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Travel Battle FAQ and Additional Rules

Q - All units must have the same facing (towards of the enemy board edge) during the game, except
units that have been turned around in combat or as a result of being fired on?

A - Yes.

Q – Since there is no facing, all units (including artillery) may fight or fire in any direction, even if units
are facing away from defender.

A – Yes.

Q – Is it mandatory to engage in a Fight with all contacted enemy units?

A – Yes

Q – If 4 units (2 per square) are losing a combat vs 1 unit (example dice roll: 1,2,2,3 vs 6) how many units
are removed or pushed back?

A – Only one unit gets destroyed but the other one in the same square gets pushed back.

Q – May an infantry in ‘Square’ attack with additional dice (as in defense)?

A – If only cavalry are engaged with a ‘Square’ the ‘Square’ always gets two rolls and the cavalry one.
The ‘Square’ itself cannot move to attack. The ‘Square’ only has one dice roll if attacked by a combined
force of infantry and cavalry.

Q – So the ‘turned around’ maneuver is just to remember which unit(s) cannot move on the next turn.

A – Yes.

Q – Does the owner choose which of his participating units are pushed back or destroyed?

A – Yes.

Q – If a unit moves back adjacent to an enemy unit (who did not fight), can this unit be attacked again in
the current phase?

A – No, units can only fight, or be attacked once per turn.

Q – Can infantry in ‘Square’ initiate a combat in his turn (apart from fighting if attacked)?

A – The “Square” can only initiate a combat if enemy are still adjacent from the previous turn.

Q – Can infantry in ‘Square’ move?

A – No.

Q – If units can roll extra dice are the dice scores combined or is it the best result from either dice.
A – If a unit has a re-roll and you choose to re-roll it’s always the second roll that counts, so occasionally
you might be worse off! You don’t add the dice together.

Q – If two or three units all come into contact with one unit, multiple dice are thrown. But say the Blue
side, with three units, is attacking one Red unit. Say Red rolls a 6 and Blue rolls 2, 4 and 5. Can you clarify
what happens? It appears that that Blue should take the best roll, the 5, and the unit retires one space…

A – Yes, you’re correct that one Blue unit retires one space and spends the next turn not moving. If it is
in a square with another unit, that unit also retires.

Q – If a unit is surrounded, and gets a retreat result but cannot as enemy are in that square…what

A – Well, yes, being surrounded and getting a retire/retreat result isn’t really covered. We should
probably say if the line of retreat is immediately blocked by an enemy unit the retreating unit
surrenders/disperses/gets butchered and is removed.

Q – When you double up infantry units in one square (two units in one square) do you use two dice in

A – Yes, both infantry units in a single square roll a dice each and you pick the best result.

Q – When a unit gets to roll two dice such as linear infantry attacking infantry in ‘Square’, are the dice
added together? Heavy Cavalry attacking infantry not in ‘Square’ get to roll two die, are they added and
how does the re-roll work?

A – None of the dice rolls are added together. If a unit (Guards and Heavy Cavalry) can re-roll you can
roll another dice if you’re not happy with the original result, however, you have stick with the second

Additional Rules

These are some rules that you might wish to add to your games of Travel Battle. There may well be
more as we occasionally add new elements to the game.

Horse Artillery

This was originally in the game as a choice for players but taken out to keep the rules more streamlined.

One or both Artillery pieces may be designated Horse Artillery by a player and added to a Cavalry

The Horse Artillery may now move 2 squares and fire at the end of the move.

The firing range of Horse Artillery is 4 squares (use a D6 with 5 and 6 being a miss).

All other normal artillery rules apply.


These rules, with a couple of tweaks, were suggested by a customer of ours, Christian Cameron.

Either player can sacrifice one formed infantry unit for two bases of skirmishers. You could make a
skirmish base by using a single strip of infantry on a standard infantry base. Artillery has no effect on
skirmishers, but they can be shot ‘through’. Skirmishers move 2 squares in open ground, woods or built
up areas.

Skirmishers do not get an additional move on a road. In woods and built up squares skirmishers in all
respects act as normal infantry although they fight at a -1.

One base of skirmishers can share a square with a formed infantry unit in open ground. Skirmishers have
no combat dice against cavalry.

Skirmishers vs skirmishers fight like infantry vs infantry.

Skirmishers are destroyed/removed by cavalry that move into their square in open ground. NB if
skirmishers are supported by a formed infantry unit in the same square and attacked by cavalry the
skirmishers move back one square and the cavalry fights the uncovered formed infantry unit.

Formed infantry units simply push back skirmishers in front of them one square.

Skirmishers who move into contact with formed infantry or artillery, or are already in contact (that is,
when the skirmishers are the moving player) may fight a round of combat like formed infantry although
they receive a -1 on their dice roll.

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