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PROJECT NAME: Construction of 380KV D/C OHTL

interconnected to Dhahran South, New Dhahran Central Dhahran

Housing & Ownership (DHO) BSP.
ELEMENT 5.16.1 c

Inspector Inspection Inspection

Prabhakar Sekar 29.09.2019 09
Name: Date: Number:
Main ASKEC & Consultant Civil Electrical
Contractor: Site Office Subcontractor: Subcontractor:


G.I. Photo
Description of Standard Y N NA Comments
No No:
While inspection site
Caravan / site office free from damage and it have
1.1 Y office found safe
been in safe condition (door, windows, walls,)
Floors and walkways
Floors, roadways, walkways have been clean and
1.1 Y observed in good condition
free of dirt or other dangers. at the time of inspection.
Floor openings have been covered with steel
1.1 N NA No floor openings
checkered plate, with notice "DO NOT REMOVE"
No any flammable
No Flammable carpets used in caravan and building
1.1 Y carpets observed in
project. building
Proper access to the
Proper access to the caravan /site has been site location has been
1.1 Y
maintained. observed while
All areas (office /site) have adequate lighting All are observed with
1.2 Y
(natural or artificial) as per 5-star standard. adequate lighting
Outside are of site office
Outside area (fencing, storage, access) and road fencing, storage, access
1.2 barricades have adequate illumination for night Y observed good
time. illumination while
inspection done
No presence of sample of “lights out” in the all
1.2 Y
project site.
Adequate ventilation has been provided for all Adequate ventilation
1.3 office, building, confined space (Tunnel, Y observed in offices at the time
basement,)? of inspection
All Electrical equipment’s A/C
All ventilation Equipment’s (A/C, Local Exhaust Exhaust fans observed in good
1.3 Y
ventilation (LEV)) was maintained in good condition. conditions at the time of
Presence of signage for awareness about Heat stress chart Available
1.3 monitoring of heat stress have been provided at Y at site and monitored by
site. responsible person.
At the time of inspection
Adequate number of toilets, washing facilities,
found good conditions of
1.4 drinking water, lunch room and kitchen provided Y
hygiene facilities toilets,
and maintained in hygiene state.
kitchen ,lunch room
While inspection No foods
No food in unauthorized areas e.g. Lockers, store,
1.4 Y observed stored in un
inside the site, etc.,
authorized areas.
Demarcation observed and
The demarcation has been unified as per the 5-star
1.6 Y done as per sec 5-star
color coding.
All mechanical and electrical
Are all electrical Distribution panels and mechanical
1.6 Y Dbs. observed demarcated as
equipment, have been demarcated?
per standard
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Projects Business Unit
PROJECT NAME: Construction of 380KV D/C OHTL
interconnected to Dhahran South, New Dhahran Central Dhahran
Housing & Ownership (DHO) BSP.
ELEMENT 5.16.1 c

Are the fire equipment location uniformly marked; At time of inspection Fire
1.6 fire red square outline, painted, 24"x24" (60cm) in Y Equipment observed marked red
size? color squire as per standard.
No Obstacle observed at
1.6 No equipment obstructed the emergency exit? Y emergency exit point while
Inspection time all materials
1.7 Are all materials stacked properly, stable and neat? Y observed stacked properly and in
stable conditions
Are items consistently of the same size, shape and All items stacked with the
1.7 Y
mass? same size and mass
At the time of inspection all
1.7 Are Stored items clearly identified and labelled? Y stored items found labeled and
identified by names
Storage area found demarcated
1.7 Are storage areas demarcated? Y at per standard at the time of
Stacking materials height
Is staking height as per standard (3 times base
1.7 Y observed as per standard 3 times
width)? base width.
Is safe access and egress for storage area have Storage are found safe access
1.7 Y
been provided? and egress
Chemicals observed stored as
Are all chemical substance have been stored
1.7 Y per Msds available at the
according to MSDS and compatibility table? location.
All storage areas observed
Are stores equipped with proper ventilation and
1.7 Y properly ventilated with good
lighting systems? lighting.
Is clear indication provided outside or entrance door Chemical store indication found
1.7 Y
of the chemical store? from outside.
Chemical store observed with
Are the store have been equipped with doors and
1.7 Y sufficient doors and ventilation
gauzed ventilation holes? ventilation fans also installed.
At the time of inspection All the
Are all cylinders, stored, securely in an upright
1.7 Y cylinder’s observed stored in
(vertical) position and fixed with clamps and chains? vertical positions.
Observed while inspection
Are Oxygen and acetylene gas cylinders separately
1.7 Y acetylene and Oxygen cylinder’s
stored for minimum 20 feet (6.5 m)? stored separately
Under and top roofs of offices
Are under and top roof building free of junk and
1.8 Y observed free of junk at the time
materials? of inspection
Are site & office have been maintained in good Site and offices found good
1.8 Y
housekeeping? Housekeeping inspection time
Are scrap and refuse bins have been provided as Scrap and refuse bins found as
1.9 Y
per 5-star color coding? per 5-star standard.
Observed at store Scrap and
1.9 Are scrap and refuse bins provided with label? Y
refuse bins labeled.
Sufficient refuse bins observed
Are sufficient number of scrap and refuse bins have
1.9 Y at site location at the time of
been provided at project site? inspection.
Scrap and refuse bins found
1.9 Are scrap and refuse bins, properly demarcated? Y demarcated as per 5-star
Are all drinking-water/construction-water/sewage-
1.10 Y demarcated
water pipes correctly demarcated as per standard?

