Christmas Around The World Quiz: (Vrolijk Kerstfeest)

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(Joyeux Noël) FRANCE (Vrolijk kerstfeest) THE NETHERLANDS

Père Noël is (Vrolijk Kerstfeest) BELGIUM

Sinterklaas rides a horse. Dutch children
accompanied by Père Belgian children believe
leave their shoes out, filled with hay and
Fouettard, who brings that Saint Nicholas brings
them their presents. They sugar for his horse. In the morning they find
presents only to good
also believe he rides a their shoes filled with candy,
kids. Children put their nuts and gifts. When
shoes by the fire place to horse so they leave hay
Sinterklaas appears to
get gifts. People have and carrots and water for
the horse just outside the children, he takes the
dinner at midnight on form of their father or a
December 24 (le Réveillon) with a cake calledhouse on December 6. male relative.
La Bûche de Noël.
(Frohe Weihnachten) GERMANY (Glædelig Jul) DENMARK (God Jul) SWEDEN
Children count the days until Danish people celebrate Most people in Scandinavian countries
Christmas with an Advent Christmas Eve with a honour St. Lucia on December
calendar. They also write special rice pudding 13. Traditionally, the eldest
letters to St. Nicholas in which a single daughter in each family gets up
asking for presents almond is hidden. early and wakes each of her
(December 6). Christmas Whoever finds the family members, dressed in a
Eve is the most important almond will have good long, white gown with a red
time of the Christmas luck for the coming year. ribbon and a crown made of
season for families. Some Julemanden arrives in a twigs with nine lighted
even say it is a magical night when animalssleigh drawn by reindeer and candles. Jultomten, visits
can speak. The wonderful tradition of the a sack over his back. He is houses in the afternoon on
Christmas tree, which started in Germany, isassisted with his Yuletide chores by ElvesChristmas Eve.
the heart of the celebration. called Juul Nisse, who live in attics.
(C рождеством!) RUSSIA
(Buon Natale) ITALY
Families decorate a New Year’s tree and (Feliz Navidad) SPAIN
Italian people exchange
make Salad Olivier Spanish people celebrate
gifts on January 6, when
(diced meat, veggies Nochebuena (Christmas
the Wise Men or Magi
and potatoes all Eve), and families gather
reached baby Jesus. Italy
slathered in Mayo). together to share a meal.
has La Befana, who
Grandfather Frost Children leave their shoes
brings gifts for good
(Дед Моро́з) delivers filled with straw and
children and punishment
presents to good barley for the camels of
for the bad ones. The
children, aided by The the Wise Men who visit
nativity scene dates back to Saint Francis of
Snow Maiden them on January 6.
(Merry Christmas) UK
(Feliz Navidad) MEXICO
The tradition of hanging (Merry Christmas) CANADA / U.S.A.
They celebrate Christmas for nine days with
stockings by the chimney People decorate Christmas trees and hang
began here because Father their stockings by the fireplace because Las Pastorelas. People dress as Mary and
Joseph walking from
Christmas accidentally children believe that
house to house
dropped some gold coins on his Santa Claus will fill
asking if Mary may
way down the chimney which them with gifts.
People also exchange stay the night.
got caught in a drying stocking.
Then, they are
British children wait until the afternoon tocards and gifts and go
invited in for a
open their gifts. Boxing Daycarolling.
party with food,
is celebrated the day
songs, and a Piñata
following Christmas, when
filled with all kinds of sweets.
small gifts were given to
(メリークリスマス) JAPAN
(圣诞快乐) CHINA
In Japan there is a god or priest known as (Merry Christmas) AUSTRALIA
Christian kids decorate Santa's sleigh is pulled by eight white
Hoteiosho, who closely
their houses with kangaroos. Christmas dinner is eaten
resembles our Santa
beautiful paper lanterns. outdoors and is followed by a visit to the
Claus. He is always
Many Chinese children beach or a game of cricket.
pictured as a kind old man
also hang stockings and
carrying a huge pack. He
wait for Santa Claus or
is thought to have eyes in
Dun Che Lao Ren, which
the back of his head.
means “Christmas Old
Children must be good
when this all-seeing gentleman is abroad.
1) In Belgium, who comes on December 6?

2) Christians in China call Santa Claus Dun Che Lao Ren, which means…

3) The first nativity scene was displayed in 1223 by St. Francis of Assisi in which country?

4) In Sweden, the Christmas season begins on December 13, the feast day of St. Lucia. On this day

it is traditional for the eldest daughter in every family to…

5) In which country is a Yule log-shaped cake called a "Bûche de Noël" traditionally served?

6) In China, what do people traditionally use to light their homes at Christmas?

7) Where do Santa's elves live in Denmark?

8) Who delivers presents in Russia?

9) In The Netherlands, what transport does Saint Nicholas traditionally use?

