‟s what you want
to do.”

“I think it will work out well for

everyone,” she could hear him say.

The auctioneer walked over to Debbie

and said, “ Well dear, looks like Mr. Kennedy
has just purchased your contract. You will be
working for him for the next five years unless he
decides to transfer the contract.”

“I‟ll take her, Deputy, you can let her

loose,” George said.

“All right, if you are sure, sir.”

“Yes, put these on.” He handed the

deputy a pair of heavy leather wrist-cuffs which
made a nice substitute for the metal cuffs he
took off. There was a ring that connected them so her hands were still locked behind her back.

George guided her like he would a dog on a leash and herded her over to his car. He
didn‟t talk much until she had been pushed into the back seat and he closed the door and got in to

As they pulled away, he said to her, “Well, Debbie, you seem to have gotten yourself into
quite a predicament. You are fortunate that I decided to buy your contract. You will be joining
my household. My wife is expecting you, as a matter of fact. As an indentured servant, you will
actually fit in very well. We are Gorean. You may have heard of the movement. It is based on
some fictional books that came out around the turn of the century. When the economic
revolution changed everything, it skyrocketed in popularity. Now, when someone enters a
Gorean marriage, it has the force of law. Are you familiar with Gorean customs?”

When Debbie murmured something non-committal, he went on, saying, “The essence of
the Gorean philosophy is something the author said: „Deep in the belly, too, of every female is a
desire more ancient than the caves, to be forced to yield to the ruthless domination of a
magnificent, uncompromising male, a Master; deep within them they all wish to submit,
vulnerably and completely, nude, to such a beast. This is completely clear in their fantasies;
Earth culture, of course, gives little scope to the blood needs of the beauties of our race;
accordingly, these needs, frustrated, tend to express themselves in neurosis, hysteria and
hostility. Technology and social structures, following their own dynamics, integral to their own
development and expansion, have left behind the pitiful rational animals who are their builders
and their victims. We have built our own cage, and defend it against those who would shatter its
locks.‟ Of course that was when he first wrote the series but over the years, society has seen the
error of its ways and now understands that it is natural for a man to be in charge.

“That‟s really all Gorean philosophy is, the idea that men are in charge. Totally. And
women, well, if they are not in charge at all, then they are what? In the Gorean approach, they
are one who has no power at all. We call them slaves. In token of that, you will have certain
customs you are expected to follow. My wife and I will teach them to you. It‟s really not that
much or that different from working at Politech or any other large organization. You have to
please the bosses. That‟s all you have to do now. I am your boss and all you have to do is please

“Of course pleasing me means totally and completely in any way I wish. But you do
pretty much the same at the office; this is just a tiny bit more, really. You will have a few things
to learn, of course. And we will help you.

“Do you have any questions? I give you permission to ask.”

Debbie had plenty of questions!!!!

“When you say just a tiny bit more than at the office, just... well... what do you mean? I
don‟t know anything about Gorean things, but it sounds a bit as if it is a man‟s world, where
women are simply slaves and I guess do all the work. Does your wife agree with what you do or
does she have no choice?
“And come to think of it, why did you bother to buy me if she is already your slave and
what are these strange customs you talk about?”

George didn‟t answer at first. He helped her into the car. Then he got behind the wheel
and drove off. He glanced at her and saw how confused she was. “Didn‟t they teach you
anything in your classes in high school?”

She just shrugged.

“Goreans believe that the natural and desired state for women is slavery. They
themselves want this. My wife is legally a slave and she cannot change that but she pleaded with
me to make her my slave. You will meet her and talk to her and she will be able to answer
questions as a women. As for women being slaves, they most certainly are.” He
grinned. “Somehow I think you imply that this is a bad thing. It is fitting and what they really
want. It makes them blossom. As for doing all the work, do you work hard?”

She nodded.

“Of course you do. And do you see me doing nothing all day?”

Again she nodded but this time in the negative.

“We just do different kinds of work.”

“But that‟s because women aren‟t allowed the opportunities any more,” she protested.