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Projects Business Unit
PROJECT NAME: Construction of 380KV D/C OHTL
interconnected to Dhahran South, New Dhahran Central Dhahran
Housing & Ownership (DHO) BSP.
ELEMENT 5.16.1 c

Color coding of pipes copy of

Are copy of standard have been posted in 5-star
1.10 Y standard found on the 5-star
notices board. notice board.

Section II : Mechanical, Electrical and Personal Safeguarding

G.I. Photo
Description of Standard Y N NA Comments
No No:
Y All moving parts
All hazardous moving machine/electrical parts have
2.1 equipment’s/machines found
been completely guarded/ fenced/ enclosed? Guarded and enclosed.
Y LOTO station found in good
2.2 Are LOTO station available and well arranged?
condition at store
2.2 Are tags and locks being used correctly? Used properly for all DBs

Are all energized equipment such as panels, DBs, Y

Power Source and others hazardous equipment
2.2 LOTO implemented for all JBs
locked out and procedure displayed where is
Are all Switches, isolators valves, and outlets power Y All the power outlets and
source provided with reference label? isolator valves found labeled
Y All Isolators and switches
Are all Switches, isolators are in good state
2.3 observed in good conditions at
condition? the time of inspection
Y Portable ladders found in good
2.4 Are all portable ladders in good state condition?
conditions at site
Y All the portable leaders found
Are all portable ladders provided with inspection tag with inspection tag along with
and monthly color coding? monthly color coding as per 5-
star standard
Are all damaged portable ladders segregated and Y Damage leaders found at store
locked, and provided with red color tag? with red color code and locked.
Are all erected scaffolding and mobile scaffolding
inspected and tagged?
NA Not Applicable

Are the scaffolding erector and inspector have valid NA

2.4 Not Applicable
training certification?
Are Stairways that have four or more steps, have NA
2.4 Not Applicable
been provided with handrail?
Are all lifting equipment such as cranes, man Y
Lifting equipment (crane found
2.5 baskets, EOT (electric overhead traveling), forklift in
in good condition at site.
a good condition?
Are lifting equipment, lifting operator and rigger Y Crane with Rigger 3-party
2.5 have a valid annual third-party training/inspection certificate found at tower
certification? erecting site location.
Y All the lifting Gers of crane found
Are all lifting gear and accessories such as
2.5 in good conditions slings hooks
hook/chains/slings etc? In a good condition? etc.
Is safe work load marked on all lifting equipment’s
and lifting gear and accessories?
NA Not Applicable

Y Compressed gas cylinders

Are all compressed gas cylinders provided with observed in good condition with
pressure gauges and valves locked? pressure gauge and valves also
Y Alphabetical list of hazardous
Is Alphabetical list of all Hazardous substances
2.7 substance found at chemical
such as (liquid, gasses, or powder) have been storage area.
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Projects Business Unit
PROJECT NAME: Construction of 380KV D/C OHTL
interconnected to Dhahran South, New Dhahran Central Dhahran
Housing & Ownership (DHO) BSP.
ELEMENT 5.16.1 c

displayed at chemical store?

