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Women can have wet dreams

Men aren’t the only ones who have wet dreams. Women can release vaginal
secretions from arousal and even orgasm when having a sexual dream.

14. Sex dreams aren’t that common

Approximately 4 percent of men and women’s dreams are about sex,

according to research.

15. Sex dreams are usually about one thing

Most sex-related dreams are about intercourse.

16. Sleep position matters

You’re more likely to dream about sex if you sleep facedown.

17. This might also make you dream about other


Sleeping facedown isn’t just associated with more sex dreams, but also
dreams about:

 being locked up
 hand tools
 being naked
 being smothered and unable to breathe
 swimming

18. Men dream about variety

Men dream of sex with multiple partners two times more than women.

19. Women dream about celebrities

Women are twice as likely to have sex dreams about public figures compared
to men.

20. Sleep sex is real

Sleep sex, also called sexsomnia, is a sleep disorder much like sleep walking,
except instead of walking, a person engages in sexual behavior like
masturbation or intercourse while asleep.

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