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Chapter 10


From the simplest and most ordinary acts to the highly be the central concept? To these pioneers, understanding
complex and rare ones our species can perform—eating a the predisposition to treat entities with favor or disfavor
fruit or spitting out a chili pepper, gazing intently into an seemed even more basic to understanding social relations
infant’s face or scrupulously avoiding a neighbor, saving than the faculties of thought and knowledge. Writing in
a life or taking one at a moment’s notice—we are crea- the first handbook, Gordon Allport (1935) provided some
tures of preferences. Bundles of preferences characterize insight when he says that the popularity of the attitude
every living organism; without them, plants would not turn concept “is not difficult to explain. It has come into favor,
toward the Sun and cockroaches would not run away from first of all, because it is not the property of any one
it. In us, preferences exist not only in these built-in forms psychological school of thought . . . furthermore, it is a
shared with other living beings but in distinctly human concept which escapes the ancient controversy concerning
ways, such as the consciously molded attitudes we convey the relative influence of heredity and environment . . . The
through artistic expression, the moral codes by which we term is likewise elastic enough to apply either to the dispo-
judge our worth and our failings, or the words we craft to sitions of single individuals or to broad patterns of culture”
describe imagined utopias. (p. 798). Indeed, as Ross, Lepper, and Ward (this volume)
The group that gave this concept scientific birth in the point out, the study of attitudes has continued to be a cor-
early 20th century chose attitude as the name to refer to nerstone of social psychology.
such preferences. So intently did the pioneers focus on a A hundred years after the study of attitudes came to be a
study of attitudes that the field of social psychology came legitimate science, Mitchell (2009) has offered an intrigu-
to be synonymous with the study of this single concept ing pair of observations: First, a small set of concepts
(Bogardus, 1931; Thomas & Znaniecki, 1918). It is, in involving preferences and attitudes, as well as an under-
this sense, the oldest of the children displayed in the family standing of the minds of others and ourselves (see Epley &
photographs that constitute these handbooks, the oldest Waytz, this volume), have been the core concerns of social
child that is assured front and center seat in every previ- psychology. Second, although this cluster of self, mind
ous photograph taken (see Gilbert, Fiske, & Lindzey, perception, and attitude has seemed to be a somewhat arbi-
1998; Lindzey, 1954; Lindzey & Aronson, 1969, 1985; trary grab bag, it may not be so at least in one sense; it
Murchison, 1935). now appears that these processes share a common neural
Why does the study of attitudes have this status? What substrate in the medial prefrontal cortex.
made the first social psychologists decide, even as they So vast is the topic of attitudes—covering as it does all
were still marking the boundaries of their new country, forms of preferences and evaluations, measured in a diver-
that evaluations along the good-bad continuum should sity of ways, toward all manner of things, events, ideas and

Our thanks to Claire McGuire, who shared with us an unabridged, unpublished version of the 1985 handbook chapter on attitudes by
William McGuire; it inspired us even as we became aware of our own more modest treatment. We are especially grateful to experts
and friends for pointing out relevant works and/or providing comments and corrections with lightning speed: Sanden Averett, Wil
Cunningham, Susan Fiske, Daniel Gilbert, Richard Hackman, Andrea Heberlein, John Jost, Jason McCoy, Brian Nosek, Bill Swann, and
Talee Ziv.
We were supported by the National Science Foundation (grant #BCS-0642448) and a National Science Graduate Fellowship while we
worked on this chapter.


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Landmarks 349

people—that even before the research had acquired today’s no other contributions, modern researchers should still
sprawl, some questioned the value of a term that seemed be grateful. These measurement men achieved the previ-
to be so undiscriminating in scope (McDougall, 1933). ously unthinkable; for the first time ever, they took the
It is hardly surprising, then, that different periods of the ephemeral mental quality of favoring and disfavoring and
last century have been partial to particular aspects of rendered it the subject of scientific study. Writing under
the concept of attitude, attending more to the questions the title “Attitudes Can Be Measured,” Thurstone (1928a)
of structure, function, or mechanisms of change. Likewise, intended to erase all doubt about whether feelings toward
different questions have varied in dominance, depending things could be measured by comparing them with physi-
on the availability of new technologies and innovations cal objects such as tables: “We say without hesitation that
such as census tracking, surveys, telephones, the computer, we measure a man when we take some anthropometric
and the Internet, not to mention the ability to measure elec- measures of him . . . his height or weight or what not. Just
trical activity and blood oxygenation levels. in the same sense we shall say here that we are measuring
Moreover, at different periods in American history, ideol- attitudes” (p. 530).
ogy and propaganda, consumer behavior, and intergroup rela- Eighty years later, psychologists must show whether
tions have differentially grabbed interest and dictated where they have delivered on this remarkable first attempt to mea-
the most precious attitudes may be excavated. (For previous sure the immeasurable—people’s likes and dislikes. This
chapters on the topic of attitudes in earlier handbooks in this chapter engages the question of measurement more so than
series, see Allport, 1935; Eagly & Chaiken, 1998; Green, some others because the decades since the 1980s have wit-
1954; McGuire, 1968, 1985; Petty & Wegener, 1998; for nessed a surge of measures that involve response latencies
major volumes devoted to the concept of attitudes published and other ways of inferring preferences (Bargh, Chaiken,
since the late 1980s, see also Albarracin, Johnson, & Zanna, Govender, & Pratto, 1992; Fazio, Sanbonmatsu, Powell, &
2005; Eagly & Chaiken, 1993; Gawronski, 2007; Maio & Kardes, 1986; Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998). In
Olson, 2000; Petty, Fazio, & Brinol, 2008; Petty & Krosnick, addition, researchers have developed and enhanced mea-
1995; Pratkanis, Breckler, & Greenwald, 1989). Because the sures of physiology (Blascovich & Mendes, this volume)
research covered here must necessarily be limited to works and brain activity (Lieberman, this volume). Since the pub-
appearing since the publication of the last handbook in 1998, lication of the last handbook, the very first studies of atti-
this chapter mentions some of the foundational research tudes using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
topics that must be largely set aside. There is no danger in have appeared (Cunningham, Johnson, Gatenby, Gore, &
doing so, however, given the remarkable treatment these sub- Banaji, 2003; Hart et al., 2000; Phelps et al., 2000). In the
jects have received in previous handbooks and other current time since these first tentative fMRI experiments, there is
volumes. already a trajectory pointing out the subcortical and corti-
The experimental analysis of attitudes, as well as its cal systems that support attitude formation, which may be
classical and modern history, could not have had a more involved in the subjective experience of preference, and
painstaking reviewer than William J. McGuire, who the control exerted by conscious processes to modulate
wrote both the 1969 and 1985 chapters on the subject and less conscious ones.
even attempted to predict what the two decades beyond After the 1930s, measurement ceased to be as intense a
would hold. The 1998 handbook was the first to include focus, although there were consistent contributions moti-
two chapters on attitudes: one focusing on the basics of vated by various factors, including concerns about threats
structure and function (Eagly & Chaiken, 1998) and the to validity, the specificity of measures (Ajzen & Fishbein,
other focusing on persuasion and attitude change (Petty & 1980), recognition of the interdependence of theory and
Wegener, 1998). They likewise provide excellent closure method (Ostrom, 1989), and statistical advances (Bentler,
on the first century’s contributions. 1980). This new century returns to the fore a set of epis-
temological questions concerning how scientists may
know the nature of preferences. Such a focus is possible
LANDMARKS because the field as a whole has turned toward the study
of the cognitive unconscious (see Gilbert, 1991; Hassin,
The earliest decades of attitude research, the 1920s and Uleman, & Bargh, 2005; Uleman & Bargh, 1989). This
1930s, were marked by a strong commitment to mea- chapter describes dozens of experiments concerning
surement (Bogardus, 1925; Guttman, 1941; Likert, 1932; unconscious attitudes as a substantial contribution of the
Thurstone, 1928a; see Himmelfarb, 1993). From these attitude literature.
early contributors psychologists have the staples of formal The 1950s and 1960s witnessed the grand era of atti-
scaling techniques. If this era of attitude research made tude research with one stream of work beginning at Yale

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350 Attitudes

University and expanding to Ohio State University. Early Johnson, and Zanna (specifically see chapters by Brinol &
research using behaviorist learning theory as a model for Petty, 2005; Johnson, Maio, & Smith-McLallen, 2005;
understanding attitude change emerged out of the World Prislin & Wood, 2005; Wegener & Carlston, 2005; Wyer
War II program of Hovland, Lumsdaine, and Sheffield and Albarracin, 2005).
(1949), and prospered in the work of Hovland’s student If attitudes are predispositions to act favorably or unfa-
William McGuire (1960, 1961). In the decades that fol- vorably, then the attitudes that one has should predict one’s
lowed, these ideas gave birth to the notion of cognitive behaviors. From the 1930s on, however, studies showed the
responses as determinants of attitude change, and a series weak prediction of behavior from attitude (e.g., LaPiere,
of edited volumes on attitudinal foundations, structure, 1934). This conception escalated in the writings of Wicker
function, strength, and implicit measures have appeared, (1969), who provided an analysis of 42 studies that pro-
continuing to this day (Greenwald, Brock, & Ostrom, 1968; duced a low overall attitude-behavior correlation. Over the
Petty & Krosnick, 1995; Petty et al., 2008; Petty, Ostrom, & past several decades, scholars have devoted a great deal
Brock, 1981; Pratkanis et al., 1989). Two significant dual- of attention to figuring out when attitudes and behaviors
process models of attitude change were offered by Petty are related and when they are not. Research shows that
and Cacioppo (1984) and Chaiken and Eagly (1983; see the attitude-behavior relationship depends on the person, the
also Eagly & Chaiken, 1993). Their theories may be situation, the attitude (e.g., how much knowledge people
viewed as precursors to the spurt of later research on dual- have about the attitude object), and the measurement
process accounts of attitudes, that is, processes that divulge match between attitudes and behavior (e.g., are researchers
their conscious and unconscious components (Albarracin & measuring specific attitudes and specific behaviors or spe-
Vargas, this volume; Chaiken & Trope, 1999; Devine, cific attitudes but general behaviors; see Ajzen & Fishbein,
1989; Gawronski & Bodenhausen, 2007; Lieberman, 1975, 1977; Fabrigar, Petty, Smith, & Crites, 2006; Fazio &
Gaunt, Gilbert, & Trope, 2002; Payne, Burkley, & Stokes, Zanna, 1981; Kelman, 1974; Lord, Lepper, & Mackie,
2008; Wilson, Lindsey, & Schooler, 2000). 2008; Smith, Terry, & Hogg, 2006).
A second stream of attitude research that developed in The engagement with questions of persuasion and atti-
the 1950s and 1960s came from the ideas of Fritz Heider, tude change has slowed down relative to the intensity of
Charles Osgood, and Leon Festinger, each of whom was such work in the decades of the 1960s to 1990s, whereas
uniquely inspired by the idea of the consistency between other areas of interest have grown. Fortunately, a pair of
mental components and the complex processes that are set chapters on the topic of attitudes is offered in this hand-
in motion to achieve mental alignment (see Abelson et al., book, and other experts fully cover persuasion and attitude
1968). Even today, the sophistication of the theorizing and change (see Albarracin & Vargas, this volume).
the quintessential style of research on cognitive dissonance When considering the structure of attitudes, a domi-
capture the imagination of students, so counterintuitive the nant way of thinking of evaluations as consisting of three
ideas and so extravagant the experiments. These scholars components—affect, cognition, and behavior—has been a
emphasized attitude change and the bidirectional relationship guiding force for much of the century; only in recent years
between attitudes and behavior. Perhaps it was the public’s has this perspective faded as the preferred way of thinking.
engagement in social change during the 1960s that kept this Because of the influence of this tradition, studying what
interest in questions of attitude change alive, and psycholo- Eagly and Chaiken (1993) refer to as intra-attitudinal
gists studied transformations of all kinds of preferences— structure has involved a close look at the interrelation-
those toward widgets, robots, and Fidel Castro being not the ships among these three variables, with a focus on beliefs
strangest of them all. The idea of cognitive-affective consis- as the building blocks of attitudes. A second way to study
tency and its consequences displayed in some of the most attitude structure has involved looking at interattitudinal
prominent psychological research of that time continue to structure—that is, the relationship between and among
have direct bearing on modern work on cognitive dissonance multiple attitudes—and here focus has been directed to the
(see Cooper, 2007; Harmon-Jones, 1999). consistency among various evaluations. Among the impor-
The study of attitude change and persuasion is not lim- tant analyses of intra-attitude structure, a primary one has
ited to the most well-known laboratories. This topic has been on the question of how attitudes are represented, and
dominated research since the mid-20th century, and this specifically their possibly bipolar structure (Judd & Kulik,
is visible in the much larger proportion of pages devoted to 1980; Sherif, Sherif, & Nebergall, 1965; for an argument
this subject in most previous reviews of the concept in this against the view of attitudes as bipolar, see Kerlinger,
handbook’s predecessors. For readers who are interested in 1984). The remainder of the research on intra-attitudinal
the question of persuasion, several noteworthy treatments are structure has been consumed with the all-important question
available in the 2005 Handbook of Attitudes by Albarracin, of the role of beliefs, conceived of as associations between

