Chapter 26

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Biological Science, 6e, GE (Freeman/Quillin/Allison)

Chapter 26 Bacteria and Archaea

1) Which of the following traits do archaeans and bacteria share?

A) composition of the cell wall
B) lack of a nuclear envelope
C) presence of plasma membrane
D) both A and B
E) both B and C
Answer: E
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: SF
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1
Section: 26.1

2) Prokaryotes are classified as belonging to two different domains. What are the domains?
A) Bacteria and Eukarya
B) Archaea and Monera
C) Eukarya and Monera
D) Bacteria and Protista
E) Bacteria and Archaea
Answer: E
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: E
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1
Section: 26.1

3) A water sample from a hot thermal vent contained a single-celled organism that had a cell wall
but lacked a nucleus. What is its most likely classification?
A) Eukarya
B) Archaea
C) Animalia
D) Protista
E) Fungi
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
V&C Core Concept: SF
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1
Section: 26.1

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4) What organisms are most numerous on Earth?
A) eukaryotes
B) archaea
C) prokaryotes
D) plants
E) insects
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: E
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1
Section: 26.1

5) Which of the following describe all existing bacteria?

A) pathogenic, omnipresent, morphologically diverse
B) extremophiles, tiny, abundant
C) small, harmful, fast-growing
D) tiny, ubiquitous, metabolically diverse
E) morphologically diverse, metabolically diverse, extremophiles
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
V&C Core Concept: E, SF
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1
Section: 26.1

6) To establish a link between a specific bacterium and a skin disease, researchers have shown
that the bacterium was present in sick persons but not in healthy individuals. They isolated the
bacterium in a pure culture and demonstrated that experimental healthy animals injected with
this culture became sick. What other experiment do researchers need to perform to be absolutely
sure that the bacterium is responsible for the disease?
A) demonstrate that the bacterium belongs to the pathogenic lineage
B) demonstrate that the bacterium is not able to live outside of humans or animals
C) isolate bacterium from an infected sick animal and demonstrate that it is the same bacterium
as the one used for infection
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
V&C Core Concept: E, SF
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.3
Section: 26.1

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7) Chemicals, secreted by soil fungi, which inhibit the growth of bacteria, are known as
A) antibodies
B) aflatoxins
C) hallucinogens
D) antigens
E) antibiotics
Answer: E
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: E
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1, 26.3
Section: 26.1

8) What is the goal of bioremediation?

A) to improve human health with the help of living organisms such as bacteria
B) to clean up areas polluted with toxic compounds by using bacteria
C) to improve soil quality for plant growth by using bacteria
D) to improve bacteria for production of useful chemicals
E) to kill pathogenic bacteria with the use of antibiotics
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: E
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.3
Section: 26.1

9) Some researchers have begun attempting to clean up oil spills by adding nonindigenous
microbial hydrocarbon degraders to the spill, in the hope that these bacteria will neutralize the
dangerous chemicals in the spill. This is an example of ________.
A) bioremediation via fertilization
B) seeding
C) production of a new antibiotic
D) use of extremophiles for cleanup of organic solvents
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
V&C Core Concept: S
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.3
Section: 26.1

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10) You need to identify the major type of bacteria living on the shower curtain in your bathroom
and find out what they use as a food source. What is the most efficient method for answering this
A) enrichment culture
B) producing a molecular phylogeny
C) direct sequencing
D) Enrichment culture and direct sequencing are equally efficient methods.
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: Evaluating/Creating
V&C Core Concept: SF
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1
Section: 26.2

11) Broad-spectrum antibiotics inhibit the growth of most intestinal bacteria. Consequently,
assuming that nothing is done to counter the reduction of intestinal bacteria, a hospital patient
who is receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics is most likely to become ________.
A) unable to fix carbon dioxide
B) antibiotic-resistant
C) unable to fix nitrogen
D) unable to synthesize peptidoglycan
E) deficient in certain vitamins and nutrients
Answer: E
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
V&C Core Concept: SF, S, E
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.3
Section: 26.2

12) Carl Woese and collaborators identified two major branches of prokaryotic evolution. What
was the basis for dividing prokaryotes into two domains?
A) microscopic examination of staining characteristics of the cell wall
B) metabolic characteristics such as the production of methane gas
C) metabolic characteristics such as chemoautotrophy and photosynthesis
D) genetic characteristics such as ribosomal RNA sequences
E) ecological characteristics such as the ability to survive in extreme environments
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: SF, E
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1
Section: 26.2

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13) You might be interested to know how many different types of bacteria live on the shower
curtain in your bathroom. What is the most efficient method for finding out?
A) producing a molecular phylogeny
B) enrichment culture
C) direct sequencing
D) Enrichment culture and direct sequencing are equally efficient methods.
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: Evaluating/Creating
V&C Core Concept: I, E
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1
Section: 26.2

