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Qual Life Res

DOI 10.1007/s11136-017-1503-y

Lower educational level and unemployment increase the impact

of cardiometabolic conditions on the quality of life: results
of a population-based study in South Australia
David Alejandro  González‑Chica1 · Robert Adams2 · Eleonora Dal Grande3 ·
Jodie Avery3 · Phillipa Hay4 · Nigel Stocks1 

Accepted: 10 January 2017

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017

Abstract  (95%CI 44.4–45.9) and 39.1 (95%CI 37.7–40.5) among

Purpose  To investigate if sociodemographic characteris- those with CMRF and CVD, respectively. Adjustment for
tics increase the adverse effects of cardiovascular diseases sociodemographic variables reduced these differences in
(CVD) and cardiometabolic risk factors (CMRF) on health- 33%, remaining stable after controlling for lifestyle and use
related quality of life (HRQoL). of preventive medications (p < 0.001). Differences in physi-
Methods  Cross-sectional, face-to-face survey investigat- cal HRQoL according to cardiometabolic conditions were
ing 2379 adults living in South Australia in 2015 (57.1 ± 14 twice as high among those with lower educational level,
years; 51.7% females). Questions included diagnosis of or if they were not working. Among unemployed, having
CMRF (obesity, diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidaemia) and a CMRF or a CVD had the same impact on the physical
CVD. Physical and mental HRQoL were assessed using the HRQoL (9.7 lower score than healthy individuals). The
SF-12v1 questionnaire. Multiple linear regression models inverse association between cardiometabolic conditions and
including confounders (sociodemographic, lifestyle, use of mental HRQoL was subtle (p = 0.030), with no evidence of
preventive medication) and interaction terms between soci- disparities due to sociodemographic variables.
odemographic variables and cardiometabolic conditions Conclusions  A lower educational level and unemploy-
were used in adjusted analysis. ment increase the adverse effects of cardiometabolic con-
Results  The prevalence of CMRF (one or more) was ditions on the physical HRQoL. Targeted interventions for
54.6% and CVD was 13.0%. The physical HRQoL reduced reducing CMRF and/or CVD in these groups are necessary
from 50.8 (95%CI 50.2–51.4) in healthy individuals to 45.1 to improve HRQoL.

Keywords  Quality of life · Cardiovascular disease ·

Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this Metabolic disease · Socioeconomic factors · Health status
article (doi:10.1007/s11136-017-1503-y) contains supplementary disparities
material, which is available to authorized users.
* David Alejandro González‑Chica Discipline of General Practice, School of Medicine, NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence to Reduce Inequality in Heart
Disease, The University of Adelaide, 178 North Terrace,
Robert Adams
Level 11, MDP DX 650 550, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
The Health Observatory, Discipline of Medicine, The
Eleonora Dal Grande
University of Adelaide, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Campus, Woodville, SA, Australia
Jodie Avery 3
Population Research and Outcome Studies, Discipline
of Medicine, School of Medicine, The University
Phillipa Hay of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia 4
Centre for Health Research, School of Medicine, University
Nigel Stocks of Western Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Qual Life Res