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Definitions of Attitude 351

an attitude and its various attributes, and their ability the self, better known in the field as self-esteem, is another
to predict attitudes. A prominent contribution here is example of an ego-enhancing preference that keeps the
Fishbein’s expected-value model (1963), which conceptu- self “lifted” and able to function in a world that constantly
alizes attitudes as a function of beliefs, particularly their demands comparisons with others.
subjective probabilities. In this model, attitudes consist Finally, attitudes that help individuals express their core
of evaluations of particular beliefs. The idea that attitudes values or foundational aspects of themselves are assumed to
are a function ofthe totality of the evaluative beliefs about serve the fourth, or value-expressive, function. These atti-
the attitude object may seem so obvious as to be banal, tudes may be inherently rewarding insofar as expressing
but this assertion allowed empirical prediction of attitudes one’s core values is gratifying. Just such a process may be at
from knowledge of beliefs. A theory of mathematical preci- work in the process of self-affirmation, which among other
sion, one might even say an aesthetic theory, is Anderson’s consequences demonstrates the power of value-expression
account of information integration (1971, 1981); this model to diminish feelings of self-threat (e.g., eliminates dissonance
of some generality was also applied to the analysis of atti- effects; Steele & Liu, 1983). Value-expressive attitudes are
tudes. Multiplying expectancies with values was deemed privileged in other ways as well; research has shown that
insufficient to explain the relationship between beliefs and such attitudes are particularly resistant to change (Maio &
attitudes, and the theory focused instead on the value of the Olson, 1995) and promote commitment to relevant behav-
incoming information and its integration into the current iors (e.g., volunteerism; Lydon & Zanna, 1990; Murray,
attitude. Haddock, & Zanna, 1996). The final section of this chapter
A final landmark from the first century concerns the takes on the question of ideology; underlying that discus-
basic question of pragmatics: Why do people have atti- sion is the assumption that “thick” attitudes such as ideol-
tudes? As the first to explicitly theorize about attitude func- ogy, composed as they are of several strands of individual
tions, M. B. Smith (1947) laid out several objectives that attitudes, especially may serve a value-expressive function.
evaluations can accomplish (see Kruglanski & Stroebe,
2005). For instance, attitudes can serve the function of
appraisal, informing individuals as to whether approach or DEFINITIONS OF ATTITUDE
avoid is the correct response. However, different attitudes
may serve this function to different degrees; this role is ful- Definitions are hair-raising, in the sense of creating excite-
filled more by readily accessible attitudes, and this concept ment and terror. Allport (1935) offered 16 definitions of
of attitude accessibility has dominated current thinking attitude that others before him had generated, only to slip
(Fazio, 2000). in a 17th of his own that has been so well-cited that any stu-
Katz (1960) proposed four functions of attitudes that dent of attitudes is able to recite it even when half asleep:
have intuitive appeal even today. They include a utilitarian “A mental and neural state of readiness, organized through
function, a knowledge function, an ego-defensive function, experience, exerting a directive or dynamic influence upon
and a value-expressive function. Utilitarian attitudes are the individual’s response to all objects and situations with
those that help individuals obtain rewards and avoid pun- which it is related” (p. 810).
ishments. For example, holding a positive attitude toward McGuire (1968) regarded definitions to be “stifling and
capital punishment might create a feeling of belonging yet, since we have to use words when we talk, it probably
within a certain ideological group while avoiding poten- helps to sketch out occasionally what we mean by our terms”
tial rejection from these socially significant others. Indeed, (p. 142). Instead of providing a new one, he brilliantly side-
Kelman (1958) pointed out that attitudes can foster identi- stepped the issue by using Allport’s definition and dissect-
fication with social groups, and Shavitt and Nelson (1999; ing each of its terms and phrases not only to focus on the
see Shavitt, 1989) added that attitudes toward specific various meanings of “mental and neural” and “organized”
issues assist in conveying critical information about our- but also to riff on the philosophical orientations, from posi-
selves to others. Attitudes that meet the second, or knowl- tivist to interactionist, that a phrase such as “readiness to
edge, function allow an understanding of the situations in respond” evokes. In the 1985 handbook chapter, McGuire
which one finds oneself. Those that meet the third, ego- is no more forthcoming regarding a definition, offering only
defensive, function (or externalization; Smith, Bruner, & that empirical investigations have used as a working defini-
White, 1956), protect the individual from psychic threats. tion of attitude “responses that locate ‘objects of thought’
Katz (1960) associated this purpose primarily with preju- on ‘dimensions of judgment’” (p. 239).
dice, arguing from psychodynamic principles that indi- Eagly and Chaiken (1993, 1998) provided a simple and
viduals may project feelings of inferiority onto stigmatized intuitive definition that wins on ease and broad endorse-
outgroups (see Fein & Spencer, 1997). An attitude toward ment. According to them, an attitude is “a psychological

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352 Attitudes

tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity created by other factors inherent in the viewer ’s perceptual
with some degree of favor or disfavor” (1993, p. 1). Others and reasoning systems. Given the data using implicit mea-
have agreed that the concept of evaluation is central to the sures of attitudes that have accumulated since the 1980s,
definition of attitude, noting that “[a]ttitudes have been this is an attractive way of thinking about preferences.
defined in a variety of ways, but at the core is the notion Attitudes are extraordinarily malleable: Implicit pref-
of evaluation” (Petty, Wegener, & Fabrigar, 1997, p. 611). erence for Whites decreases in the presence of a Black
Likewise, Crano and Prislin (2006) brought together diverse experimenter (Lowery, Hardin, & Sinclair, 2001) and a
characterizations of attitudes through their definition: likable experimenter who is perceived as holding egalitar-
“Attitudes are the evaluative judgments that integrate and ian views (Sinclair, Lowery, Hardin, & Colangelo, 2005).
summarize . . . cognitive/affective reactions” (p. 347). Implicit racial preferences also change depending on the
Among the changes that the concept of attitude has under- stimulus materials: Participants who viewed a photograph
gone over the century, none is as clear as the stripping away of African Americans taken in front of a church showed
of all ancillary items to leave the core idea of “favor and less bias than those who saw a photograph taken on an
disfavor” intact. urban street corner (Wittenbrink, Judd, & Park, 2001), and
The major objection to such a definition comes from participants who saw pictures of popular Blacks before
those who endorse the position that attitudes have been taking an Implicit Association Test (IAT) showed less
mischaracterized as entities of some permanence. The racial bias than those who did not view the positive pic-
boldest criticism of the standard view of attitudes is tures (Dasgupta & Greenwald, 2001). Emphasizing sex
found in the position of Schwarz and Bohner (2001), who rather than race can also decrease bias (Mitchell, Nosek, &
take their lead from theories of situated cognition (e.g., Banaji, 2003). Malleability is not limited to racial attitudes;
Barsalou, 2005; Smith & Semin, 2004). Their view can be context also influences evaluations of everything from ciga-
summarized as follows: Attitude theorists have tradition- rettes to Bill Clinton, Mike Tyson, chocolate, and the beach
ally defined their construct as if it represents fixed “things” (see Ferguson & Bargh, 2004; Ferguson, Bargh, & Nayak,
that sit in memory waiting to be pulled out, used, and put 2005; Pratto & Shih, 2000; Seibt, Hafner, & Deutsch, 2007;
back in place. Instead, Schwarz and Bohner claim that atti- Sherman, Rose, Koch, Presson, & Chassin, 2003). These
tudes are more parsimoniously conceived of as evaluations data support a constructionist-contextualist view that is
that are “formed when needed, rather than enduring personal counterintuitive; it seems easier to imagine preferences as
dispositions” (Schwarz, 2007, p. 639; see also Wilson & enduring because that is the intuitive, self-reflective sense
Hodges, 1992). The intuitive appeal of the standard defini- most people have of their own preferences.
tion that attitudes represent “a tendency,” that is, a thing of In response to such evidence regarding the malleability
stability, he argues, comes from the appeal of all disposi- of attitudes, Fazio (2007) has offered a persuasive coun-
tional accounts such as the fundamental attribution error terpoint to the radical notion of attitudes-as-constructions.
(Ross, 1977). Instead, in line with other commentaries Although fully open to the idea of the flexibility of atti-
that are consistent in their rendition of the attitude concept tudes, he points out that an extreme “attitudes as on-the-
(e.g., Lord & Lepper, 1999; Smith & DeCoster, 2000; spot constructions” view must deal with the opposing
Zaller & Feldman, 1992), Schwarz favors the idea of atti- evidence that some attitudes seem to consistently pop out
tude construal—the view that attitudes do not necessarily in the same form across time and situations. Given that
exist in some preformed state but can be built, created, human beings do learn, and learning means remembering
generated, on the spot, in fine-tuned response to contextual in some form, why should attitudes not reveal some stabil-
demands. Attitudes, conceived of in this way, are viewed as ity? They are, after all, products of repeated experiences
potentially adaptive reactions to environmental demands. that reinforce particular object-attribute pairings and pro-
Such a view is in synch with mounting empirical evidence vide similar responses to the same stimulus over repeti-
pointing toward attitude variability across time and situa- tions. Thus, a strong constructionist view must answer the
tions, often producing large differences with minimal vari- question of why savings in memory would explain other
ation in the instantiation of the attitude object. aspects of mental function (e.g., semantic knowledge) but
An argument of this nature is not entirely new to psy- not involve simple learning and retrieval of preferences.
chology. A similar challenge was put forth in the influen- Greenwald and Banaji (1995) attempted to reflect the
tial view Mischel (1968) offered concerning the concept of field’s engagement with relatively less conscious and less
personality. Mischel argued that, to a large extent, the idea controlled forms of attitudes by offering a definition of
of personality, the very essence of a person, the dimensions implicit attitudes as “introspectively unidentified (or inac-
that are assumed to lie in the disposition of the person curately identified) traces of past experience that mediate
and that seemingly provide stability, may be a mirage attributions of qualities to members of a social category”

