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Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Course 18)

The Department of Mathematics ( oers

General Mathematics Option
training at the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels.
In addition to the General Institute Requirements, the requirements
Its expertise covers a broad spectrum of elds ranging from the
consist of Dierential Equations, plus eight additional 12-unit
traditional areas of "pure" mathematics, such as analysis, algebra,
subjects in Course 18 of essentially dierent content, including at
geometry, and topology, to applied mathematics areas such as
least six advanced subjects (rst decimal digit one or higher). One
combinatorics, computational biology, fluid dynamics, theoretical
of these eight subjects must be Linear Algebra. This leaves available
computer science, and theoretical physics.
84 units of unrestricted electives. The requirements are flexible in
Course 18 includes two undergraduate degrees: a Bachelor of order to accommodate students who pursue programs that combine
Science in Mathematics and a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics mathematics with a related eld (such as physics, economics, or
with Computer Science. Undergraduate students may choose one management) as well as students who are interested in both pure
of three options leading to the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics: and applied mathematics. More details can be found on the degree
applied mathematics, pure mathematics, or general mathematics. chart (
The general mathematics option provides a great deal of flexibility #generalmathematicstext).
and allows students to design their own programs in conjunction
with their advisors. The Mathematics with Computer Science degree Applied Mathematics Option
is oered for students who want to pursue interests in mathematics Applied mathematics focuses on the mathematical concepts and
and theoretical computer science within a single undergraduate techniques applied in science, engineering, and computer science.
program. Particular attention is given to the following principles and their
mathematical formulations: propagation, equilibrium, stability,
At the graduate level, the Mathematics Department oers the PhD in optimization, computation, statistics, and random processes.
Mathematics, which culminates in the exposition of original research
in a dissertation. Graduate students also receive training and gain Sophomores interested in applied mathematics typically enroll
experience in the teaching of mathematics. in 18.200 Principles of Discrete Applied Mathematics and 18.300
Principles of Continuum Applied Mathematics. Subject 18.200 is
The CLE Moore instructorships and Applied Mathematics devoted to the discrete aspects of applied mathematics and may be
instructorships bring mathematicians at the postdoctoral level to MIT taken concurrently with 18.03 Dierential Equations. Subject 18.300,
and provide them with training in research and teaching. oered in the spring term, is devoted to continuous aspects and
makes considerable use of dierential equations.

Undergraduate Study The subjects in Group I of the program correspond roughly to those
areas of applied mathematics that make heavy use of discrete
An undergraduate degree in mathematics provides an excellent mathematics, while Group II emphasizes those subjects that
basis for graduate work in mathematics or computer science, or deal mainly with continuous processes. Some subjects, such as
for employment in such elds as nance, business, or consulting. probability or numerical analysis, have both discrete and continuous
Students' programs are arranged through consultation with their aspects.
faculty advisors.
Students planning to go on to graduate work in applied mathematics
Undergraduates in mathematics are encouraged to elect an should also take some basic subjects in analysis and algebra.
undergraduate seminar during their junior or senior year. The
experience gained from active participation in a seminar conducted More detail on the Applied Mathematics option can be found on the
by a research mathematician has proven to be valuable for students degree chart (
planning to pursue graduate work as well as for those going on to course-18/#appliedmathematicstext).
other careers. These seminars also provide training in the verbal and
written communication of mathematics and may be used to fulll the Pure Mathematics Option
Communication Requirement. Pure (or "theoretical") mathematics is the study of the basic concepts
and structure of mathematics. Its goal is to arrive at a deeper
Many mathematics majors take 18.821 Project Laboratory in understanding and an expanded knowledge of mathematics itself.
Mathematics, which fullls the Institute's Laboratory Requirement
and counts toward the Communication Requirement. Traditionally, pure mathematics has been classied into three
general elds: analysis, which deals with continuous aspects of
mathematics; algebra, which deals with discrete aspects; and
geometry. The undergraduate program is designed so that students

Department of Mathematics   |   3

become familiar with each of these areas. Students also may wish to
explore other topics such as logic, number theory, complex analysis, Inquiries
and subjects within applied mathematics. For further information, see the department's website (http:// or contact Math Academic
The subjects 18.701 Algebra I and 18.901 Introduction to Topology Services, 617-253-2416.
are more advanced and should not be elected until a student has
had experience with proofs, as in Real Analysis (18.100A, 18.100B,
18.100P or 18.100Q) or 18.700 Linear Algebra.
Graduate Study
For more details, see the degree chart (http:// The Mathematics Department oers programs covering a broad range of topics leading to the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of
#theoreticalmathematicstext). Science degree. Candidates are admitted to either the Pure or
Applied Mathematics programs but are free to pursue interests in
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Computer Science both groups. Of the roughly 120-130 doctoral students, about two
(Course 18-C) thirds are in Pure Mathematics, one third in Applied Mathematics.
Mathematics and computer science are closely related elds.
Problems in computer science are oen formalized and solved with The programs in Pure and Applied Mathematics oer basic and
mathematical methods. It is likely that many important problems advanced classes in analysis, algebra, geometry, Lie theory, logic,
currently facing computer scientists will be solved by researchers number theory, probability, statistics, topology, astrophysics,
skilled in algebra, analysis, combinatorics, logic and/or probability combinatorics, fluid dynamics, numerical analysis, theoretical
theory, as well as computer science. physics, and the theory of computation. In addition, many
mathematically oriented subjects are oered by other departments.
The purpose of this program is to allow students to study a Students in Applied Mathematics are especially encouraged to
combination of these mathematical areas and potential areas of take subjects in engineering and scientic subjects related to their
application in computer science. Required subjects include linear research.
algebra (18.06 or 18.700) because it is so broadly used, and discrete
mathematics (18.062[J] or 18.200) to give experience with proofs and All students pursue research under the supervision of the faculty
the necessary tools for analyzing algorithms. The required subjects and are encouraged to take advantage of the many seminars and
covering complexity (18.404 Theory of Computation or 18.400[J] colloquia at MIT and in the Boston area.
Automata, Computability, and Complexity) and algorithms (18.410[J]
Design and Analysis of Algorithms) provide an introduction to the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Science
most theoretical aspects of computer science.  We also require The requirements for these degrees are described on the
exposure to other areas of computer science (6.031, 6.033, 6.034, department's website (
or 6.036) where mathematical issues may also arise. More details timeline). In outline, they consist of an oral qualifying examination,
can be found on the degree chart ( a thesis proposal, completion of a minimum of 96 units (8 graduate
charts/mathematics-computer-science-course-18-c). subjects), and a thesis containing original research in mathematics.

Some flexibility is allowed in this program. In particular, students Interdisciplinary Programs

may substitute the more advanced subject 18.701 Algebra I for 18.06
Linear Algebra, and, if they already have strong theorem-proving Computational Science and Engineering
skills, may substitute 18.211 Combinatorial Analysis or 18.212 Students with primary interest in computational science may also
Algebraic Combinatorics for 18.062[J] Mathematics for Computer consider applying to the interdisciplinary Computational Science and
Science or 18.200 Principles of Discrete Applied Mathematics. Engineering (CSE) program, with which the Mathematics Department
is aliated. For more information, see the CSE website (http://
Minor in Mathematics
The requirements for a Minor in Mathematics are as follows: six 12-
unit subjects in mathematics, beyond the Institute's Mathematics Mathematics and Statistics
Requirement, of essentially dierent content, including at least three The Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Statistics provides
advanced subjects (rst decimal digit one or higher). training in statistics, including classical statistics and probability
as well as computation and data analysis, to students who wish
See the Undergraduate Section for a general description of the minor
to integrate these valuable skills into their primary academic
program (
program. The program is administered jointly by the departments
of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Economics, Mathematics, and
Political Science, and the Statistics and Data Science Center within
the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society. It is open to current

4   |   Department of Mathematics

doctoral students in participating departments, who may apply to Tobias Colding, PhD
enroll in the program at any time aer the end of their rst year. Cecil and Ida Green Distinguished Professor
For more information, see the full program description (http:// Professor of Mathematics
under Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs. Laurent Demanet, PhD
Professor of Mathematics
Financial Support Professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Financial support is guaranteed for up to ve years to students Alan Edelman, PhD
making satisfactory academic progress. Financial aid aer the rst Professor of Mathematics
year is usually in the form of a teaching or research assistantship.
Pavel I. Etingof, PhD
Inquiries Professor of Mathematics
For further information, see the department's website (http:// (On leave, spring) or contact Math Academic Services,
617-253-2416. Victor W. Guillemin, PhD
Professor of Mathematics
(On leave, fall)
Faculty and Teaching Sta Lawrence Guth, PhD
Michel X. Goemans, PhD Claude E. Shannon (1940) Professor of Mathematics
Professor of Mathematics
Anette E. Hosoi, PhD
Head, Department of Mathematics
Neil and Jane Pappalardo Professor
William Minicozzi, PhD Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Singer Professor of Mathematics Professor of Mathematics
Associate Head, Department of Mathematics Associate Dean, School of Engineering
Member, Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
David S. Jerison, PhD
Michael Artin, PhD
Professor of Mathematics
Professor Post-Tenure of Mathematics
Steven G. Johnson, PhD
Martin Z. Bazant, PhD
Professor of Mathematics
E.G. Roos Professor
Professor of Physics
Professor of Chemical Engineering
(On leave, fall)
Professor of Mathematics
Executive Ocer, Department of Chemical Engineering Victor Kac, PhD
Professor of Mathematics
Bonnie Berger, PhD
(On leave)
Simons Professor of Mathematics
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Jonathan Adam Kelner, PhD
Member, Health Sciences and Technology Faculty Professor of Mathematics

Roman Bezrukavnikov, PhD Ju-Lee Kim, PhD

Professor of Mathematics Professor of Mathematics

Alexei Borodin, PhD Frank Thomson Leighton, PhD

Professor of Mathematics Professor of Mathematics
(On leave)
John W. M. Bush, PhD
Professor of Mathematics George Lusztig, PhD
(On leave) Edward A. Abdun-Nur (1924) Professor of Mathematics

Hung Cheng, PhD Arthur P. Mattuck, PhD

Professor of Mathematics Professor Post-Tenure of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics   |   5

Davesh Maulik, PhD David A. Vogan, PhD

Professor of Mathematics Norbert Wiener Professor of Mathematics

Richard B. Melrose, PhD Chenyang Xu, PhD

Professor of Mathematics Professor of Mathematics

Haynes R. Miller, PhD Zhiwei Yun, PhD

Professor of Mathematics Professor of Mathematics

Elchanan Mossel, PhD Wei Zhang, PhD

Professor of Mathematics Professor of Mathematics
Member, Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
Associate Professors
Tomasz S. Mrowka, PhD Joern Dunkel, PhD
Professor of Mathematics Associate Professor of Mathematics
Pablo A. Parrilo, PhD Semyon Dyatlov, PhD
Joseph F. and Nancy P. Keithley Professor Associate Professor of Mathematics
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Professor of Mathematics Ankur Moitra, PhD
Member, Institute for Data, Systems, and Society Rockwell International Career Development Professor
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Bjorn Poonen, PhD
Distinguished Professor in Science Philippe Rigollet, PhD
Professor of Mathematics Associate Professor of Mathematics
Member, Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
Alexander Postnikov, PhD
Professor of Mathematics Nike Sun, PhD
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Rodolfo R. Rosales, PhD
Professor of Mathematics Assistant Professors
Paul Seidel, PhD Tristan Collins, PhD
Levinson Professor in Mathematics Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Scott Roger Sheeld, PhD Vadim Gorin, PhD