Introduction Methods

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of We report a cross-sectional, face-to-face respondent-
global morbidity and mortality, responsible for the larg- based interview study (2015 Spring Health Omnibus
est fraction of the 36 million annual deaths related to non- Survey) analysing data from a representative sample of
communicable chronic disease [1, 2]. In 2011, an estimated adults in SA [17]. This state is the fifth largest in Aus-
3.7 million Australians (21%) adults had at least one CVD, tralia (1.6  million inhabitants; 73% in the capital city),
with 69,900 acute coronary events occurring in that year with an average life expectancy of 83.0 years and a
[3]. Some cardiometabolic risk factors (CMRF) increase human development index of 0.907, equivalent to that of
the lifetime risk of experiencing cardiovascular events, Sweden and the UK [18].
such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidaemia, A multistage sampling process was used to select the
and obesity [4]. Worldwide, the prevalence of these CMRF participants. In the first stage, cities/localities were strati-
have increased over the last 30 years [2]. fied according to their location (metropolitan or rural).
Although improved management of acute CVD was Rural localities with a population size of at least 10,000
responsible for a decline in mortality rates, disability- and rural centres with 1,000 or more inhabitants were con-
adjusted life years (DALYs) due to CVD increased 23% sidered eligible. In the second stage, 530/3939 of the SA
between 1990 and 2010 [1, 2, 5]. Additionally, low adher- Level 1 areas (SA1, smallest division unit used in the Aus-
ence to the long-term management of CVD increased the tralian census in 2011) [18] were systematically selected
frequency of complications and health expenditure [6, 7]. (132 in rural areas), with the probability of selection pro-
Given this resource burden, other approaches are necessary portional to their size. These methods allowed obtaining
to improve clinical management, prevent complications, self-weighting country samples. In the third stage, clusters
and improve the quality of life (QoL) among individuals of 10 dwellings were systematically chosen in each selected
with CVD [6–8]. SA1. Finally, one person aged 15 years or over residing in
QoL is a social construct, which represents an indi- the household was randomly selected (the last individual to
vidual’s perception of different domains of their life over have their birthday).
time, including physical, mental, social, environmental, and Of the 5,300 selected households, 58 were excluded
general status that they experience [9]. Diverse studies have because they were vacant houses/businesses, 77 because
demonstrated the impact of non-communicable chronic dis- it was impossible to gain access to the building, and 748
ease on health-related QoL (HRQoL), but despite their rel- because the contact was not established (six visits at dif-
evance to CVD outcomes, they have not been investigated ferent moments of day/evening and different days of the
in most studies [8]. HRQoL has become an increasingly week). Individuals were also excluded if terminally ill/men-
important patient-centred outcome in the study of CVD, tal incapacity (n = 104) or when unable to speak English
not only because its relationship with functional capacity (n = 87). Of the 4,226 eligible participants, 1,221 refused
and adherence to treatment, but also for its role as a com- to complete the interview, providing a final sample of 3,005
plementary tool for monitoring disease severity and pro- individuals (participation rate 71.1%).
gression [8, 10, 11]. Only individuals aged 35 years or over were included in
Furthermore, socioeconomic and demographic charac- our study (n = 2379), considering the very low prevalence
teristics (i.e. lower educational level, unemployment, and of CVD among younger age groups. The power of the
female gender) have been associated with a lower HRQoL study was estimated a posteriori considering the available
[12–15]. Nevertheless, few studies have investigated these sample size. For a prevalence of CVD of 13%, fixing the
variables as a source of HRQoL inequalities among peo- alpha in 5%, the power in 80%, and with a design effect of
ple with cardiometabolic conditions in representative pop- 1.3 it would be possible to detect a mean difference of at
ulation-based samples [14–16]. All of these studies used least 2.2 points in the physical component of HRQoL (for
a HRQoL instrument that provided a unique score, affect- a standard deviation = 11.0) and 1.8 points in the mental
ing the capacity to identify the most impaired domain of component (for a standard deviation = 9.1).
HRQoL. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to inves- All interviews were administered face-to-face between
tigate the extent to which sociodemographic characteristics September and December 2015. Different quality control
increase the adverse effects of cardiometabolic conditions methods were used, including a pilot study of 50 inter-
(CMRF and CVD) on the physical and mental domains of views to test the instrument, double data entry, and phone
HRQoL in a population-based sample of adults in South verification of missing responses. Additionally, 10% of
Australia (SA). A second aim was to explore if the associa- participants were randomly selected, re-contacted, and
tions of these conditions with HRQoL are confounded by asked some key questions of the original survey for quality
lifestyle variables and the use of preventive medications. control.