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Attitudes Are Basic 353

(p. 15). Unlike the Allport definition, no student, however potential (LPP) of the event-related brain potentials (ERP)
awake, has been known to recite this definition, but with showing that evaluative responses (e.g., answering the ques-
it, the assumption inherent in the way attitudes were tradi- tion, Is this good or bad?) are qualitatively distinguishable
tionally measured—that they must be consciously accessed from nonevaluative responses (e.g., answering the ques-
contents of the mind—was explicitly set aside. tion, Is this a vegetable or not?). The former showed sig-
nificantly larger spread over the right scalp region, whereas
the latter showed equal spread over right and left scalp
In line with classic Eastern and Western notions of the
The introductory material that sets the background to this three spheres of thought, feeling, and action, the earli-
chapter closes with a selection of empirical discoveries, est framework for grappling with the concept of attitude
each of which points to the basic nature of attitudes. involved a similar tripartite configuration. Attitudes were
Together, the nuggets that follow show that the evaluative assumed to consist of affective, cognitive (belief), and
dimension of information has robust orienting power, and conative (behavioral) components, a view that “came early
that the human predisposition to evaluate is fundamental and stayed late” (McGuire, 1968; cf. Brown, 1965; Krech &
to all aspects of social behavior. Readers may use this as a Crutchfield, 1948; Sherif & Cantril, 1945). In recent years,
starter list and add their own favorite demonstrations that this conceptualization has been given up in favor of one
reveal the fundamental nature of attitudes and why they that privileges the feeling component, and such a view
remain social psychology’s “most central and indispens- has been helped by discoveries that demonstrate the pri-
able construct” (Allport, 1935). macy of this factor. For example, the affective component
In the mid-twentieth century, Osgood, Suci, and of attitudes is more readily accessible than other compo-
Tannenbaum (1957) analyzed the structure of ordinary nents (Verplanken, Hofstee, & Janssen, 1998), and when
words’ meanings along three dimensions: evaluation (good- beliefs and feelings toward presidential candidates are in
bad), potency (strong-weak), and activity (active-passive). conflict, feelings are stronger predictors of voting (Lavine,
They found that the first dimension, captured through Thomsen, Zanna, & Borgida, 1998).
poles as warm-cold, good-bad, and favorable-unfavorable, To investigate the automatic nature of preferences,
accounted for most of the variance in meaning more than Glaser (1999) and Gregg (2000) attempted to derive a
twice that of the other two dimensions. series of nonsense syllables (e.g., RAS, FEQ, DAT) that
Zajonc’s (1980) influential view that “preferences need should carry no particular evaluation and serve as the per-
no inferences” alerted scientists to the possibility that even fect material that could, via association, be imbued with
when an evaluative response is not requested, the good-bad positive and negative meaning. To their surprise, they
dimension of information “pops out” and cannot be set aside; discovered that it was nearly impossible to find nonsense
it is automatically detected, engages, and registers in some words that did not evoke some relative positive or negative
way. Bargh, Chaiken, Raymond, and Hymes (1996) showed evaluation.
that such is the case by asking for mere pronunciation of Increasingly, the idea that social judgments across a
words and demonstrating an evaluative priming effect even variety of domains can be meaningfully separated into
so (see Giner-Sorolla, Garcia, & Bargh, 1999, for a simi- goodness/warmth and agency/competence dimensions has
lar effect with pictures). In the original article (Fazio et al., proved to be useful (see Fiske, Cuddy, Glick, & Xu, 2002).
1986), evidence for evaluative priming led to a reconcep- Its appeal draws from supporting empirical evidence and
tualization of attitudes as simple associations between an the intuition that even in the late Pleistocene, social inter-
object and its evaluation. This was based on their previous action must surely have required two basic assessments:
research (Fazio, Chen, McDonel & Sherman, 1982; Fazio, how good is the other (i.e., is help or harm likely?) and how
Powell, & Herr, 1983). competent is the other (i.e., how effective will action based
Because a “need to evaluate” is regarded to be universal, on intention be?). Items that belong to the warmth category
Jarvis and Petty (1996) developed a measure of it, showing (sincere, generous) are more readily accessible, spontane-
that the tendency to evaluate is a highly consistent and reli- ously generated, and regarded as more important in assess-
able single factor. Individual differences in the need to eval- ing others than items that belong to the competence category
uate (measured by face valid items such as “It bothers me to (intelligence, foresight; Wojciszke, Bazinska, & Jaworski,
remain neutral”) are meaningful predictors of behavior. 1998). This is different from the assumption made by some
In early research on brain activity, Cacioppo, Crites, intergroup theorists, who argue that competence, but not
Berntson, and Coles (1993; Cacioppo, Crites, & Gardner, warmth, is associated with high status (e.g., Fiske et al.;
1996) provided the first evidence using the late positive Jost, Banaji, & Nosek, 2004).

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354 Attitudes

OVERVIEW OF REMAINING SECTIONS Rather, these accounts provide excellent explanations for
miniature pieces on the attitude landscape. The contribu-
The remainder of the chapter presents an overview of the tions of laborers in attitude villages are primarily in the
attitude literature, focusing on the contributions that were form of new discoveries. To a large extent, their tractabil-
offered between 1995 and 2010. These analyses have been ity and quality depend on the methods, increasingly the
conducted almost entirely with human subjects, using lan- technologies, scientists are able to invent or adopt to study
guage and pictures as the primary vehicle to probe and attitudes. Some have argued that the lack of a primary
elicit evaluations, and staying close to questions of mea- focus on theory building is hardly an embarrassment. Quite
surement, structure, and change. Many of the theoretical the contrary, in the other natural and life sciences, theo-
questions originate in the need to make sense of the over- retical contributions are rarely significant enough or fre-
lapping and divergent patterns of data across implicit and quent enough to deserve the highest recognitions. Instead,
explicit measures of attitude, and this chapter describes advances that are regarded as the most important typically
both types of measures in depth. involve the development of a method or technology and
The next section on measurement carries substan- the new discoveries that these inventions permit.
tial detail because a cluster of new conceptual questions Greenwald (2004) offered such a view, noting the addi-
about the nature of attitudes has emerged through atten- tional difficulty that theoretical differences are rarely suc-
tion to methods. To signal its importance, a new entry in cessfully resolved, often resembling the argument about
this chapter concerns the origins of attitudes, highlighting whether the parrot is alive or dead in Monty Python’s
some of the research on the development of preferences sidesplitting skit. Suggesting that perhaps Lewin’s famous
in infants and young children. The remaining pages ana- dictum may be usefully reversed to read that there is “noth-
lyze self-attitudes (e.g., self-esteem), attitude dissociations ing so theoretical as a good method,” Greenwald’s asser-
and malleability, and ideological systems. Clear overlap tions are not meant to claim that theory is unimportant;
exists between some of these topics and other chapters in rather, the point is to convey that method development and
this handbook, and readers are referred to the appropri- empirical discoveries more often lead to, rather than fol-
ate experts in those areas. Between 1995 and 2010 alone, low, theory development. If this is the case, the importance
more than 13,000 articles on the topic of attitudes have of each individual contribution need not be judged solely
appeared. The remainder of the chapter presents a small on the grounds of advance in theory.
sample of them to demonstrate the progress that has been The following section is divided into four parts. First,
made on this fundamental orientation to evaluate. traditional methods that have relied on posing questions
that require introspectively rich answers using verbal self-
report are examined. Here, the chapter focuses on improve-
MEASURING ATTITUDES: CONCEPTUAL ments that have been made to methods that have existed for
ISSUES AND SPECIFIC TECHNIQUES several decades. Next, in a departure from previous hand-
book chapters, this one focuses on measures of implicit
Everybody loves a good theory. Theories represent the core attitude. For those whose interests have included questions
of creating new knowledge because theories provide expla- of method and technique, the last decade of the 20th cen-
nations. They help people understand why they might have tury has been rich in discovery and invention. Thus, the
attitudes at all, why preferences express themselves as they section on implicit attitude measures is longer than most
do, what evaluations are related to, and how attitudes dictate and is divided into three parts: measures based on response
actions. But theories that make people rub their bellies with latency, autonomic responses, and neural activity, including
satisfaction are not easy to come by, and in the last 50 years, earlier work using ERPs and more recent work focusing
only a handful of attitude theories or models have guided on fMRI as indicators of attitudes.
substantial programs of research and survived experimen-
tal wear and tear: Festinger ’s (1957) theory of cognitive Advances in Survey-type Measures of Attitudes
dissonance, Ajzen and Fishbein’s (1980) theory of rea-
soned action, and Fazio’s (1990) MODE model to explain Most commonly, psychologists have measured behavior
attitude-behavior consistency; Petty and Cacioppo’s (1981; via verbal self-reports of mental states, the exception being
1986) Elaboration Likelihood Model; and Chaiken’s (1980; those who could not, such as those working with babies
Chaiken, Liberman, & Eagly, 1989) Heuristic-Systematic and nonhuman animals. The study of attitudes has been no
Model of attitude change. exception; verbal self-reports are of great interest because
Even within this top-notch collection, nobody will claim they provide an assessment of the knower ’s subjective
to have grand (or even grandish) unifying theories of attitudes. assessment of preferences, opinions, beliefs, or values. For