“Women had the opportunities and it was a disaster. Now the world has moved on. But
enough of this philosophy. Let me explain what you will be doing. I bought you because you
please me very much. You are a stunning, intelligent, desirable girl and I want you so I got

“But you can‟t just buy me like I‟m some sort of possession.”

“Excuse me but I just did. Now here we are at my home.”

They pulled into the driveway of a luxurious suburban home. “Before we go in, let me
just explain a bit more. You are now doing what amounts to a new job but you won‟t be doing
anything that is all that different from your work before. Only the emphasis will change. Before
you focused on doing the work because you wanted to keep me happy so you could get
paid. But if you didn‟t, you were punished, right?”

She nodded.

“Well now the emphasis is on pleasing me and doing whatever it takes to do that. That‟s
really all there is to it. And if you do that, you will have some rewards of your own. And if you
don‟t, well, it‟s the same as on the job, you get punished. The rest you will learn as we go on.

“Now let‟s go in.”

George was elated. This was the crowning moment of what he had planned. He ha set
Debbie up carefully for this moment. Everything he had told her was the absolute truth but he
knew she wasn‟t prepared for it. He had intervened before the auction to keep her confidence
up. He wanted her crash to be when she arrived. That‟s why he had stopped the usual
procedures which called for her to be stripped. She was about to meet Susan, his wife and then
she would see what slavery entailed.

He got out and went around to open her door and help her out. She was still bound; he
hadn‟t removed her cuffs.

He led her up to the door and opened it for her. She walked in front of him and then he
led her into another room where the sight
he had planned greeted her:

Debbie stopped like she had run

into a glass wall. “Will I have to be there
with her in future? She doesn‟t have
much on.” she said in a strangled voice.

“Good afternoon, Master. This

slave is ready to serve you in any way you
wish,” said the practically naked beauty.

“You will serve me in EVERY

way I wish,” said George. “I would like
you to meet Debbie. I just bought her.”

The girl kneeling on the floor

looked startled for a second and then said,
“Welcome to our home. Have you been a
slave long?”

Debbie looked at George. “No,

only about a half hour.”

“Oh dear,” said the other

girl. “Let me introduce this girl. She is
called Susan and she is so fortunate as to be Master‟s wife as well as his slave. She will be glad
to help you adjust to being a slave if you and Master would like.”

“I definitely would like that,” said George. “Debbie is going to be lost at first so I will
expect you to show her the ropes. Any mistakes on her part and you will both be spanked.”

Susan‟s eyes got wide. “Oh please Master. Not BOTH of us.”

“Yes, BOTH of you.”

Debbie watched this interplay and something about it just didn‟t seem right. Susan
seemed to be pretending that she was frightened.

Susan stood up and walked over to Debbie and to Debbie‟s surprise and shock, put her
arms around her and gave her a close hug. Debbie wasn‟t really comfortable with having
another woman who was almost naked, giving her a hug but she tolerated it.

“Master,” said Susan, “Do you want Debbie dressed properly?”

“I most certainly do. She is about your size so she should be able to wear the same thing.
The shoes may not be perfect but we will get her shoes if necessary.”

“Master, you have extra shoes for girls in different sizes. This girl is sure you have
something. Would you like this girl to take her and dress her?”

“No, I would rather see her strip first and then you can dress her, get her properly made
up and bring her back for her welcoming in.”

“Yes Master.”

Debbie stood there bewildered, not knowing what to do or say.

“Alright Debbie, I want you stripped and then Susan will take you and get you properly
dressed.” Then he realized she couldn‟t do anything since she was still bound. He laughed. “I
had better release your hands first. He went over to her and gave her a smack on the bottom.
“That is a deposit. You will get the rest later.” Then he released her hands.

She stretched out the kinks in her body, relieved to finally be free. At lease free of the
bonds for now. She realized he didn‟t take the cuffs off, just let her have the use of her hands

This was all very mystifying to Debbie. Having a near-naked woman hug her was
disconcerting but it was a relief to have her hands free again, even if the cuffs were still on. The
slap on the bum was not hard but the thought that it was a “deposit” didn't bode well.

“George... Sir," she stammered, unsure what to do or say. “Hi Susan, I'm Debbie,” she
managed at last. “Pleased to meet you,” Surely he wouldn't spank them both if she did
something the wrong way. That would hardly be fair on either of them while she was learning.