Qual Life Res

Sociodemographic variables collected in these question- the analyses (4–6, 17, 20). Demographic variables included
naires included gender, age, marital status, dwelling char- gender (male or female), age (35–49; 50–64; 65–79;
acteristics, educational level, working status, and postcode ≥80  years), marital status [married/living with a partner
area of residence. An area-based composite score, the 2011 or unmarried (never married, divorced, separated, or wid-
Australian Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) owed)], and residence area (urban or rural). Individual-
Index of Relative Socio-economic Advantage and Disad- level SEP was operationalized by dwelling (owner; rented
vantage (IRSAD), was used to provide a measure of socio- privately; government/community housing) and attained
economic position (SEP) at the postcode level. This index educational level (bachelor or higher; trade qualification;
is based on a range of census variables and is an indica- certificate/diploma; secondary; less than secondary), while
tor of relative economic and social advantage/disadvantage macro-level SEP was investigated by the SEIFA-IRSAD
of people and households within an area [19]. High scores (in quartiles). Working status was investigated as employed
indicate the respondent residing in a more advantaged area full-time, employed part-time, not working (unemployed,
and low scores indicate least advantage area. home duties, and not working because work-related injury
Health variables were also collected, including lifestyle or disability), or retired.
variables (daily fruit and vegetable consumption, weekly Four modifiable lifestyle risk factors were investigated:
frequency of physical activity, alcohol intake, and smoking (1) fruit/vegetable intake (consumption of 5+ portions of
status), self-reported weight and height, and previous diag- fruit and/or vegetables/day); (2) physical activity level
nosis (“have you ever told by a doctor that you have…”) (undertaking 30+ minutes of moderate/vigorous intensity
and/or treatment (“are you on medication for…”) for dia- physical activity on 5+ days/week); (3) alcohol consump-
betes, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, myocardial infarction, tion (0–2 standard drinks/day), and; (4) smoking status
angina, heart failure, atrial fibrillation/arrhythmia, and (never, former, or current smoker). The use of preventive
stroke. medications for cardiometabolic conditions (antihyperten-
sive drugs, anti-diabetic medication, statins, and antiplate-
Outcome let agents) were investigated separately as binary (yes/no
questions) and combined into an ordinal variable (current
The Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 12 (SF-12 ver- use of 0–1, 2, or 3+ of these medications).
sion 1) was used to measure HRQoL in the past 4 weeks.
The 12 questions in this instruments were combined and Data analysis
transformed into two different 0–100 scales (higher values
indicating a better HRQoL), representing the physical and All analyses considered the sampling design (clusters) and
mental components [20, 21]. This is a widely used instru- were weighted considering the inverse of the individual´s
ment with robust psychometric properties [8, 20]. probability of selection within the household and re-
weighted to the estimated resident population in SA in
Cardiometabolic conditions 2014 [17, 18]. Absolute and relative frequencies (%) were
used to describe categorical variables, while mean and
Obesity was defined as a body mass index (BMI) ≥30 kg/ standard deviation or median with interquartile range
m2, based on self-reported weight and height, while the (p25–p75) were used for numerical variables, depending
other conditions were based on the medical diagnosis and/ on the normality of the distribution. Confidence intervals of
or treatment for the specific disease. The CMRF for CVD 95% (95%CI) were also estimated. Chi-square test for het-
(obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidaemia) were erogeneity with Rao-Scott correction was used to verify the
then summed, and subsequently transformed into a binary association between sociodemographic variables and the
variable (positive when at least one of these conditions was prevalence of cardiometabolic conditions.
present). A similar procedure was used to combine the five Multiple linear regression models were used to evalu-
CVD (myocardial infarction, angina, heart failure, atrial ate the association between cardiometabolic conditions and
fibrillation/arrhythmia, and stroke). The resultant binary HRQoL, as the physical and mental scores were normally
variables were then used to create an ordinal one: (1) none distributed. Three different analytic models were consid-
of these conditions; (2) just with CMRF, and; (3) with ered for adjustment in this study. In Model 1, the associa-
CVD (with or without CMRF). tion between cardiometabolic conditions and HRQoL were
adjusted for sociodemographic confounders. In Model 2,
Covariates lifestyle variables and the use of preventive medication
were additionally incorporated. Finally, for testing the mod-
Sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle, and the use of erating role of sociodemographic characteristics, multipli-
preventive medications were considered as covariates in cative interaction terms between each sociodemographic

