Niche Construction Theory and Human Architecture

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Biol Theory (2011) 6:283–289

DOI 10.1007/s13752-012-0029-3


Niche Construction Theory and Human Architecture

John Odling-Smee • J. Scott Turner

Received: 13 April 2012 / Accepted: 29 May 2012 / Published online: 21 July 2012
! Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research 2012

Abstract In modern evolutionary theory, selection acts Keywords Architecture ! Biomimicry ! Culture !
on particular genes and assemblages of genes that operate Niche construction ! Termites
through phenotypes expressed in environments. This view,
however, overlooks the fact that organisms often alter their
environments in pursuit of fitness needs and thus modify
some environmental selection pressures. Niche construc- Architecture is the art, science, and practice of the built
tion theory introduces a reciprocal causal process that environment. Since the time of Vetruvius, the aesthetic of
modifies natural selection relative to three general kinds of architecture has involved the three elements of structure,
environmental components: abiota, biota (other organ- utility, and beauty. In recent times, a fourth element has been
isms), and artifacts. The ways in which niche-constructing added to the ideal, namely, that the built environment should
organisms can construct or modify the components differ. be inspired by nature, which offers abundant and marvelous
Modification of abiota, for example, may have different examples of ‘‘living architecture.’’ The philosophical ratio-
consequences from the construction of artifacts. Some nale for this ‘‘biomimetic’’ ideal is that living systems
changes in abiota may simply be caused by the by-products evolving under regimes of natural selection tend naturally
of metabolisms and activities of organisms. Alternatively, toward adaptation—that is, toward close integration with the
artifacts may be ‘‘extended phenotypes’’ that demonstrate environment through optimizing function, structure, and use
obvious prior ‘‘design’’ and ‘‘construction’’ by organisms of materials and energy (Benyus 1997; McLellan 2004;
in the service of fitness needs. Nevertheless, adaptation Gruber 2008). Architecture inspired by nature should there-
should always account for the reciprocity between con- fore be better built, more efficient, and more tightly integrated
structed niches and the living agents that construct them. with its environment. In other words, biomimetic architecture
Looking to well-adapted nature for inspiration for human- should, ipso facto, produce well-adapted buildings.
built artifacts must account for this reciprocity between Adaptation is a central concept in evolutionary biology,
phenotype and constructed environment as well as the but it can hardly be said to be a settled concept (Lewens
novel features of human architecture, including frank 2009). The ‘‘adaptationist program,’’ as it has been called,
intentionality of design and novel culturally acquired has come under strenuous scrutiny and criticism because it
knowledge. is not always clear that natural selection necessarily pro-
duces adaptation, nor is it always clear what is adapting to
what (Gould and Lewontin 1979; Lewontin 2000). This
J. Odling-Smee (&)
applies not only to ‘‘conventional’’ organismal traits, such
School of Anthropology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
e-mail: as body size, growth, and physiology, but also to structures
built by organisms, which often provide physiological or
J. S. Turner reproductive services for their builders (von Frisch and von
Department of Environmental and Forest Biology, SUNY
Frisch 1974; Hansell 1984; Turner 2000). The various
College of Environmental Science & Forestry, Syracuse, NY,
USA types of social insect nests provide an obvious example
e-mail: (Wilson 1971).

