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Write the answer on the blank.

1. The cape is on sale. What is on sale? ______
2. The lame man has a cane. What does the lame man have? _______
3. Fate is late for her game. Who is late for her game? _______
4. Jake takes the ape to the lake. Where does Jake take the ape? _______
5. Kate bakes a cake. What does Kate bake? ________

Write the correct form of noun.

1. Mother needs (box) _______ for our unused clothes.
2. During the Holy Week, our family visited different (church) ________.
3. The boys brought their (toothbrush) ____________ to the camp.
4. Helen has (ribbon) _________ on her hair.
5. The (carabao) ________ are in the field.


Write the answer on the blank.

1. The eagles fly to the east. What flies to the east? ______
2. The leaves are green. What is the color of the leaves? _______
3. I hear the beat of the drum from the east. Where does the beat of the drum come
from? ______
4. There’s a seed on the seat. What is on the seat? ______
5. The seal feeds on meat. What does a seal feed on? ________

Underline the correct form of the plural nouns in the following sentences.
1. Father bought ( blackberrys, blackberries ) at the market.
2. Mother baked some ( loafs, loaves ) of blackberry bread.
3. We divided the bead into ( halfs, halves).
4. Fave loves to writes ( storys, stories).
5. She wrote a story about a boy who ate ( berrys, berries).


Read the following story. Answer the questions that follow.

Mike has a kite and a bike. He rides on his bike to the dike. He flies his kite
by the dike.
One day, the kite fell in the dike. Mike was sad. He had no more kite.
1. Who had a kite? _________
2. Where does Mike fly his kite? ___________
3. How does Mike go to the dike? __________
4. What happened to the kite? _________
5. If you had a kite, would you fly it by the dike? ________

Complete each sentence with the correct plural noun.

1. Father caught three (mouse) _________ in the rice field.
2. One mouse had long (tooth) ________ that stuck out from its mouth.
3. Another mouse had very long (foot) __________.
4. When the (child) ________ saw the three mice they felt afraid.
5. Faye said they might bite her (foot) __________.


Number these steps in order from 1-5.

____ They look inside the chest.
____ Pirate Pete divides the treasure among his crew.
____ Pirate Pete needs help opening the treasure chest.
____ His crew is able to break open the lock.
____ It is full of gold coins!
Fill in each blank with the correct word to complete the rhymes.
joke open code rope
Tie a _______.
To _______ the door.
Or try the __________.
It’s not a ________.

The following sentences make a story. When they are arranged in the correct order.
Number them in the right order. (1-5)
___ Faye was up and dressed by 6:30 in the morning.
___As she hurried down the street, she thought of the contest.
___They were all alert when the question was read.
___She ate breakfast and rushed out of the house.
___All the contestants were prepared for the contest when she arrived in school.

Underline the correct answer.

1. The Philippines produces (much, many) abaca.
2. Mother bought (a little, few) sugar in the store.
3. There are (much, many) clothes in the cabinet.
4. Mang Andoy planted (several, much) coconut in his farm.
5. (Several, A little) children drink milk everday.

Rearrange the sentences by using signal words to show the sequence of events.
_____ She rode in a tricycle.
_____ She went home after buying all the things she needed.
_____ Mother cooked food for lunch.
_____ She bought meat and vegetables.
_____ Mother went to market one Saturday.


Arrange the steps in preparing the haluhalo. Number them in the right order. (1-5)
____ Mix everything using a long spoon.
____ Add sugar, and then fill the remaining half of the glass with shaved ice.
____ Put swirl of colors in haluhalo so that it looks delightful.
____ Fill of the tall glass with the following sweets; beans, banana, nata de coco,
gulaman, and jackfruit.
____ Pour the milk. Add a spoonful of ube and a slice of leche flan.

Complete the lines of the poem with the appropriate counter or quantifiers. Choose the
quantifier from the box.
Spoonful cup kilo teaspoon
Today I will bake my favorite pie.
A treat for mother and my aunt Sie.
First, I will sift a _________ of flour.
Add a ____________ of yeast. Mix and leave the dough for an hour.
Later, I will put two ___________ of sugar.
A _________ of milk, I’ll be sure it’s not vinegar.
A couple of eggs would add some flavor.
A _______ of vanilla and honey would do me a favor,
Of making my pie the best that they could savor.