Qual Life Res

variable and the presence of cardiometabolic conditions physical HRQoL was no different according to gender, but
were additionally incorporated in Model 3. In Models 1 the mental domain was slightly lower in females.
and 2, variables were selected using a forward selection Table  2 shows most of the participants were married
process, considering a p value <0.10 in the bivariate asso- (73.5%), living in urban areas (73.1%), household own-
ciation with HRQoL (Supplementary Tables S1 and S2). ers (75.8%), had higher than secondary educational level
A p value <0.10 for the interaction terms was also consid- (65.4%), and employed full or part-time (53.1%). The prev-
ered as indicative of effect modification in Model 3 [22]. alence of CMRF was slightly higher in females, but CVD
Wald tests for heterogeneity or trend were used depending was twice as high in males (Table  2). Unmarried people,
on the nature of the independent variables. An alpha of 5% those living in rural areas, and elderly people showed a
was defined as indicative of statistical significance. Results higher prevalence of both CMRF and CVD. Individuals
from crude and adjusted analyses were presented as regres- living in government/community housing had twice the
sion coefficients (β) with their respective 95%CI. When prevalence of CVD than those renting or household own-
identified an effect modification, predicted adjusted means ers. An educational level up to secondary school was asso-
of HRQoL in each category of the cardiometabolic variable ciated with a higher prevalence of CMRF, while CVD was
were estimated and presented graphically, stratified by the more frequent among those with less than secondary edu-
respective sociodemographic moderator. cational level or trade qualification. Retired individuals had
The residuals of final models were examined for normal- at least a three times higher prevalence of CVD than other
ity and homoscedasticity to assess the adequacy of the lin- working status groups, but the differences in the prevalence
ear regressions. Determination coefficients (r2) were used of CMRF factors were less marked. On the other hand,
to evaluate the overall model fit and the impact of the car- CMRF and CVD showed an inverse trend association with
diometabolic conditions on the HRQoL. Finally, the vari- the SEIFA-IRSAD quartiles. Of the lifestyle variables, only
ance inflation factor (VIF) was investigated as an indicator the practice of physical activity was associated with the
of possible collinearity between the explanatory variables. prevalence of cardiometabolic conditions (higher frequency
All the analyses were performed in the version 14.0 of the of CMRF and CVD those with lower physical activity
STATA statistical software (StataCorp, TX, USA). level). Only 70.7% of individuals with CVD used 3+ of
This study was approved by the University of Adelaide the preventive medications (antihypertensive, anti-diabetic,
Human Research Ethics Committee (project H-097-2010). statins, and/or antiplatelet agents).
Participants provided verbal rather than written informed Table  3 shows the crude and adjusted analyses for the
consent, due to the practicalities of carrying out a large association between the cardiometabolic conditions and the
scale survey and the low risk nature of the survey content. physical and mental components of HRQoL. In crude anal-
ysis, an inverse trend association was observed between the
occurrence of cardiometabolic conditions and the physi-
cal HRQoL, with a score 11.7 points lower among those
Results with CVD compared to healthy individuals. Adjustment for
sociodemographic confounders (Model 1) reduced these
The study included a sample of 2379 individuals aged 35+ differences by 33%. The adjusted r2 increased from 19.5%
years (mean age 57.1 ± 14.0 years; 51.7% females). Table 1 (including just sociodemographic variables) to 24.0% when
summarises the prevalence of cardiometabolic conditions the cardiometabolic conditions were included in Model 1.
and distribution of HRQoL. Obesity and hypertension were However, the effect magnitude of the associations and the
the most common CMRF, with 54.6% (95%CI 52.3–56.9) r2 remained relatively stable after the inclusion of lifestyle
having at least one of these conditions. Myocardial infarc- variables and use of preventive medication (Model 2). In
tion was the most prevalent CVD and 13.0% (95%CI contrast, having a CMRF or a CVD was not associated with
11.7–14.4) of the sample were affected by at least one the mental HRQoL in crude analysis or after adjustment
CVD. The frequency of CVD increased with the number for sociodemographic variables (Model 1). In this case,
of CMRFs: 3.9% for those without any CMRF, 11.0% for the r2 remained stable at 12.8%, even after the inclusion of
those with 1 CMRF, 25.9% for those with 2 CMRF, and the cardiometabolic conditions in the model. When these
37.3% for those with 3–4 CMRF (p value for trend <0.001; results were further adjusted for lifestyle variables and use
data not shown in table). Except from a higher frequency of preventive medication (Model 2), a slight inverse rela-
of dyslipidaemia in males, the prevalence and the number tionship became apparent (r2 = 14.7%).
of CMRF were not different according to gender. How- When interaction terms between each sociodemo-
ever, the prevalence of myocardial infarction, heart failure, graphic variable and the cardiometabolic conditions were
and the number of CVD were at least twice as higher in incorporated in the analysis (Model 3), only the educa-
males than in females. On the other hand, the mean of the tional level and working status were effect modifiers of