284 J. Odling-Smee, J. S. Turner

In recent years, a coherent evolutionary theory of the This shortcoming has frequently been recognized, and
natural-built environment, which goes by the name of niche there have been several attempts over the years to resolve
construction theory (NCT), has been emerging (Odling- it. For example, from the evolutionary side, Dawkins
Smee et al. 2003). Here we outline some of the history and (1982) proposed that the active modification of an envi-
development of this idea and then outline a few thoughts on ronmental component by an organism may constitute an
how NCT can inform biomimetic architecture. ‘‘extended phenotype,’’ in which the modified environment
counts as an evolvable expression of genes as much as any
other phenotypic trait, such as fur thickness or body size.
Some History From the ecological side, the concept of ‘‘ecosystem
engineering’’ takes a more physiological view, proposing
NCT has its roots in an appreciation of the role that active that built environments can be instrumental in managing
manipulation of the environment by organisms plays in the flows of matter and energy in ecosystems, and hence
evolutionary process (Lewontin 2000). In the standard through organisms (Jones et al. 1997; Cuddington 2012,
model for evolution, the environment is assumed to act this issue). NCT seeks to unify and considerably extend
as an independent ‘‘selective filter’’ for ‘‘apt’’ (fit) function these ideas by melding evolutionary and ecological con-
specifiers relative to the environment. In the standard cepts into a single coherent theory that, in many respects,
model, these function specifiers are presumed to be genes. resembles Lewontin’s (2000) vision of a ‘‘triple helix’’
Populations comprise variant organisms that are either approach to evolution, based on the co-equal and inter-
genetically apt relative to their selective environments or acting dimensions of gene, organism, and environment.
are inapt to some degree. Genetically apt organisms are In the context of this article, NCT promises a coherent
likely to pass through the filters of natural selection and theory of biomimetic architecture’s core assumption—the
reproduce. Those that are less aptly endowed do not built environment as shaped by natural selection for apt
survive and reproduce, or they reproduce less prolifically. function.
Over time, genes for structural and functional aptitude are
naturally selected, and the adaptation of lineages ensues.
As the evolutionary biologist Richard Lewontin (1983, Elements of NCT
p. 276) eloquently put it, ‘‘The organism proposes, the
environment disposes.’’ Henceforth we will call this sce- Figure 1 summarizes the principal differences between
nario ‘‘standard evolutionary theory’’ (SET). SET and NCT. In SET, the evolution of organisms is
It is impossible, however, to speak of a fit or ‘‘apt’’ gene directed solely by natural selection pressures in environ-
independent of environmental context. Adaptation to the ments (Fig. 1a). Selective environments, E, act on popu-
environment has an obvious ecological dimension, expres- lations of diverse phenotypes, P, and influence which
sed colorfully many years ago by the ecologist Evelyn individuals pass on their genes, G, to the next generation.
Hutchinson (1957) in terms of an ‘‘ecological theatre’’ for the In SET, this occurs via a single inheritance system, namely
‘‘evolutionary play.’’ For Hutchinson, the ecological niche genetic inheritance. Environments are heterogeneous, so
was the conceptual framework for this drama, which has natural selection pressures are expected to change in space
always been a strongly relativistic concept: niches cannot and time, which can be tracked by evolving lineages. What
exist without occupants. Yet, insofar as SET treats niches as is key in SET is that organisms are not treated as the cause
the source of multiple independent natural selection pres- of any evolutionarily significant changes in natural selec-
sures, the ‘‘ecological theatre’’ is essentially represented by tion pressures in their environments. To the extent that
parcels of environmental attributes that are imposed upon such organism-derived changes are recognized to occur,
recipient organisms, challenging their aptitude. the cause is assumed to be prior natural selection.
In contrast, NCT treats niches as, in part, the active In NCT (Fig. 1b), in contrast, the activities of organisms
constructions of the organisms that occupy them, as well as are treated as the co-cause of evolutionarily significant
being partly autonomous. This approach presents a chal- changes in environments. The evolution of organisms is
lenge to SET, because it means that organisms can, by their now assumed to be directed by two reciprocal processes,
own activities, modify the spectrum of natural selection natural selection and niche construction. The transmission
pressures in their own selective environments. Adaptation, of genes by ancestral organisms to their descendants by
by which we mean the complementarity of organism and means of genetic inheritance is influenced by natural
environment, now becomes a two-way street—not only do selection in all the usual ways. However, selected habitats,
organisms adapt to their environments, they also ‘‘adapt’’ modified and ‘‘constructed’’ habitats, and modified sources
their environments to themselves. This is a dimension of of natural selection in those habitats are also transmitted
the evolutionary process that is not fully captured by SET. by niche-constructing organisms to their descendents by a