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Measuring Attitudes: Conceptual Issues and Specific Techniques 355

much of what the psychologist seeks to understand, there is Bradburn, & Schwarz, 1996). The question of data analysis
little of greater value than what is elicited through simple is paramount in understanding the data obtained by all
questions such as: What do you like? How much do you measures, and detailed coverage of this topic is provided
like it? Do you like this better than that? by Judd and Kenny (this volume).
Early measures, including Thurstone’s (1928b) Equal- In a comprehensive chapter on attitude measures,
Appearing Intervals Method, Likert’s (1932) Method of Krosnick, Judd, and Wittenbrink (2005) detail the consider-
Summated Ratings, and Osgood et al.’s (1957) Semantic ations that must go into creating self-report scales (see also
Differential, all relied on participants circling, marking, Krosnick & Fabrigar, in press), with issues of reliability
checking off, and otherwise offering some behavioral indi- and validity of paramount importance. There are, indeed,
cator of their accessible mental states. These three mea- ways to improve the reliability and validity of self-report
sures provide the foundation for most self-report measures scales. Open-ended questions, though requiring a great deal
that are used even today. Their advantage is a relatively of care at the coding stage, are typically more reliable and
low rate of random error variance because of the large valid than close-ended questions. Researchers who desire
number of items that usually compose each scale or test. close-ended questions should choose a proper number of
However, because building a true Thurstone or Likert scale points. Scales with too few (e.g., 2–3) or too many (e.g.,
from scratch can be difficult and expensive, psychologists more than 11) points from which to choose have less reli-
have rendered some scales simpler and easier to use. ability than scales with approximately 4 to 10 points, and
Those who attempt to construct scales that measure traits, validity, which increases quickly with each additional point
such as “the need for evaluation” scale (Jarvis & Petty, in short measures, begins to flatten for long scales. A mod-
1996), need to follow the standard components of scale erate number of points make it easier to label each one, a
construction, paying particular attention to reliability and practice that improves interpretability, and scales of moder-
validity. However, experimental psychologists who study ate length also decrease error variance because of question
attitudes tend to be more interested in constructing inde- order.
pendent variables and presenting particular stimuli. Posing Likewise, creators of a self-report scale must pay
questions that measure attitudes has been largely a matter attention to the absolute versus relative manner in which
of keeping them simple and clear. If one is interested in the attitude questions are posed. Here one is reminded of
effects of misattributing one’s affective state to life overall William McGuire, who when asked, “How was your trip
rather than the beautiful or dreary weather on a particular to London?” would reply, “Compared to what?” Attitude
day, the question is posed as directly as possible: “How questions are often posed without sufficient comparison
happy do you feel about your life as a whole?” (Schwarz & context, and although both types are appropriate, relative
Clore, 1983, p. 519). It is remarkable how much valuable questions can reduce error variance by giving all respon-
information can be learned by posing a single, simple ques- dents a fixed comparison. In some cases, relative scales
tion if the idea underlying the questioning is important predict reported behavior, domain knowledge, and peer
and clever. reports of attitude and behavior better than absolute scales
The bulk of the attention to the question of how best (Olson, Goffin, & Haynes, 2007).
to measure deliberately reportable attitudes has come from Rather than providing participants with a numeric scale,
social scientists, including sociologists, political scien- some measures may be more suited to including a set of
tists, and psychologists, all of whom are interested in the response options. For example, rather than asking partici-
designs of surveys. Agreement exists that a paradigm shift pants to rate how likely they are to vote for each candidate
has occurred in survey measurement, with the emphasis in an election, researchers may provide the names of all
having shifted from the statistical models of sampling errors the candidates and ask participants to select the one for
(with a focus on the effects of survey errors on estimates) to whom they will most likely cast their ballot. When many
a psychological concern with the interpretation of ques- responses are present, however, participants may be more
tions, the reasons for nonresponses, and the effects of con- likely to select from the first few options presented to
text on responses (with a focus on the causes of errors on them, either because they are uninterested in the question
surveys; see Tourangeau, 2003). The influence of models of or because the various options become difficult to remem-
cognition, including social cognition, is evident in the ques- ber. Though this difficulty can be attenuated through
tions that have been posed about the self-report data. These the use of counterbalancing, doing so introduces error
models shifted the focus to understanding the mind of the variance that may not be completely random. It is helpful
respondent and the natural correlates of self-report data, to take steps to prevent order effects from turning into a
including age, culture, and context effects of every form problem in the first place, such as shortening the length
(see Schwarz, 1996; Schwarz & Sudman, 1996; Sudman, of the questionnaire to increase participant motivation and

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356 Attitudes

providing response options that are easy to remember understanding of the nature of attitudes and suggested
and understand (Krosnick et al., 2005). improvements in survey measures of attitudes.
Although most social psychologists rarely conduct
research using random probability samples (because their Measures of Automatic Attitudes
interest is in a psychological process rather than where
the country stands on a particular issue), obvious con- Psychologists have sought and used indirect attitude mea-
nections exist between those who study the processes of sures for decades. Unobtrusive measures have always
attitude formation and change, and those whose concern been of interest in social psychology because of engage-
is measuring respondents’ positions on the big issues of ment with topics that naturally breed a concern to appear
the day. Studying the content of a particular attitude and its socially desirable (Webb, Campbell, Schwartz, & Sechrest,
changing nature, such as why changes in death penalty atti- 1966). What is distinct about the modern era of interest in
tudes are rapid at particular moments in history, often pro- unobtrusive measures is a simpler worry about the lack of
vides useful information not only about such attitudes per access to the contents of the mind. This concern is based
se but about the process of attitude change itself. However, on discoveries about the mind’s two modes of operation:
concerns involving the administration and interpretation the conscious, deliberate, explicit, aware, intended, con-
of data from large samples selected to randomly reflect trolled aspects, as well as the less conscious, mindless,
the population (e.g., of all Americans) are also a part of the implicit, unaware, unintended, and automatic aspects. This
study of attitudes. chapter tends to use the terms “deliberate” or “automatic”
Interviews conducted in person, over the phone, or online to refer to attitudes appearing to be under the respondent’s
are a part of the data-gathering machine, and researchers control to a greater or lesser extent. On the other hand, terms
have given the limits and flexibilities of these a great deal such as “conscious” or “nonconscious” and “explicit” or
of thought. Recent attempts have focused almost exclu- “implicit” refer to attitudes that are more or less within the
sively on the manner in which the respondent understands respondent’s perimeter of conscious awareness.
the question—its syntax, semantics, and pragmatics— Speaking of the mind’s two modes of operation pro-
as well as cognitive biases in encoding and memory (see vides a way of speaking about data that points to disso-
Tourangeau, Rips, & Rasinski, 2000). For example, a ciations in the attitudes that emerge based on variations in
particular difficulty with phone surveys involves their methods used to measure attitudes; it is not meant to imply,
auditory nature and the inability of participants to reread except where directly stated, that the underlying represen-
options. Because of other concerns, such as the lack of tations are independent. Questions of whether the implicit
response in random-digit-dialing sampling, researchers and explicit versions of attitude toward an attitude object
often deem in-person administration to be superior when are two representations or a single one are difficult to test
resources permit. To obtain large sample sizes, researchers (see Conrey, Sherman, Gawronski, Hugenberg, & Groom,
may also conduct studies via the Internet, where it is possi- 2005; Greenwald & Nosek, 2008), although in some cases, as
ble to obtain responses from several thousand participants described later, neural data may give some indication.
simultaneously. Internet sampling provides the added ben- In many circumstances, the most appropriate measure
efit of demographic diversity in all regards except socio- of attitude or preference is obtained by asking participants
economic; participants from any state and almost any for a verbal self-report. Preferences do not have a right or
country may complete an online measure (Gosling, Vazire, wrong answer in many situations—one can express a pref-
Srivastava, & John, 2004; Kraut et al., 2004; Reis & erence pro or con for anchovies or liver, for bell-bottoms
Gosling, this volume). Until Internet fatigue in responding or dreadlocks, for socialism or libertarianism. In each such
to surveys sets in, as it did with the telephone, this technol- case, because the person’s expressed preference and some-
ogy is a useful way to generate both random and nonrandom times the reasons for that preference are of interest, a per-
samples. fectly good avenue is to ask the traditional direct questions
None of the issues raised here is rocket science; yet (e.g., Why do you like liver?).
without attention to these empirically derived solutions The difficulty with relying solely on self-report mea-
and improvements to survey measurement, the ability to sures stems from two sources. First and most obviously,
obtain an accurate read of preferences can be poor. Among not all attitudes are equally socially desirable. One would not
the most interesting research on attitudes, with vast impli- be caught dead confessing a love of liver in a junior high
cations for survey research, is work on the cognitive cafeteria, much less speaking one’s mind about condom
processes that inform the posing of questions, the effects use. In ways that psychologists do not understand fully,
of context, and the limits of respondents (see Sirken et al., the attitudes people express are ones they are often “try-
1999). Such work has simultaneously provided a deeper ing out” or representing in ever-so-slightly different ways

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Measuring Attitudes: Conceptual Issues and Specific Techniques 357