She looked from the practically naked Susan to George. Surely he didn't want her
dressed like that all the time... did he???

“Come with me, dear,” said Susan as she led the new girl away and upstairs. “This girl
knows it must be very confusing and bewildering to you. She is sorry but you will get used to it
fairly quickly.”

She led her into what was obviously a bedroom and opened a large closet. Then she took
out a few things and told Debbie to get undressed.
Debbie hesitated but she knew she either did it or she was sure George would come in a
strip her anyway and she didn‟t want that. So reluctantly, she took off what she had on. When
she was completely undressed, Susan handed her a garter belt and a pair of stockings to put on.
She looked at them in disbelief. “Surely George doesn‟t intend that I wear just that?”

She realized she had said it out loud, unintentionally. Susan replied, “This is what slaves
are required by Master to wear. It is what he likes. You will get used to it. It‟s a little hard to
dress this way when you leave the house but…” She just shrugged.

“Put them on please.”

Debbie put on the underwear and was then given a pair of extremely high heels. She sat
down on the bed to put them on and then took a couple of tentative steps.

Susan smiled at her. “You will learn to walk in them soon enough. Now we had better
get back to Master. He does not like to be kept waiting. Did you want to ask this girl anything?”

“Yes Susan...” Debbie wasn‟t sure if it was relevant. “What do you mean when you
said, „It‟s a little hard to dress this way when you leave the house‟?”

Susan smiled. This girl really had no idea. “Debbie, we dress this way all of the time.
This is what Master wants and if he wants for us to be seen this way, we will be seen this way by
everyone and anyone.” Susan smiled at her again. Debbie looked shocked. Then Susan
continued, “Don‟t worry, it gets easier." She smiled again, remembering a time when she had
asked the same question.

The surge of emotions that Susan was feeling inside was on the verge of overflowing. It
was overwhelming her as she searched for words. “This girl knows this is a lot to take in. Trust
in Master to take care of you.”

She hugged Debbie tightly to comfort her. “Remember not to call him by his first name.
and just do whatever he demands and everything will be fine.”

Debbie nodded and Susan helped Debbie on wobbly legs back down the stairs to where
George was waiting. When they entered the room, Susan lowered herself to her knees and gave
Debbie a sign to follow. Debbie copied her although it was not quite as graceful yet. She would
get the hang of it.

George came over and, with a scrutinizing gaze, looked the two girls over. Susan gave
Debbie a nudge and whispered, “Don‟t look at his face when you‟re on your knees like this.
Look at his cock.”

Debbie blushed at the whisper but did as Susan had told her.

George had heard it too, as Susan thought she heard him stifle a laugh, most likely from
Debbie‟s response to Susan‟s forwardness.
“Master, these slaves are ready to do anything that you require of them,” Susan said

It was a weird feeling, kneeling almost naked in front of George and not looking at his
face. Debbie stared at his cock, which seemed to be creating an ever increasing bulge in his
pants. What would happen now? she wondered.

George was absolutely thrilled at having two slaves now, especially two as beautiful as
these. Debbie had a lot to learn if she was to be as pleasing as Susan but he was confident that
she would. It was going to be easier with Susan to teach her. He was eager to get on with her
welcoming in.

“It is customary for slaves to receive a „welcoming in‟ when they start in a new
household. I am going to have a rule that when one of you gets a spanking, the other one will as
well so Susan will share your welcoming in.

“Susan, get me the tawse.”

Susan‟s eyes got wide. “Master that‟s a lot. Wouldn‟t you like to just use your hand?”

“No, and you will get extras for arguing with me. Now get it.”

Susan rose gracefully and walked over to a cabinet, making sure her hips swayed with an
exaggerated wriggle that she knew George loved. Getting out the split strap, she walked back to
him and went to her knees before him to offer him the instrument.

George took it and then told them, “OK, punishment position, both of you.”

Debbie had no idea what to do but she saw Susan stand, spread her legs and put her hands
up behind her head. Then she bent over part way and arched her back. The position not only
stuck her bottom out, it also showed off her well-endowed chest.