Leighton Family Professor of Mathematics Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Member, Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (On leave)

Peter W. Shor, PhD Peter Hintz, PhD

Henry Adams Morss and Henry Adams Morss, Jr. (1934) Professor Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Professor of Mathematics (On leave, fall)

Michael Sipser, PhD Andrew Lawrie, PhD

Donner Professor of Mathematics Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Dean, School of Science (On leave, fall)

Gigliola Stalani, PhD Andrei Negut, PhD

Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of Mathematics Class of 1947 Career Development Chair
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Gilbert Strang, PhD
MathWorks Professor of Mathematics Aaron Pixton, PhD
Member, Institute for Data, Systems, and Society Class of 1957 Career Development Chair
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Daniel W. Stroock, PhD (On leave)
Professor Post-Tenure of Mathematics

6   |   Department of Mathematics

Giulia Sacca, PhD Kyeongsu Choi, PhD

Assistant Professor of Mathematics CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
(On leave)
Jeremy Hahn, PhD
Yufei Zhao, PhD CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
Class of 1956 Career Development Chair
Assistant Professor of Mathematics Pei-Ken Hung, PhD
CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
Visiting Professors Benjamin Landon, PhD
Thomas Lam, PhD CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
Christos Mantoulidis, PhD
Kasso Okoudjou, PhD CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
MLK Visiting Professor of Mathematics
Yu Pan, PhD
Valerio Toledano Laredo, PhD CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
Casey Rodriguez, PhD
Visiting Associate Professors CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
Thibaut Le Gouic, PhD
Visiting Associate Professor of Mathematics Ananth Shankar, PhD
CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
Raghu Meka, PhD
Visiting Associate Professor of Mathematics Junliang Shen, PhD
CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
Dev Sinha, PhD
Visiting Associate Professor of Mathematics Matthew Storegen, PhD
CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
Visiting Assistant Professors Chen Wan, PhD
Karola Meszaros, PhD CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Yilin Wang, PhD
Adjunct Professors CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
Henry Cohn, PhD
Adjunct Professor of Mathematics Junho Whang, PhD
CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
Lecturers Zhouli Xu, PhD
Jennifer French, PhD CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
Lecturer in Digital Learning
Xueying Yu, PhD
Slava Gerovitch, PhD CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
Lecturer in Mathematics
Yiming Zhao, PhD
Peter J. Kempthorne, PhD CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
Lecturer in Mathematics
Ziquan Zhuang, PhD
Tanya Khovanova, PhD CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
Lecturer in Mathematics
Instructors of Applied Mathematics
CLE Moore Instructors Keaton Burns, PhD
Tom Bachmann, PhD Instructor of Applied Mathematics
CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics
Diego Cifuentes, PhD
Charlotte Chan, PhD Instructor of Applied Mathematics
CLE Moore Instructor of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics   |   7

Souvik Dhara, PhD

Schramm Fellow Instructor Research Scientists
Edgar Costa, PhD
Matthew Durey, PhD Research Scientist of Mathematics
Instructor of Applied Mathematics
Francesc Fité, PhD
William Cole Franks, PhD Research Scientist of Mathematics
Instructor of Applied Mathematics
Wanlin Li, PhD
Vili Heinonen, PhD Research Scientist of Mathematics
Instructor of Applied Mathematics
David Roe, PhD
Zilin Jiang, PhD Research Scientist of Mathematics
Instructor of Applied Mathematics
Samuel Schiavone
Ousmane Kodio, PhD Research Scientist of Mathematics
Instructor of Applied Mathematics
David I. Spivak, PhD
Laszlo Lovasz, PhD Research Scientist of Mathematics
Instructor of Applied Mathematics
Raymond van Bommel, PhD
Tyler Maunu, PhD Research Scientist of Mathematics
Instructor of Applied Mathematics

Christopher Rackauckas, PhD Professors Emeriti

Instructor of Applied Mathematics
Richard Dudley, PhD
Elina Robeva, PhD Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Instructor of Statistics
Daniel Z. Freedman, PhD
Henrik Ronellentsch, PhD Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Instructor of Applied Mathematics Professor Emeritus of Physics

Stuart Thomson, PhD Harvey P. Greenspan, PhD

Instructor of Applied Mathematics Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Sigurdur Helgason, PhD

Instructors of Pure Mathematics
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Zarathustra Brady, PhD
Instructor of Pure Mathematics Steven L. Kleiman, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Laure Flapan, PhD
Instructor of Pure Mathematics Daniel J. Kleitman, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Daniel Kriz, PhD
Instructor of Pure Mathematics James R. Munkres, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Jonathan Wang, PhD
Instructor of Pure Mathematics Gerald E. Sacks, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Research Sta
Isadore Manuel Singer, PhD
Institute Professor Emeritus
Principal Research Scientists
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Andrew Victor Sutherland II, PhD
Principal Research Scientist of Mathematics Richard P. Stanley, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Harold Stark, PhD

Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

8   |   Department of Mathematics

Alar Toomre, PhD

Professor Emeritus of Mathematics 18.02 Calculus
Prereq: Calculus I (GIR)
U (Fall, Spring)
General Mathematics 5-0-7 units. CALC II
Credit cannot also be received for 18.022, 18.02A, CC.1802, ES.1802,
18.01 Calculus ES.182A
Prereq: None
U (Fall, Spring) Calculus of several variables. Vector algebra in 3-space,
5-0-7 units. CALC I determinants, matrices. Vector-valued functions of one variable,
Credit cannot also be received for 18.01A, ES.1801, ES.181A space motion. Scalar functions of several variables: partial
dierentiation, gradient, optimization techniques. Double integrals
Dierentiation and integration of functions of one variable, and line integrals in the plane; exact dierentials and conservative
with applications. Informal treatment of limits and continuity. elds; Green's theorem and applications, triple integrals, line and
Dierentiation: denition, rules, application to graphing, rates, surface integrals in space, Divergence theorem, Stokes' theorem;
approximations, and extremum problems. Indenite integration; applications.
separable rst-order dierential equations. Denite integral; Fall: D. Maulik. Spring: L. Guth
fundamental theorem of calculus. Applications of integration
to geometry and science. Elementary functions. Techniques of 18.02A Calculus
integration. Polar coordinates. L'Hopital's rule. Improper integrals. Prereq: Calculus I (GIR)
Innite series: geometric, p-harmonic, simple comparison tests, U (Fall, IAP, Spring; second half of term)
power series for some elementary functions. 5-0-7 units. CALC II
Fall: L. Guth. Spring: Information: W. Minicozzi Credit cannot also be received for 18.02, 18.022, CC.1802, ES.1802,
18.01A Calculus
Prereq: Knowledge of dierentiation and elementary integration First half is taught during the last six weeks of the Fall term; covers
U (Fall; rst half of term) material in the rst half of 18.02 (through double integrals). Second
5-0-7 units. CALC I half of 18.02A can be taken either during IAP (daily lectures) or
Credit cannot also be received for 18.01, ES.1801, ES.181A during the second half of the Spring term; it covers the remaining
material in 18.02.
Six-week review of one-variable calculus, emphasizing material Z. Yun
not on the high-school AB syllabus: integration techniques and
applications, improper integrals, innite series, applications to 18.022 Calculus
other topics, such as probability and statistics, as time permits. Prereq: Calculus I (GIR)
Prerequisites: one year of high-school calculus or the equivalent, U (Fall)
with a score of 5 on the AB Calculus test (or the AB portion of the BC 5-0-7 units. CALC II
test, or an equivalent score on a standard international exam), or Credit cannot also be received for 18.02, 18.02A, CC.1802, ES.1802,
equivalent college transfer credit, or a passing grade on the rst half ES.182A
of the 18.01 advanced standing exam.
Z. Yun Calculus of several variables. Topics as in 18.02 but with more
focus on mathematical concepts. Vector algebra, dot product,
matrices, determinant. Functions of several variables, continuity,
dierentiability, derivative. Parametrized curves, arc length,
curvature, torsion. Vector elds, gradient, curl, divergence. Multiple
integrals, change of variables, line integrals, surface integrals.
Stokes' theorem in one, two, and three dimensions.
A. Borodin

Department of Mathematics   |   9

18.03 Dierential Equations 18.05 Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Prereq: None. Coreq: Calculus II (GIR) Prereq: Calculus II (GIR)
U (Fall, Spring) U (Spring)
5-0-7 units. REST 4-0-8 units. REST
Credit cannot also be received for CC.1803, ES.1803
Elementary introduction with applications. Basic probability
Study of dierential equations, including modeling physical models. Combinatorics. Random variables. Discrete and continuous
systems. Solution of rst-order ODEs by analytical, graphical, probability distributions. Statistical estimation and testing.
and numerical methods. Linear ODEs with constant coecients. Condence intervals. Introduction to linear regression.
Complex numbers and exponentials. Inhomogeneous equations: J. Orlo
polynomial, sinusoidal, and exponential inputs. Oscillations,
damping, resonance. Fourier series. Matrices, eigenvalues, 18.06 Linear Algebra
eigenvectors, diagonalization. First order linear systems: normal Prereq: Calculus II (GIR)
modes, matrix exponentials, variation of parameters. Heat equation, U (Fall, Spring)
wave equation. Nonlinear autonomous systems: critical point 4-0-8 units. REST
analysis, phase plane diagrams. Credit cannot also be received for 18.700
Fall: J. Dunkel. Spring: S. Dyatlov
Basic subject on matrix theory and linear algebra, emphasizing
18.031 System Functions and the Laplace Transform topics useful in other disciplines, including systems of equations,
Prereq: None. Coreq: 18.03 vector spaces, determinants, eigenvalues, singular value
U (IAP) decomposition, and positive denite matrices. Applications to
1-0-2 units least-squares approximations, stability of dierential equations,
networks, Fourier transforms, and Markov processes. Uses linear
Studies basic continuous control theory as well as representation algebra soware. Compared with 18.700, more emphasis on matrix
of functions in the complex frequency domain. Covers generalized algorithms and many applications.
functions, unit impulse response, and convolution; and Laplace Fall: A. Negut.  Spring: A. Edelman
transform, system (or transfer) function, and the pole diagram.
Includes examples from mechanical and electrical engineering. 18.062[J] Mathematics for Computer Science
Information: H. R. Miller Same subject as 6.042[J]
Prereq: Calculus I (GIR)
18.032 Dierential Equations U (Fall, Spring)
Prereq: None. Coreq: Calculus II (GIR) 5-0-7 units. REST
U (Spring)
5-0-7 units. REST See description under subject 6.042[J].
F. T. Leighton, Z. R. Abel, A. Moitra
Covers much of the same material as 18.03 with more emphasis on
theory. The point of view is rigorous and results are proven. Local 18.065 Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and
existence and uniqueness of solutions. Machine Learning
K. Okoudjou Subject meets with 18.0651
Prereq: 18.06
18.04 Complex Variables with Applications U (Spring)
Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) and (18.03 or 18.032) 3-0-9 units
U (Spring)
4-0-8 units Reviews linear algebra with applications to life sciences, nance,
Credit cannot also be received for 18.075, 18.0751 engineering, and big data. Covers singular value decomposition,
weighted least squares, signal and image processing, principal
Complex algebra and functions; analyticity; contour integration, component analysis, covariance and correlation matrices, directed
Cauchy's theorem; singularities, Taylor and Laurent series; residues, and undirected graphs, matrix factorizations, neural nets, machine
evaluation of integrals; multivalued functions, potential theory in learning, and computations with large matrices.
two dimensions; Fourier analysis, Laplace transforms, and partial G. Strang
dierential equations.
R. R. Rosales