because of the situations in which they find themselves. ways in which the mind works. Verbal self-report measures
Such attitudes may or may not predict later expressions or are a fine way to tap the conscious aspects of the mind’s
behaviors. functioning, but if, indeed, a large amount of cognitive
Because social psychologists have always gravitated and affective processing happens without reliance on
toward studying the contents of consciousness that mat- some facet of consciousness (as Bargh & Chartrand, 1999
ter to people, this question of reaching the core of what a have indicated), how should such content be accessed and
person “really thinks” has been a perennial worry. In the understood? These questions have been asked about all
course of ordinary experimentation, researchers use sev- aspects of social cognition, and this chapter pays close
eral procedures to reduce the effects of social desirability: attention to the discussion as it has affected the measure-
They create environments in which all attitudes are equally ment of attitudes.
easily expressed, provide assurances and evidence that Researchers have often examined hidden attitudes
the reports are anonymous, measure the attitude unobtru- while studying prejudice and intergroup relations. Social
sively, and mask the true purpose of the questioning (see scientists discovered dramatic transformations of atti-
Campbell, Kruskal, & Wallace, 1966; Crosby, Bromley, & tudes toward members of social groups, especially those
Saxe, 1980; Devine, 1989; Dovidio & Fazio, 1992; Fazio, that are stigmatized, over time. For example, the attitudes
Jackson, Dunton, & Williams, 1995; Gaertner & Bickman, and stereotypes expressed about Black Americans, Asian
1971; Jacoby, Toth, Lindsay, & Debner, 1992; Milgram, Americans, and Jews are vastly different today than they
Mann, & Harter, 1965; Nuttin, 1985; Schwarz & Clore, were even a few decades ago (Katz & Braly, 1933; Devine &
1983; Webb et al., 1966; Word, Zanna, & Cooper, 1974). Elliot, 1995; Madon et al., 2001). Behavioral shifts reflect
Even more interesting is the second threat to the assump- these attitude changes, but not to nearly the same extent as
tion of introspective ability. The issue was brought home one might predict.
most strikingly by Nisbett and Wilson (1977), who showed Group differences in access to housing, education, health
that human beings may not know and, therefore, may be care, jobs, and political power have raised questions about
unable to report the reasons for their behaviors. Through why such discrimination continues when, in fact, attitudes
argument and evidence, Nisbett and Wilson offered a major show much weaker evidence of animus. Might measures of
blow to standard assumptions about introspective access. attitude be limited to particular aspects of evaluation that
People do not know, these psychologists showed, why they are visible, leaving aside important determinants of behav-
are better able to fall asleep some nights, why they fear ior that are untapped (Crosby et al., 1980; Fazio & Dunton,
particular objects, why they are willing to accept greater 1997; Gaertner & Dovidio, 1986; Greenwald & Banaji,
amounts of physical pain in the form of electric shocks, 1995; Wilson & Brekke, 1994)?
or why they prefer one item or sound to another. Furthermore, Such concerns are not new, and alternatives to standard
once people change their mind about issues such as busing, measures of social attitudes have been of interest for many
they misremember their previous attitude as matching their decades. For example, in the “bogus pipeline” technique
current one. Even people with the best of intentions may (Jones & Sigall, 1971), participants are led to believe that
be unable to provide accurate information about their own the researcher has a foolproof way of detecting the truth-
attitudes because they simply do not know. fulness of their answers by tapping into physiological
Looking at the same question from another angle, processes. This is typically accomplished by attaching
one can ask why psychologists should expect that people physiological sensors to participants and convincing them
ought to know their preferences in many or most situa- that these sensors function as lie detectors. If attitudes are
tions. Scientists do not make such assumptions about other solicited under such circumstances, it is assumed that the
aspects of human beings. They do not think that a good subject will not lie because of a belief that the experimenter
way to know about somebody’s blood pressure is to ask would ferret out the right answer anyway. A meta-analytic
them what it is; most people could not provide an honest review indicates that bogus pipeline procedures elicit more
and accurate answer even if they wished to. honest responses than do control conditions, particularly
Nisbett and Wilson’s statement (1977) was well ahead of when participants are asked to guess the physiological out-
its time, offered as it was before any of the attitude measures put of the “lie detector test” (Roese & Jamieson, 1993).
described here were invented. By now a significant amount That is, participants who were connected to an apparatus
of research and theorizing has focused on exactly the ques- that they believed was capable of determining their true
tions they posed: What can people know about their attitudes attitudes responded in a less socially desirable way than
and, more importantly, what can they not know? The interest participants who were not connected to such an appara-
in this epistemological question also originated because tus. Furthermore, participants who were presented with a
of data about the split between conscious and unconscious Likert-type scale asking them to report what they believed

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358 Attitudes

the apparatus had recorded were even less likely to respond A growing repertoire of measures expanded the very
in a socially desirable manner. notion of what memory is. At least on the surface, the newly
However, self-presentation concerns are not the only discovered types of memory bore faint resemblance to the
reason to be interested in implicit measures (Nosek, 2007). familiar meaning of this construct, but these new measures
As noted earlier, the thornier problem of attitude measure- were revealing intriguing dissociations between different
ment remains the issue of measuring what is unknown to measures of memory. What the measures of conscious rec-
the respondent. The remainder of the tests described in this ollection were detecting seemed dull when probed by indi-
section, and the work that has commanded the greatest rect measures and vice versa. From such discoveries, the
attention by far, falls into the category of measures that same construct of memory came to be expanded to include
assume that respondents do not and cannot, by and large, varyingly named extensions such as unconscious memory,
have access to particular preferences they hold and act on. implicit memory, automatic memory, indirect memory, and
The assumption is that this state of affairs in the realm of procedural memory.
attitudes is similar to what is true of other mental faculties
Evaluative Priming
such as perception, attention, memory, and reasoning, all
of which are subject to veiled access. Starting in the 1980s, Gaertner and his collaborators (e.g.,
Dovidio, Evans, & Tyler, 1986; Gaertner & McLaughlin,
Measures of Implicit Memory as a Model 1983), Fazio and his colleagues (see Fazio et al., 1986),
for Measures of Implicit Attitudes and Chaiken and Bargh (1993; see Bargh et al., 1992;
Students of memory know that their field changed in sig- Duckworth, Bargh, Garcia, & Chaiken, 2002) developed and
nificant ways starting in the late 1970s. Evidence converged used a measure of evaluative (attitude) priming. Evaluative
from patients with striking memory disorders, as well as from priming tasks are based on the assumption that, if an object
the more mundane behavior of ordinary college students, (e.g., candy) elicits a positive evaluation, it should facilitate
showing the existence of entirely new forms of memory responses to other positive things such as “good” and “pleas-
never previously seen. If there was any doubt that the mind ant” because the two sets of stimuli are evaluatively con-
is only as knowable as the techniques or technologies avail- gruent. Likewise, if an object (e.g., Brussels sprouts) elicits
able to know it, these studies provided the evidence. For 100 a negative evaluation, it should facilitate responding to
years, since Ebbinghaus, the gramophone needle of mea- other negative items such as “bad” or “unpleasant” because
surement had been stuck in a single groove of repeatedly of the shared negativity. Importantly, priming effects should
asking one form of question: to recollect what had happened hold only in relevant domains. That is, evaluative priming
before. But beginning in the 1970s, even though they were should be seen in situations where participants are asked to
interested in the same thing (memory for an event), scien- decide whether something is “good” or “bad,” but facilita-
tists did not just ask for recollections of times past. Instead, tion should not be seen in other kinds of judgments (e.g.,
they asked what seemed like odd questions to understand “object” or “person”; see Wittenbrink, 2007).
memory: “Do you see this to be a word or nonword?” (lexi- Response latencies, that is, the time taken to respond to
cal decision task); “What, if anything, did you see flash by?” a word measured in milliseconds, provides an indirect mea-
(perceptual identification); “Can you complete this frag- sure of attitude strength. Participants see primes (attitude
ment to make a meaningful word?” (word-fragment com- objects such as candy or Brussels sprouts) for a short dura-
pletion); and even, “How much do you like this?” (Jacoby, tion (e.g., 200 ms). Primes are followed by targets (evalu-
1993; Richardson-Klavehn & Bjork, 1988; Roediger, 1990; ative words such as “good” or “bad”), and the participants
Roediger & McDermott, 1993; Schacter, 1987). then have the job of determining whether the target word
Following on the heels of substantial research using lex- describes the prime. If participants hold a strong associa-
ical decisions to understand semantic memory (Meyer & tion between the prime and the target word, they ought to
Schvaneveldt, 1971; Neely, 1977; Posner & Snyder, 1975), respond faster that the word describes the prime than if they
these new tasks transformed how episodic memory, or hold only a weak association between the two.
memory for events, was studied. If subjects had seen the Moreover, if evaluation is a strong driver of judgment,
information before, whether they consciously remembered the priming result should be obtained even when the judg-
seeing it or not, they were faster to say it was a word, more ment is itself nonevaluative, such as when the task the
likely to see it even though it whizzed by at high speed, subject performs does not involve a good-bad decision but
and more likely to use the word to fill in the blanks. These is, for example, a simple pronunciation task (see Bargh
tests served as indices of what was saved in memory and et al., 1996; Giner-Sorolla et al., 1999). Results obtained
whether the person was able to recollect it when asked, through priming techniques may be influenced by factors
“What do you remember?” such as attitude strength or accessibility, the representation

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Measuring Attitudes: Conceptual Issues and Specific Techniques 359

of the prime (whether it is a picture or a word), and task bias in nonverbal behavior suggestive of racial discomfort
instructions (Wittenbrink, 2007). among a sample of Whites interacting with Blacks (Fazio
Psychologists have created several variations on et al., 1995). Furthermore, racial cues can prime an associ-
this basic priming paradigm. In some work (e.g., Giner- ation with violent objects. For example, White participants
Sorolla et al., 1999, Study 2), participants are exposed tended to misidentify harmless tools carried by Blacks as
to a prime and are then asked to pronounce a word that guns, though they made this mistake significantly less often
appears immediately afterward. In studies such as this, when examining White targets (Payne, 2001). Even people
participants are not required to make an explicit evalua- with the best of intentions are prone to errors such as this,
tive judgment. The crucial dependent variable is the length perhaps because stereotypes (e.g., Blacks are violent) are
of time participants take to pronounce the words, which is automatically activated in the presence of a relevant group
shorter when the word is evaluatively congruent with the member, regardless of one’s level of prejudice or stereo-
prime. In other variations, primes are presented in such a type endorsement (Devine, 1989). Evaluative priming is
way that participants are unaware of what they have seen not confined to the racial realm but also predicts social dis-
(either because the prime appeared for too short a time or tance from other stigmatized groups (e.g., obese people;
because it was immediately covered by another object on Bessenoff & Sherman, 2000), as well as nonintergroup
the screen). Nevertheless, even in these cases, the primes experiences such as anxiety during an interview (Spalding &
have been found to influence evaluative judgments (e.g., Hardin, 1999). As Wittenbrink (2007) points out, priming
Croizet, 1998; Greenwald, Klinger, & Liu, 1989; Otten & techniques generally predict such behaviors better than do
Wentura, 1999; Weinberger & Westen, 2008). self-report measures.
Consider a typical priming experiment: participants are Not all priming methods rely on presentations that are too
told that they will be taking part in a study on “word recog- quick for conscious processing. In the Affect Misattribution
nition and meaning,” and will be asked to perform several Procedure, participants view photographs of smiling or
word judgment tasks of increasing complexity (Fazio et al., scowling faces and then rate Chinese pictographs as either
1986). Participants are seated in front of a computer, and “more pleasant than average” or “less pleasant than aver-
their first task is to decide whether particular words are age.” Participants who saw scowling faces tended to
“good” or “bad” using unique keys on a keyboard to rate the pictographs less favorably even when they were
answer as quickly and accurately as possible. After com- specifically instructed that the photographs they had pre-
pleting this task, they are excused for a short break while viously seen might bias their responses (Payne, Cheng,
the experimenter selects 16 of the 70 words to which they Govorun, & Stewart, 2005). These findings demonstrate
have responded. These special 16 are chosen on the basis of that even conscious priming, which the participant has
each participant’s reaction time: The four words that they been told is a source of bias, can have a strong influence on
have most quickly judged to be good or bad are chosen attitudes, even attitudes toward unrelated objects.
as instances of strong primes. Likewise, the four that they
Implicit Association Test
were slowest to label good or bad serve as weak primes.
Participants then reenter the room and are given a sec- The IAT, like evaluative priming, estimates the strength
ond task. They will again see words to be judged as good of association between concepts (the attitude objects) and
or bad, but this time, each adjective will be preceded by attributes (Greenwald et al., 1998). When the attribute
a “memory word” (either 1 of the 16 surreptitiously cho- involved is the good-bad or pleasant-unpleasant dimen-
sen words or a nonsense string such as BBB). Participants sion, the resulting outcome is deemed to be a measure of
must pronounce the word or string aloud while making implicit attitude. When the attribute involved represents a
their judgment. The results are clear: Participants are faster stereotype (e.g., violent/nonviolent), the resulting outcome
to judge words as “good” or “bad” in the second task if is considered a measure of belief (see Banaji, 2001).
they are busy pronouncing a word of the same valence, Used prominently in the study of attitudes toward social
particularly when the “memory word” is a strong rather groups, an example of the IAT as a measure of attitudes
than a weak prime. A participant who has quickly judged toward people of different ages would unfold in the fol-
the word “cake” to be positive in the first task, for example, lowing manner (for details on constructing an IAT, see
is significantly faster to rate the word “delightful” as good Lane, Banaji, Nosek, & Greenwald, 2007): Participants
when pronouncing the word “cake.” would first classify pictures of faces by pressing one key
The magnitude of such priming effects seem to influence if the face is that of a young person and a different key if
a plethora of behaviors. For example, an implicit prefer- the face is that of an elderly person. Next, participants
ence for White over Black, as indicated by performance on would respond to various words by pressing one key if
tasks such as those described earlier, predicts the degree of the word is positive (e.g., joy, love) and a different key if the