Qual Life Res

Table 1  Descriptive Prevalence p value*

analysis for the prevalence of
cardiometabolic conditions and % 95%CI Gender
health-related quality of life
among individuals ≥35 years Males Females
in South Australia in 2015 % %
according to gender (N = 2379)
Cardiometabolic risk factors
 Obesitya 29.1 27.0;31.2 28.5 29.6 0.634
 Hypertension 30.4 28.4;32.4 31.6 29.3 0.269
 Dyslipidaemiab 22.9 21.1;24.7 25.6 20.1 0.004
 Diabetes ­mellitusb 11.8 10.6;13.3 12.6 11.2 0.313
 No. of cardiometabolic risk factors
  0 45.4 43.1;47.7 44.1 46.7 0.232
  1 27.7 25.7;29.8 26.9 28.4
  2 16.6 15.0;18.2 17.9 15.3
  3+ 10.3 9.1;11.7 11.2 9.6
Cardiovascular disease
 Myocardial infarction 7.0 6.0;8.1 10.8 3.4 <0.001
 Angina 3.1 2.4;3.8 3.7 2.5 0.081
 Atrial fibrillation/arrhythmia 4.1 3.4;5.0 4.5 3.8 0.844
 Stroke 2.3 1.8;3.0 2.7 2.0 0.217
 Heart failure 1.3 0.1;1.8 1.7 0.8 0.047
 No. of cardiovascular diseases
  0 87.0 85.6;88.3 82.9 90.8 <0.001
  1 9.6 8.5;10.9 12.6 6.8
  2 2.2 1.7;2.9 2.9 1.5
  3+ 1.2 0.8;1.7 1.6 0.8
Health-related quality of life
 Physical score (Mean ± SD) 46.8 ± 11.0 46.2;11.0 47.2 ± 9.9 46.5 ± 12.0 0.125**
 Mental score (Mean ± SD) 52.5 ± 9.1 52.0;53.0 53.0 ± 7.8 51.9 ± 10.2 0.003**

*Chi-square test for heterogeneity with Rao-Scott correction

**Wald test for heterogeneity
 Body mass index ≥30.0 kg/m², based on self-reported information on weight and height
 Medical diagnosis and/or using medication for that condition

the association with the physical component of HRQoL in all strata of working status. Among employed (full or
(p value for heterogeneity <0.001 in both cases; part-time), having a CMRF decreased this score by two
r2 = 28.4%). Figure  1a shows the predicted adjusted points, doubling these differences when a CVD was pre-
means of the physical HRQoL according to the pres- sent. Among retired individuals, the presence of CMRF
ence of cardiometabolic conditions, stratified by educa- was associated with a 3.1 lower HRQoL score, while
tional level. The physical HRQoL score among healthy among those with CVD the difference was 7.5 points.
individuals was similar in all strata of educational level. Nevertheless, among those classified as “not working”,
Nevertheless, when CVD were present, there was a lower having a CMRF had the same impact on the HRQoL than
impact on the physical HRQoL among those with bach- a CVD (9.7 point lower score when compared to those
elor/higher educational level and trade qualification (2.6 free of these conditions). There was no evidence of het-
and 4.1 lower HRQoL among those with CVD, respec- erogeneity in the associations between cardiometabolic
tively). The impact of CVD were greater among those conditions and the mental HRQoL according to any of
with certificate/diploma, secondary, or less than second- the sociodemographic conditions (p value for interaction
ary educational level: those affected by CVD had between >0.15 in all cases).
6.6 and 9.4 lower physical HRQoL compared with the The mean VIF for both outcomes was 1.7, indicating no
healthy ones. Figure  1b is consistent to show the mean collinearity between the explanatory variables in the final
physical HRQoL score was similar in healthy individuals models, and the residuals were normally distributed.