George looked at her and Debbie decided she had better do the same thing.

Debbie awkwardly tried to assume the same position. Susan looked at her Master, trying
to get silent approval to help her. Once she had it, she stood behind Debbie helping her to stand
properly and whispering in her ear, “Spread your legs. We never block our pussy to our Master.
He must always be allowed access. Bend over just a bit. Now arch your back. There that‟s

When Susan was pleased with how Debbie was standing, she whispered again,
“Remember to try to handle everything with dignity and poise but Masters love to hear their
slaves beg." Susan thought for a minute and added, “Trust him. If you are terrified of what he is
going to do you, won‟t be able to process anything.” Debbie looked confused for a minute.

“You will see. Squirm around but don‟t ever run away. You won‟t like that. Keep your
hands on your head. If you try to block it, you can get hurt. He will read your body language, so
don‟t hide anything from him. Remember to beg for mercy if you need to and always ask for
permission before you cum. Just because you beg. doesn‟t mean you will get it either.”

Susan then took the position next to Debbie and began to beg her Master, "Please Master,
please be gentle," she said in a tone that concerned Debbie. Then she saw Susan wink at her,
hoping she would follow suit.

The whole situation was leaving Debbie aghast. By “Welcoming”, George obviously
meant a spanking and she looked at the dark brown, well-oiled split tailed tawse that Susan
fetched almost in disbelief. As for the punishment position that Susan took up, it was mind-

Realizing that she had better follow Susan's lead, she awkwardly got to her feet, tottering
on the high heels, until Susan came to help her. She spread her legs apart as Susan urged, and
bent forward a little, arching her back. She felt extremely vulnerable like this, as her pussy was
slightly open and pushed back and her tits were now pushed forward. Her instinct was to get out
of this place as soon as possible but Susan had warned her not to run away. Instead, she steeled
herself for what was to come and clamped her hands to her head. Begging for mercy was not
really her thing and she didn't think that she would be ready to cum at all.

Following Susan's lead, though, she started to beg. “Oh, please Sir, not too hard please...
not the tawse Sir, please…

Now it was George‟s turn to look at Debbie in utter disbelief. He was flabbergasted. She
had been a slave now for less than two hours including the trip here and she was acting like an
experienced and delightful vixen. Having the two of them standing there, waiting to be spanked,
was almost more than he could take. He had to stifle a moan himself. He stepped over to
Debbie and ran his left hand over her body, starting with her full breast and ending between her
legs. Then he went over to Susan and bent to suck on her nipples, much to her delight. He
enjoyed it and decided to do the same to Debbie. He paid no attention to her reaction because it
didn‟t matter. They were here for his pleasure and enjoyment.
He positioned himself behind Debbie and lashed her plump bottom with the tawse. It
made a loud crack as it landed on her ass and the frantic squirming that followed made her
breasts jiggle delightfully. He rubbed her bottom a bit and then delivered another. He reversed
his stroke and delivered a light smack across her breasts. They were obviously sensitive because
she immediately got out of position and covered them.

“That will not do at all,” he said. “You will be punished for that. Now get back in

Although it was mostly a startle reaction and her fear, she had not actually been hurt, she
was now worried about what he would do to her. Not having any choice, she resumed her
vulnerable position. She could sense George behind her and heard a click. Then she discovered
he had locked her hands to her
collar. Now she couldn‟t protect
herself even if she wanted to.

Debbie looked at Susan

with a frantic look. “Now what?”
she whispered, stress in her voice.

Susan stifled a laugh. “This

girl warned you about doing that,”
she giggled.

Debbie looked frustrated at

her response.

“Just enjoy it. You‟re

thinking about it too much. Don‟t
think about what he is doing, let
your body decide what it likes.”

Debbie looked confused.

Susan continued,
wondering when the next smack
was going to interrupt them. She
pictured Master straining to hear them.

“Feel the burn of the tawse on your skin, and let it flow to your pussy. Don‟t look for the
pain, look for the pleasure.”

Just then a smack landed across Susan‟s bottom that was significantly harder than
anything he had dealt to Debbie. Debbie watched as Susan moaned and wriggled but maintained
her position. Her eyes closed as she sent the pain to her pussy and moaned.