10   |   Department of Mathematics

18.0651 Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, 18.085 Computational Science and Engineering I
and Machine Learning Subject meets with 18.0851
Subject meets with 18.065 Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) and (18.03 or 18.032)
Prereq: 18.06 U (Fall, Spring, Summer)
G (Spring) 3-0-9 units
3-0-9 units
Review of linear algebra, applications to networks, structures, and
Reviews linear algebra with applications to life sciences, nance, estimation, nite dierence and nite element solution of dierential
engineering, and big data. Covers singular value decomposition, equations, Laplace's equation and potential flow, boundary-value
weighted least squares, signal and image processing, principal problems, Fourier series, discrete Fourier transform, convolution.
component analysis, covariance and correlation matrices, directed Frequent use of MATLAB in a wide range of scientic and engineering
and undirected graphs, matrix factorizations, neural nets, machine applications.
learning, and computations with large matrices. Students in Course Fall: W. G. Strang. Spring: M. Durey
18 must register for the undergraduate version, 18.065.
G. Strang 18.0851 Computational Science and Engineering I
Subject meets with 18.085
18.075 Methods for Scientists and Engineers Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) and (18.03 or 18.032)
Subject meets with 18.0751 G (Fall, Spring, Summer)
Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) and 18.03 3-0-9 units
U (Spring)
3-0-9 units Review of linear algebra, applications to networks, structures,
Credit cannot also be received for 18.04 and estimation, nite dierence and nite element solution of
dierential equations, Laplace's equation and potential flow,
Covers functions of a complex variable; calculus of residues. boundary-value problems, Fourier series, discrete Fourier transform,
Includes ordinary dierential equations; Bessel and Legendre convolution. Frequent use of MATLAB in a wide range of scientic and
functions; Sturm-Liouville theory; partial dierential equations; heat engineering applications. Students in Course 18 must register for the
equation; and wave equations. undergraduate version, 18.085.
H. Cheng Fall: W.G. Strang. Spring: M. Durey

18.0751 Methods for Scientists and Engineers 18.086 Computational Science and Engineering II
Subject meets with 18.075 Subject meets with 18.0861
Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) and 18.03 Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) and (18.03 or 18.032)
G (Spring) Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered
3-0-9 units Acad Year 2020-2021: U (Spring)
Credit cannot also be received for 18.04 3-0-9 units

Covers functions of a complex variable; calculus of residues. Initial value problems: nite dierence methods, accuracy and
Includes ordinary dierential equations; Bessel and Legendre stability, heat equation, wave equations, conservation laws and
functions; Sturm-Liouville theory; partial dierential equations; heat shocks, level sets, Navier-Stokes. Solving large systems: elimination
equation; and wave equations. Students in Courses 6, 8, 12, 18, and with reordering, iterative methods, preconditioning, multigrid,
22 must register for undergraduate version, 18.075. Krylov subspaces, conjugate gradients. Optimization and minimum
H. Cheng principles: weighted least squares, constraints, inverse problems,
calculus of variations, saddle point problems, linear programming,
duality, adjoint methods.
Information: W. G. Strang

Department of Mathematics   |   11

18.0861 Computational Science and Engineering II 18.098 Internship in Mathematics

Subject meets with 18.086 Prereq: Permission of instructor
Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) and (18.03 or 18.032) U (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer)
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered Units arranged [P/D/F]
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Spring) Can be repeated for credit.
3-0-9 units
Provides academic credit for students pursuing internships to gain
Initial value problems: nite dierence methods, accuracy and practical experience in the applications of mathematical concepts
stability, heat equation, wave equations, conservation laws and and methods.
shocks, level sets, Navier-Stokes. Solving large systems: elimination Information: W. Minicozzi
with reordering, iterative methods, preconditioning, multigrid,
Krylov subspaces, conjugate gradients. Optimization and minimum 18.099 Independent Study
principles: weighted least squares, constraints, inverse problems, Prereq: Permission of instructor
calculus of variations, saddle point problems, linear programming, U (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer)
duality, adjoint methods. Students in Course 18 must register for the Units arranged
undergraduate version, 18.086. Can be repeated for credit.
Information: W. G. Strang
Studies (during IAP) or special individual reading (during regular
18.089 Review of Mathematics terms). Arranged in consultation with individual faculty members and
Prereq: Permission of instructor subject to departmental approval.
G (Summer) Information: W. Minicozzi
5-0-7 units
One-week review of one-variable calculus (18.01), followed by
concentrated study covering multivariable calculus (18.02), two 18.1001 Real Analysis
hours per day for ve weeks. Primarily for graduate students in Subject meets with 18.100A
Course 2N. Degree credit allowed only in special circumstances. Prereq: Calculus II (GIR)
Information: W. Minicozzi G (Fall, Spring)
3-0-9 units
18.094[J] Teaching College-Level Science and Engineering Credit cannot also be received for 18.100B, 18.100P, 18.100Q
Same subject as 1.95[J], 5.95[J], 7.59[J], 8.395[J]
Subject meets with 2.978 Covers fundamentals of mathematical analysis: convergence of
Prereq: None sequences and series, continuity, dierentiability, Riemann integral,
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered sequences and series of functions, uniformity, interchange of limit
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Fall) operations. Shows the utility of abstract concepts and teaches
2-0-2 units understanding and construction of proofs. Proofs and denitions are
less abstract than in 18.100B. Gives applications where possible.
See description under subject 5.95[J]. Concerned primarily with the real line. Students in Course 18 must
J. Rankin register for undergraduate version 18.100A.
Fall: C. Rodriguez. Spring: A. Lawrie.
18.095 Mathematics Lecture Series
Prereq: Calculus I (GIR)
2-0-4 units
Can be repeated for credit.

Ten lectures by mathematics faculty members on interesting

topics from both classical and modern mathematics. All lectures
accessible to students with calculus background and an interest in
mathematics. At each lecture, reading and exercises are assigned.
Students prepare these for discussion in a weekly problem session.
Information: W. Minicozzi

12   |   Department of Mathematics

18.1002 Real Analysis 18.100P Real Analysis

Subject meets with 18.100B Prereq: Calculus II (GIR)
Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) U (Spring)
G (Fall, Spring) 4-0-11 units
3-0-9 units Credit cannot also be received for 18.1001, 18.100A, 18.100B,
Credit cannot also be received for 18.100A, 18.100Q 18.100Q

Covers fundamentals of mathematical analysis: convergence of Covers fundamentals of mathematical analysis: convergence of
sequences and series, continuity, dierentiability, Riemann integral, sequences and series, continuity, dierentiability, Riemann integral,
sequences and series of functions, uniformity, interchange of limit sequences and series of functions, uniformity, interchange of limit
operations. Shows the utility of abstract concepts and teaches operations. Shows the utility of abstract concepts and teaches
understanding and construction of proofs. More demanding than understanding and construction of proofs. Proofs and denitions are
18.100A, for students with more mathematical maturity. Places more less abstract than in 18.100B. Gives applications where possible.
emphasis on point-set topology and n-space. Students in Course 18 Concerned primarily with the real line. Includes instruction and
must register for undergraduate version 18.100B. practice in written communication. Enrollment limited.
Fall: R. Bezrukavnikov. Spring: P-K Hung. C. Mantoulidis

18.100A Real Analysis 18.100Q Real Analysis

Subject meets with 18.1001 Prereq: Calculus II (GIR)
Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) U (Fall)
U (Fall, Spring) 4-0-11 units
3-0-9 units Credit cannot also be received for 18.1001, 18.1002, 18.100A,
Credit cannot also be received for 18.100B, 18.100P, 18.100Q 18.100B, 18.100P

Covers fundamentals of mathematical analysis: convergence of Covers fundamentals of mathematical analysis: convergence of
sequences and series, continuity, dierentiability, Riemann integral, sequences and series, continuity, dierentiability, Riemann integral,
sequences and series of functions, uniformity, interchange of limit sequences and series of functions, uniformity, interchange of limit
operations. Shows the utility of abstract concepts and teaches operations. Shows the utility of abstract concepts and teaches
understanding and construction of proofs. Proofs and denitions are understanding and construction of proofs. More demanding than
less abstract than in 18.100B. Gives applications where possible. 18.100A, for students with more mathematical maturity. Places more
Concerned primarily with the real line. emphasis on point-set topology and n-space. Includes instruction
Fall: C. Rodriguez. Spring: A. Lawrie. and practice in written communication. Enrollment limited.
Y. Zhao
18.100B Real Analysis
Subject meets with 18.1002 18.101 Analysis and Manifolds
Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) Subject meets with 18.1011
U (Fall, Spring) Prereq: (18.06, 18.700, or 18.701) and (18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or
3-0-9 units 18.100Q)
Credit cannot also be received for 18.100A, 18.100Q U (Fall)
3-0-9 units
Covers fundamentals of mathematical analysis: convergence of
sequences and series, continuity, dierentiability, Riemann integral, Introduction to the theory of manifolds: vector elds and densities
sequences and series of functions, uniformity, interchange of limit on manifolds, integral calculus in the manifold setting and the
operations. Shows the utility of abstract concepts and teaches manifold version of the divergence theorem. 18.901 helpful but not
understanding and construction of proofs. More demanding than required.
18.100A, for students with more mathematical maturity. Places more K. Choi
emphasis on point-set topology and n-space.
Fall: R. Bezrukavnikov. Spring: P-K Hung.

