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FICHA 1668006




Many of our clients have known us
through friends or relatives, others We have more than one EAGLE BEER
through the advertisements and production plant nationwide, in We are a national product, offered to
sponsorships in the Colombian our company we are aware of people over 18 years. Our product
soccer teams. But the important thing our environment, so 85% are can be enjoyed on any occasion and
is that the test continues to please, recyclable containers. We like to with any meal, what our product
since we have a product with high encourage people in their parties wants is for friends or family to
quality and good taste. In addition, and take booths to many of these integrate and have a pleasant time.
our product can be consumed on any parties
occasion, just to quench thirst.
They will wonder where I
find a beer aguila facilisimo.
Find it at any supermarket,
Our product represents the neighborhood store, bar,
joy, the passion, the flavor, restaurant or warehouse at the
with which the Colombians best price.
celebrate each goal, each Uncover one to pass the
triumph, each goal fulfilled, bitterness or sadness.
and because that is the way Uncover one to celebrate.
Colombians always are. Our Uncover one to share with
product always wants to bring family or friends.
joy to people. Offering a price Uncover one to pass thirst.
where always reach for one But uncover an eagle beer
and not have to stay with the and enjoy its flavor and
desire for one. freshness.


Stand Aguila beer Warehouse Exit


Among the subscribers, namely: LEASES YOUR HOME, the common system of the
company with the reference number 945.525.270-9 domiciled in, EL ÁNGELES owner
of the facilities located in Los Angeles that for the purposes of this contract will be
calledlandlord , on the one hand, and the other BAVARIAS S.A, commonsystem that for
the purposes of this contract will becalled lessee, the following lease agreement has been
entered into, which will be
governed by the provisions of the Commercial Agreement. Code and especially by the fol
lowing clauses:

First object. The owner agrees to grant the use and enjoyment of the property located in

SECOND: Price of the lease and rental agreement. This contract will have a value of
1,500dollars that will be paid for the rental of the premises for 8 days.

THIRD Destination. The lessee undertakes to use the property for the operation of
acommercial establishment in which only the following marmalades will be exhibited,
andmay not assign or sublet the property in whole or in part without the previous
authorizationof the lessor, except in cases . indicated Contraction period. Contract. The
term of thiscontract is eight days as of December 1, 2019 , renewable automatically for
the same term of the initial contract, if neither party expresses its intention to rescind it,
by writtennotification addressed to the other party.

FIFTH Compensation. If the owner does not givethe facilities the indicated destination
or does not start the works within three days, he mustreturn it.

SIXTH. Sublease. The lessee can not, without the express or implicit authorizationof the
lessor, fully sublet the premises or immovable property, nor give them in a way
thatdamages the rights of the lessor a destination other than that foreseen in the contract.
Thetenant can sublet up to half of the properties with the same limitation. The assignment
ofthe contract will be valid when authorized by the lessor or as a consequence of
thealienation of the respective commercial establishment.

SEVENTH. Obligations of thetenant. 1. Cancel the rate or lease price for the value and
punctuality established in thiscontract. 2. Return the property to THE LESSEE upon
termination of this contract, or itsextensions, in the same condition in which it was
received. 3. Carry out the locative repairs.4. Make the necessary improvements when it is
due to illegal or fraudulent acts carried
out by THE LESSEE or its dependents. 5. Cancel the public services of electric power,tel
ephone, aqueduct, gas and sewage that are used in the property.

EIGHTH. Obligations ofthe landlord:

1. Grant the use and enjoyment of the property and the elements that make up
THECLIENT on the date and conditions established in this contract.
NINTH .Creation ofcontract. Failure to comply with the obligations required by law or
contract, will result inthe contractor complied to complete the contract and demand
compensation for damagecaused. Likewise, the breach of any of the obligations by the
LESSEE will entitle the CONTRACTING PARTY to rescind the contract, to demand the
immediate restitution ofthe property, without the need for eviction or any requirement,
and to collect the damagescaused by the breach.
TENTH. Resolution of disputes. The parties agree to resolve their differences through a
conciliatory procedure in the Conciliation Center of the Chamber of Commerce of
Colombia. In the event that the conciliation is unsuccessful, they are obliged tosubmit
their differences to the decision of an arbitral tribunal that will rule in law, waivingto
present their claims before the ordinary judges, this court will conform to the rules
ofconciliation. Center and arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of Colombia, who
willappoint the arbitrators required according to the amount of the claims of the
dispute presented to their knowledge.

Proof of signature in Los Angeles USA on 01 days of themonth of December of the year
________________________ DC LESSEE

________________________ DC LESSOR

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