Are all vehicle and mobile equipment maintained Y vehicles and mobile equipment
free from damage, neat and tidy? found clean and tidy at site
Y vehicles Daily inspection
Are daily inspection checklist for all vehicle and checklist available with all
mobile equipment have been provided? vehicles and mobile
Are all mobile equipment, driver and operator have Y All mobile equipment drivers
2.9 a valid annual third-party training/inspection found with 3rd party valid
certification? certification.
All portable electrical equipment’s (grinder, drilling, Y Portable electrical equipment
2.10 testing equipment’s, blower etc.,) cords, plugs,
are in good condition
switches in good condition?
Are faulty items marked/tagged & removed from Y Faulty items observed marked as
use? red color and removed from site
Y All the Dbs. found locked and arc
Are all panels/ distribution boards locked and
2.12 flash sings also observed posted
provided with signs (warning/ arc flash)? on Dbs.
Y All the distribution board found
2.12 Are all distribution boards numbered?
numbered as per series
Are all hand tools stored properly and in a good Y All hand tools observed in good
condition? condition and stored properly
Y Damaged items marked with red
2.13 Are damaged items marked/tagged & removed?
color and removed from the site.
Is safety helmet in good condition, valid date, and Y All hard heat found in good
with chin-strap if necessary? condition with valid date
Y Eye and face protector observed
Is eye and face protector provided prior to specific provided at fabrication shop
task being assigned? specifically for welding and
cutting activities.
Y Good condition of safety shoes
Are appropriate safety shoes have been provided
2.17 found worn by the workers at
and worn by the workers? site
Y Workers found wearing
Are all workers used appropriate uniforms
2.18 protective clothing in neat and
(protective clothes) and in good condition? clean condition at site
Y Workers fond wearing full mask
Are workers use respirators equipment’s such as
2.19 clothing on face to prevent from
filter mask, half mask depending of nature of task? sand inhalation problems.
Y Workers found in tensioner
Are workers use appropriate hearing protection (Ear
2.20 puller machine side wearing Ear
Plug or Ear Muff) depending to the noise exposure? Muff.
Are all Safety full Body harness, numbered and with Y All FBH found numbered and
monthly color coding? color coded.
Are Safety full Body harness stored properly (hang Y
FBH found stored properly at
2.21 out), separated from other materials and not
designated FBH storage area.
Is appropriate gloves used by workers according to Y Appropriate gloves observed
2.22 hazard involved in the activity? Cotton gloves workers are wearing at
should not be used at site. site(Approxicoted gloves)
Y Damaged PPEs observed
Are damaged PPEs marked, listed & removed immediate removed and stored
immediately from service? in designated damage PPEs area
at ASKEC store.

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Projects Business Unit
PROJECT NAME: Construction of 380KV D/C OHTL
interconnected to Dhahran South, New Dhahran Central Dhahran
Housing & Ownership (DHO) BSP.
ELEMENT 5.16.1 c

Y Signage’s found at store and site

Are standardized and sufficient numbers of signage in standardized size and found
posted where required, and in a good condition? good condition at the time of
Are all excavated trenches and deep excavation NA
2.27 provided with adequate protective system (shoring, NOT Applicable
Are all excavated trenches and deep excavation NA
provided with adequate protective barriers against
2.27 NOT Applicable
collapsing (concrete barriers, plastic crush
Are all excavated trenches and deep excavation NA
2.27 provided with adequate lighting and adequate NOT Applicable
sufficient numbers of signage?
Are all excavated trenches and deep excavation NA
2.27 provided with adequate means of access and NOT Applicable
Section III : Fire Protection and Prevention Protection

G.I. Photo
Description of Standard Y N NA Comments
No No:
Are Adequate numbers of fire extinguisher have Y Sufficient Quantity and weight
3.1 been provided? (Minimum 6kg extinguisher at every of 6kg of Fire extinguisher’s
15 meter) and accessible. available at site and store.
Y Different types of fire
Are Adequate type of fire extinguisher have been
3.1 extinguishers observed available
provided as per the class of fire in the location. at store and site locations.
Y While inspection all fire
Are all fire extinguishers location clearly visible,
3.1 extinguishers seen visible and
demarcated and unobstructed? without any abstractions.
Y Fire extinguishers found with
Are all fire extinguishers numbered and checked by
3.3 numbered and inspected
monthly basis? monthly basis.
Y At the time of inspection Fire
Are all fire extinguishing have been inspected at
3.3 extinguishers found tag of
least by annual basis by third party? annually 3rd party inspection also
Y At storage area of diesel and oil
Are all storage of fuel/ explosive materials have at askec store yard found
been provided with shed, bund wall, adequate sufficient number of firefighting
firefighting equipment’s, appropriate electrical equipment’s, bound walls also
connection, signs and standard containers. available, along with specific
Are sufficient number of spill kit (for chemical, oil) Y Spill kits also found available at
available at the site? the chemical and oil storage area
Y Emergency alarm checked
Is alarm System working properly, and employees working properly asked workers
aware of the system? are also aware about the
emergency alarm.
Y Entry and exit controlled in askec
Are there control of Exit and Entry for the people,
3.7 store/office for visitors, peoples
vehicle, equipment, etc.? and vehicles.
Are the security guard office equipped with primary Y Security guard office found good
welfare and communication facilities, such as; table, condition with all basic facilities
3.7 chairs, A/C, telephone, flashlights, emergency ex: flashlights, emergency
contact numbers, first aid kit, and found in good contact numbers first-aid kits
state condition. availability also there