Department of Mathematics   |   13

18.1011 Analysis and Manifolds 18.1031 Fourier Analysis: Theory and Applications
Subject meets with 18.101 Subject meets with 18.103
Prereq: (18.06, 18.700, or 18.701) and (18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or Prereq: (18.06, 18.700, or 18.701) and (18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or
18.100Q) 18.100Q)
G (Fall) G (Fall)
3-0-9 units 3-0-9 units

Introduction to the theory of manifolds: vector elds and densities Roughly half the subject devoted to the theory of the Lebesgue
on manifolds, integral calculus in the manifold setting and the integral with applications to probability, and half to Fourier series
manifold version of the divergence theorem. 18.9011 helpful but not and Fourier integrals. Students in Course 18 must register for the
required. Students in Course 18 must register for the undergraduate undergraduate version, 18.103.
version, 18.101. G. Stalani
K. Choi
18.104 Seminar in Analysis
18.102 Introduction to Functional Analysis Prereq: 18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or 18.100Q
Subject meets with 18.1021 U (Spring)
Prereq: (18.06, 18.700, or 18.701) and (18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or 3-0-9 units
U (Spring) Students present and discuss material from books or journals. Topics
3-0-9 units vary from year to year. Instruction and practice in written and oral
communication provided. Enrollment limited.
Normed spaces, completeness, functionals, Hahn-Banach theorem, G. Stalani
duality, operators. Lebesgue measure, measurable functions,
integrability, completeness of L-p spaces. Hilbert space. Compact, 18.112 Functions of a Complex Variable
Hilbert-Schmidt and trace class operators. Spectral theorem. Subject meets with 18.1121
R. B. Melrose Prereq: (18.06, 18.700, or 18.701) and (18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or
18.1021 Introduction to Functional Analysis U (Fall)
Subject meets with 18.102 3-0-9 units
Prereq: (18.06, 18.700, or 18.701) and (18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or
18.100Q) Studies the basic properties of analytic functions of one complex
G (Spring) variable. Conformal mappings and the Poincare model of non-
3-0-9 units Euclidean geometry. Cauchy-Goursat theorem and Cauchy integral
formula. Taylor and Laurent decompositions. Singularities,
Normed spaces, completeness, functionals, Hahn-Banach theorem, residues and computation of integrals. Harmonic functions and
duality, operators. Lebesgue measure, measurable functions, Dirichlet's problem for the Laplace equation. The partial fractions
integrability, completeness of L-p spaces. Hilbert space. Compact, decomposition. Innite series and innite product expansions. The
Hilbert-Schmidt and trace class operators. Spectral theorem. Gamma function. The Riemann mapping theorem. Elliptic functions.
Students in Course 18 must register for the undergraduate version, W. Zhang
R. B. Melrose

18.103 Fourier Analysis: Theory and Applications

Subject meets with 18.1031
Prereq: (18.06, 18.700, or 18.701) and (18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or
U (Fall)
3-0-9 units

Roughly half the subject devoted to the theory of the Lebesgue

integral with applications to probability, and half to Fourier series
and Fourier integrals.
G. Stalani

14   |   Department of Mathematics

18.1121 Functions of a Complex Variable 18.125 Measure Theory and Analysis

Subject meets with 18.112 Prereq: 18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or 18.100Q
Prereq: (18.06, 18.700, or 18.701) and (18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or G (Spring)
18.100Q) 3-0-9 units
G (Fall)
3-0-9 units Provides a rigorous introduction to Lebesgue's theory of measure
and integration. Covers material that is essential in analysis,
Studies the basic properties of analytic functions of one complex probability theory, and dierential geometry.
variable. Conformal mappings and the Poincare model of non- D. W. Stroock
Euclidean geometry. Cauchy-Goursat theorem and Cauchy integral
formula. Taylor and Laurent decompositions. Singularities, 18.137 Topics in Geometric Partial Dierential Equations
residues and computation of integrals. Harmonic functions and Prereq: Permission of instructor
Dirichlet's problem for the Laplace equation. The partial fractions Acad Year 2019-2020: G (Fall)
decomposition. Innite series and innite product expansions. The Acad Year 2020-2021: Not oered
Gamma function. The Riemann mapping theorem. Elliptic functions. 3-0-9 units
Students in Course 18 must register for the undergraduate version, Can be repeated for credit.
W. Zhang Topics vary from year to year.
T. Colding
18.116 Riemann Surfaces
Prereq: 18.112 18.152 Introduction to Partial Dierential Equations
Acad Year 2019-2020: G (Spring) Subject meets with 18.1521
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not oered Prereq: (18.06, 18.700, or 18.701) and (18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or
3-0-9 units 18.100Q)
U (Spring)
Riemann surfaces, uniformization, Riemann-Roch Theorem. Theory of 3-0-9 units
elliptic functions and modular forms. Some applications, such as to
number theory. Introduces three main types of partial dierential equations:
T. S. Mrowka diusion, elliptic, and hyperbolic. Includes mathematical tools,
real-world examples and applications, such as the Black-Scholes
18.117 Topics in Several Complex Variables equation, the European options problem, water waves, scalar
Prereq: 18.112 and 18.965 conservation laws, rst order equations and trac problems.
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered K. Choi
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Spring)
3-0-9 units 18.1521 Introduction to Partial Dierential Equations
Can be repeated for credit. Subject meets with 18.152
Prereq: (18.06, 18.700, or 18.701) and (18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or
Harmonic theory on complex manifolds, Hodge decomposition 18.100Q)
theorem, Hard Lefschetz theorem. Vanishing theorems. Theory of G (Spring)
Stein manifolds. As time permits students also study holomorphic 3-0-9 units
vector bundles on Kahler manifolds.
B. Poonen Introduces three main types of partial dierential equations:
diusion, elliptic, and hyperbolic. Includes mathematical tools,
18.118 Topics in Analysis real-world examples and applications, such as the Black-Scholes
Prereq: Permission of instructor equation, the European options problem, water waves, scalar
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered conservation laws, rst order equations and trac problems.
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Fall) Students in Course 18 must register for the undergraduate version,
3-0-9 units 18.152.
Can be repeated for credit. K. Choi

Topics vary from year to year.

L. Guth

Department of Mathematics   |   15

18.155 Dierential Analysis I 18.199 Graduate Analysis Seminar

Prereq: 18.102 or 18.103 Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall) G (Fall)
3-0-9 units Not oered regularly; consult department
3-0-9 units
First part of a two-subject sequence. Review of Lebesgue integration. Can be repeated for credit.
Lp spaces. Distributions. Fourier transform. Sobolev spaces.
Spectral theorem, discrete and continuous spectrum. Homogeneous Studies original papers in dierential analysis and dierential
distributions. Fundamental solutions for elliptic, hyperbolic and equations. Intended for rst- and second-year graduate students.
parabolic dierential operators. Recommended prerequisite: 18.112. Permission must be secured in advance.
T. S. Mrowka V. W. Guillemin

18.156 Dierential Analysis II Discrete Applied Mathematics

Prereq: 18.155
G (Spring) 18.200 Principles of Discrete Applied Mathematics
3-0-9 units Prereq: None. Coreq: 18.06
Second part of a two-subject sequence. Covers variable coecient U (Spring)
elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic partial dierential equations. 4-0-11 units
R. B. Melrose Credit cannot also be received for 18.200A

Study of illustrative topics in discrete applied mathematics,

18.157 Introduction to Microlocal Analysis including probability theory, information theory, coding theory,
Prereq: 18.155 secret codes, generating functions, and linear programming.
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered Instruction and practice in written communication provided.
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Spring) Enrollment limited.
3-0-9 units P. W. Shor
The semi-classical theory of partial dierential equations. Discussion
of Pseudodierential operators, Fourier integral operators, 18.200A Principles of Discrete Applied Mathematics
asymptotic solutions of partial dierential equations, and the Prereq: None. Coreq: 18.06
spectral theory of Schroedinger operators from the semi-classical U (Fall)
perspective. Heavy emphasis placed on the symplectic geometric 3-0-9 units
underpinnings of this subject. Credit cannot also be received for 18.200
P. Hintz Study of illustrative topics in discrete applied mathematics,
including probability theory, information theory, coding theory,
18.158 Topics in Dierential Equations secret codes, generating functions, and linear programming.
Prereq: 18.157 D. Cifuentes
Acad Year 2019-2020: G (Spring)
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not oered 18.204 Undergraduate Seminar in Discrete Mathematics
3-0-9 units Prereq: ((6.042[J] or 18.200) and (18.06, 18.700, or 18.701)) or
Can be repeated for credit. permission of instructor
Topics vary from year to year. U (Fall, Spring)
D. S. Jerison 3-0-9 units

Seminar in combinatorics, graph theory, and discrete mathematics

in general. Participants read and present papers from recent
mathematics literature. Instruction and practice in written and oral
communication provided. Enrollment limited.
S. Dhara, Z. Jiang, L. Lovasz

16   |   Department of Mathematics

18.211 Combinatorial Analysis Continuous Applied Mathematics

Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) and (18.06, 18.700, or 18.701)
U (Fall) 18.300 Principles of Continuum Applied Mathematics
3-0-9 units Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) and (18.03 or 18.032)
Combinatorial problems and methods for their solution. U (Spring)
Enumeration, generating functions, recurrence relations, 3-0-9 units
construction of bijections. Introduction to graph theory. Prior Covers fundamental concepts in continuous applied mathematics.
experience with abstraction and proofs is helpful. Applications from trac flow, fluids, elasticity, granular flows, etc.
A. Postnikov Also covers continuum limit; conservation laws, quasi-equilibrium;
kinematic waves; characteristics, simple waves, shocks; diusion
18.212 Algebraic Combinatorics (linear and nonlinear); numerical solution of wave equations;
Prereq: 18.701 or 18.703 nite dierences, consistency, stability; discrete and fast Fourier
U (Spring) transforms; spectral methods; transforms and series (Fourier,
3-0-9 units Laplace). Additional topics may include sonic booms, Mach cone,
Applications of algebra to combinatorics. Topics include walks caustics, lattices, dispersion and group velocity. Uses MATLAB
in graphs, the Radon transform, groups acting on posets, Young computing environment.
tableaux, electrical networks. S. Thomson
Y. Zhao
18.303 Linear Partial Dierential Equations: Analysis and
18.217 Combinatorial Theory Numerics
Prereq: Permission of instructor Prereq: 18.06 or 18.700
G (Fall) U (Spring)
3-0-9 units 3-0-9 units
Can be repeated for credit. Provides students with the basic analytical and computational
Content varies from year to year. tools of linear partial dierential equations (PDEs) for practical
Y. Zhao applications in science and engineering, including heat/diusion,
wave, and Poisson equations. Analytics emphasize the viewpoint of
18.218 Topics in Combinatorics linear algebra and the analogy with nite matrix problems. Studies
Prereq: Permission of instructor operator adjoints and eigenproblems, series solutions, Green's
G (Spring) functions, and separation of variables. Numerics focus on nite-
3-0-9 units dierence and nite-element techniques to reduce PDEs to matrix
Can be repeated for credit. problems, including stability and convergence analysis and implicit/
explicit timestepping. Some programming required for homework
Topics vary from year to year. and nal project.
A. Postnikov O. Kodio

