TVSLSL Pithampur WH Operation

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‘Annexure ~ | STATEMENT OF WORK — 9 This statement of Work dated ing 21\9, ("Statement of work effective date"), entered into by and between WABCO INDIA LTD ("WABCO") and TVS Logics Services Lint ["Vendor") by and between the partes ("ho “Agreoment'). Al of the tenne ‘ond concions of Agreement are hereby incorporated by reference, and ony Cptotzed term that & not oterwise defined in thi Statement of Were wil Kave the meaning given in the Agreement, Project Name: WABCO Warehouse Pthampur Scope of Sewvice: The contract cavers only the adcttional manpower provided by TVSISL to WABCO Pithampur warehouse as per below details. Rest ferms and coneilions remains same. (5 per base contrac. Tevet Not Postion [Ramon is} ‘Assistant Manage? T | A560 Petiod = Stort date 01 May 2019 fo 80 Apri! 2020 Roles and responsibilty: + Ensure delivery rate 100% for avaliable parts agains! daly collection plan, ‘+ Ensure Timely updiation of GRN - Inward Movement + Emure Timely recejot of GRN- Oulwerd Movernent + Pending GRN > 24hrs escalation to Wabco GM / TVSLSL. OM & BH on dally basis - Inward & outward Movement + Conducting Perpetual inventory [5 Potts) on Dally basis + Escalation on discrepancy in inward materials & inwarding the same after getting proper approval Wabco GM ‘+ Ensue FIFO & $5 acherence as per Walco slandaxd + Ensure achievement of Tank Assembly large! as per Wabco Requirement &) agen of3 Ensure Reservoir stock coverage along with chid parts for Sdays ard report ‘circulation on day basis ‘Conducting Monthly Inventory and ensure SAP Stock & Physical Stock details Ensuring imely clearance of Rejection maletiols with Wabco suppor Ensure Excess Invoice clspatch < 24 hrs without fal & escalation to Wabso GM / TVSLSL OM & BH in case of pending Ensure ckcviation of MIS os per WABCO requirements Play the role of Wobco representative while their absence [Customer co- ordination) YENDOR shall ensure the WABCO safety norms inside the premises. Vendor shal ‘ensure that, VENDOR staff shl wear helmet, safely shoe, safely goggles. Vendor wil fake full responsibilly for maintaining dlscipine, dress code, shoe etc, ‘among their statt engaged By signing this Agreement, the WABCO is not lable to provide continous job ‘otk fo the Vendor and / or the workmen of the Vendor. ‘The Vendor is not an agent of the WABCO and Ik an inclependent contractor ‘and cannot bind the WABCO by hi own acts or the acts of hs workmen, The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be in addition to the ferns ond. ‘conditions to be stipulated by WABCO INDIA LIMITED from time to time. Termination Ifthe execution of the job is not upto the satisfaction of the WABCO india or the conduct or behavior of the workmen employed by the Vendor in any way 's disorderly or the Vendor violates any provision of this Agreement or Gry lew ‘oppicable to nis activity or fo his workmen or commits ony offence agains! ony provision of law, WABCO shall be at fberly to terminate this Agreement with « notice in wing of 10 days. In this case, the equipment wil be retumed with the ‘Wear and tear, No penatty wil be paid by Wabco india Vendor can terminate this Agreement or statement of work, without asigning ny reason by giving 60 days’ notice in wring to the other, incicoiion Te Intention fo terminate ihe Agreement. Vendor to cary out the back ground verification of their potential empoyees ‘and only those who have been qualified are to be deputed for rendering services fo WABCO India . Me details to be shared with WABCO INDIA on need basis Page of ‘+ Notwithstanding anything stated herein to the contrary of execuled SAP PO umbess shall become an integral port of this ogreement and incase ef any confict between tems of this agreement, sow and PO terms, his agreement shall supersede PO terms. ‘+ Further, Any po's to be signed post execution of this agreement shall be ‘governed by this agreement & SOW + Liguidated Damages [feppiicablo}: NA + Subcontoctos [if appreabiel: NA + Secutty ond infomation Processing Requitements [f applicable): NA + Problem Management end incident Notification: NA, + Insurance fapplcatie|: Applicable 0s per Govt nots with scope of vendor. (0) Tid party fabitty NA (©. Eir015 & omissions NA, fc.) Employees fabity NA [AGREED TO AND ACKNOWLEDGED BY: ("TVS Logislics Services Umitea") By “WamerPe Aravind Saram ———_"Nemerw Ravikumar “Tile: GeneraiMeneger——= “THs nlegrated Supply Chain Leaaer Page 3013

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