What Is Network

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Networking Basics
1. What is network
Ans. Network is the way to connect two or more than
two computers. Network is as small as two computers
or network is as large as whole world is connected to
each other.
2. What is networking
Ans. networking is the process of sharing of data and
resources b/w two or more than two devices
Impact of application on the network
1. Batch application
FTP, TFTP, Inventory update
No human interaction
Bandwidth important but not critical
2. Interactive application
Human to machine interaction
Inventory inquiry, database update
Human waiting for response, response time
important but not critical, unless wait become
3. Real time application
Human to human intraction
End to end latency critical
VOIP, Video

Characteristics of network
Physical topology
Bus: all computers are connected to the single wire
(back bone wire)
Demerit: back bone wire down means all the
computers are down.
Tree: A single HUB/ROUTER is used all computers are
connected to it. (it is most common used topology)
Mesh: in mesh all computers are connected to each
other (this is the most expensive topology) because
if we want to connect five computer to the single
computer than we required five network interface
NIC (network interface card on each card MAC
address bind): NIC is the device which used to
connect the laptop/mobile to the internet
MODEM/DOGGLE/mobile : they are having NIC card
and MAC address
Suppose I want to connect five Computer to each
other so for this we require five NIC card in one
computer so its cost increased a lot. So to overcome
this problem we start using HUB
less no of ports
whatever data it will receive it will broadcast to the
computers which are connected to the HUB
for example suppose 4 computers A,B,C,D are
connected to the HUB and A want to send to the C
but it will broadcast to the all 4computers.
It works on shared bandwidth (suppose we 8mbps
speed connection if we are using 4 computers than
this 8mbps speed will divide 2mbps to all 4
1. More no of ports(8,12,24,)
2. It broadcast only once
3. It learn mac address
4. After learning the mac address now it will unicast
the data or message
Difference b/w switch and bridge
Switch is hardware based while bridge is software
In switch ports are more as compare to bridge

1. It does routing
2. It choose best path to reach destination.
3. It is more secure
4. Routers made to connect different locations to
each other.
1. It generally amplify signal

1. Its main function is to convert analog to digital and

digital to analog

OSI model (open system interconnection) made by

ISO (international standard of organization)
There were two models
1. DOD(department of defence)
2. OSI(open system interconnection)
OSI model made by ISO in which they made some
rules that if data from PC goes to google server over
internet it must follow these rules. In which they
made 7 layers
Total world internet is working over TCP IP
protocol having 4 layers and these 4 layers are
present in OSI model
Application layer:- (Apple talk, ipx, netbias)
7. Application layer:-all software which we use to access
internet or which help us to interact each other all these
software comes in application layer such as Gmail,
facebook, gtalk, yahoo
Definition - What does Application Layer mean?
The application layer consists of protocols that focus on process-to-process
communication across an IP network and provides a firm communication interface and
end-user services.

Techopedia explains Application Layer

The application layer is the seventh layer of the OSI model and the only one that directly
interacts with the end user.
The application layer provides many services, including:

 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

 File transfer
 Web surfing
 Web chat
 Email clients
 Network data sharing
 Virtual terminals
 Various file and data operations

The application layer provides full end-user access to a variety of shared network
services for efficient OSI model data flow. This layer has many responsibilities, including
error handling and recovery, data flow over a network and full network flow. It is also
used to develop network-based applications.
More than 15 protocols are used in the application layer, including File Transfer
Protocol, Telnet, Trivial File Transfer Protocol and Simple Network Management
Its major network device or component is the gateway.

6 Presentation layer:- presentation layer tells what is

the format of the data. Suppose we open google page
over that google page some imagese were there PL will
tell the format of the image whether it is in png jpeg
PL layer also does encryption and decription and
compression &decompression

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