Engleza UMFCD

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Curs 1

- failure=insuficienta
- infarct= reffers to an area affected by the condition
- disorder= tulburare, dereglare
- ailment=indispozitie
- eufemismele pentru boala au nevoie de adj. pentru a fi catalogate ca sinonime pentru
- stroke= cerebrovascular accident= C.V.A.= cerebral infarction
- puncture= tap=punctie
- tap= robinet
- to tap= a lovi usor
- endo=inside—ex: endarterectomy= removal of the inner layer of an artery when it’s
thickend( ingrosata).
- Around=peri
- Aphasia=logoamnesia
- Blow=lovitura
- “a-“=loss of/absence
- Hemiplegia= tetraplegia=quadriplegia
- To affect=to impair
- Hemiparesis/=/hemiplegia
- Hemiparesis=slabiciunea muschilor
- Syndrome= collection of symptoms and signs
- Pus—adj: purulent
- Dizzness= ameteala
- Contrecoup injury= contralovitura
- Concossioun= contuzie
- Coup injury= la locul loviturii se si manifesta problemele
- Trephine=trepan
- Trephining=trepanatie
- Stiff=rigid
- Appendectomy/ appendicectomy
- Medulla= bulb
- Outbreak= epidemie
- The back of the neck=nape= nucha= ceafa
- Disease acquired during the life
- Weakness= debility
- An embolus= can be fat, air, gas, blood clot (it moves)
- A thrombus doesn’t move
- Embolism= formation of an embolus
- Bundle=cluster=bunch=group=fascicul=manunchi
- Flaccid=flabby=moale
- Aneurysm=anevrism
- Horn=corn—cornua(pl)
- To inflame=a se inflama
- Myelo- spinal cord/bone marrow
- Rabies—rabid(adj)=turbare
- Measles=pojar/rubeola
- Herpes zoster=zona zoster
- Shingles= caused by the same virus as the one who causes varicella ( virus varicelo-
- Neuroglia=glia
- Metastasis—to metastasize(vb)
- Hydrocephalus=accumulation of fluid in the ventricles of the brain
- Neuron=neurone
- Cortex=scoarta=invelis
- Stiff gait=mers teapan
- Patchy=pe alocuri
- Patch=petec
- Pulmonologist—pulmonology
- To numb the pain
- Midbrain=mesencephalon
- Booster shot=rapel=revaccinare
- Sheath=teaca
- Tissue—tissular(adj)—“histo”
- Seizure=fit=attack==episode
- Varicella=chickenpox=varicela=varsat de vant
- Mumps=infectious paroditis=oreion
- Variola=smallpox=variola(eradicata)
- Measles=rubeola=pojar=rujeola
- Rubella=german measles=pojarel=rubeola

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