10) Which country originated the tradition of hanging stockings by the fireplace?

11) At Christmas Mexican parents allow children to break a ………………

12) What animals pull Santa’s sleigh in Australia?

13) Where was developed the modern tradition of the Christmas tree?

14) When and where is Boxing Day celebrated?

15) Where is Father Christmas known as Père Noël?

16) When do Spanish children receive their gifts?

17) In what country do children receive gifts from La Befana, a kindly old witch?

18) Who accompanies Père Noël with a book in which each child's behavior is recorded?
Answer key
1. Saint Nicholas
2. Christmas Old Man
3. Italy
4. wear a long, white gown with a red ribbon and a crown made of twigs with nine lighted candles
5. France
6. Paper lanterns
7. In the attics of houses
8. Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden
9. A horse
10. England
11. Piñata
12. Kangaroos
13. In Germany
14. In UK on December 26.
15. In France
16. On January 6.
17. Italy
18. Père Fouettard

Navidad alrededor del mundo

(Merry Christmas) FRANCE

Santa Claus is accompanied by Father Whipper, who brings gifts only for good children. Children put their shoes by
the fireplace to receive gifts. People dine at midnight on December 24 (New Year's Eve) with a cake called The
Christmas Log.

(Feliz navidad) francia

Santa Claus está acompañada por el padre Whipper, que trae regalos solo para los buenos niños. Los niños ponen
sus zapatos junto a la chimenea para recibir regalos. La gente cena a medianoche del 24 de diciembre (víspera de
Año Nuevo) con un pastel llamado El registro navideño.

Vrolijk Kerstfeest) BELGIUM

Belgian children believe that Saint Nicholas brings them their presents. They also believe he rides a horse
so they leave hay and carrots and water for the horse just outside the house on December 6


Los niños belgas creen que San Nicolás les trae sus regalos. También creen que monta un caballo, por lo
que dejan el heno y las zanahorias y el agua para el caballo justo afuera de la casa el 6 de diciembre..
Vrolijk kerstfeest) THE NETHERLANDS

Sinterklaas rides a horse. Dutch children leave their shoes out, filled with hay and sugar for his
horse. In the morning they find their shoes filled with candy, nuts and gifts. When Sinterklaas
appears to children, he takes the form of their father or a male relative.


SAN NICOLAS monta un caballo. Los niños holandeses se quitan los zapatos, llenos de heno y
azúcar para su caballo. Por la mañana encuentran sus zapatos llenos de dulces, nueces y regalos.
Cuando SAN NICOLAS aparece ante los niños, toma la forma de su padre o de un pariente

(Frohe Weihnachten) GERMANY

Children count the days until Christmas with an Advent calendar. They also write letters to St. Nicholas asking for presents
(December 6). Christmas Eve is the most important time of the Christmas season for families. Some even say it is a magical
night when animals can speak. The wonderful tradition of the Christmas tree, which started in Germany, is the heart of the

Feliz navidad) alemania

Los niños cuentan los días hasta Navidad con un calendario de Adviento. También escriben cartas a San Nicolás pidiendo
regalos (6 de diciembre). La Nochebuena es el momento más importante de la temporada navideña para las familias. Algunos
incluso dicen que es una noche mágica en la que los animales pueden hablar. La maravillosa tradición del árbol de Navidad,
que comenzó en Alemania, es el corazón de la celebración.

Glædelig Jul) DENMARK

Danish people celebrate Christmas Eve with a special rice pudding in which a single almond is hidden. Whoever finds the
almond will have good luck for the coming year. Julemanden arrives in a sleigh drawn by reindeer and a sack over his back. He
is assisted with his Yuletide chores by Elves called Juul Nisse, who live in attics.


Los daneses celebran la Noche buena con un arroz con leche especial en el que se oculta una sola almendra. Quien encuentre
la almendra tendrá buena suerte para el año que viene. SANTA CLAUS llega en un trineo tirado por renos y un saco sobre su
espalda. Él es asistido con sus tareas DE NAVIDAD por Elfos llamado VERTICE DE NAVIDAD , que viven en los áticos.

(God Jul) SWEDEN

Most people in Scandinavian countries honour St. Lucia on December 13. Traditionally, the eldest daughter in each family gets
up early and wakes each of her family members, dressed in a long, white gown with a red ribbon and a crown made of twigs
with nine lighted candles. Jultomten, visits houses in the afternoon on Christmas Eve.

(Dios Julio) SUECIA

La mayoría de las personas en los países escandinavos honran a Santa Lucía el 13 de diciembre. Tradicionalmente, la hija
mayor de cada familia se levanta temprano y despierta a cada uno de sus familiares, vestida con un vestido largo blanco con
una cinta roja y una corona hecha de ramitas con nueve velas encendidas Jultomten, visita casas por la tarde en Nochebuena.