18.219 Seminar in Combinatorics 18.305 Advanced Analytic Methods in Science and Engineering
Prereq: Permission of instructor Prereq: 18.04, 18.075, or 18.112
G (Fall) G (Fall)
Not oered regularly; consult department 3-0-9 units
3-0-9 units
Can be repeated for credit. Covers expansion around singular points: the WKB method on
ordinary and partial dierential equations; the method of stationary
Content varies from year to year. Readings from current research phase and the saddle point method; the two-scale method and the
papers in combinatorics. Topics to be chosen and presented by the method of renormalized perturbation; singular perturbation and
class. boundary-layer techniques; WKB method on partial dierential
Information: Y. Zhao equations.
H. Cheng

Department of Mathematics   |   17

18.306 Advanced Partial Dierential Equations with Applications 18.336[J] Fast Methods for Partial Dierential and Integral
Prereq: (18.03 or 18.032) and (18.04, 18.075, or 18.112) Equations
G (Spring) Same subject as 6.335[J]
3-0-9 units Prereq: 6.336[J], 16.920[J], 18.085, 18.335[J], or permission of
Concepts and techniques for partial dierential equations, especially G (Fall)
nonlinear. Diusion, dispersion and other phenomena. Initial and 3-0-9 units
boundary value problems. Normal mode analysis, Green's functions,
and transforms. Conservation laws, kinematic waves, hyperbolic Unied introduction to the theory and practice of modern, near
equations, characteristics shocks, simple waves. Geometrical linear-time, numerical methods for large-scale partial-dierential
optics, caustics. Free-boundary problems. Dimensional analysis. and integral equations. Topics include preconditioned iterative
Singular perturbation, boundary layers, homogenization. Variational methods; generalized Fast Fourier Transform and other butterfly-
methods. Solitons. Applications from fluid dynamics, materials based methods; multiresolution approaches, such as multigrid
science, optics, trac flow, etc. algorithms and hierarchical low-rank matrix decompositions;
R. R. Rosales and low and high frequency Fast Multipole Methods. Example
applications include aircra design, cardiovascular system
18.327 Topics in Applied Mathematics modeling, electronic structure computation, and tomographic
Prereq: Permission of instructor imaging.
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered K. Burns
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Spring)
3-0-9 units 18.337[J] Numerical Computing and Interactive Soware
Can be repeated for credit. Same subject as 6.338[J]
Prereq: 18.06, 18.700, or 18.701
Topics vary from year to year. G (Fall)
L. Demanet 3-0-9 units

18.330 Introduction to Numerical Analysis Interdisciplinary introduction to computing with Julia. Covers
Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) and (18.03 or 18.032) scientic computing and data analysis problems. Combines
U (Spring) knowledge from computer science and computational science
3-0-9 units illustrating Julia's approach to scientic computing. Sample
scientic computing topics include dense and sparse linear algebra,
Basic techniques for the ecient numerical solution of problems in Fourier transforms, data handling, machine learning, and N-body
science and engineering. Root nding, interpolation, approximation problems. Provides direct experience with the modern realities of
of functions, integration, dierential equations, direct and iterative programming supercomputers, GPUs, and multicores in a high-level
methods in linear algebra. Knowledge of programming in a language language.
such as MATLAB, Python, or Julia is helpful. C. Rackauckas
L. Demanet
18.338 Eigenvalues of Random Matrices
18.335[J] Introduction to Numerical Methods Prereq: 18.701 or permission of instructor
Same subject as 6.337[J] Acad Year 2019-2020: G (Fall)
Prereq: 18.06, 18.700, or 18.701 Acad Year 2020-2021: Not oered
G (Spring) 3-0-9 units
3-0-9 units
Covers the modern main results of random matrix theory as it
Advanced introduction to numerical analysis: accuracy and eciency is currently applied in engineering and science. Topics include
of numerical algorithms. In-depth coverage of sparse-matrix/iterative matrix calculus for nite and innite matrices (e.g., Wigner's semi-
and dense-matrix algorithms in numerical linear algebra (for linear circle and Marcenko-Pastur laws), free probability, random graphs,
systems and eigenproblems). Floating-point arithmetic, backwards combinatorial methods, matrix statistics, stochastic operators,
error analysis, conditioning, and stability. Other computational passage to the continuum limit, moment methods, and compressed
topics (e.g., numerical integration or nonlinear optimization) may sensing. Knowledge of MATLAB hepful, but not required.
also be surveyed.  Final project involves some programming. A. Edelman
S. Johnson

18   |   Department of Mathematics

18.352[J] Nonlinear Dynamics: The Natural Environment 18.355 Fluid Mechanics

Same subject as 12.009[J] Prereq: 2.25, 12.800, or 18.354[J]
Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) and Physics I (GIR); Coreq: 18.03 Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered
U (Spring) Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Fall)
3-0-9 units 3-0-9 units

See description under subject 12.009[J]. Topics include the development of Navier-Stokes equations, inviscid
D. H. Rothman flows, boundary layers, lubrication theory, Stokes flows, and surface
tension. Fundamental concepts illustrated through problems drawn
18.353[J] Nonlinear Dynamics: Chaos from a variety of areas, including geophysics, biology, and the
Same subject as 2.050[J], 12.006[J] dynamics of sport. Particular emphasis on the interplay between
Prereq: Physics II (GIR) and (18.03 or 18.032) dimensional analysis, scaling arguments, and theory. Includes
U (Fall) classroom and laboratory demonstrations.
3-0-9 units J. W. Bush

See description under subject 12.006[J]. 18.357 Interfacial Phenomena

M. Durey Prereq: 2.25, 12.800, 18.354[J], 18.355, or permission of instructor
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered
18.354[J] Nonlinear Dynamics: Continuum Systems Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Spring)
Same subject as 1.062[J], 12.207[J] 3-0-9 units
Subject meets with 18.3541
Prereq: Physics II (GIR) and (18.03 or 18.032) Fluid systems dominated by the influence of interfacial tension.
U (Spring) Elucidates the roles of curvature pressure and Marangoni stress in
3-0-9 units a variety of hydrodynamic settings. Particular attention to drops
and bubbles, soap lms and minimal surfaces, wetting phenomena,
General mathematical principles of continuum systems. From water-repellency, surfactants, Marangoni flows, capillary origami
microscopic to macroscopic descriptions in the form of linear and contact line dynamics. Theoretical developments are
or nonlinear (partial) dierential equations. Exact solutions, accompanied by classroom demonstrations. Highlights the role of
dimensional analysis, calculus of variations and singular surface tension in biology.
perturbation methods. Stability, waves and pattern formation in J. W. Bush
continuum systems. Subject matter illustrated using natural fluid
and solid systems found, for example, in geophysics and biology. 18.358[J] Nonlinear Dynamics and Turbulence
J. Dunkel Same subject as 1.686[J], 2.033[J]
Subject meets with 1.068
18.3541 Nonlinear Dynamics: Continuum Systems Prereq: 1.060A
Subject meets with 1.062[J], 12.207[J], 18.354[J] Acad Year 2019-2020: G (Spring)
Prereq: Physics II (GIR) and (18.03 or 18.032) Acad Year 2020-2021: Not oered
G (Spring) 3-2-7 units
3-0-9 units
See description under subject 1.686[J].
General mathematical principles of continuum systems. From L. Bourouiba
microscopic to macroscopic descriptions in the form of linear
or nonlinear (partial) dierential equations. Exact solutions,
dimensional analysis, calculus of variations and singular
perturbation methods. Stability, waves and pattern formation in
continuum systems. Subject matter illustrated using natural fluid
and solid systems found, for example, in geophysics and biology.
Students in Courses 1, 12, and 18 must register for undergraduate
version, 18.354[J].
J. Dunkel

Department of Mathematics   |   19

18.367 Waves and Imaging 18.377[J] Nonlinear Dynamics and Waves

Prereq: Permission of instructor Same subject as 1.685[J], 2.034[J]
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered Prereq: Permission of instructor
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Fall) Acad Year 2019-2020: G (Spring)
3-0-9 units Acad Year 2020-2021: Not oered
3-0-9 units
The mathematics of inverse problems involving waves, with
examples taken from reflection seismology, synthetic aperture A unied treatment of nonlinear oscillations and wave phenomena
radar, and computerized tomography. Suitable for graduate students with applications to mechanical, optical, geophysical, fluid,
from all departments who have anities with applied mathematics. electrical and flow-structure interaction problems. Nonlinear free and
Topics include acoustic, elastic, electromagnetic wave equations; forced vibrations; nonlinear resonances; self-excited oscillations;
geometrical optics; scattering series and inversion; migration and lock-in phenomena. Nonlinear dispersive and nondispersive waves;
backprojection; adjoint-state methods; Radon and curvilinear resonant wave interactions; propagation of wave pulses and
Radon transforms; microlocal analysis of imaging; optimization, nonlinear Schrodinger equation. Nonlinear long waves and breaking;
regularization, and sparse regression. theory of characteristics; the Korteweg-de Vries equation; solitons
L. Demanet and solitary wave interactions. Stability of shear flows. Some topics
and applications may vary from year to year.
18.369[J] Mathematical Methods in Nanophotonics R. R. Rosales
Same subject as 8.315[J]
Prereq: 8.07, 18.303, or permission of instructor 18.384 Undergraduate Seminar in Physical Mathematics
Acad Year 2019-2020: G (Spring) Prereq: 12.006[J], 18.300, 18.354[J], or permission of instructor
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not oered U (Fall)
3-0-9 units 3-0-9 units

High-level approaches to understanding complex optical media, Covers the mathematical modeling of physical systems, with
structured on the scale of the wavelength, that are not generally emphasis on the reading and presentation of papers. Addresses
analytically soluable. The basis for understanding optical a broad range of topics, with particular focus on macroscopic
phenomena such as photonic crystals and band gaps, anomalous physics and continuum systems: fluid dynamics, solid mechanics,
diraction, mechanisms for optical connement, optical bers (new and biophysics. Instruction and practice in written and oral
and old), nonlinearities, and integrated optical devices. Methods communication provided. Enrollment limited.
covered include linear algebra and eigensystems for Maxwell's H. Ronellentsch
equations, symmetry groups and representation theory, Bloch's
theorem, numerical eigensolver methods, time and frequency- 18.385[J] Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
domain computation, perturbation theory, and coupled-mode Same subject as 2.036[J]
theories. Prereq: 18.03 or 18.032
S. G. Johnson Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Fall)
18.376[J] Wave Propagation 3-0-9 units
Same subject as 1.138[J], 2.062[J]
Prereq: 2.003[J] and 18.075 Introduction to the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems with
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered applications from science and engineering. Local and global
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Spring) existence of solutions, dependence on initial data and parameters.
3-0-9 units Elementary bifurcations, normal forms. Phase plane, limit cycles,
relaxation oscillations, Poincare-Bendixson theory. Floquet
See description under subject 2.062[J]. theory. Poincare maps. Averaging. Near-equilibrium dynamics.
T. R. Akylas, R. R. Rosales Synchronization. Introduction to chaos. Universality. Strange
attractors. Lorenz and Rossler systems. Hamiltonian dynamics and
KAM theory. Uses MATLAB computing environment.
R. R. Rosales