Niche Construction Theory and Human Architecture 285

Fig. 1 Standard evolutionary theory (SET) and niche construction process works the same as in SET except that the modification of
theory (NCT) compared. In both, a gene pool (G) contained in a environments by populations, and therefore the modification of some
population of phenotypes (P) is embedded in an environment (E) that natural selection pressures through niche construction, is recognized
changes over time (t) from generation Nt to generation Nt?1. In SET as an evolutionary process. That also establishes an ecological
(a), evolution works by natural selection affecting the genomes inheritance from time t to time t ? 1
inherited from generation N to generation N ? 1. In NCT (b), the

second general inheritance system called ecological generations of worms. Over time, this has eased the climate
inheritance (Odling-Smee 2010). In NCT, selective envi- of selection for the evolution of kidneys and water-balance
ronments of organisms are partly determined by indepen- organs more suitable to terrestrial life. One result is that the
dent sources of natural selection, for instance, by climate, kidneys of earthworms are still essentially the same as
or physical and chemical events, as usual. But they are also those of their freshwater ancestors.
partly determined by what niche-constructing organisms
do, or previously did, to their own and each others’ envi-
ronments. The defining characteristic of niche construction Niche Construction Theory, Artifacts, and Culture
is not the modification of environments per se but rather
the modification of natural selection and the subsequent Human beings are arguably nature’s most impressive niche
transmission of modified natural selection pressures in constructors (Smith 2007), and constructed shelters provide
environments to descendent generations through ecological many of the same physiological services, with similar
inheritance. In this manner, niche construction changes the evolutionary consequences, to human beings as they do to
dynamics of the evolutionary process by acting as a source earthworms or any of a myriad of more lowly organisms.
of significant feedback from organisms to their environ- Architecture is not simply utilitarian, however; it can also
ments in evolution (Odling-Smee et al. 1996). be a significant part of human culture. NCT may be rele-
A familiar example of this elemental form of niche vant here as well, for the constructed cultural niche can
construction can be seen in the common earthworm include artifacts that are passed on to future generations
(Kretzschmar and Monestiez 1992; Satchell 1983; Turner and that may significantly alter the subsequent course of a
2000). These worms are most closely related to aquatic human population’s evolution (Laland et al. 2000, 2010;
freshwater annelid worms. One common problem faced by Laland and O’Brien 2012, this issue; Odling-Smee and
freshwater creatures is absorption of excess water from the Laland 2012, this issue). We are aware, of course, that the
environment, to which these organisms adapt by having word ‘‘culture’’ is fraught with many meanings, some of
kidneys and other water-balance organs that are built to them controversial. In NCT, we take culture to include the
remove excess water. This physiology is unsuited to ter- nongenetic inheritance of culturally acquired information,
restrial life where water is scarce and water conservation is or ‘‘knowledge,’’ and of material culture, or ‘‘artifacts’’,
the norm. In SET, as the aquatic ancestors of terrestrial both of which can modify the selective environments of
earthworms evolve toward their new environment, they organisms, within and between generations (Odling-Smee
would be expected to evolve kidneys and water balance and Laland 2012, this issue).
organs that favor water conservation. That did not happen. Let us assume that a human population produces one or
Rather, earthworms have constructed for themselves a more cultural artifacts and that they have some meaning or
semi-aquatic niche in the soils in which they live by use for the people who produced them. Let us also assume
modifying the soils so that water infiltration and retention that the artifacts are then passed on to future generations by
are enhanced. The ecological inheritance in this instance means of human ecological inheritance. If these cultural
is the moister soil environment engineered by many artifacts subsequently modify the selective environments

