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The Five Axioms of Sustainability Rikinkumar Prajapati SCI 280 Environmental Science
Westcliff University Dear grandson Today I am going to make you understand the term
sustainability and its importance in our life as well in your life also forever. First you need
to understand the term sustainability. Sustainability refers to anything which can be
maintained over a period of time. It is a need for our survival and well-being in every

It is a only way to create conditions under which nature and human can exist
productively, which allow fulfilling the socio, economic requirements of present and
future generations. I always wonder to develop a sustainable environment so that
whatever resources from nature I am enjoying today you will also enjoy them tomorrow.
There are five axioms of sustainability explained by Richard Heinberg (2007).

Any society who continues to use the critical resources where unsustainably may
collapse Population growth and their consumption of resources should not be sustained
To be sustainable, renewable uses of the resources needs to proceed at the rate which is
less than or equal to rate of accepted replenishment. To be sustainable, renewable
resources needs to continue at declining rate, which should be greater than the rate of

The rate of diminution can be a specified time interval (usually a year) as percentage of
amount that left to extract. Sustainability actually requires to maintain substances which
is introduced into the environment from various human activities that needs to be
minimized as well as rendered the harmless to biosphere functions.

In the world of sustainability, there are sustainable technologies that take advantages of
renewable energies like the sun, wind and biomass. There is a recycling practice on a
large scale in order to benefit the nature abundance. At the political and economic level,
the improvement of indigenous people, fair distribution of resources and wealth.

True cost of product and encouragement of sustainable practices through fiscal and
legal controls and incentives. On the social ground, there is universal primary education
and health care for all without biasness. Women education and empowerment is taking
care on primary front. At the environmental level, massive afforestation, renewed
research into organic farming practices.

Sustainable development is to maximise human well-being and quality of life without

jeopardising the life support system. `There are some ways which I am going to address
you to make your world better. They are as follows:- Creating clean and hygienic living
and working conditions for the people around you.

Encouraging research projects aiming for betterment of environment. Implement strict

safety norms against industrial hazards. Rewards for afforestation. Building substitute for
proven hazardous materials based on local resources and needs Every method of
sustainability in regards to environment. Culture should be part of school and college

Understanding and usage of non-conventional sources like solar energy, wind energy
and thermal energy Maximum use of environment friendly products. Farmers to be
provided with organic fertilizers Clear monitoring and accountability for environment
and society Always address socialisation and also humanization of all environmental
issues Reference Heinberg, Richard (February 2007). #178: Five Axioms of sustainability
from Kumar. Essay on
sustainable Development from

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