Underline the words with long u sound.

1. The children were amused by the clown’s magic trick.
2. The pretty girl was chosen to be the muse of the class.
3. I will use a long spoon for the haluhalo.
4. I want a cube of ice in the glass of water.
5. I will be absent from class. So, I wrote an excuse letter.
Arrange the events to form a story. Write each event in the appropriate box in the chart.
Be guided by the signal words.
●Rhodora went to sleep without fixing her school things.
●While she was sleeping, she was interrupted by some noises.
●Those were her school things- the bag, books, notebooks, pens and papers. They all
came alive!
●Her school things were mad at her for not fixing them.
●Rhodora asked forgiveness from her school things and promises to take care of them.

First, Then, Then, Next, Finally,


Tell the feeling or trait of the character. Encircle your answer.

1. “I cannot fly! I shall fall! I know I shall fall!”said the little hawk. The little hawk was
(sad, weak, nervous ).
2. “I can make myself as big as he is,” said the old frog. The old frog is (excited,
proud, terrific).
3. “Snake! Snake!” cried Mara who jumped out of the barn. Mara was (happy,
4. “Father, you have worked all day. May I help you?” said Carlo. What does Carlo
feel? ( angry, sad, worried).
5. “You saved my life. Thank You!” said Lion to the Mouse. The Lion was ______.
( cheerful, thankful, thoughtful)

Change the underlined phrases to show ownership or possession.

1. The bike of Francis was bought by his uncle. _________________
2. The doll of my cousin was a gift from her teacher. ___________________
3. The ball of my friend got lost last Sunday. ______________
4. The toy house of Maria looks beautiful. _____________
5. Mother ordered the birthday cake at the bakeshop of Agnes. ____________

Form compound words from the box A and box B. Write the answer on the blanck.
bake fire pool room
heart bud

bath rose shop break

swimming tale
3. _____________
4. ______________
5. ______________


Encircle the words with sh and ch.

1. Dan wanted to go to the seashore.
2. There are an old church located in Boracay Island.
3. The island of Boracay has a wide shoreline.
4. Mario is like a good shepherd for being a kind person.
5. My parents have a hectic schedule because they are very busy.

Write concrete noun or abstract noun.

1. typhoon _____________
2. glass of water ______________
3. happiness _____________
4. banana cake _____________
5. honesty _______________

Underline the words with oy, ow and oi.

1. The young boy has a new toy car.
2. Carla, show your smile to everyone.
3. Faye told to her cousin that she has seen a long row of trees.
4. The Grade 4 Pupils can join to Mathematics club.
5. Plants grow well in the fertile soil.

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate collective nouns. Choose the answer inside the box.
chain bouquet bunch
cast set
1. a __________ of actors
2. a __________ of dishes
3. a __________ of roses
4. a __________ bananas
5. a __________ islands


Underline the words with silent letter g and gh.

1. My teacher gives the right answer to my question.
2. Carl is the brightest pupil in the Grade 4 class.
3. Ivan is a very thoughtful son.
4. He loves and honors his parents.
5. Mark travels abroad with his eight cousins and they visit beautiful places.

Read the paragraph. In the box, select the words with silent letter h and gh that will
complete the paragraph.
honest thoughtful brightest
height eight
Juan Carlos G. Salvador is an __________ year old boy. He is a Grade 4 pupil. He is
the tallest pupil in the class. His ________ is 4 feet and 6 inches. Though he is big, he is
the __________ pupil in the class. Moreover, he is _________ and __________ according to Ms.
Mahinhin, his adviser.

Underline the correct verb form in each sentence.

1. Faye ( eat, eats) her breakfast at exactly seven o’clock in the morning.
2. She ( drinks, drink) a glass of milk every day.
3. She (ride, rides) her school service to school.
4. As she (arrives, arrive) in the school, she goes directly to her classroom.
5. Her friends Jam and KZ ( clean, cleans) the classroom.

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