Debbie was flabbergasted.

“It‟s all in how you think, hun,” Susan whispered, flushed. “If you think it‟s going to be
horrible then it will be”

Susan didn‟t have time to finish as another stroke landed and, quickly, another. She
hissed under her breath, wriggling, and felt her Master‟s hand soothing the burn. Her legs were
shaking as she came closer and closer to orgasm.

“Please Master, not so hard,” she begged and to her dismay he walked back behind
Debbie leaving a quivering Susan needing release.

“Remember what this girl said,” she whispered to Debbie in a shaky voice.

Debbie was furiously rubbing her pussy and it seemed that it was the answer to dealing
with the pain generated by the tawse. Her bottom was glowing, but she was becoming as hot and
horny as could be as well.

Susan was begging to be allowed to cum, but George wouldn't let her. As he landed
another searing stripe across her ass, Debbie lurched against Susan again, but somehow, it was
driving her towards cumming herself. She frantically rubbed her pussy, trying to change the pain
into pleasure. Moaning and groaning, she felt herself close to cumming.

<CRACK> Another hard stroke of the tawse caused her to howl in pain but. at the same
time. she felt her legs shaking and with a shudder, she started to cum.

Susan saw it and shook her head at her Master. George smiled and stopped the spanking.
Then he reached out, put both hands of Debbie‟s breasts and pulled her against him as she
shuddered and moaned. He could see and feel her as she gave in to the tremendous climax and
Susan came over to rub her too and try to augment it.

Debbie‟s eyes got wide and she started to lose her balance. George gripped her more
firmly and let her sag against him. He held her for a long while until she could regain her senses.
The orgasm had taken her with an intensity which she had never felt before. Susan gently
stroked her hair and, when it seemed appropriate, George helped her back to a kneeling position,
not wanting to risk her standing up just yet.

Susan knelt beside her, much more aware of what was happening, and looked at her
Master‟s cock hungrily.

George always loved the intensity of that look. He always thought it reminded him of
waving a piece of bacon in front of a dog. He choked back a chuckle at the mental image and
cleared his throat instead. Susan knew what he wanted but realized that Debbie didn‟t. Susan
whispered to her to watch and learn. Debbie still looked a little dazed but she was attentive.

Since George was only standing a few feet away, Susan got up onto all fours, and very
slowly, very teasingly crawled the short distance to George until her face was mere inches from
his crotch.
“Please Master, would you allow these lowly slaves to service your big, beautiful cock?”
Susan asked in a very hungry and erotic tone. She knew that George loved it when she used a
tone that was a little bit on the slutty side. Her gaze fixed on his cock as she licked her lips

George smiled at the sensuous way her voice sounded and looked at Debbie who was still
starry eyed and he cleared his throat again.

Debbie took the hint and realized that he was waiting for her.

(OOC- room for Debbie‟s part here)

Finally, he allowed them to remove his pants. It was a combined effort as Susan tried to
keep Debbie involved as much as possible. The girls went to work on his cock together, Debbie
licking while Susan gave her pointers on his favorite spots and how he liked it and then Susan
showing her.

“No, not so hard, flick your tongue here. Take pride in what you are doing. Good job.
Caress his balls; find a rhythm that drives him wild. Ah that‟s it!”

Susan encouraged her new sister. Once in a while, their tongues would touch and they
would have to fight the urge to kiss each other.

George was in heaven. Two beautiful slaves paying attention to the smallest detail, all to
bring him pleasure and they obviously loved it as much as he did.

He put a hand gently on each beautiful head but he restrained himself from taking over
and guiding them. He was enjoying being more passive for a change. They had no way of
knowing it but he was also imagining what it was going to be like to discipline them both
together. The taste of the tawse Debbie had gotten was just an introduction. He had no intention
and wouldn‟t have enjoyed at all taking it too far but spanking both of them together in various
ways was just such a delightful prospect. Debbie hadn„t seen the downstairs playroom with its
myriad of toys yet and that would be most interesting when she did.

George couldn‟t take what they were doing for very long and then he was gasping and
thrusting and squirting his seed into two eager faces.

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