286 J. Odling-Smee, J. S. Turner

over several generations of future humans (and possibly the to be that way. These natal pairs enjoy a higher survival
environments of other organisms too, as in domesticated probability than do natal pairs that do not land on heu-
livestock [e.g., Diamond 2005; Enattah et al. 2008]), then weltjies. There is, therefore, a recolonization bias for pat-
the population’s genetic composition itself will be likely to ches of soil that had previously been occupied by termites.
evolve, often in ways that feed back to influence its cultural The ecological inheritance is impressive, as some heu-
activities (Laland et al. 2010). In humans, cultural changes weltjies can be several thousand years old (Moore and
can also occur independent of genetic change. For exam- Picker 1991).
ple, the introduction of aircraft in the 20th century is most Can heuweltjies be considered a form of cultural niche
unlikely to have depended upon human genetic changes. construction? As in soil modification by earthworms,
However, the cultural innovation clearly did feed back to heuweltjies fit comfortably under simple NCT (Fig. 1b),
influence subsequent human cultural activities. the constructed niche being the modified moisture regime
Some of these feedbacks can also be seen in action, that prevails there, and the ecological inheritance being the
sometimes quite dramatically, in various animal architects. persistence of the modified regime. However, insect soci-
Termites, for example, generally do not have high toler- eties are organized by a rich language of chemical and
ance for hot and dry conditions. Yet, certain termite pop- sensory cues (Bruinsma 1979; Howse 1984; Bonabeau
ulations can extend well into environments that they are et al. 1997) that appear to be absent in earthworms. Part of
physiologically unsuited to occupy. Under SET, the that rich language is embodied in the structures they build,
expected outcome would be physiological adaptation to and, if the structures are sufficiently enduring, as artifacts
hot, dry conditions, mediated by selection of genes for high that are passed on to future generations and which may
tolerance. This has clearly occurred in some species of shape their behavior. Cultural niche construction is there-
termites: Hodotermes mossambicus, a southern African fore a possibility in this instance, but only in the sense
harvester termite, can often be seen foraging on the surface, outlined in Fig. 2a. In this instance the ‘‘cultural’’ knowl-
in full sun in hot and dry conditions. Their physiological edge (C) is the information embodied in the termite-built
adaptations include development of a highly sclerotized structures, which is enabled by termite genes, perhaps
exoskeleton, large size, and retention of eyes by the supplemented by acquired knowledge. This has effects on
workers. In this instance, it is genetic adaptation to envi- resources (water) mobilized through the constructed niche.
ronment that has been paramount. However, it is unknown whether any acquired knowl-
Most termites, however, employ niche construction to edge stays only within generations or crosses between
modify their selective environments, and this changes how generations. Thus, the ecological inheritance minimally
they may have evolved in harsh environments. As an includes the legacy of the mound, which itself may influ-
example, heuweltjies are curious landforms common in the ence descendant populations’ behavior, but it may also
winter rainfall regions of South Africa’s Nama Karoo include socially transmitted information passed from one
(Lovegrove 1991). These are low mounds, roughly 1–2 m generation to the next. If the latter, it would then begin to
tall and around 20 m in diameter. They are often distrib- resemble what occurs in human populations with sophis-
uted in regular arrays over the landscape and often support ticated brains and rich culture (Fig. 2b). In this instance,
a distinct plant community that makes them stand out culture in one generation endures sufficiently long to
visually from their surroundings. Heuweltjies are produced influence the selective environments of future generations,
by another species of harvester termite, Microhodotermes not through genetic inheritance, not solely through the
viator. Their nests qualify as constructed niches because constructed niche of the cultural artifact, but also through
the burrowing activities of the termites that are ancillary to directly transmitted knowledge (e.g., language [Laland
constructing the colony’s underground nest and network of et al. 2000, 2010]).
foraging tunnels enhance infiltration of sparse seasonal Although we have painted a strong contrast between the
rainfalls. Heuweltjie soils are thus slightly moister and two models, the relevance of social-insect architecture to
better aerated than surrounding soils, which tend to be human architecture turns crucially on how distinct the two
compact so that rainfalls there are prone to runoff rather models really are. If the two models are distinct, and insect
than infiltration. Heuweltjies qualify as a form of ecolog- societies and their structures fall strongly in the model
ical inheritance because the structural modification of the described in Fig. 2a, then insect societies may have little to
soil by one colony persists beyond the colony’s typical tell human architects because the only form of adaptation
lifetime, and this modifies future selective environments there is genetic. However, if insect-built structures do have
(Turner 2004). Future natal pairs of termites that land on a a cultural evolutionary dimension in the sense of Fig. 2b,
heuweltjie therefore encounter soils that are moister then that becomes more relevant and interesting for the
because previous generations of termites constructed them human architect.

