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What is P.E. ?

1) Why is Physical Education so important to have in school? (2 points)

Fitness Components

2) (10 points)

a) Identify the five fitness components:

b) Give two activities for each fitness component:

c) Analyze and discuss why each fitness component is important:


Physical Activity

3) Compare and contrast “physical education” and “physical activity”. (4 points)

4) Why do you think at the elementary level they are only to participate in 150 minutes

of instructional physical education per week versus at middle school and high school
who need to participate in 225 minutes of instructional physical education per week?

(5 points)

5) What are some benefits of participating in physical activity? List at least three. (4


Fitness Plan

6) What are some fitness steps that could help you with your final project? List at least

three steps. (5 points)

7) Why do you think it is important to see in what fitness stage someone is when coming

up with a fitness plan? (2 points)

8) (6 points)

a) List 3-5 equipment that someone who has never done a fitness plan should have.

b) Discuss the importance for each one.

Maximum Points: 38

Your Points:


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