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Projects Business Unit
PROJECT NAME: Construction of 380KV D/C OHTL
interconnected to Dhahran South, New Dhahran Central Dhahran
Housing & Ownership (DHO) BSP.
ELEMENT 5.16.1 c

Y Emergency evacuation plan

observed also available at site
Are emergency evacuation plan available in all
3.8 and office posted and clearly
area, and understood by employees and visitors? defined roles and


G.I. Photo
Description of Standard Y N NA Comments
No No:
Y Injuries/accident record
Are injuries or accident statistics being recorded updated every month and
4.2 (numerically and graphically), updated every month
and displayed in 5-star notice board? posted on 5-star notice
board on monthly basis
Are accident recall (lesson learn) being displayed in Y Accident recall also observed
the in 5-star notice board? posseted on 5star notice board


G.I. Photo
Description of Standard Y N NA Comments
No No:
Is Safety Committee established and displayed in 5- Y Safety committee displayed
star notice board? 5-star notice board
Are Tool Box Talks being displayed by daily basis in Y
the in 5-star notice board?
Y Sufficient number of first-aid
Are sufficient number of first aid box available, with box observed available at the
complete content and monthly checked? locations and checked
monthly basis.
Y Names of certified first aiders
Are names and contacts of certified First Aiders
5.7 displayed at site and store
displayed and updated?
Y Awareness posters
observed displayed in 5-star
Are poster have been displayed wherever required
5.8 notice board and also
and changed periodically (every 2 weeks). changed in every 2weeks as
Y Safety statistics bored
Are 5-star safety statistic board available and up-to-
5.9 available and updated
monthly basis
Y 5-star Notice board found at
Are 5-star grading board displayed and updated in
5.9 entrance of site office available
project site entrance? and Updated.
Y Road safety poster also found
5.9 Are road safety awareness board available?
on the 5-star notice board
Y Suggestion box also found at
askec store office and also
5.10 Is safety suggestion box available and active?
receiving suggestions for
improvements. (Active)
Y Work-permits observed issued as
Are correct work permits been prepared, issued, per task/activities and received
and received by certified personnel? by PTW receiver certified by 3rd
Are work permit supported with correct Job Safety Y JSP and RA also found
5.21 Practices (JSP) and Risk Assessment (RA) for the attached with PTW at site
activity being carried out, and provided in the locations for the specific
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Projects Business Unit
PROJECT NAME: Construction of 380KV D/C OHTL
interconnected to Dhahran South, New Dhahran Central Dhahran
Housing & Ownership (DHO) BSP.
ELEMENT 5.16.1 c

workplace? activates

Y SEC HSE policy Displayed and

Are SEC HSE Policies displayed, communicated
5.23 also Communicated with all
and understand by the employees?
staff and workers




Does the above report contain any major threat to the safety of any Employee?

 YES  NO

If yes, complete the following: The matter was reported as soon as practical.

 In Writing  Verbally

To: Rishikesh V Pawar Date reported: 29-09-2019

Signature of Safety Inspector: ………………………………………………………………..

This Safety Inspection Report must be discussed with the Manager / Supervisor as soon as
I have reviewed this inspection report and have taken action on correcting the deviations noted.

Signature of Project Group leader (SEC): Date:

Page 7 of 8 Rev.2 [08April-2019]

Projects Business Unit
PROJECT NAME: Construction of 380KV D/C OHTL
interconnected to Dhahran South, New Dhahran Central Dhahran
Housing & Ownership (DHO) BSP.
ELEMENT 5.16.1 c

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Projects Business Unit

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