Repair MCMT Error With LED 00000047

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Hi, hdrecovery 


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hdrecovery ( (online.php)


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11-17-2014, 01:22 PM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2014, 01:26 PM by hdrecovery #1 (thread-1770-post-8064.html#pid8064)

I get another day a problem with MCMT error (thanks to dfl team with the new feature in DFL) . But I have
a new problem. In terminal mode (F3 T>) the error LED:00000047 FAddr:FFFFFFFE appear and don't want
fix the MCMT error.

* I Found short points on PCB ( 10664987 REV A).. like this post : (
f=1&t=25981) and


Boot 0x40M
 Spin Up

Rst 0x40M
 MC Internal LPC Process
 Spin Up
(P) SATA Reset

 MCMainPOR: Start: 
 Check MCMT Version: Current
 MCMainPOR: Non-Init Case
 MCMainPOR: EXCEPTION: MCMT PRI copy corrupt
 MCMainPOR:  MCMT SEC copy valid

Reconstruction: MCMT Reconstruction Start 

  Max number of MC segments 0A61
 Nonvolatile MCMT sequence number 0003560C
 [RSRS] 019D
ProcessRWError -Read-   at LBA 0000000000014F18  Sense Code=40000087
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 0000000000014F18!

Reconstruction: Completed 1: 

Rst 0x40M
 MC Internal LPC Process
 Spin Up

LED:00000047 FAddr:FFFFFFFE
LED:00000047 FAddr:FFFFFFFE
LED:00000047 FAddr:FFFFFFFE
LED:00000047 FAddr:FFFFFFFE
LED:00000047 FAddr:FFFFFFFE
LED:00000047 FAddr:FFFFFFFE
LED:00000047 FAddr:FFFFFFFE

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liam.dolphin (
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11-18-2014, 08:11 AM #2 (thread-1770-post-8071.html#pid8071)

Hi so did you short pcb? and did you get F3T?

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hdrecovery ( (online.php)


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11-18-2014, 10:08 AM #3 (thread-1770-post-8076.html#pid8076)

(11-18-2014, 08:11 AM)

liam.dolphin Wrote:

Hi so did you short pcb? and did you get F3T?

Yes. Many times. But I found the solution.

1 - DFL Procedure - Common Repair + Seagate + Fix 7200.11/12 Cap:Busy

2 - COM port communication with short pcb. (access to F3 T>). But show another error :   TCC-0024
 PowerState = IDLE1 PowerState = IDLE2
3 - DFL Procedure - Common Repair + Seagate : 7200.12(DOS) read unrecoverable error / Fix Translator
Bad/ Fix MCMT / DOS Fix
4 - F3 T>/1
     F3 1>N1
     Clear SMART is completed.
     F3 1>/T
     F3 T>^v
     EchoInterfaceCmds: On
     EchoBackgroundActivities: Off
     F3 T>m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22
5 - Checking the heads :
6 - Another fix:
    m0,6,3,,,,, 22
7 - And finally
8 - Power Off & Power ON
9 - DFL File Extraction
10 - Find Lost Partition


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Stanley.Morgan (
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11-19-2014, 09:13 AM #4 (thread-1770-post-8097.html#pid8097)

Great job friend and thank you very much for keeping us updated on your case and very glad to hear you
get your case solved!

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pcdiag (
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11-28-2014, 12:36 AM #5 (thread-1770-post-8234.html#pid8234)

In my procedure was different

1- called the hard disk counted 4 seconds and gave short
2- reseted the smart
3- hung up and called back with connected terminal
4- went straight in explorer and extracts data

Tomorrow put the terminal log that was after the short

Curious that I did not correct the error MCMT


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