20   |   Department of Mathematics

18.397 Mathematical Methods in Physics 18.4041[J] Theory of Computation

Prereq: 18.745 or some familiarity with Lie theory Same subject as 6.840[J]
G (Fall) Subject meets with 18.404
Not oered regularly; consult department Prereq: 6.042[J] or 18.200
3-0-9 units G (Fall)
Can be repeated for credit. 4-0-8 units

Content varies from year to year. Recent developments in quantum A more extensive and theoretical treatment of the material in
eld theory require mathematical techniques not usually covered in 6.045[J]/18.400[J], emphasizing computability and computational
standard graduate subjects. complexity theory. Regular and context-free languages. Decidable
V. G. Kac and undecidable problems, reducibility, recursive function theory.
Time and space measures on computation, completeness, hierarchy
theorems, inherently complex problems, oracles, probabilistic
Theoretical Computer Science
computation, and interactive proof systems. Students in Course 18
18.400[J] Automata, Computability, and Complexity must register for the undergraduate version, 18.404.
Same subject as 6.045[J] M. Sipser
Prereq: 6.042[J]
U (Spring) 18.405[J] Advanced Complexity Theory
4-0-8 units Same subject as 6.841[J]
Prereq: 18.404
See description under subject 6.045[J]. Acad Year 2019-2020: G (Fall)
R. Williams, R. Rubinfeld Acad Year 2020-2021: Not oered
3-0-9 units
18.404 Theory of Computation
Subject meets with 6.840[J], 18.4041[J] Current research topics in computational complexity theory.
Prereq: 6.042[J] or 18.200 Nondeterministic, alternating, probabilistic, and parallel
U (Fall) computation models. Boolean circuits. Complexity classes and
4-0-8 units complete sets. The polynomial-time hierarchy. Interactive proof
systems. Relativization. Denitions of randomness. Pseudo-
A more extensive and theoretical treatment of the material in randomness and derandomizations. Interactive proof systems and
6.045[J]/18.400[J], emphasizing computability and computational probabilistically checkable proofs.
complexity theory. Regular and context-free languages. Decidable R. Williams
and undecidable problems, reducibility, recursive function theory.
Time and space measures on computation, completeness, hierarchy 18.408 Topics in Theoretical Computer Science
theorems, inherently complex problems, oracles, probabilistic Prereq: Permission of instructor
computation, and interactive proof systems. G (Fall, Spring)
M. Sipser 3-0-9 units
Can be repeated for credit.

Study of areas of current interest in theoretical computer science.

Topics vary from term to term.
A. Moitra, J. A. Kelner

18.410[J] Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Same subject as 6.046[J]
Prereq: 6.006
U (Fall, Spring)
4-0-8 units

See description under subject 6.046[J].

E. Demaine, M. Goemans

Department of Mathematics   |   21

18.415[J] Advanced Algorithms 18.424 Seminar in Information Theory

Same subject as 6.854[J] Prereq: (6.041, 18.05, or 18.600) and (18.06, 18.700, or 18.701)
Prereq: 6.046[J] and (6.042[J], 18.600, or 6.041) U (Fall)
G (Fall) 3-0-9 units
5-0-7 units
Considers various topics in information theory, including data
See description under subject 6.854[J]. compression, Shannon's Theorems, and error-correcting codes.
A. Moitra, D. R. Karger Students present and discuss the subject matter. Instruction and
practice in written and oral communication provided. Enrollment
18.416[J] Randomized Algorithms limited.
Same subject as 6.856[J] P. W. Shor
Prereq: (6.041 or 6.042[J]) and (6.046[J] or 6.854[J])
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered 18.425[J] Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Spring) Same subject as 6.875[J]
5-0-7 units Prereq: 6.046[J]
G (Fall)
See description under subject 6.856[J]. 3-0-9 units
D. R. Karger
See description under subject 6.875[J].
18.417 Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology S. Goldwasser, S. Micali, V. Vaikuntanathan
Prereq: 6.006, 6.01, or permission of instructor
G (Fall) 18.434 Seminar in Theoretical Computer Science
Not oered regularly; consult department Prereq: 6.046[J]
3-0-9 units U (Spring)
3-0-9 units
Introduces the basic computational methods used to model and
predict the structure of biomolecules (proteins, DNA, RNA). Covers Topics vary from year to year. Students present and discuss
classical techniques in the eld (molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo, the subject matter. Instruction and practice in written and oral
dynamic programming) to more recent advances in analyzing and communication provided. Enrollment limited.
predicting RNA and protein structure, ranging from Hidden Markov W. C. Franks
Models and 3-D lattice models to attribute Grammars and tree
Grammars. 18.435[J] Quantum Computation
Information: B. Berger Same subject as 2.111[J], 8.370[J]
Prereq: Permission of instructor
18.418[J] Topics in Computational Molecular Biology G (Fall)
Same subject as HST.504[J] 3-0-9 units
Prereq: 6.047, 18.417, or permission of instructor
G (Spring) Provides an introduction to the theory and practice of quantum
3-0-9 units computation. Topics covered: physics of information processing;
Can be repeated for credit. quantum algorithms including the factoring algorithm and
Grover's search algorithm; quantum error correction; quantum
Covers current research topics in computational molecular biology. communication and cryptography. Knowledge of quantum mechanics
Recent research papers presented from leading conferences such as helpful but not required.
the International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology I. Chuang, A. Harrow, S. Lloyd, P. Shor
(RECOMB) and the Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular
Biology (ISMB). Topics include original research (both theoretical 18.436[J] Quantum Information Science
and experimental) in comparative genomics, sequence and structure Same subject as 6.443[J], 8.371[J]
analysis, molecular evolution, proteomics, gene expression, Prereq: 18.435[J]
transcriptional regulation, biological networks, drug discovery, G (Spring)
and privacy. Recent research by course participants also covered. 3-0-9 units
Participants will be expected to present individual projects to the
class. See description under subject 8.371[J].
B. Berger I. Chuang, A. Harrow

22   |   Department of Mathematics

18.437[J] Distributed Algorithms 18.456[J] Algebraic Techniques and Semidenite Optimization

Same subject as 6.852[J] Same subject as 6.256[J]
Prereq: 6.046[J] Prereq: 6.251[J] or 15.093[J]
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered G (Spring)
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Fall) 3-0-9 units
3-0-9 units
See description under subject 6.256[J].
See description under subject 6.852[J]. P. Parrilo
N. A. Lynch
18.453 Combinatorial Optimization
Subject meets with 18.4531 18.504 Seminar in Logic
Prereq: 18.06, 18.700, or 18.701 Prereq: (18.06, 18.510, 18.700, or 18.701) and (18.100A, 18.100B,
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered 18.100P, or 18.100Q)
Acad Year 2020-2021: U (Spring) Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered
3-0-9 units Acad Year 2020-2021: U (Spring)
Thorough treatment of linear programming and combinatorial 3-0-9 units
optimization. Topics include matching theory, network flow, matroid Students present and discuss the subject matter taken from current
optimization, and how to deal with NP-hard optimization problems. journals or books. Topics vary from year to year. Instruction and
Prior exposure to discrete mathematics (such as 18.200) helpful. practice in written and oral communication provided. Enrollment
Information: M. X. Goemans limited.
H. Cohn
18.4531 Combinatorial Optimization
Subject meets with 18.453 18.510 Introduction to Mathematical Logic and Set Theory
Prereq: 18.06, 18.700, or 18.701 Prereq: None
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered Acad Year 2019-2020: U (Fall)
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Spring) Acad Year 2020-2021: Not oered
3-0-9 units 3-0-9 units
Thorough treatment of linear programming and combinatorial Propositional and predicate logic. Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory.
optimization. Topics include matching theory, network flow, matroid Ordinals and cardinals. Axiom of choice and transnite induction.
optimization, and how to deal with NP-hard optimization problems. Elementary model theory: completeness, compactness, and
Prior exposure to discrete mathematics (such as 18.200) helpful. Lowenheim-Skolem theorems. Godel's incompleteness theorem.
Students in Course 18 must register for the undergraduate version, H. Cohn
Information: M. X. Goemans 18.515 Mathematical Logic
Prereq: Permission of instructor
18.455 Advanced Combinatorial Optimization G (Spring)
Prereq: 18.453 or permission of instructor Not oered regularly; consult department
Acad Year 2019-2020: G (Spring) 3-0-9 units
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not oered
3-0-9 units More rigorous treatment of basic mathematical logic, Godel's
theorems, and Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. First-order logic.
Advanced treatment of combinatorial optimization with an emphasis Models and satisfaction. Deduction and proof. Soundness and
on combinatorial aspects. Non-bipartite matchings, submodular completeness. Compactness and its consequences. Quantier
functions, matroid intersection/union, matroid matching, elimination. Recursive sets and functions. Incompleteness and
submodular flows, multicommodity flows, packing and connectivity undecidability. Ordinals and cardinals. Set-theoretic formalization of
problems, and other recent developments. mathematics.
M. X. Goemans Information: B. Poonen

Department of Mathematics   |   23

Probability and Statistics 18.6501 Fundamentals of Statistics

Subject meets with 18.650[J], IDS.014[J]
18.600 Probability and Random Variables Prereq: 18.600 or 6.041
Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) G (Fall, Spring)
U (Fall, Spring) 4-0-8 units
4-0-8 units. REST Credit cannot also be received for 15.075[J], IDS.013[J]
Credit cannot also be received for 6.041, 6.431, 15.079, 15.0791 A broad treatment of statistics, concentrating on specic statistical
Probability spaces, random variables, distribution functions. techniques used in science and industry. Topics: hypothesis
Binomial, geometric, hypergeometric, Poisson distributions. testing and estimation. Condence intervals, chi-square tests,
Uniform, exponential, normal, gamma and beta distributions. nonparametric statistics, analysis of variance, regression,
Conditional probability, Bayes theorem, joint distributions. correlation, decision theory, and Bayesian statistics. Students in
Chebyshev inequality, law of large numbers, and central limit Course 18 must register for the undergraduate version, 18.650[J].
theorem. Credit cannot also be received for 6.041A or 6.041B. Fall: P. Rigollet. Spring: T. Maunu
J. A. Kelner, S. Sheeld
18.655 Mathematical Statistics
18.615 Introduction to Stochastic Processes Prereq: Permission of instructor
Prereq: 6.041 or 18.600 G (Spring)
G (Spring) 3-0-9 units
3-0-9 units Decision theory, estimation, condence intervals, hypothesis
Basics of stochastic processes. Markov chains, Poisson processes, testing. Introduces large sample theory. Asymptotic eciency of
random walks, birth and death processes, Brownian motion. estimates. Exponential families. Sequential analysis.
E. Mossel P. Kempthorne

