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3rd Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City

Tel. No. 771-0403 Telefax: 771-0401

The Project AKJAR: Spydogs Business Plan

Presented by: AKJAR’s Spydogs

Owner: Keith Chastienne D. Valenzuela

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject Entrepreneurship

Submitted to:

Ms. Anita B. Abalin – LPT

Subject teacher

Date Submitted:

April 8, 2019
3rd Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Tel. No. 771-0403 Telefax: 771-0401

Table of Contents
Executive Summary .......................................................................................................................................................................................2
Management and Organization ................................................................................................................................................................3
Company Name .......................................................................................................................................................................................3
Logo ............................................................................................................................................................................................................3
Address ......................................................................................................................................................................................................3
Company’s Mission and Vision statement ............................................................................................................................................3
Key personnel ...........................................................................................................................................................................................3
Workforce and Support personnel ......................................................................................................................................................3
Organizational Chart ..............................................................................................................................................................................3
Capitalization ...........................................................................................................................................................................................3
Compensation and incentives:................................................................................................................................................................3
External Management Support .............................................................................................................................................................4
Product Plan ...................................................................................................................................................................................................5
Purpose of the Product ............................................................................................................................................................................5
Product’s Unique Features ......................................................................................................................................................................5
Ingredient and Material requirements and sources of supply........................................................................................................6
Production Process and controls that will be used to manufacture the product ..........................................................................6
Regulatory and other compliance issues .............................................................................................................................................7
Market Plan....................................................................................................................................................................................................7
Market Analysis ........................................................................................................................................................................................7
Marketing and Sales Strategies ...........................................................................................................................................................8
Sales Strategy ..........................................................................................................................................................................................8
Product Characteristics or Features ......................................................................................................................................................8
Pricing Policy .............................................................................................................................................................................................9
Sales Projections .......................................................................................................................................................................................9
Market Analysis Summary ......................................................................................................................................................................9
Financial Plan .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Start-up Capital .................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Documentation (Food making Process) .................................................................................................................................................. 11

3rd Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Tel. No. 771-0403 Telefax: 771-0401

Executive Summary

This business plan will intently show how a total investment of Php 500 could sell for about more than a

thousand pesos with our food product, which is called a “Spydog”.

The purpose of this plan is to present the total sales of Spydogs within the given period, hence, a month.

The sales were only Php 1360. This is due to the lack of supply and work force since the making of the

Spydogs is indeed critical especially when we talk about safety food handling.

Proper etiquette and sanitation of equipment is required during the food production. We use either

transparent gloves or transparent plastic sheets before handling the ingredients and do sanitation on the

knives and other utensils used in food production.

Project AKJAR targets its customers inside the campus, namely, “Informatics Computer Institute of

Alabang”, wherein the sales came from the students going in and out of the campus.

AKJAR will offer safe, eco-friendly, and good quality food servicing that aims to satisfy food cravings of

its beloved customers. Based on our gathered data due to our observation, the campus, “Informatics

Computer Institute of Alabang”, its students intently buy food as to fill their need for energy for today’s

schoolwork; Spydogs will be the key for them to afford a great food quality and service. However, there

are some circumstances that the company’s sales will not hit the quota. Therefore, my primary strategy is

the neat and proper production of the said food product for it will turn out satisfying enough for the

possible customers.

3rd Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Tel. No. 771-0403 Telefax: 771-0401

Management and Organization

Company Name: AKJAR’s Spydogs (I am not a spy; I’m just a spicy hotdog)

Address: 0001 Lt (Blk 3) Nia Rd. Putatan Muntinlupa City

Company’s Mission and Vision statement: It is our goal to give the Filipinos satisfaction to their self-
cravings with the best quality of service in a clean and safe environment. In addition, we choose the
greatest qualities of our food ingredients to ensure the customers that they will consume a safe, edible
and healthy food.

Key personnel: Manager

Workforce and Support personnel: Manager
Organizational Chart:

Production In-charge

Does these company tasks

Owner/Manager Marketing and Sales


Ownership: Single Proprietorship

Capitalization: Php 500.00
Compensation and incentives: Minimum wage based on daily rate as provided by law.

3rd Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Tel. No. 771-0403 Telefax: 771-0401

External Management Support: Parents and Entrepreneurship teacher will be tapped as Advisory Council.