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360 Attitudes

word is negative (e.g., terrible, agony). In the following (Teachman, Marker, & Smith-Janik, 2008), in psychopaths
block of trials, participants would see either a word or a toward violence (Gray, MacCulloch, Smith, Morris, &
picture of a face. They would be asked to press one key if Snowden, 2003), and in adolescents toward self-harm
they see either a positive word or a young face and a differ- (Nock & Banaji, 2007). Researchers have also used the IAT
ent key if they see either a negative word or an elderly face. to study happiness (Walker & Schimmack, 2008), alcohol
In the last block of the IAT the pairing would be reversed; consumption (Ostafin & Palfai, 2006), smoking (Robinson,
now participants would be asked to press one key if they see Meier, Zetocha, & McCaul, 2005), and achievement
either a positive word or an elderly face and a different key (Brunstein & Schmitt, 2004), among other topics.
if they see either a negative word or a young face. The order Questions of validation have been addressed most
of blocks is counterbalanced across participants such that reassuringly though through studies of the relationship
some are first asked to pair good⫹young/bad⫹old, whereas between IAT scores and behaviors that satisfy the desire
others are first asked to pair good⫹old/bad⫹young. The for ecological validity. The IAT has been shown to predict
IAT score is obtained by subtracting mean reaction times a vaiety of such outcomes including the voting behaivor of
to the unexpected or counterstereotypical pairing (in this undecided voters (Arcuri, Castelli, Galdi, Zogmaister, &
case, good⫹old/young⫹bad) from mean reaction times to Amadori, 2008); political attitudes toward enlarging a U.S.
the opposite pairing. In this case, positive scores reflect a military base (Galdi, Arcuri, & Gawronski, 2008); actual
tendency to respond faster when young is paired with good suicide attempts (Nock, Park, Finn, Deliberto, Dour, &
and old is paired with bad. Greenwald, Nosek, and Banaji Banaji, in press); response to treatment for panic disor-
(2003) have offered a new scoring algorithm based on data der (Teachman, Marker, Smith-Janik, in press); adoles-
of thousands of participants. cents’ development of alcohol and drug addiction (Thrush,
To someone whose conscious attitude toward the Wiers, Ames, Grenard, Sussman, & Stacy; 20007; Wiers,
elderly is negative, the typical age attitude result on the Houben, & de Kraker, 2007); hiring of ethnic minorities
IAT should come as no surprise. Most people who have in an Arab vs. Swedish applicant pool (Rooth, 2009);
taken the test show some level of elderly/bad association; intent to change jobs (von Hippel, Brener, & von Hippel,
however, for the vast majority who do not sense in them- 2008); and nation-level gender differences in 8th grade
selves any negative attitude toward the elderly—especially science and math achievement (Nosek, et al, 2009).
those who are elderly themselves—the IAT result can be Among the questions of interest has been the relation-
surprising and not necessarily acceptable. In an attempt ship between measures of implicit and explicit attitudes.
to raise awareness about dissociations between explicit These two families of measures can be quite dissociated
and implicit attitudes and beliefs (discussed further in the from each other (the signature result from this area of
Attitude Dissociations section later in this chapter), sev- research), but the domain in which they are implemented
eral tests that often divulge such dissociations are avail- predicts the degree of association that will be obtained. In
able online at: To date, more some domains, such as voting behavior close to an elec-
than 10 million tests have been administered. tion, implicit and explicit evaluations are substantially
Although it has been used as a measure of implicit correlated, but in many domains, such as intergroup atti-
attitudes, the IAT can easily be adapted to provide a mea- tudes, a two-factor solution offers the best fit (e.g., ethno-
sure of implicit beliefs. Such a test may involve comparison centrism; Cunningham, Nezlek, & Banaji, 2004). Nosek’s
of performance in male-female concepts with strong- extensive research on the topic of implicit-explicit conver-
weak attributes or Black-White concepts with scholar- gence and divergence (see Nosek, 2005, 2007; Nosek &
athlete attributes. Likewise, the IAT can be turned into a Smyth, 2007) shows that this relationship varies as a func-
measure of implicit self-attitude by measuring the asso- tion of self-presentation demands, evaluative strength of
ciation of self with the good-bad dimension (Greenwald the attitude, dimensionality (i.e., whether the measured
et al., 2002; see the section entitled, “The Attitude Toward attitude consists of two distinctive poles), and evaluative
Oneself“). distinctiveness (i.e., how much one perceives the attitude
In the years after its development, the IAT was used to to differ from the average attitude of the group).
study intergroup attitudes more than other types of evalu- The IAT is easily adaptable, and researchers have created
ations; however, it is increasingly visible in other research many variations. To overcome the limitation of relying on
programs, including those concerning consumer behavior two distinct categories (e.g., Black and White), the Go/No-
(Janiszewski, 1988; Maison, Greenwald, & Bruin, 2004; go Association Task (Nosek & Banaji, 2001) presents partic-
Shapiro, 1999) and attitudes of interest to clinical psycholo- ipants with one target item (e.g., Black faces) and numerous
gists. For example, the test has been used to study atti- distracter items (e.g., Latino, Asian, and White faces) to
tudes in clinical samples toward phobia-producing stimuli which they must inhibit a response. Other variants present

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Measuring Attitudes: Conceptual Issues and Specific Techniques 361

participants with only one category (e.g., Black faces; based on the expectation that a participant will respond
Karpinski & Steinman, 2006) or ask subjects to categorize with the color name faster when they evaluate a particular
according to both category and attribute at the same time. In stimulus as positive (de Houwer, 2003).
the latter case, participants may see a picture of a face and Another test, the Extrinsic Affective Simon Task (de
a word presented together in the middle of the screen Houwer, 2003), uses differently colored words to determine
and be asked to press one of four keys: one key if they see a participants’ evaluations of stimulus items. Instead of pairing
picture of a Black face paired with a positive word, another attributes with categories, this task utilizes white and colored
key if they see a picture of a White face paired with a nega- words. Participants are asked to categorize the white words
tive word, and so on (Bar-Anan, Nosek, & Vianello, 2009). based on their valence and the colored words based on their
Similarly, another variant presents stimulus items in this same color, the expectation being that participants will respond
way but includes neutral categories such as “furniture,” as more quickly when the white and colored words assigned to
well as more traditional categories (e.g., faces and positively the same key share valence. For example, a participant may
or negatively valenced words; Blanton, Jaccard, Gonzalez, & be asked to respond with one key whenever a positive white
Christie, 2006). In other variations, the number of blocks word or any blue word appears, and to respond with another
and trials has been reduced (Sriram & Greenwald, 2009; key when a negative white word or any green word appears.
Teige-Mocigemba, Klauer, & Rothermund, 2008) to further In this case, participants should be faster to categorize the
shorten the duration of the IAT and make it appropriate for word “joy” written in blue and the word “vomit” written in
inclusion in large-scale data-gathering exercises involving green, because “joy” is paired with positive white words and
multiple sites. Another variant of the IAT asks participants “vomit” is paired with negative white words.
to respond by moving a joystick, thus indexing unconscious Finally, another task based on response times engages
preference through automatic behaviors (Schnabel, Banse, & the participant physically. Using Evaluative Movement
Asendorpf, 2006). Finally, the IAT has been adapted for use Assessment (Brendl, Markman, & Messner, 2005),
with children as young as 6 (Baron & Banaji, 2006). researchers ask participants to categorize stimuli by mov-
ing a joystick toward or away from their own body. For
Other Response Latency Measures instance, participants may be required to pull a joystick
of Implicit Attitudes toward themselves if they see positive words and away
In addition to evaluative priming and the IAT, which are the from themselves if they see negative words. This measure
two most widely used measures of unconscious attitudes, allows researchers to measure attitudes toward several dif-
researchers have developed numerous other measures. The ferent objects using one scale that is centered on a neutral
first of these, developed in the late 1970s, is quite similar to point. That is, because the crucial dependent measure is a
a derivation of the IAT. Known as the Eriksen Flanker Task difference in reaction times (how long the participant took
(Eriksen & Schultz, 1979), this measure asks participants to push or pull the joystick in response to the same word),
to respond to a stimulus surrounded by distracter items. the true zero point reflects no difference in reaction time.
Congruent sets consist of items (e.g., arrows) pointing in
Criticisms of Response Latency Measures
the same direction, whereas incongruent sets contain dis-
tracter items pointing in different directions. Participants The measures described earlier have not been immune
are expected to respond faster to congruent rather than from criticism, and critics have posed three main clusters of
incongruent sets, indicating the orientations that they find challenges: psychometric properties, procedural features,
most related. and predictive validity. It has been argued that response
A second task adapts the original Stroop task to the latency measures do not necessarily correlate highly with
study of attitudes. Known as the Emotional Stroop Task each other (Bosson, Swann, & Pennebaker, 2000) and that
(e.g., Mogg, Mathews, & Weinman, 1989; Pratto & John, response latency measures lack a nonarbitrary zero point
1991), this measure requires participants to pronounce (Blanton & Jaccard, 2006). Yet others have questioned the
the color in which a word is written rather than saying the proper interpretation of the scores from such tests, draw-
word itself. Positive and negative words are presented, ing a distinction between the individual’s own attitude ver-
and the response latency to name the color in which the sus cultural learning (Karpinski & Hilton, 2001; Olson &
word is written is used as an index of attention resources. Fazio, 2004), and posed alternative explanations in terms
Participants are slower to respond with the color name of greater familiarity or greater salience as the determining
when undesirable traits are presented, indicating that such reason for the obtained outcome rather than attitude per
words require more attention than desirable trait labels se (Brendl, Markman, & Messner, 2001; Rothermund &
(Pratto & John, 1991). This task could, therefore, be used Wentura, 2004). These debates have enhanced an under-
to determine which of two stimuli a participant favors, standing of the IAT and other response latency measures

