Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia 2010 LPC

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TAHUN 2010







The format for the question paper involves three sections which is Section A of Directed Writing,
Section B of Summary and Section C of Literature Component. The question paper requires the
candidates to answer all questions for each section respectively.

For Section A, the candidates are given a set of stimulus which assists weak candidates to attempt
the question accordingly. Although the pictures are given, short notes regarding the pictures are also
provided to complement the task. Good candidates should be able to use the pictures provided to
their advantage as they can meticulously specify the item and at the same time making the writing
even more interesting. Weak candidates could only rely on the notes given and merely stating the
required answer without detailing on the points.

For Section B, the candidates are given a short essay about a trip to a vacation place. They are
required to summarize the activities carried out there. Although candidates can simply transfer the
information onto their answer sheet, this question requires the candidates to paraphrase the
information into a single paragraph of not more than 60 words including the stem given.

For Section C, the candidates are required to response to write about a quality of a character in the
novel they have studied in class. Even though candidates are required to write about the incident
they chose, the candidates are also insisted to write on why they think that particular incident is
important to them.


An overview perception towards the question given is that the candidates are familiar with the
format of the paper. This means that, the students are being exposed to answer such questions in
the given format accordingly. Although the majority of them are weak students, they are able to
comprehend to the present format of the paper.

Calon Dalam Kumpulan Tinggi

Candidates in this group secured the highest marks of 25 – 30 marks. Unfortunately, none of the
candidates from the centres that i have marked belongs to this category. It shows that such
questions challenges the level of understanding and encourage the candidates to think critically.
They are able to analyse the stimulus given and write the answer as the question wanted. None of
them got creative by adding informative details to support their writing in Section A question.

Calon Dalam Kumpulan Sederhana

Candidates in this group obtain marks in the range of 15 – 24 marks. Candidates in this group is the
second highest achiever as they are able to answer the questions in the required format, but due to
the hindrance of proficiency level, they are unable to secure good marks. Only three candidates
managed to put themselves in this category. All the vocabularies exist in their writing, only that these
candidates aren’t able to put them in error-free English.

Calon Dalam Kumpulan Rendah

This group has the highest number of candidates as most of them got below 15 marks. Surprisingly,
two hundreds of them are in this category. Candidates in this are unable to meet the requirements
set. Most of them are alien to the format of writing a speech, unable to paraphrase and locate main
ideas in summary writing. On top of that, they are not capable to show interest in answering Section
C question.


Kekuatan Calon

The strength of the candidates can be seen in Section A and Section B questions. In Section A
question, candidates are able to list out the names of places in which safety measures should be
taken into account. This is the result of the notes and names are already provided in the stimulus.
Candidates CM022K039, CM022K026 and CM032K015 listed out all the places mentioned in the
stimulus but are unable to make any comprehensible sentences.

Kelemahan Calon

The weaknesses of the candidates lie in Section C question. Only those who really understand the
story in the novel would be able to answer such question. Most of them are able to list out the
incident which they think important but fail to specify as to why they think it is important. The
second weakness is the ability of the candidates to get the facts straight in answering Section C
question. For example, candidate CM022K026 mentioned that Rudolf in ‘Prisoner of Zenda’ is brave
enough, but the candidate failed to answer the question but instead summarizing the story.


Markah Penuh : 50 marks

Gred Markah Sempadan Bawah Rasional

A 40 Good candidates whom are able to meet the standard made by

the syndicate.

B 30 Those who still makes mistake in their writing.

C 20 Merely listing out point rather than presenting it.

D 10 Have no interest of attempting the question(s).


I would strongly suggest to the candidates to brush up their grammar proficiency. Most of them are
able to comprehend to the questions but are seriously incapable of presenting it accordingly. This in
way is such a disgrace to the profession as school students at this level are not able to write at least
one grammatically correct sentence.

I would also suggest to the students to instil the curiosity elements in them. Not only that, but the
student are suggested to be passionate in reading the novel and know it by heart at least one novel
of the five given. Then only students will not be prone into making factual error mistakes.


The teachers are doing a good job as to familiarize the students to the required format. Students
knew what they are supposed to do and willingly attempt the question although some of the
candidates are writing irrelevant distorted sentences. Teachers should emphasize more in the
mechanics to sentence writing and less on listing out points. Even though the students know the
points but are unable to present it flawlessly, it will be such a waste.

For Section C, most of the candidates are able to write the synopsis of the story but failed to answer
the question. So, in my opinion, it is best if the candidates are able to digest the question first and
understand what the question wants rather than simply quoting the excerpts of the novel that they
have studied.

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