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Global warming is the hot new topic of this southern side, the country has a coastline
century as catastrophic climatic events border of 1046 km along the Arabian Sea and
keep on ravaging the whole planet, the Gulf of Oman while the northern side
annihilating entire villages and towns, and exhibits the awesome glaciated mountains
financially crippling the affected regimes. that attract mountain climbers from all over
However, most of the people are not even the world.
familiar with the term “Green House
Effect”. Therefore, we must first know The major portion of the Pakistani land is dry
what the terms mean, and only then we and barren, mainly because of the great
can truly understand its impacts. variability in the climatic parameters. The
major water resource of Pakistan is the
Definition of Greenhouse effect: melting snow from the Himalayan glaciers, as
well the heavy monsoon rainfalls.
The greenhouse effect is a natural process
by which the earth retains some of the Pakistan ranks 16th on the Climate Change
energy of the sunrays, and utilizes it to Vulnerability Index (CCVI) by Maple Croft,
warm it enough to sustain life on it. This jumping up 13 positions in one year.
process is mediated by the presence of German watch also places Pakistan as the
some gases in the earth’s surroundings, “most affected” country for 2010 and in top
which form a layer around it, and are known 10 for 1990-2010 by climatic changes.
as „Greenhouse Gases‟ (GHG‟s). Climate changes are costing the economy
$14 billion a year, which is almost 5% of the
Effects of global warming:
GDP. According to the Asian Development
Global warming has emerged as one of the Bank, more than 10 million people have
biggest threats to our planet in this century. It been displaced in Pakistan over the last 2
has been proved that due to the increase of years due to these climate related
the GHG‟s in our outer atmosphere, the earth’s disasters.
temperature has warmed by 0.74 degree Pakistan, which is an already resource
Celsius over the last 100 years. This has stressed country, has been crippled by the
resulted in a devastating disruption of the process of global warming, as the blatant
earth’s climatic processes, leading to floods, floods and droughts continue to wreck the
famines, droughts and cyclones among other country’s economy. More than 10 million
natural disasters. people have been displaced over the last two
years, the agricultural land lies barren and
Effect on Pakistan:
financial losses have been estimated at $2
Pakistan is an autonomous country that billion.
occupies a strategic location in South Asia,
These climatic catastrophes will not die
with a wide variety of landscapes. On the
down. Research studies have concluded
that changing weather patterns will be the
foundation for more intense and prolonged cause of these events. In addition to the
droughts and heat waves. Meanwhile, formation of well thought flood and drought
tremendous precipitation events will prevention policies, steps to reduce the
become more frequent and future tropical overall emission of greenhouse gases have
cyclones will become stronger. to be taken so that the planet Earth and its
inhabitants can survive.
Therefore there is a growing consensus that
steps will have to be taken to uproot the

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