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362 Attitudes

that share its properties. (Some definitive responses, as member “sometimes lets me borrow money from him,”
well as ongoing debates, can be found in Banaji, 2001; again implying that similar others are stably nice, whereas
Banaji, Nosek, & Greenwald, 2004; Dasgupta, McGhee, dissimilar others may only do nice things on occasion
Greenwald, & Banaji, 2000; Greenwald, Nosek, Banaji, & (Walton & Banaji, 2004).
Klauer, 2005; Greenwald, Nosek, & Sriram, 2006; Although this section provides an extensive list of implicit
Greenwald, Rudman, Nosek, & Zayas, 2006; Lane et al., behavioral measures of attitude currently in use, the list is
2007; Nosek & Hansen, 2008; Ottaway, Hayden, & Oakes, not complete. Other such measures include the name-letter
2001; and Rudman, Greenwald, Mellott, & Schwartz, effect (e.g., Koole, Dijksterhuis, & van Knippenberg, 2001;
1999.) Perhaps not surprisingly, these measures being so Nuttin, 1985), the stimulus response compatibility task
counter to the standard method of measuring attitudes, (Mogg, Bradley, Field, & de Houwer, 2003), the implicit
some have posed questions about the predictive validity of association procedure (Schnabel, Banse, & Asendorpf,
response latency measures. What can scientists learn about 2006), the single association test (Blanton et al., 2006), the
meaningful human behavior by knowing that individu- approach-avoid task (Rinck & Becker, 2007), the implicit
als respond to some words or pictures faster than others? relational assessment procedure (e.g., Barnes-Holmes,
Given the hundreds of studies that are now available using Hayden, Barnes-Holmes, & Stewart, 2008), and the word
such methods, a great deal is now known about the various association task (Stacy, Leigh, & Weingardt, 1997). All
forms of validity of the measures. Response latency mea- together, the development of such measures has been an
sures correlate with neural activation patterns, fall into line extensive preoccupation of scientists interested in attitudes
with expected “known-groups” differences in attitude, and and other aspects of social cognition.
predict nonverbal responses of friendliness, the choice of
a partner, performance ratings, and the treatment of others Measures of the Autonomic Nervous System
(Greenwald, Poehlman, Uhlmann, & Banaji, 2009; Jost
et al., in press). The rapid blink of an eye, the rush of sweat to the palms,
and the hastening of a heartbeat are, according to some psy-
Other Indirect Measures of Attitudes chologists, useful indicators of a person’s attitude toward
Another commonly-used group of indirect attitude mea- the thing that is responsible for such bodily responses.
sures are linguistic in nature. Language reveals much about Blascovich and Mendes (this volume) thoroughly review
thoughts and emotions, and some of these revelations are common physiological measures and describe several ways
unconscious and unintended. In a thorough review of the rev- in which researchers have used these techniques to study
elations language provides about preferences, von Hippel, attitudes. This section elaborates on the ways in which sci-
Sekaquaptewa, and Vargas (2008) suggest that people’s entists have applied biological psychology to the study of
words may reveal more about themselves than they might preferences.
know. For example, the number of plural pronouns (we, us) In spite of the obvious advantage of stealth, physiologi-
as compared with the number of singular pronouns (I, he, cal measures did not fare well enough to become broadly
she) participants used when writing about relationships has used as a means of measuring attitudes for a variety of rea-
proved to be a strong predictor of their friendship quality sons, including the inability to distinguish positive from
(Agnew, van Lange, Rusbult, & Langston, 1998), and prim- negative responses. For many decades they played a more
ing people with plural pronouns causes them to feel greater minor role in understanding attitudes, and such techniques
interdependence (Brewer & Gardner, 1996; Gardner, have even been viewed as the poor cousins of more expen-
Gabriel, & Lee, 1999). Likewise, people may reveal their atti- sive measures of brain activity. However, because physi-
tudes through their choice of adjectives, relying on broader ological measures provide an intriguing glimpse into the
adjectives to describe attitude-consistent behaviors. For structure and functions of attitudes, this section describes
example, if a favored in-group member behaves positively, some of the more commonly used physiological techniques
people may say that the action is nice, which is perceived in the hopes of enhancing understanding of this important
to be a stable quality. However, if a disliked group member methodology.
performed the same action, individuals might label it “gen- Cacioppo and colleagues (Cacioppo, 1982; Cacioppo &
erous” (if the person has just offered them money) or “help- Sandman, 1978) used such measures quite early and exten-
ful” (if they have just opened a door for someone), implying sively to understand the nature of attitudes (Cacioppo, Petty,
that the outgroup member is not “nice” in general but per- Losch, & Kim, 1986; Cacioppo & Sandman, 1981; Ito &
forms only specific positive behaviors (Hamilton, Gibbons, Cacioppo, 2007), and Blascovich and Mendes have added
Stroessner, & Sherman, 1992). People may also refer to substantially to the continued application of these methods
the ingroup member as “nice” and say that the outgroup in many aspects of social cognition, including attitudes (see

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Measuring Attitudes: Conceptual Issues and Specific Techniques 363

Blascovich & Mendes, this volume). Like other measures activity created in response to muscle contraction, with
of implicit attitudes, physiological recordings allow stronger contraction force resulting in higher measure-
researchers to gain access to attitudes that participants may ments (Hess, 2008).
be unwilling or unable to report. Unlike other techniques, From EMG, much has been learned about the uncon-
physiological measures also allow for continuous record- scious nature of attitudes. Participants in one study, for
ings and, therefore, may provide an index of attitude shifts example, showed more cheek area activity (associated with
over a brief time span (Cunningham, Packer, Kesek, & van smiling) when exposed to a smiling face, even when they
Bavel, 2008). did not consciously process the stimulus. Likewise, partici-
One of the earliest measures of physiological respond- pants showed greater brow activity in response to an angry
ing is electrodermal activity (EDA, also known as skin face as compared with a neutral-face baseline (Dimberg,
conductance response [SCR] or galvanic skin response). Thunberg, & Elmehed, 2000). Such facial expressions
EDA measures the amount of sweat produced by the can indicate positive (in the case of smiling) or negative
eccrine glands, which are found throughout the body but (in the case of frowning) attitudes. People continue to be
are heavily concentrated on the hands and feet (for more influenced by faces seen long enough to be processed con-
details on this method, see Mendes, 2008). Among the sciously; when viewing positively evaluated targets, partic-
first experiments to use EDA as an attitude measure dem- ipants engaged in more facial mimicry than when viewing
onstrated that participants showed greater EDA increases negatively evaluated targets. In fact, negative targets can
when interacting with a Black rather than a White experi- elicit opposing facial expressions (e.g., zygomaticus major
menter (Rankin & Campbell, 1955). Later researchers have activity, associated with smiling, in response to a sad
pointed out that physiological responses can be nonspecific expression; Likowski, Muhlberger, Seibt, Pauli, & Weyers,
and may indicate general levels of arousal; in Rankin and 2008). The relationship here is reciprocal; not only do peo-
Campbell’s (1955) study, for instance, it is not possible to ple mimic those they like, but they can facilitate liking by
determine whether increases in EDA signaled a positive copying others. In one study, participants who interacted
or negative evaluation (Krosnick et al., 2005; Mendes, with a mimicking confederate later reported more liking
2008). However, physiological changes can provide infor- of their interaction partner than did those who interacted
mation about particular attitudes in constrained settings. with a nonmimicking person (Chartrand & Bargh, 1999,
For instance, if the experimental situation is limited to fear, Study 2).
EDA activity may be used as an index of fear responding; Although EMG is a powerful measure because of its
in other situations, the same marker may simply indicate capacity to index microscopic activity that cannot be
greater arousal or attention to particular stimulus items. detected by the naked eye, other researchers have focused
Since the development of EDA measures, psycholo- on changes that are even more difficult to see, diving
gists have continued to adopt an increasing number of beneath the skin to explore the autonomic nervous system.
techniques used by physiologists. For instance, partici- In one study, researchers measured ventricular contractility
pants evaluated ideographs more favorably when they (the time from the beginning of the left ventricular contrac-
were presented during arm flexion than during arm exten- tion to the opening of the aortic valve of the heart), cardiac
sion (Cacioppo, Priester, & Berntson, 1993). It has also output (the amount of blood being pumped by the heart),
been shown that physical approach behaviors (e.g., pull- and total peripheral resistance (the overall amount of vaso-
ing a lever toward oneself) improved interracial attitudes constriction or vasodilation occurring in regions outside
compared with avoidance behaviors (e.g., pushing a lever the brain and heart) during interactions with expectancy-
away; Kawakami, Phills, Steele, & Dovidio, 2007). violating partners (e.g., an Asian confederate speaking with
Though EDA is often used as an index of arousal a Southern accent). They found that participants interact-
in response to a particular stimulus, it is a poor indica- ing with an expectancy-violating partner exhibited less
tor of valence. Individuals may show an increase in EDA ventricular contraction, lower cardiac output, and greater
because they are looking at something they really like or total peripheral resistance than did participants interact-
something they really do not like, and it is impossible to ing with a non-expectancy-violating confederate (Mendes,
differentiate these responses by examining EDA alone Blascovich, Hunter, Lickel, & Jost, 2007). These reactions
(Cunningham et al., 2008). For this reason, other measures are consistent with threat responses and indicate that par-
are necessary to accomplish such a task. Facial electro- ticipants interacting with unexpected others felt threatened
myography (EMG) can reveal negative or positive affect rather than challenged by the interaction. Participants whose
associated with a particular target, even when indepen- expectations had been violated also exhibited less positive
dent judges are unable to detect an evaluative response affect and rated their partners less positively than partici-
(see Krosnick et al., 2005). EMG measures electrical pants whose partners matched expectations, indicating that