3rd Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Tel. No. 771-0403 Telefax: 771-0401

Product Plan
Purpose of the Product
Project AKJAR will offer its customers a safe and good food quality, “Spydogs”. The product will have a
kick in taste as requested. Likewise, the customers will have the right to request what more ingredients
they choose to have in the food we serve.

Product’s Unique Features

AKJAR’s Spydogs do not rely on instant foods to be sold since we are starting a food business. Moreover,
starting up a business does not focus on what is cliché or famous, but the uniqueness of the product itself.
Therefore, instead, we are going to make our own recipe that will surely be tasty enough to attract the
customers. By something that is of original, we will target to produce a product that has not been
produced by other food sellers. Below is the sample look of a Spydog:

3rd Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Tel. No. 771-0403 Telefax: 771-0401

Ingredient and Material requirements and sources of supply

The ingredient requirements and their sources are as follows:


King-sized Hotdogs Public Market in Alabang
Medium-sized Hotdogs Grocery Store in Festival Mall, Alabang,
Bar of cheese Grocery store in Festival Mall, Alabang,
Green chili peppers Public Market in Divisoria
Lumpia/Pastry Wrappers Public Market in Putatan, Muntinlupa
Cooking Oil Sari-sari store in Putatan, Muntinlupa
Plain-salted butter Grocery store in Festival Mall, Alabang,
Transparent Plastic Sheets Sari-sari store in Putatan, Muntinlupa

Production Process and controls that will be used to manufacture the product
Below is the food making process with proper tool sanitation and safety handling

1. Ensure the primary ingredients safety and cleanliness first

a. Make sure that the hotdogs are properly stored in a cold temperature like in a freezer to
avoid food contamination especially when the product is made from processed meat.
b. The chili peppers should be washed properly in running water.
c. Dairy products should be accurately stored under cool temperature before usage.
d. The pastry wrappers should be stored away from moisture.
2. Preparation of the ingredients
a. Make sure that the tools such as knives and silverware are sanitized before use to avoid food
contamination and food-related illnesses.
b. Remove the outer covering of the hotdogs then carefully slice a thin line, holding the hotdog
vertically. Do not pierce too much for that thin line will serve as the path for the stuffing of the
c. For the green chili peppers, do the same as what you did on the hotdogs for you to remove
the seeds just to reduce the level of spiciness. Then chop the chili peppers into pieces for about
half an inch.
d. The cheese should be sliced into thin strips (half inch width) as for the stuffing of the hotdog.
3. The wrapping process
a. Stuff the hotdog with cheese thins and chopped green chili peppers.
b. Spread a bit of butter on the pastry wrapper and place the stuffed hotdog.
c. Roll and wrap the hotdog and make sure that the spaces are tight enough.

3rd Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Tel. No. 771-0403 Telefax: 771-0401

d. Dab a little water right on the end of the wrapper to seal.

e. Repeat the process to other hotdogs until done.
4. Frying
a. Prepare the pan and set the heat from low to medium only.
b. Once the pan is warm enough for frying, pour a moderate amount of cooking oil.
c. When the oil is ready for frying, use tongs to fry the Spydogs.
d. Wait until the covering/wrapper turns golden-brown.
e. Set aside the finished Spydogs over a paper towel to reduce the excess oil.
5. Proper packaging and storage
a. Properly set the food container for the Spydogs and ensure that the lid has an airlock
moisture for you to serve them fresh and in good quality.

The food making quality control will be ensured in each of the step in the production process.

Regulatory and other compliance issues

Project AKJAR will be registered as a single proprietor enterprise with the Department Trade and
Industry provincial Office. A Barangay clearance will also be secured before it applies for a Mayor’s
permit to operate as a home-based business micro enterprise. The BIR registration will also be done after
getting all the necessary registration documents and permits from DTI, Barangay, and Mayor’s Office.
The owner/manager will be registered with the Social Security System.

Market Plan
Market Analysis
As of now, AKJAR’s Spydogs has no competitors who sells savory food products such as Hotdog stalls
and/or businesses in Informatics Alabang. Instead, the table below will show the summary of sales of
Project AKJAR within the given time frame, February to March 2019, S.Y. 2018-2019.