Qual Life Res

Table 2  Bivariate association between sociodemographic, lifestyle, Table 2  (continued)

and use of preventive medications with the prevalence of cardiometa-
bolic conditions among individuals ≥35 years in South Australia, Variables % Cardiometabolic condition p value*
2015 (N = 2379) None Cardio- Car-
metabolic diovascular
Variables % Cardiometabolic condition p value*
­riska ­diseaseb
None Cardio- Car-
metabolic diovascular  0–4 days/week 65.3 40.9 45.1 14.0 0.004
­riska ­diseaseb  5+ days/week 34.7 48.7 40.2 11.1
Alcohol consumption
 >2 doses/day 31.8 45.9 43.0 11.1 0.170
 Male 48.3 42.6 40.2 17.1 <0.001
 0–2 doses/day 68.2 42.6 43.6 13.9
 Female 51.7 44.5 46.3 9.2
Current smoker
Age group
 Yes 14.7 44.7 43.1 12.3 0.889
 35–49 years 33.8 65.1 32.2 2.7 <0.001
 No 85.3 43.4 43.5 13.2
 50–64 years 35.6 42.2 48.5 9.3
Use of preventive ­medicationd
 65–79 years 23.3 24.4 52.2 23.4
 0–1 78.7 55.4 39.8 4.8 <0.001
 ≥80 years 7.3 11.9 42.3 45.8
 2 13.5 0.0 72.6 27.4
Marital status
 3+ 7.8 0.0 29.4 70.7
 Married 73.5 45.7 42.2 12.1 0.002
Total 100.0 43.6 43.4 13.0
 Unmarried 26.6 37.9 46.7 15.5
Residence area *Chi-square test for heterogeneity with Rao-Scott correction
 Urban 73.1 46.6 40.9 12.5 <0.001 SEIFA-IRSAD—Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Index of Rela-
 Rural 26.9 35.5 50.1 14.5 tive Socio-economic Advantage and Disadvantaged
Dwelling  Including obesity (BMI ≥30  kg/m2), hypertension, diabetes and/or
 Owner 75.8 44.0 43.3 12.7 <0.001 dyslipidaemia, but not a diagnosis of any cardiovascular disease
 Rented privately 17.3 49.8 39.4 10.8  Including heart attack, angina, heart failure, stroke and/or atrial
fibrillation, with or without cardiometabolic risk factors
 Government/ 6.9 23.9 54.2 21.9 c
community  30+ minutes of moderate/vigorous intensity physical activity
housing  Number of medications used for the prevention of cardiovascular
Educational level diseases: antihypertensive drugs, anti-diabetic medication, statins,
and/or antiplatelet agents
 Bachelor or 23.3 60.0 32.8 7.3 <0.001
 Trade qualifica- 13.6 39.1 42.0 19.0
tion Discussion
 Certificate/ 28.5 47.7 42.7 9.6
diploma This study investigated the extent to which sociodemo-
 Secondary 23.1 35.6 51.5 12.9 graphic variables increase the impact of cardiometabolic
 Less than sec- 11.5 22.0 51.8 26.2 conditions on HRQoL in a representative sample of adults
ondary living in a country with a very high human development
Working status and lower inequality indexes [18]. Four conclusions can
 Employed full 33.2 57.1 38.5 4.4 <0.001 be highlighted based on our results. First, cardiometabolic
conditions were associated with a lower physical HRQoL,
 Employed part 19.9 54.4 39.6 6.0
but the association with the mental component was subtle.
 Not working 15.9 44.1 46.0 9.9
Second, the impact of these conditions on the HRQoL is
 Retired 31.0 22.0 49.7 28.3
cumulative, with CVD doubling the effect magnitude of
SEIFA-IRSAD (quartiles)
CMRF on the physical HRQoL. Third, the influence of the
 High 25.1 52.5 37.7 9.9 <0.001
cardiometabolic conditions on the physical HRQoL was
 Middle-high 24.7 45.7 43.6 10.7
stronger among those with a lower educational level (cer-
 Middle-low 22.1 45.0 43.1 11.9
tificate/diploma, secondary, or lower), as well as those not
 Low 28.1 32.8 48.5 18.7
in the labour force (retired or not working). Finally, lifestyle
Fruit/vegetable intake
and the use of preventive medication had a very small effect
 0–4 portions/day 65.8 44.2 42.4 13.5 0.283
on the association between cardiometabolic conditions and
 5+ portions/day 34.2 42.6 45.4 12.1
the physical HRQoL.
Physical ­activityc
In the last 20 years, improvements in the management of
acute CVD reduced the age-adjusted mortality rates related