18.642 Topics in Mathematics with Applications in Finance 18.657 Topics in Statistics

Prereq: 18.03, 18.06, and (18.05 or 18.600) Prereq: Permission of instructor
U (Fall) Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered
3-0-9 units Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Spring)
3-0-9 units
Introduction to mathematical concepts and techniques used in Can be repeated for credit.
nance. Lectures focusing on linear algebra, probability, statistics,
stochastic processes, and numerical methods are interspersed Topics vary from term to term.
with lectures by nancial sector professionals illustrating the P. Rigollet
corresponding application in the industry. Prior knowledge of
economics or nance helpful but not required. 18.675 Theory of Probability (18.175)
P. Kempthorne, V. Strela, J. Xia Prereq: 18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or 18.100Q
G (Fall)
18.650[J] Fundamentals of Statistics 3-0-9 units
Same subject as IDS.014[J] Sums of independent random variables, central limit phenomena,
Subject meets with 18.6501 innitely divisible laws, Levy processes, Brownian motion,
Prereq: 18.600 or 6.041 conditioning, and martingales. Prior exposure to probability (e.g.,
U (Fall, Spring) 18.600) recommended.
4-0-8 units N. Sun
Credit cannot also be received for 15.075[J], IDS.013[J]

A broad treatment of statistics, concentrating on specic statistical

techniques used in science and industry. Topics: hypothesis
testing and estimation. Condence intervals, chi-square tests,
nonparametric statistics, analysis of variance, regression,
correlation, decision theory, and Bayesian statistics.
Fall: P. Rigollet. Spring: T. Maunu

24   |   Department of Mathematics

18.676 Stochastic Calculus (18.176) 18.702 Algebra II

Prereq: 18.175 Prereq: 18.701
G (Spring) U (Spring)
3-0-9 units 3-0-9 units

Introduction to stochastic processes, building on the fundamental Continuation of 18.701. Focuses on group representations, rings,
example of Brownian motion. Topics include Brownian motion, ideals, elds, polynomial rings, modules, factorization, integers in
continuous parameter martingales, Ito's theory of stochastic quadratic number elds, eld extensions, and Galois theory.
dierential equations, Markov processes and partial dierential A. Shankar
equations, and may also include local time and excursion theory.
Students should have familiarity with Lebesgue integration and its 18.703 Modern Algebra
application to probability. Prereq: Calculus II (GIR)
N. Sun U (Spring)
3-0-9 units
18.677 Topics in Stochastic Processes (18.177)
Prereq: 18.675 Focuses on traditional algebra topics that have found greatest
G (Spring) application in science and engineering as well as in mathematics:
3-0-9 units group theory, emphasizing nite groups; ring theory, including
Can be repeated for credit. ideals and unique factorization in polynomial and Euclidean rings;
eld theory, including properties and applications of nite elds.
Topics vary from year to year. 18.700 and 18.703 together form a standard algebra sequence.
S. Sheeld J. Shen

Algebra and Number Theory 18.704 Seminar in Algebra

Prereq: 18.701, (18.06 and 18.703), or (18.700 and 18.703)
18.700 Linear Algebra U (Fall)
Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) 3-0-9 units
U (Fall) Topics vary from year to year. Students present and discuss
3-0-9 units. REST the subject matter. Instruction and practice in written and oral
Credit cannot also be received for 18.06 communication provided. Some experience with proofs required.
Vector spaces, systems of linear equations, bases, linear Enrollment limited.
independence, matrices, determinants, eigenvalues, inner products, J.-L. Kim
quadratic forms, and canonical forms of matrices. More emphasis on
theory and proofs than in 18.06. 18.705 Commutative Algebra
D. A. Vogan Prereq: 18.702
G (Fall)
18.701 Algebra I 3-0-9 units
Prereq: 18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, 18.100Q, or permission of Exactness, direct limits, tensor products, Cayley-Hamilton theorem,
instructor integral dependence, localization, Cohen-Seidenberg theory,
U (Fall) Noether normalization, Nullstellensatz, chain conditions, primary
3-0-9 units decomposition, length, Hilbert functions, dimension theory,
18.701-18.702 is more extensive and theoretical than the completion, Dedekind domains.
18.700-18.703 sequence. Experience with proofs necessary. 18.701 B. Poonen
focuses on group theory, geometry, and linear algebra.
M. Artin

Department of Mathematics   |   25

18.706 Noncommutative Algebra 18.725 Algebraic Geometry I

Prereq: 18.702 Prereq: None. Coreq: 18.705
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered G (Fall)
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Fall) 3-0-9 units
3-0-9 units
Introduces the basic notions and techniques of modern algebraic
Topics may include Wedderburn theory and structure of Artinian geometry. Covers fundamental notions and results about algebraic
rings, Morita equivalence and elements of category theory, varieties over an algebraically closed eld; relations between
localization and Goldie's theorem, central simple algebras and the complex algebraic varieties and complex analytic varieties;
Brauer group, representations, polynomial identity rings, invariant and examples with emphasis on algebraic curves and surfaces.
theory growth of algebras, Gelfand-Kirillov dimension. Introduction to the language of schemes and properties of
R. Bezrukavnikov morphisms. Knowledge of elementary algebraic topology,
elementary dierential geometry recommended, but not required.
18.708 Topics in Algebra C. Xu
Prereq: 18.705
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered 18.726 Algebraic Geometry II
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Spring) Prereq: 18.725
3-0-9 units G (Spring)
Can be repeated for credit. 3-0-9 units

Topics vary from year to year. Continuation of the introduction to algebraic geometry given in
Z. Yun 18.725. More advanced properties of the varieties and morphisms of
schemes, as well as sheaf cohomology.
18.715 Introduction to Representation Theory C. Xu
Prereq: 18.702 or 18.703
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered 18.727 Topics in Algebraic Geometry
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Fall) Prereq: 18.725
3-0-9 units Acad Year 2019-2020: G (Spring)
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not oered
Algebras, representations, Schur's lemma. Representations of SL(2). 3-0-9 units
Representations of nite groups, Maschke's theorem, characters, Can be repeated for credit.
applications. Induced representations, Burnside's theorem, Mackey
formula, Frobenius reciprocity. Representations of quivers. Topics vary from year to year.
G. Lusztig A. Negut

18.721 Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 18.737 Algebraic Groups

Prereq: 18.702 and 18.901 Prereq: 18.705
Acad Year 2019-2020: U (Spring) Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not oered Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Spring)
3-0-9 units 3-0-9 units

Presents basic examples of complex algebraic varieties, ane and Structure of linear algebraic groups over an algebraically closed
projective algebraic geometry, sheaves, cohomology. eld, with emphasis on reductive groups. Representations of groups
M. Artin over a nite eld using methods from etale cohomology. Some
results from algebraic geometry are stated without proof.
B. Poonen

26   |   Department of Mathematics

18.745 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras I 18.757 Representations of Lie Groups
Prereq: (18.701 or 18.703) and (18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or Prereq: 18.745 or 18.755
18.100Q) G (Spring)
G (Fall) Not oered regularly; consult department
3-0-9 units 3-0-9 units

Covers fundamentals of the theory of Lie algebras and related Covers representations of locally compact groups, with emphasis on
groups. Topics may include theorems of Engel and Lie; enveloping compact groups and abelian groups. Includes Peter-Weyl theorem
algebra, Poincare-Birkho-Witt theorem; classication and and Cartan-Weyl highest weight theory for compact Lie groups.
construction of semisimple Lie algebras; the center of their Information: R. Bezrukavnikov
enveloping algebras; elements of representation theory; compact Lie
groups and/or nite Chevalley groups. 18.781 Theory of Numbers
G. Lusztig Prereq: None
U (Spring)
18.747 Innite-dimensional Lie Algebras 3-0-9 units
Prereq: 18.745
Acad Year 2019-2020: G (Fall) An elementary introduction to number theory with no algebraic
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not oered prerequisites. Primes, congruences, quadratic reciprocity,
3-0-9 units diophantine equations, irrational numbers, continued fractions,
Topics vary from year to year. C. Wan
P. I. Etingof
18.782 Introduction to Arithmetic Geometry
18.748 Topics in Lie Theory Prereq: 18.702
Prereq: Permission of instructor Acad Year 2019-2020: U (Fall)
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered Acad Year 2020-2021: Not oered
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Spring) 3-0-9 units
3-0-9 units
Can be repeated for credit. Exposes students to arithmetic geometry, motivated by the problem
of nding rational points on curves. Includes an introduction to p-
Topics vary from year to year. adic numbers and some fundamental results from number theory
P. I. Etingof and algebraic geometry, such as the Hasse-Minkowski theorem and
the Riemann-Roch theorem for curves. Additional topics may include
18.755 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras II Mordell's theorem, the Weil conjectures, and Jacobian varieties.
Prereq: 18.745 or permission of instructor J. Whang
G (Spring)
3-0-9 units 18.783 Elliptic Curves
Subject meets with 18.7831
A more in-depth treatment of Lie groups and Lie algebras. Topics Prereq: 18.702, 18.703, or permission of instructor
may include homogeneous spaces and groups of automorphisms; Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered
representations of compact groups and their geometric realizations, Acad Year 2020-2021: U (Fall)
Peter-Weyl theorem; invariant dierential forms and cohomology of 3-0-9 units
Lie groups and homogeneous spaces; complex reductive Lie groups,
classication of real reductive groups. Computationally focused introduction to elliptic curves, with
D. A. Vogan applications to number theory and cryptography. Topics include
point-counting, isogenies, pairings, and the theory of complex
multiplication, with applications to integer factorization, primality
proving, and elliptic curve cryptography. Includes a brief introduction
to modular curves and the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem.
A. Sutherland

Department of Mathematics   |   27

18.7831 Elliptic Curves 18.787 Topics in Number Theory

Subject meets with 18.783 Prereq: Permission of instructor
Prereq: 18.702, 18.703, or permission of instructor Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered
Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Fall)
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Fall) 3-0-9 units
3-0-9 units Can be repeated for credit.