14) An organic solvent widely used in industrial processes, 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA), is a

major environmental pollutant affecting human health and damaging the ozone layer. Recently,
researchers isolated the first bacteria able to degrade TCA. They found that the bacteria use
hydrogen as an electron donor, TCA as an electron acceptor, and acetate as a carbon source.
Based on the preceding information, deduce the method used to isolate these bacteria.
A) Gram staining
B) enrichment culture
C) direct sequencing
D) seeding
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
V&C Core Concept: SF
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1
Section: 26.2

15) Microbiologists use the Gram stain to aid in the identification of bacteria. What is the major
difference between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria?
A) structure of nucleotides in the plasma membrane
B) presence or absence of muramic acid in the cell wall
C) presence or absence of peptidoglycan in the cell wall
D) presence or absence of outer plasma membrane
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: SF, E
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1
Section: 26.3

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16) Biologists sometimes divide living organisms into two groups: autotrophs and heterotrophs.
These two groups differ in ________.
A) their sources of energy
B) their electron acceptors
C) their mode of nutrition
D) the way that they generate ATP
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.2
Section: 26.3

17) Imagine that you are given some chemoorganotrophic bacteria to grow. What should you use
as a source of energy for this type of bacteria?
A) light
B) methane
C) ammonia
D) hydrogen sulfide
E) sugar
Answer: E
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.2
Section: 26.3

18) A prokaryote that obtains energy and carbon as it decomposes dead organisms is a(n)
A) autotroph
B) chemotroph
C) autotroph and phototroph
D) heterotroph and chemotroph
E) autotroph, phototroph, and chemotroph
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.2
Section: 26.3

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19) A prokaryote that obtains carbon and energy by ingesting prey is a(n) ________.
A) autotroph
B) chemotroph
C) autotroph and phototroph
D) heterotroph and chemotroph
E) autotroph, phototroph, and chemotroph
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.2
Section: 26.3

20) A prokaryote that obtains energy from light is a(n) ________.

A) chemotroph
B) phototroph
C) autotroph and phototroph
D) heterotroph and chemotroph
E) autotroph, phototroph, and chemotroph
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.2
Section: 26.3

21) Which of the following obtain energy by oxidizing inorganic substances to obtain energy that
is used, in part, to fix carbon dioxide?
A) photoautotrophs
B) photoheterotrophs
C) chemoautotrophs
D) chemoheterotrophs that perform decomposition
E) parasitic chemoheterotrophs
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.2
Section: 26.3

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22) The purple nonsulfur bacterium Rhodospirillum grows best as a photoheterotroph. What are
the most favorable sources of energy and carbon for this bacterium?
A) methane and carbon dioxide
B) fructose and light
C) light and carbon dioxide
D) glucose
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.2
Section: 26.3

23) A newly discovered organism is found to use sulfide (S2−) for aerobic respiration and carbon
dioxide (CO2) from the air as a source of carbon, much like a plant. This organism must be a
A) photoautotroph
B) chemoorganoautotroph
C) photoheterotroph
D) chemolithotrophic heterotroph
E) chemolithoautotroph
Answer: E
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.2
Section: 26.3

24) What kind of molecules serve as electron acceptors in cellular respiration?

A) water
B) polar molecules
C) molecules with high potential energy
D) molecules with low potential energy
E) molecules in an excited state
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.2
Section: 26.3

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25) When some bacteria use lactose as a source of energy, they produce propionic acid and
carbon dioxide. What is the name for this process?
A) fermentation
B) cellular respiration
C) chemical synthesis
D) photosynthesis
E) carbon fixation
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.2
Section: 26.3

26) A biologist trying to determine the mechanism of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production in
a newly discovered bacterium provides several different substrates on which the bacteria can
feed. Which of the following results would indicate that the species uses fermentation to produce
A) The bacteria utilize glucose and produce carbon dioxide as a by-product of respiration.
B) After the bacteria break down their substrate, the biologist notices a rotten egg smell.
C) The biologist discovers that the bacteria are able to produce organic molecules by
metabolizing methane.
D) After exposure to amino acids, the bacteria produce a smell like rotting flesh.
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: Evaluating/Creating
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.2
Section: 26.3

27) During cellular respiration, some bacteria use methane (CH4) as an electron donor and
oxygen (O2) as an electron acceptor. What is the name for this group of bacteria?
A) methanogens
B) methanotrophs
C) organotrophs
D) nitrifiers
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.2
Section: 26.3

Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Ltd.
28) A bacterium was grown in two test tubes filled with media rich in glucose. One tube was
sealed to produce anaerobic conditions, and the other was not. A third uninoculated, unsealed
tube was used as a control. Glucose utilization by this bacterium causes acid production, which is
indicated by a lightening of the media color. If the bacterium is able to produce ATP only by
aerobic respiration, we expect lightening of media in ________.
A) the sealed tube only
B) the unsealed tube only
C) the sealed and unsealed tubes only
D) the control tube only
E) all three tubes
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.2
Section: 26.3

29) Which of the following extremophiles might researchers most likely use as a model for the
earliest organisms on Earth?
A) a bacterium capable of living at extremely high salinity
B) a bacterium found on another planet or moon
C) an archaean capable of surviving in the polar ice caps
D) an anaerobic archaean species
E) a bacterium that thrives in a highly acidic environment
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: Evaluating/Creating
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1, 26.2
Section: 26.3

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Bacteria able to perform the NH4+ + NO2− → N2 + 2H2O reaction have been discovered in
laboratory bioreactors and wastewater treatment systems. Researchers predicted that these
bacteria should exist in oceans. They measured the concentration of NH4+, NO2−, NO3−, and
O2 in the Black Sea as a function of water depth (M. Kuypers et al. 2003 Anaerobic ammonium
oxidation by anammox bacteria in the Black Sea. Nature 422:608—11) to determine where in the
sea the bacteria might live. By analyzing data presented in the accompanying figure, at what
depth would you expect to find the bacteria? (Note: In the figure, different scales are used to
show concentrations of NH4+, NO2−, NO3−, and O2.)
A) in the top 5 meters
B) in the top 50 meters
C) at a depth of 75 meters
D) at a depth of 92 meters
E) below 100 meters
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM, S
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1, 26.2
Section: 26.3

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31) You acquire a soil sample and run an enrichment culture on it. You provide the organisms in
the culture with all of the ingredients required for growth except for nitrogen. What result do you
expect to have at the end of your experiment?
A) Nitrogen-fixing bacteria will significantly outnumber those incapable of fixing nitrogen.
B) Nitrogen-fixing bacteria will not be present in the culture.
C) Nitrogen-fixing bacteria will be present but not at significantly greater numbers than non-
nitrogen-fixing species.
D) Nitrogen-fixing bacteria will be present, but will be significantly outnumbered by non-
nitrogen-fixing species.
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1, 26.2
Section: 26.3

32) Multicellularity and large body size of eukaryotic organisms require high metabolic rates and
efficient ATP production by aerobic respiration. How did bacteria change Earth's atmosphere to
enable aerobic respiration?
A) Oxygenic photosynthesis by cyanobacteria significantly increased the amount of oxygen in
the atmosphere.
B) Splitting of water during anaerobic respiration by cyanobacteria dramatically increased the
amount of oxygen in the atmosphere.
C) Nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria decreased the amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere,
leading to the simultaneous increase of oxygen.
D) Anaerobic respiration by cyanobacteria increased the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere by
reducing the amount of iron oxides that were able to react instantly with oxygen.
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1, 26.2
Section: 26.3

33) What is the characteristic feature of the Chlamydiales phylum?

A) unusual flagella
B) formation of colonies
C) rod shape
D) parasitic life cycle
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: SF, E
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1
Section: 26.4

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34) You run an osteology lab, where students are able to study the bone structure of various
species. To produce clean bones, you introduce insects and bacteria to remove all remaining
flesh. Which bacteria would be the best purchase for your lab?
A) Spirochaetes
B) Actinobacteria
C) Chlamydiae
D) Cyanobacteria
E) Proteobacteria
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1, 26.2, 26.3
Section: 26.4

35) You have found a new prokaryote. What line of evidence would support your hypothesis that
the organism is a cyanobacterium?
A) It is able to form colonies and produce oxygen.
B) It is an endosymbiont.
C) It forms chains called mycelia.
D) You determine that it can cause Lyme disease.
E) It lacks cell walls.
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1, 26.2
Section: 26.4

36) Which of the following groups is characterized by unusual flagella contained within a
structure called the outer sheath?
A) Spirochaetes/Spirochetes
B) Proteobacteria
C) Firmicutes
D) Chlamydiales
E) Euryarchaeota
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1, 26.2
Section: 26.4

Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Ltd.
37) Plantlike photosynthesis that releases oxygen (O2) occurs in ________.
A) cyanobacteria
B) chlamydias
C) archaea
D) actinomycetes
E) chemoautotrophic bacteria
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1, 26.2
Section: 26.4

38) Researchers have found a new type of bacteria, and they want to determine its phylum. What
would be the most reliable method to do so?
A) conducting a Gram-stain test
B) performing an analysis of metabolic pathways
C) determining the ribosomal RNA sequence of the bacteria
D) analyzing the morphological characteristics of the bacteria
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: Evaluating/Creating
V&C Core Concept: SF, E, EM, I
V&C Core Comp: PS
LO: 26.1
Section: 26.4

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