Niche Construction Theory and Human Architecture 287

Fig. 2 Niche construction theory and culture: a within a population, inheritance, inclusive of the inheritance of material artifacts as well as
cultures (C) derived in part from the expression of genotypes (G) can socially transmitted cultural knowledge, can also be characterized as a
develop and can modify the ecological inheritance for future component of ecological inheritance. That allows cultural niche
generations; legated artifacts can be viewed as a simple form of construction to modify some of the natural selection pressures that act
cultural inheritance embedded in ecological inheritance. b Cultural on genes, thereby allowing culture to coevolve with genetic evolution

Social Niche Construction organization of ‘‘organism-like’’ systems, which encom-

passes organisms and various social systems of organisms
Our claim is that a strictly genetic approach to the evolu- such as insect colonies or ecological communities and
tion of well-adapted insect architecture may not be suffi- which includes cultural evolution in a way that SET simply
cient in itself, even in the context of NCT (Fig. 2a). That is, cannot accommodate. Indeed, one can look upon the
we believe there probably is some cultural evolutionary superorganism itself as a form of social niche construction.
component to social insect architecture, even if we are Wilson recently revised his earlier ideas about the role
uncertain at present just what that might be or how it might of inclusive fitness in eusociality. Wilson and his col-
work. Here is the logic behind this claim. Relying too much leagues (Nowak et al. 2010, p. 1060) now claim that the
on genetic inheritance does not provide a comprehensive evolution of eusociality depends primarily on the formation
theory for understanding the evolution of social systems. It of groups that ‘‘can be pulled together when cooperation
is a striking fact that sociality has evolved independently at among unrelated members proves beneficial to them.’’ It
least twice among the insects: once among the ants, bees, therefore depends far less than Wilson previously thought
and wasps, and once among the termites (Wilson 1971). In on inclusive genetic fitness. Nowak et al. (2010) propose
the former, and in accordance with the theory of inclusive that one relevant causative agent is the building and
fitness (Hamilton 1964a, b), sociality is supposedly favored defense of mutually beneficial nests by cooperating ani-
by patterns of sex determination that make female workers mals. The relevant point for us here is that nest building is
more closely related to sisters than to any prospective an example of niche construction. That raises the prospect
daughters. Genetic selection should therefore favor evolu- that both eusociality and cooperation might be described
tion of female-dominated social systems, where workers better by NCT than by SET (Blute 2011).
force mothers to produce more sisters than to reproduce Just as the superorganism idea poses radical questions
themselves. Among the termites, there is no such genetic about the nature and origin of that most salient, and most
bias, yet the social systems of the bees, ants, and wasps on taken-for-granted attribute of life, the organism, it also
the one hand, and the termites on the other, are virtually forces a radical exploration of the nature of culture: the role
identical. Genetics alone cannot explain this remarkable of artifacts, semantics, memory, and learning. We do not
convergence (Nowak et al. 2010). pretend to have answers to these radical questions. We just
What can better explain it, however, is the complex web want to point out that there is room for interpreting insect-
of information, energy, and matter flow that ensures the built structures as a form of cultural inheritance, particu-
collective behaves with sufficient coherence to enhance the larly when they carry a past legacy of apt function to future
persistence and ultimate reproduction of the collective—of generations of insects.
the superorganism, in a word. Because NCT is not com- Niche construction may also apply to the development of
mitted, as SET is, to a single mode of inheritance (Odling- individual organisms in an interesting way. One commonly
Smee 2010), or to a single form of phenotype upon which thinks of constructed niches as existing outside the bound-
natural selection might act, it provides a richer, and more aries of conventionally defined organisms. However, meta-
realistic, picture of the evolution of life as it really exists zoan organisms themselves can be thought of as socially
on Earth: as multiple forms and at multiple scales of constructed niches, environments built and regulated by