Computationally focused introduction to elliptic curves, with Topics vary from year to year.
applications to number theory and cryptography. Topics include W. Zhang
point-counting, isogenies, pairings, and the theory of complex
multiplication, with applications to integer factorization, primality
Mathematics Laboratory
proving, and elliptic curve cryptography. Includes a brief introduction
to modular curves and the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. Students 18.821 Project Laboratory in Mathematics
in Course 18 must register for the undergraduate version, 18.783. Prereq: Two mathematics subjects numbered 18.10 or above
A. Sutherland U (Fall, Spring)
3-6-3 units. Institute LAB
18.784 Seminar in Number Theory
Prereq: 18.701 or (18.703 and (18.06 or 18.700)) Guided research in mathematics, employing the scientic
U (Spring) method. Students confront puzzling and complex mathematical
3-0-9 units situations, through the acquisition of data by computer, pencil
and paper, or physical experimentation, and attempt to explain
Topics vary from year to year. Students present and discuss them mathematically. Students choose three projects from a large
the subject matter. Instruction and practice in written and oral collection of options. Each project results in a laboratory report
communication provided. Enrollment limited. subject to revision; oral presentation on one or two projects. Projects
J.-L. Kim drawn from many areas, including dynamical systems, number
theory, algebra, fluid mechanics, asymptotic analysis, knot theory,
18.785 Number Theory I and probability. Enrollment limited.
Prereq: None. Coreq: 18.705 H. Cohn, R. Bezrukavnikov
G (Fall)
3-0-9 units
Topology and Geometry
Dedekind domains, unique factorization of ideals, splitting of
primes. Lattice methods, niteness of the class group, Dirichlet's 18.900 Geometry and Topology in the Plane
unit theorem. Local elds, ramication, discriminants. Zeta and Prereq: 18.03 or 18.06
L-functions, analytic class number formula. Adeles and ideles. U (Fall)
Statements of class eld theory and the Chebotarev density 3-0-9 units
A. Sutherland Covers selected topics in geometry and topology, which can be
visualized in the two-dimensional plane. Polygons and polygonal
18.786 Number Theory II paths. Billiards. Closed curves and immersed curves. Algebraic
Prereq: 18.785 curves. Triangulations and complexes. Hyperbolic geometry.
G (Spring) Geodesics and curvature. Other topics may be included as time
3-0-9 units permits.
P. Seidel
Continuation of 18.785. More advanced topics in number theory,
such as Galois cohomology, proofs of class eld theory, modular
forms and automorphic forms, Galois representations, or quadratic
W. Zhang

28   |   Department of Mathematics

18.901 Introduction to Topology 18.906 Algebraic Topology II

Subject meets with 18.9011 Prereq: 18.905
Prereq: 18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, 18.100Q, or permission of G (Spring)
instructor 3-0-9 units
U (Fall, Spring)
3-0-9 units Continues the introduction to Algebraic Topology from 18.905. Topics
include basic homotopy theory, spectral sequences, characteristic
Introduces topology, covering topics fundamental to modern analysis classes, and cohomology operations.
and geometry. Topological spaces and continuous functions, J. Hahn
connectedness, compactness, separation axioms, covering spaces,
and the fundamental group. 18.917 Topics in Algebraic Topology
Fall: M. Storegen. Spring: G. Lusztig Prereq: 18.906
Acad Year 2019-2020: G (Spring)
18.9011 Introduction to Topology Acad Year 2020-2021: Not oered
Subject meets with 18.901 3-0-9 units
Prereq: 18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, 18.100Q, or permission of Can be repeated for credit.
G (Fall, Spring) Content varies from year to year. Introduces new and signicant
3-0-9 units developments in algebraic topology with the focus on homotopy
theory and related areas.
Introduces topology, covering topics fundamental to modern analysis Z. Xu
and geometry. Topological spaces and continuous functions,
connectedness, compactness, separation axioms, covering spaces, 18.919 Graduate Topology Seminar
and the fundamental group. Students in Course 18 must register for Prereq: 18.906
the undergraduate version, 18.901. G (Fall)
Fall: M. Storegen. Spring: G. Lusztig 3-0-9 units

18.904 Seminar in Topology Study and discussion of important original papers in the various
Prereq: 18.901 parts of algebraic topology. Open to all students who have taken
U (Fall) 18.906 or the equivalent, not only prospective topologists.
3-0-9 units H. R. Miller

Topics vary from year to year. Students present and discuss 18.937 Topics in Geometric Topology
the subject matter. Instruction and practice in written and oral Prereq: Permission of instructor
communication provided. Enrollment limited. Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered
T. Bachmann Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Spring)
3-0-9 units
18.905 Algebraic Topology I Can be repeated for credit.
Prereq: 18.901 and (18.701 or 18.703)
G (Fall) Content varies from year to year. Introduces new and signicant
3-0-9 units developments in geometric topology.
T. S. Mrowka
Singular homology, CW complexes, universal coecient and Künneth
theorems, cohomology, cup products, Poincaré duality.
Z. Xu

Department of Mathematics   |   29

18.950 Dierential Geometry 18.965 Geometry of Manifolds I

Subject meets with 18.9501 Prereq: 18.101, 18.950, or 18.952
Prereq: (18.06, 18.700, or 18.701) and (18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or G (Fall)
18.100Q) 3-0-9 units
U (Spring)
3-0-9 units Dierential forms, introduction to Lie groups, the DeRham theorem,
Riemannian manifolds, curvature, the Hodge theory. 18.966 is a
Introduction to dierential geometry, centered on notions of continuation of 18.965 and focuses more deeply on various aspects
curvature. Starts with curves in the plane, and proceeds to higher of the geometry of manifolds. Contents vary from year to year, and
dimensional submanifolds. Computations in coordinate charts: rst can range from Riemannian geometry (curvature, holonomy) to
and second fundamental form, Christoel symbols. Discusses the symplectic geometry, complex geometry and Hodge-Kahler theory, or
distinction between extrinsic and intrinsic aspects, in particular smooth manifold topology. Prior exposure to calculus on manifolds,
Gauss' theorema egregium. The Gauss-Bonnet theorem. Geodesics. as in 18.952, recommended.
Examples such as hyperbolic space. T. Collins
P. Hintz
18.966 Geometry of Manifolds II
18.9501 Dierential Geometry Prereq: 18.965
Subject meets with 18.950 G (Spring)
Prereq: (18.06, 18.700, or 18.701) and (18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or 3-0-9 units
G (Spring) Continuation of 18.965, focusing more deeply on various aspects
3-0-9 units of the geometry of manifolds. Contents vary from year to year, and
can range from Riemannian geometry (curvature, holonomy) to
Introduction to dierential geometry, centered on notions of symplectic geometry, complex geometry and Hodge-Kahler theory, or
curvature. Starts with curves in the plane, and proceeds to higher smooth manifold topology.
dimensional submanifolds. Computations in coordinate charts: rst W. Minicozzi
and second fundamental form, Christoel symbols. Discusses the
distinction between extrinsic and intrinsic aspects, in particular 18.968 Topics in Geometry
Gauss' theorema egregium. The Gauss-Bonnet theorem. Geodesics. Prereq: 18.965
Examples such as hyperbolic space. Students in Course 18 must Acad Year 2019-2020: G (Spring)
register for the undergraduate version, 18.950. Acad Year 2020-2021: Not oered
P. Hintz 3-0-9 units
Can be repeated for credit.
18.952 Theory of Dierential Forms
Prereq: 18.101 and (18.700 or 18.701) Content varies from year to year.
U (Spring) P. Seidel
3-0-9 units
18.979 Graduate Geometry Seminar
Multilinear algebra: tensors and exterior forms. Dierential forms Prereq: Permission of instructor
on R : exterior dierentiation, the pull-back operation and the Acad Year 2019-2020: Not oered
Poincaré lemma. Applications to physics: Maxwell's equations from Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Spring)
the dierential form perspective. Integration of forms on open sets 3-0-9 units
of R . The change of variables formula revisited. The degree of a Can be repeated for credit.
dierentiable mapping. Dierential forms on manifolds and De Rham
theory. Integration of forms on manifolds and Stokes' theorem. The Content varies from year to year. Study of classical papers in
push-forward operation for forms. Thom forms and intersection geometry and in applications of analysis to geometry and topology.
theory. Applications to dierential topology. T. Mrowka
V. W. Guillemin

30   |   Department of Mathematics

18.994 Seminar in Geometry 18.S096 Special Subject in Mathematics

Prereq: (18.06, 18.700, or 18.701) and (18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or Prereq: Permission of instructor
18.100Q) U (Fall, IAP)
U (Spring) Units arranged
3-0-9 units Can be repeated for credit.

Students present and discuss subject matter taken from current Opportunity for group study of subjects in mathematics not
journals or books. Topics vary from year to year. Instruction and otherwise included in the curriculum. Oerings are initiated by
practice in written and oral communication provided. Enrollment members of the Mathematics faculty on an ad hoc basis, subject to
limited. departmental approval. 18.S097 is graded P/D/F.
C. Mantoulidis Fall: K. Okoudjou

18.999 Research in Mathematics 18.S097 Special Subject in Mathematics

Prereq: Permission of instructor Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall, Spring, Summer) U (IAP)
Units arranged Units arranged [P/D/F]
Can be repeated for credit. Can be repeated for credit.

Opportunity for study of graduate-level topics in mathematics Opportunity for group study of subjects in mathematics not
under the supervision of a member of the department. For graduate otherwise included in the curriculum. Oerings are initiated by
students desiring advanced work not provided in regular subjects. members of the Mathematics faculty on an ad hoc basis, subject to
Information: W. Minicozzi departmental approval. 18.S097 is graded P/D/F.
Information: W. Minicozzi
18.UR Undergraduate Research
Prereq: Permission of instructor 18.S190 Special Subject in Mathematics (New)
U (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) Prereq: Permission of instructor
Units arranged [P/D/F] U (IAP)
Can be repeated for credit. Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Undergraduate research opportunities in mathematics. Permission
required in advance to register for this subject. For further Opportunity for group study of subjects in mathematics not
information, consult the departmental coordinator. otherwise included in the curriculum. Oerings are initiated by
Information: W. Minicozzi members of the Mathematics faculty on an ad hoc basis, subject to
departmental approval.
18.THG Graduate Thesis Sta
Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) 18.S191 Special Subject in Mathematics (New)
Units arranged Prereq: Permission of instructor
Can be repeated for credit. U (IAP)
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Program of research leading to the writing of a Ph.D. thesis; to be Can be repeated for credit.
arranged by the student and an appropriate MIT faculty member.
Information: W. Minicozzi Opportunity for group study of subjects in mathematics not
otherwise included in the curriculum. Oerings are initiated by
members of the Mathematics faculty on an ad hoc basis, subject to
departmental approval. 18.S191 is graded P/D/F.

Department of Mathematics   |   31

18.S995 Special Subject in Mathematics

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.

Opportunity for group study of advanced subjects in mathematics

not otherwise included in the curriculum. Oerings are initiated by
members of the mathematics faculty on an ad hoc basis, subject to
departmental approval.
E. Mossel

18.S996 Special Subject in Mathematics

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.

Opportunity for group study of advanced subjects in mathematics

not otherwise included in the curriculum. Oerings are initiated by
members of the Mathematics faculty on an ad hoc basis, subject to
Departmental approval.
T. Lam

18.S997 Special Subject in Mathematics

Prereq: Permission of instructor
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.

Opportunity for group study of advanced subjects in mathematics

not otherwise included in the curriculum. Oerings are initiated by
members of the Mathematics faculty on an ad hoc basis, subject to
Departmental approval.
Information: W. Minicozzi

18.S998 Special Subject in Mathematics

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Spring)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.

Opportunity for group study of advanced subjects in mathematics

not otherwise included in the curriculum. Oerings are initiated by
members of the Mathematics faculty on an ad hoc basis, subject to
departmental approval.
Information: W. Minicozzi

32   |   Department of Mathematics

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