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NGSX Follow-Up Hilker, Julie Wed 12/5/2018 1:30 PM To: Altadonna, Brandon

<>; Austin, Sarah <>;

<>; Bowers, Gina <>; Collins, Mary Beth
<>; holly.davidson@

7 attachments (6 MB) Discussion Norms Poster.docx; Discussion Map - Blank.docx; 2018_M-

STEP_Annotated_Sample_Items_test_614886_7.pdf; Summary Table Template.docx; Summary Table
Template - 11 by 17.docx; Sum Table KLEWS Chart Template Options.docx; Sum Table KLEWS Chart
Template - 11 by 17.docx;

Greetings Team NGSX!

It was a pleasure working with you during the first three days of NGSX. You are an awesome group of
motivated educators! We want to thank you for your willingness to participate and share ideas, as many
of us were outside our comfort zone (at least at some point). Everyone brings different skills to the table
and there is so much we can learn from each other. Initially, it may seem odd that we bring K-12
teachers together for this, rather than meet within our grade span; however, this integrated mixing of
grade levels allows for much richer dialogue about the science ideas behind the phenomena. Each of
you contributed valuable ideas! Everyone was able to close some gaps in his/her thinking, even though
we may not yet have a “perfect” explanation in our own mind.

As you reflect on the first few days, think about how we can take these experiences into our own
classroom, as well as how we want to communicate with each other next time. What do we do when a
student is not joining the conversation? Or is dominating the conversation? What do we do when a
student feels intimidated? Or is arrogant? How can we involve everyone and make people comfortable
when they feel vulnerable sharing ideas? We’ve just been in our students’ shoes, so we know how it can
feel. We’ll continue to discuss how to actually implement these types of discussions (small group and
large group) in our own classrooms during these next few days of NGSX.

A few requested files are attached: 1. Discussion norms poster 2. Discussion map (adjust to fit your
needs) 3. Released sample items from the science M-STEP pilot given to a group of 5th, 8th, and 11th
grade students across the state in the Spring of 2017 4. Summary Table Template 5. Summary Table
Template 11 by 17 6. KLEWS Chart (alternate summary table) 7. KLEWS Chart 11 by 17

Gentle homework reminder (by Day 5, 1/22/19): • Unit 4, Step 16: Read “Establishing Norms” article and
post your response • Unit 4, Step 17: Choose a few videos (that interest you) to watch and post your

Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions or comments that you would like to share.

See you next year! J Autumn, Sharon, & Julie

Julie Hilker

Science Curricular Leader

Chippewa Valley Schools
Office: 586-723-6282
Cell: 517-410-7564

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