288 J. Odling-Smee, J. S. Turner

social assemblages of the descendants of individual zygotes past, while diminishing the legacy of poor inapt
(Laland et al. 2008; Gilbert and Epel 2009). function. Genes are an important part of this process,
but there are many levels of hereditary legacy that can
define what is, and what is not, apt function. Hereditary
memory can also include non-genetic forms of inher-
Lessons for Human Architecture
itance that lie outside the traditionally held views of an
organism’s outer boundary (Turner 2004; Jablonka and
The fundamental premise of biomimetic architecture is
Lamb 2005; Odling-Smee 2010). These can sometimes
adaptationist. That is, natural structures are presumed to
lead animal-built structures in some odd, and seemingly
have several attributes—innovative design, well-function-
maladaptive ways. In short, not all natural systems will
ing structure, and optimal use of materials and energy—
live up to what biomimetic architects seek in them.
because natural selection has made them that way. If
• Adaptation emerges at multiple scales. Diverse forms
architects, therefore, look to nature for inspiration, build-
of heredity memory, inclusive of cultural inheritance in
ings that are innovative in design and that function well and
humans, ensure that there will always be differing
with optimal use of materials and energy will therefore
‘‘opinions’’ within any biological system on what may
effortlessly emerge.
have been apt function in the past. What course the
Although the generality of adaptation in evolution has
evolution of a system follows may be determined not
been criticized, it remains a remarkable fact that, despite
only by apt function for the whole, nor by chance alone
incredible levels of complexity and therefore enormous
but by which among the multiplicity of plural memories
possibilities for failure, living systems generally do work
is the most ‘‘assertive.’’ In harvester termites, for
well, and in a variety of circumstances. Despite debates
example, it is the genes that have prevailed. In the
that may rage among biologists over the generality of
heuweltjie, it is the cultural legacy of the constructed
adaptation, it is, in fact, a real phenomenon and one that
niche that has been most assertive.
arguably is central to a complete understanding of the
• Adaptation is a conversation. Good function at large
evolution of life in all its manifestations. Architects are
scale usually involves interactions of diverse forms of
therefore correct in looking to living nature for inspiration.
heredity memory and their adaptive integration and
What NCT does for architecture is to provide a more
embodiment at subsidiary scales. A biomimetic build-
detailed operational model for how adaptation comes to be.
ing will therefore incorporate into its design the
SET provides only a limited explanation for adaptation—
possibility for similar ‘‘conversations’’ among struc-
the selection of genes for apt function and structure—and it
ture, occupants, and function (Turner 2012). This
is light on the details of how the gene and the phenomenon
invites a radical examination of the role of the
of adaptation connect. NCT offers a richer theoretical
‘‘biomimetic architect.’’ Is the architect a specifier of
context for thinking about adaptation by proposing that
a building’s apt function, imposing a particular regime
adaptation depends on reciprocal causal processes in evo-
of function on the building’s occupants, similar to the
lution; by adding a second general inheritance system in
way SET assumes genes impose a regime of function
evolution (ecological inheritance); and by including the
on the organism? Or is the biomimetic architect the
obvious patterns of cultural inheritance as well as genetic
mediator of a conversation between a building and its
inheritance. It also fills in more of the operational details
occupants in a way that puts the occupants in control
concerning precisely how organisms actually achieve
of the constructed niches they inhabit? In short, is
biomimetic architecture somewhat misnamed? Should
NCT may therefore be able to offer architects some new
it strive more properly to become physiomimetic
sources of inspiration for implementing innovative biomi-
metic designs based on several premises:
• Structure is process. A physiomimetic architecture
• Adaptation is functional. The details of adaptation lie in should, in turn, invite a radical examination of what
the appropriately informed management of flows of might be called architectural epistemology: what
matter and energy that can ultimately build, maintain, meaning is embodied in the structures we build and
and reproduce organisms and also construct partly inhabit? Traditionally, both architects and biologists
controlled or ‘‘engineered’’ components of environ- have operated on the assumption that structure is object
ments. Biomimetic architecture looks ultimately to how and function is process—structure (anatomy) is the
living systems manage to control flows of matter and physical venue for function (physiology). In contrast,
energy in natural ecosystems. the increasingly assertive lesson from biology, and
• There is a multiplicity of hereditary memories. Natural from NCT, is that this distinction no longer holds:
selection reinforces the legacy of apt function in the living structures at any scale are not objects, but are

Niche Construction Theory and Human Architecture 289

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