(C рождеством!) RUSSIA

Families decorate a New Year’s tree and make Salad Olivier (diced meat, veggies and potatoes all slathered in Mayo).
Grandfather Frost (Дед Моро́з) delivers presents to good children, aided by The Snow Maiden (Снегу́рочка).


Las familias decoran un árbol de Año Nuevo y hacen la Ensalada Olivier (carne picada, verduras y papas todo ello en Mayo). El
abuelo HIELO (SANTA CLAUS) entrega regalos a los niños buenos, ayudado por LA DONCELLA DE LA NIEVE(Doncella de

(Buon Natale) ITALY

Italian people exchange gifts on January 6, when the Wise Men or Magi reached baby Jesus. Italy has La Befana, who brings
gifts for good children and punishment for the bad ones. The nativity scene dates back to Saint Francis of Assisi.


Los italianos intercambian regalos el 6 de enero, cuando los Reyes Magos o Magos llegaron al bebé Jesús. Italia tiene a La
Befana, que trae regalos para los niños buenos y castigo para los malos. La escena de la natividad se remonta a San
Francisco de Asís.

(Feliz Navidad) SPAIN

Spanish people celebrate Nochebuena (Christmas Eve), and families gather together to share a meal. Children leave their
shoes filled with straw and barley for the camels of the Wise Men who visit them on January 6.

(Feliz Navidad) ESPAÑA

Los españoles celebran Nochebuena (Noche buena), y las familias se reúnen para compartir una comida. Los niños dejan sus
zapatos llenos de paja y cebada para los camellos de los Reyes Magos que los visitan el 6 de enero.

(Merry Christmas) UK

The tradition of hanging stockings by the chimney began here because Father Christmas accidentally dropped some gold coins
on his way down the chimney which got caught in a drying stocking. British children wait until the afternoon to open their gifts.
Boxing Day is celebrated the day following Christmas, when small gifts were given to servants

(Feliz Navidad) Reino Unido

La tradición de colgar las medias junto a la chimenea comenzó aquí porque Papá Noel accidentalmente dejó caer algunas
monedas de oro en su camino por la chimenea que quedó atrapada en una media de secado. Los niños británicos esperan
hasta la tarde para abrir sus regalos. El día del boxeo se celebra el día siguiente de Navidad, cuando se dieron pequeños
regalos a los sirvientes..

Merry Christmas) CANADA / U.S.A.

People decorate Christmas trees and hang their stockings by the fireplace because children believe that Santa Claus
will fill them with gifts. People also exchange cards and gifts and go carolling.
. Feliz Navidad) CANADA / U.S.A.

Las personas decoran los árboles de Navidad y cuelgan sus medias junto a la chimenea porque los niños creen que Papá Noel
los llenará de regalos. Las personas también intercambian tarjetas y regalos y van a divertirse.

(Feliz Navidad) MEXICO

They celebrate Christmas for nine days with Las Pastorelas. People dress as Mary and Joseph walking from house to house
asking if Mary may stay the night. Then, they are invited in for a party with food, songs, and a Piñata filled with all kinds of

(Feliz Navidad) MEXICO

Celebran la Navidad durante nueve días con Las Pastorelas. Las personas se visten como María y José caminando de casa en
casa preguntando si María puede quedarse a pasar la noche. Luego, son invitados a una fiesta con comida, canciones y una
piñata llena de todo tipo de dulces.

(圣诞快乐) CHINA

Christian kids decorate their houses with beautiful paper lanterns. Many Chinese children also hang stockings and wait for
Santa Claus or Dun Che Lao Ren, which means “Christmas Old Man.”


Los niños cristianos decoran sus casas con hermosas linternas de papel. Muchos niños chinos también cuelgan medias y
esperan a Santa Claus o Dun Che Lao Ren, que significa "Viejo hombre de Navidad".

(メリークリスマス) JAPAN

In Japan there is a god or priest known as Hoteiosho, who closely resembles our Santa Claus. He is always pictured as a kind
old man carrying a huge pack. He is thought to have eyes in the back of his head. Children must be good when this all-seeing
gentleman is abroad.


En Japón hay un dios o sacerdote conocido como Hoteiosho, que se parece mucho a nuestro Papá Noel. Siempre se lo ve
como un anciano amable que lleva una enorme mochila. Se cree que tiene ojos en la parte posterior de la cabeza. Los niños
deben ser buenos Cuando este caballero que todo lo ve está en el extranjero.

(Merry Christmas) AUSTRALIA

Santa's sleigh is pulled by eight white kangaroos. Christmas dinner is eaten outdoors and is followed by a visit to the beach or a
game of cricket.

(Feliz Navidad) AUSTRALIA

El trineo de Papá Noel es tirado por ocho canguros blancos. La cena de Navidad se come al aire libre y es seguida por una
visita a la playa o UN juego de CRILLO

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