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Hearing about my classmates childhood experiences made me realize that we are

raised differently and that’s what makes us different as a person, with our
unique traits and quirks we probably adapted from our parents that is a part of
who we are now. Looking back at my childhood I now appreciate that my
parents raised me in a small baranggay where all the people knew and took care
of each other. There were lots of trees and we liked climbing. I spent my
childhood days playing outside, soaking up all the sun.

We never used our phones or watched TV too much because we love going out
exploring the forest. All the kids in our place knew each other and all of us went
to the same school so it was so chaotic and fun in our classroom. Some children
aren’t as lucky as I am, they are forced to work earlier than they should to live
and some don’t have the privilege to study. I hope that those existing programs
that help children have a better life expand and I hope that more people will help
and donate and be aware that some children aren’t as lucky as we are.

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