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Sample of the first day of the fitness plan.

Warm Up: Red light Green Light Remix
One player should be on the other side from where their peers are starting
from. This players job is to call out red light or green light so that their peers
either start stop where they are at or go towards the caller. The caller
should remix it up by telling their peers to jog, skip, gallop, hop, or any other
locomotor movement to the other side. The warm up should be played for 5-6

minutes or 3-4 rounds by alternating the caller.

Exercise/Activity: Catch 5
Here students will be divided in an even amount of two teams. The objective
of this game is to pass to five player on the same team before shooting it into
the hoop. The purpose of passing it to different people is so that everyone

has a chance to participate. Majority of the time should be spent here. 15-20
Cool Down: Stretches
After the game is finished, students should take a slight jog around the
perimeter of the area they were playing in. After that they should do at least
5 stretches to help relax their muscles. Some stretches that could be done is
reaching down to touch your toes, butterfly stretch, quadricep stretch,
hamstring stretch and arm stretches. Each stretch should be focused for at

least 30 seconds.

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