Qual Life Res

Table 3  Crude and adjusted analyses of the association between cardiometabolic conditions and health-related quality of life (physical and men-
tal components) among individuals ≥35 years in South Australia, 2015 (N = 2379)
Mean (95%CI) Crude Model 1 Model 2
β(95%CI) β(95%CI) β(95%CI)

Physical component
 Cardiometabolic condition p < 0.001* p < 0.001* p < 0.001*
  None 50.8 (50.1;51.5) Ref Ref Ref
  Cardiometabolic ­riska 45.1 (44.3;45.9) −5.6 (−6.6;−4.7) −3.7 (−4.8;−2.6) −3.6 (−4.8;−2.4)
  Cardiovascular ­diseaseb 39.1 (37.7;40.5) −11.7 (−13.2;−10.2) −7.8 (−9.5;−6.1) −7.2 (−9.1;−5.3)
Mental component
 Cardiometabolic condition p = 0.856* p = 0.085* p = 0.030*
  None 52.6 (52.0;53.2) Ref Ref Ref
  Cardiometabolic ­riska 52.2 (51.5;52.9) −0.4 (−1.3; 0.5) −0.6 (−1.4;0.2) −0.8 (−1.7;0.1)
  Cardiovascular ­diseaseb 52.8 (51.7;53.8) 0.2 (−1.0;1.3) −1.0 (−2.2;0.2) −1.6 (−3.0;−0.1)

*Wald-test for trend

Model 1—Adjusted for sociodemographic variables. For the physical component: age, marital status, dwelling, educational level, working sta-
tus, and SEIFA-IRSAD. For the mental component: gender, age, marital status, residence area, dwelling, educational level, working status, and
Model 2—Adjusted for variables in Model 1+ lifestyle variables (fruit/vegetable intake, physical activity level, alcohol consumption, and smok-
ing) and for the use of preventive medication for cardiovascular diseases. Alcohol consumption was not included in the analysis of the mental
component of HRQoL, as the p-value for that association was >0.10
 Including obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2), hypertension, diabetes and/or dyslipidaemia, but not a diagnosis of any cardiovascular disease
 Including heart attack, angina, heart failure, stroke and/or atrial fibrillation, with or without metabolic risk factors

to these conditions among Australians, increasing their Different literature reviews have shown that cardio-
prevalence at the population level [3, 5]. Concomitantly, metabolic conditions (CVD, hypertension, dyslipidaemia,
the frequency of CMRF (obesity, hypertension, diabetes, diabetes) [25–28] and other chronic diseases [12, 14, 15]
and dyslipidaemia) have also risen at a rate of 1.5–3.3% predominantly affect individuals from lower SEP and/or
per year [23]. The increment of CVD and CMRF are prob- lower educational level. These inequalities are present even
ably responsible for the progressive decrease in the physi- in countries with universal health coverage, affecting the
cal score of HRQoL in the last two decades among adults whole treatment pathway, including access to health ser-
in SA [49.8 (95%CI 49.4–50.2) in 1997 to 48.6 (95%CI vices, diagnostic procedures, secondary prevention, and
48.2–49.0) in 2015]. However, the mental component of management of acute conditions [27, 29].
HRQoL has remained stable [24]. This pattern is consist- Furthermore, according to our results, educational level
ent with our results of an inverse association between car- and working status are not only confounders in the relation-
diometabolic conditions and the physical but not with the ship between cardiometabolic conditions and the physical
mental HRQoL. Accordingly, all of the 27 studies included HRQoL, but a source of heterogeneity in the observed asso-
in a systematic review published in 2004 [10] found an ciations. Even after controlling for the other sociodemo-
inverse relationship between the number of medical chronic graphic variables, lifestyle, and use of preventive medica-
conditions and the physical domain of HRQoL, while the tions, a lower educational level and not being in the labour
association with the mental domain was unclear. force (retired or not working) increased the effect magni-
The cumulative effect of the cardiometabolic conditions tude of the association between cardiometabolic conditions
on the physical component of HRQoL has also been dem- and the physical HRQoL. A population-based study con-
onstrated in another study conducted in 2008–2009 with a ducted in Germany (N = 11,177) [14] also found the effect
sample of 587 patients with CVD recruited from 24 gen- of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and CVD on HRQoL
eral practices in two Australian states [12]. In that study, was higher among individuals with lower educational level.
the physical HRQoL score showed a mean reduction of 1.3 A similar result was observed in a National Health Survey
points for each additional CMRF, while the mean effect of conducted in England (N = 26,104) [15], where the HRQoL
an additional cardiac conditions reduced in 3.0 points this impairment associated with CMRF (obesity, hypertension
score. Again, neither the CMRF nor the CVD were associ- or diabetes) was more evident among those with lower
ated with the mental HRQoL. (compared with high) occupational status. However, in that