Historical Data Total Sales/Day

(I Month)
1st Day Php 310.00
2nd Day Php 245.00
3rd Day Php 265.00
4th Day Php 260.00
5th Day Php 280.00
Total Php 1,360.00

3rd Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Tel. No. 771-0403 Telefax: 771-0401

Although the company had a month to sell its food products, conflicts happened such as the removal of
the company members and the company only sold its products for only about 5 days; the reason why
Project AKJAR did not meet the required “quota” which is Php 5000.00.

Marketing and Sales Strategies

Marketing Strategy

An aggressive marketing campaign will aim to increase visibility for AKJAR’s Spydogs. This will
emphasize the customer’s preference to request additional ingredients on our food product. AKJAR will
utilize a number of different venues to communicate this message.

 Customer Interactions – the company will be active on having connections with their valued
customers. It is to know the customers’ preference on the food that they are going to buy from the
company. And with the information gathered from them, will indeed improve the quality of the
food product that will be served to them.

Sales Strategy
The sales strategy will emphasize that buying a savory food product from AKJAR’s Spydogs is easy and
accesible. However, because of the said conflicts that the company meets, the strategy became

The Project AKJAR has planned on making a Facebook page to increase the amount of customers since
the world of technology rises within our generation; the company will say that social media can be useful
in terms of starting up a new business as this.

In addition, one of the company’s strategy is to listen to its customers’ food ideas that will improve the
product and/or service to be brought to the buyers. As some entrepreneurs will say, “great quality and
service will be nothing if it weren’t for the feedbacks of the company’s customers”.

Product Characteristics or Features

Project AKJAR has a unique way of making its product, which is why the company has not enlisted any
competitors who sells the same product as they have.

 High quality ingredients – the company ensures that the food to be served to its customers is
edible and is safe to partake. Critical quality control is required on this company especially when
serving food products.

3rd Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Tel. No. 771-0403 Telefax: 771-0401

 Clean and safe food making process – customers are offered a clean and disease-free food and
servicing since the food making process is accompanied by utensil sanitations such as spoons,
knives and forks, proper cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace and proper storage of the
ingredients before and after the process.
 Affordability of the food product – one of the customers’ need on purchasing food products is the
affordable, yet satisfactory food servicing. Since the targeted customers are from a Senior High
School campus, they will expect a budget-friendly food from a stall.

Pricing Policy
AKJAR’s Spydogs will adopt the differing price based on the size of the hotdogs and the used
ingredients. As such, below is the pricing scheme that will be adopted:

Size of the Food Product Price (in Peso)

Medium-Sized Hotdogs Php 15.00
King-Sized Hotdogs Php 20.00

Sales Projections
Size Price Day 1 Day 2 Day3 Day 4 Day 5

Quantity Peso Quantity Peso Quantity Peso Quantity Peso Quantity Peso
Medium- 15 10 150 7 105 7 105 0 0 0 0
King- 20 8 160 7 140 8 160 13 260 14 280
Total 18 310 14 245 15 265 13 260 14 280

Market Analysis Summary

The sales within the given time frame is not enough to reach the quota; due to the lack of manpower since
the company owner/manager has done a removal of company members. Because of this phenomena, the

3rd Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Tel. No. 771-0403 Telefax: 771-0401

company has only sold its food products in only five days. And in those five days of selling, the company
has only earned Php 1,360 out of Php 5000 which is the given quota.

Financial Plan
Start-up Capital
Expenses Cost/Pc Day 1 (18
King-sized hotdogs 10 100
Medium-sized hotdogs 5 (estimated price from hotdog pack) 40
Bar of cheese 42/bar 42
Green Chili Peppers 10/bundle (25 pcs) 10
Lumpia/Pastry Wrappers 8/mark (1 mark = 6pcs) 24
Cooking Oil 12 = ½ bottle 12
Plain-salted Butter 10 = ¼ bar 40
Transparent Plastic Sheets 10/pack 10
Total 107 278

Start up Capital = Capital – Expenses

AKJAR’s Spydogs Start up Capital = Php 500.00 – Php 278.00

= Php 222.00

3rd Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Tel. No. 771-0403 Telefax: 771-0401

Documentation (Food making Process)

3rd Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Tel. No. 771-0403 Telefax: 771-0401

3rd Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Tel. No. 771-0403 Telefax: 771-0401


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