Eidul Fitr Sermon 2017presented by Mallam Munir Abdallah Tawfic

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Eidul Fitr Sermon 2019 Presented By Mallam Munir Abdallah Tawfic


Fellow brothers and sisters in Islam

This year we are going to focus our sermon by the grace of
Almighty Allah on the lessons of Ramadan.
Fast or fasting is an act of worship that gives us a chance to
get closer to Almighty Allah, and a way to become more
compassionate to those in need. It is also seen as a way to
learn patience and break bad habits.
We have really had many lessons in the just ended Ramadan
fasting. It is worthy to remind ourselves of a few of them so
that we can continue to benefit from them.
Fellow brothers and sisters in Islam, among the training that
fasting in the month of Ramadan offers us is the acquiring
the fear of Allah. Almighty Allah said in the Holy Quran
chapter 2:183 “O you who believe, the fasts have been
enjoined upon you as they were enjoined upon those before
you, so that you may be God-fearing” The fearing of Allah
involves staying away from all that Almighty Allah Has
prohibited and avoiding sins. Have your observed that the
person fasting abstains from his food, drinks and his carnal
or sexual desires just because of the fear he has for Almighty
Allah and because he is seeking the great promise Almighty
Allah Has made for him.
Another lesson that fasting instills in us is sincerity for the
sake of Almighty Allah. Verily, fasting is a secret between
Almighty Allah and the person fasting. It is for this reason
that Almighty Allah said in a hadith Qudusie “Fasting is for
me and I shall reward for it”.
Another lesson that we get from fasting is patience and all
its kinds. That is patience in obeying Almighty Allah,
patience in abstaining from committing sins as well as
patience in accepting what Almighty Allah has decreed.
The prophet Mohammed (SAW) described the month of
Ramadan as the month of patience.

The month of Ramadan also gives us the opportunity not

only to have time for the recitation of the Holy Quran but
also the opportunity to carry out several Quranic
activities including tafsir to mention but few. This is
because Ramadan has a special connection with the Holy
Another very important lesson here is the act of helping the
needy, poor, giving out alms and extending kindness to
others. This is in fact, the month of generosity, feeding
others and giving out freely. The person who fasts will
have feelings for the needs of other people because he
himself had tasted the severity of hunger and the pangs
of thirst.
Fellow brothers and sisters in Islam, I urge you all to
continue practising all the lessons I have mentioned and
those that I could not throughout the rest of your lives
since the Lord of Ramadan is the (same ) lord of the rest
of the months.
Finally, we pray that Almighty Allah will continue to shower
His blessings on us, protect our beloved country Ghana as
well as make peace and harmony prevail throughout the
world especially in the muslim countries where every now
and then they experience anarchy, confusion and
I wish you all a happy Eid Celebration!!!

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