Qual Life Res

Fig. 1  Predicted mean for the a None Cardiometabolic risk Cardiovascular disease

physical component of health
60 β= -2.6 β= -4.1 β= -9.4 β= -6.6 β= -8.1
related quality of life (SF-12)
(95%CI -6.5;1.3) (95%CI -8.0;-0.2) (95%CI -13.2;-5.6) (95%CI -10.6;-2.6) (95%CI -12.3;-3.9)
according to the presence of

Quality of life - Physical component (score)

cardiometabolic conditions,
stratified by educational level
(Fig. 1a) and working status
(Fig. 1b). Results are adjusted 40
for variables with a p value
<0.10 in the association with
the physical component of 30
HRQoL (age, marital status,
dwelling, educational level,
working status, SEIFA-IRSAD,
fruit/vegetable intake, physical
activity level, alcohol con- 10
sumption, smoking, and use
of preventive medications for
cardiovascular diseases) and 0
interaction terms between Bachelor/higher Trade qualification Certificate/diploma Secondary Less than
cardiometabolic conditions and secondary
education and cardiometabolic b
conditions and working status 60 β= -5.4 β= -3.5 β= -9.7 β= -7.5
(Model 3). Vertical lines in the (95%CI -10.8;0.0) (95%CI -8.6;1.6) (95%CI -15.0;-4.4) (95%CI -10.0;-5.0)
Quality of life - Physical component (score)

columns represent the 95%CI. p

value for heterogeneity <0.001 50
in both cases




Employed full-time Employed part-time Not working Retired

study, there was no evidence of interaction between occu- not reduce the impact of cardiometabolic conditions on
pation and the diagnosis of ischaemic heart disease. This HRQoL. According to the literature, other patient-centered
discrepancy could be related to the lone score generated interventions may promote better HRQoL, such as a higher
by the EuroQol five-dimensions questionnaire (EQ-5D) frequency of contacts with the health service, better control
used in that study [15], which does not allow differentiating of biomedical risk factors, improving medication adher-
effects of cardiometabolic conditions on the different com- ence, encouraging regular physical activity, and enhancing
ponents of HRQoL. health literacy [12, 16, 25]. Notably, different studies have
Various mechanisms could explain the interaction shown health literacy is not only an indicator of the capac-
between a lower SEP and the diagnosis of cardiometa- ity of the individual to understand health information, but
bolic conditions on different health outcomes. They include also a protective factor for further complications and mor-
lower access to health care services, inadequate treatment tality among patients with CVD [25, 30]. Furthermore, the
plans, greater difficulties in adopting healthy habits, poorer impact of a lower health literacy on the HRQoL has been
mental health, and higher frequency of complications after demonstrated to be equivalent to the diagnosis of a new
diagnosis [25, 27–29]. From a clinical perspective, better cardiac condition among patients with an established CVD,
management of these chronic conditions among individu- even after controlling for age, gender, educational level,
als with lower educational level and/or unemployed seems and other socioeconomic indicators [12]. To elucidate the
like the most appropriate intervention to reduce inequalities relevance of this and other possible interventions to reduce
in HRQoL [16, 25–28]. However, according to our results, inequalities in HRQoL, future studies with cohorts of
lifestyle variables and the use of preventive medication did patients with these chronic conditions would be required.

Qual Life Res

Although this study has important strengths (representa- All procedures performed in studies involving human participants
tive sample, quality control of interviewed-based assess- were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/
or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration
ments, robust instrument to evaluate the outcome), some and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.
limitations must be recognised. First, the cross-sectional
design does not allow evaluation of either the temporality Informed consent  Participants provided verbal rather than written
of the associations between the cardiometabolic conditions informed consent, due to the practicalities of carrying out a large-scale
and the HRQoL. Nevertheless, some inherent temporality survey and the low-risk nature of the survey content.
was presumed in the investigated associations, considering
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