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364 Attitudes

people may hold more positive attitudes toward individuals that the N400 indicates the presence of semantically
whose behaviors are in line with their expectations. incongruent targets (Morris, Squires, Taber, & Lodge, 2003).
It is clear that measures of autonomic arousal can pro- Furthermore, evaluatively inconsistent stimuli also
vide a rich picture of attitudes when used and interpreted elicit LPPs of greater amplitude than evaluatively consis-
properly by experts who understand their virtues and tent stimuli. Participants were asked to accurately report or
limits, as is true of most modern measures of attitudes. misreport their attitudes. LPP amplitudes were higher when
Psychologists will most likely make greater use of physi- participants accurately reported their attitudes, suggesting
ological measures in conjunction with response latency that examining this waveform may provide a measure of
tests, as well as direct measures of brain activity as a means attitudes that participants are unable or unwilling to report
of studying attitudes in the future. (Crites, Cacioppo, Gardner, & Berntson, 1995). The LPP
waveforms that occur when participants respond to evalua-
tively incongruent stimuli are lateralized, and evidence sug-
Measures of Neural Activity
gests that this waveform is greater over the right, rather than
With the ability to measure the brain’s electrical activity the left, hemisphere (Cacioppo et al., 1996). The LPP can also
and blood flow/oxygenation levels, neuroscientists have be lateralized differently depending on the evaluation
looked directly at the boss of the autonomic nervous system. itself: Concepts rated as bad tended to elicit right-lateralized
Developments in social neuroscience have included atten- waveforms, whereas those rated as good elicited left later-
tion to understanding ordinary preferences, fear, and valence alization (Cunningham, Espinet, DeYoung, & Zelazo,
effects, all of which are relevant to understanding attitudes 2005). Positive and negative attitudes also elicit different
(see Lieberman, this volume). Together with behavioral patterns of EEG activation (Pizzagalli, Koenig, Regard, &
measures that have attempted to elaborate on the responses Lehmann, 1999).
participants give to direct questions, neural activity pro- Although ERPs have taught scientists much about atti-
vides yet another way of looking at dissociations between tudes, particularly because they offer good temporal reso-
conscious and less conscious attitudes. Because fMRI and lution, imaging via fMRI complements ERP research by
other technologies used to study the brain are relatively new, providing spatial resolution. The ability to view where
scientists’ understanding of the data presented here will in the brain activity is concentrated during specific tasks,
likely grow exponentially in the years to come. Thus, the possible because of fMRI, has produced a revolution in
findings described here should be taken as a starting place cognitive and social neuroscience. Because brain regions
for future work, not a final say on the role of neural activity that are more active require more oxygen than areas that
in evaluation. are relatively inactive, a greater volume of blood flows to
ERPs have been used for quite some time to determine the more active regions. fMRI technology measures and
the consistency and affective valence of attitudinal reports. records the difference in blood oxygenation levels in vari-
ERPs measure brain activity in response to specific events. ous brain regions. These measurements can be taken when
Notably, ERPs are capable of measuring rapid neural individuals are asked to consciously and deliberately reflect
changes, providing the only noninvasive measure to date on particular aspects of an attitude object, as well as when
of recording neural firing. Neuronal activity results in mea- participants are responding to stimulus items too quickly
surable electrical activity at the scalp, and ERPs correlate to reflect consciously on them (Cunningham & Zelazo,
this activity-specific stimuli or behavior. ERP waveforms 2007). Stanley, Phelps, and Banaji (2008) have offered a
contain multiple components, or deflections in either the three-tier model involving the amygdala, the anterior cin-
positive or negative direction (not valence), and the magni- gulated cortex (ACC), and the dorsolateral prefrontal cor-
tude of these deflections can provide information concern- tex (dlPFC) to describe the neural basis of implicit attitudes
ing the strength of the stimulus’s influence (Bartholow & (see Lieberman, this volume, for diagrams of brain regions
Amodio, 2008; Berger, 1929; Moruzzi & Magoun, 1949). involved in social cognition). According to this model, the
One such deflection is the P300 (e.g., a positive deflec- amygdala is involved in the automatic evaluation of social
tion occurring at a latency of about 300 ms). Judgments stimuli, whereas the ACC is involved in detection of implicit
concerning evaluatively inconsistent objects (e.g., expo- preferences and the dlPFC takes part in regulating them.
sure to a series of negative objects after exposure to posi- The amygdala is uniquely situated to modulate cogni-
tive traits) tend to elicit a larger amplitude P300-like wave tive input and automatic behaviors. It receives information
(Cacioppo, Crites, Berntson, & Coles, 1993). Such judg- from multiple neural structures, including low-level sen-
ments also elicit an N400 wave not found when partici- sory areas, as well as those regions responsible for memory
pants viewed evaluatively congruent stimuli, a result that and higher cognitive processes. Because of the direct route
replicates findings from the semantic literature, suggesting between the amygdala and the thalamus, the amygdala can

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Origins of Attitudes 365

process information sooner than the cortical sensory areas how much their attitude had changed now that they were
(LeDoux, 1996). Output from the amygdala travels far permitted more time to come to a decision. Activity in
and wide (i.e., several inches!), to destinations as varied the bilateral amygdala, OFC, and right insula was related
as the brainstem and hypothalamus to early sensory corti- to attitude ratings for both evaluative and nonevaluative
ces and cortical association areas. Its projections into the judgments. Emotionality ratings were correlated with acti-
orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) allow individuals to compare vation in brainstem regions, areas that are associated with
expected rewards and punishments with the circumstances automatic processes. Their activation provides further sup-
in which they presently find themselves. If a conflict is port for the premise that aspects of evaluation function at
detected, the ACC kicks into gear to monitor the situation. unconscious levels (Cunningham, Raye, & Johnson, 2004).
The lateral PFC may also become involved, bringing its Given the coordination among different brain regions, it is
expertise in reprocessing and exerting conscious control impossible to locate attitudes in only one area. Forming,
(Cunningham, Zelazo, Packer, & van Bavel, 2007). expressing, and controlling attitudes requires cooperation
Indeed, attitude researchers have focused on the amyg- among different brain regions, none of which is capable of
dala in large part because of its important role in evalua- doing the job alone.
tion. This research indicates that greater amygdala activity As described earlier, researchers use a variety of tech-
is associated with the presentation of emotionally valenced niques to study automatic attitudes. These methods share
(e.g., fearful) faces conditioned with an aversive stimulus, several commonalities, foremost among which is that they
even when participants are not consciously aware of these do not seek a reflective response to a traditionally posed
stimuli (Morris, Ohman, & Dolan, 1998; Whalen et al., question. Furthermore, many measures of automatic atti-
1998; Williams et al., 2006). This important work suggests tudes make assumptions about the associative nature of
that brain activity, particularly in the amygdala, can pro- learning and memory, and rely on responses given quickly
vide information about evaluations of which the partici- to tap automatic cognition. De Houwer (2008) argues that
pant is unaware. Analyses of brain activity more generally, implicit measures have in common their ability to predict
and of the amygdala in particular, have provided evidence particular outcomes under certain conditions (e.g., circum-
about the malleability of attitudes (Harris & Fiske, 2006, stances under which participants cannot control the expres-
2007). The importance of the amygdala is so great that sion of a particular attitude). That is, measures of automatic
damage to this area severely compromises the ability to attitudes may be related through their functional properties,
acquire classically conditioned preferences (Davis, 1997). and measures may be automatic along particular dimen-
Other brain regions may respond to different aspects of sions but not others (de Houwer, 2006). The IAT, for exam-
evaluation. For example, although the amygdala is involved ple, can be considered automatic in that participants cannot
in automatic evaluation of social stimuli, it is the ACC that easily control their responses, but it cannot be considered
is implicated in the detection of implicit attitudes and the implicit in that participants are often aware of what each
dlPFC that may regulate them (Stanley et al., 2008). The OFC IAT is intended to measure, whereas linguistic measures of
is receiving specific attention in the study of attitudes; attitudes meet the implicit criterion on this dimension.
whereas the left posterior regions of the OFC are associated However, it is clear that the methods are not inter-
with determining the value of a particular object, medial changeable. Though implicit measures may have simi-
anterior areas of this region are involved in making deci- lar functions, they differ structurally and in the specific
sions based on that value (Cunningham, Kesek, & Mowrer, aspects of attitudes they tap (de Houwer, 2008). Although
in press). The ventral striatum, located just above the amyg- response latency measures offer information concerning
dala, may help people learn fear (Davis & Whalen, 2001). implicit associations, physiological and neuroscientific
Like LPPs, patterns of brain activation may be lateralized; methods provide extensive information on physical cor-
areas of the right inferior frontal cortex and anterior insula relates of particular attitudes. Thus, the decision of which
seem to be activated to a greater extent when processing measure to use depends on the type of study and the vari-
negative rather than positive information (Cunningham ables of interest, as well as increasingly on expertise and
et al., 2008). availability of resources.
Patterns of activation in other brain areas show that
evaluation can be unconscious. In one study, participants
were scanned while making evaluative (good or bad) or ORIGINS OF ATTITUDES
nonevaluative (abstract or concrete) judgments about rap-
idly presented stimuli. After scanning, participants were By the time one is old enough to read chapters such as
asked to reflectively rate each stimulus on several evalu- this one, the mind is stuffed with a near-infinite number
ative dimensions (e.g., positive or negative) and to report of attitudes toward everything imaginable, with tastes and

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366 Attitudes

distastes ranging from Shropshire cheese to Schopenhauer. some fundamental questions about the origins of attitudes
But where do these attitudes come from and what do psy- have remained unattended for three reasons, and understand-
chologists know about their earliest forms? ing what these reasons are may be instructive.
Although acknowledging that people can acquire atti- First, practical considerations can interfere with the col-
tudes through potentially nonsocial sources such as classical lection of the necessary data. Scientists know little about the
conditioning (discussed later), social psychologists typi- manner in which infants and young children acquire pref-
cally assume that many preferences derive from different erences. Yet to understand anything of consequence one
parts of the social world, from the words and behaviors of must reach back to the earliest stages of development of
other beings, and from the events that unfold in the world. the organism for clues to its ontology. Whether it is the uni-
Individuals “get” attitudes from others directing infor- verse or the human body, the original or first state is crucial.
mation toward them explicitly (“Hey, wanna read some The least persuasive reason is the most likely for the absence
Schopenhauer together?”) or because the experiences that of such data. Adults prove to be more convenient samples
produce them are simply there for the taking (“I tasted some to study than infants and young children. A related reason
Shropshire cheese at Fromaggio’s and now I’m addicted.”). is that carving up the field as psychologists have, the study
The sources of attitudes may be agents in close proximity, of attitudes and social cognition has not been at the center of
such as associates, caregivers, friends, schools, and neigh- the developmentalists’ interest, just as developmental ques-
borhoods, or they may sit far away and reach distant indi- tions concerning social behavior have been largely absent
viduals through new technologies, such as television and the in the laboratories of social cognitionists, a situation that
Internet. From such sources people acquire attitudes toward may now be changing (see Olson & Dweck, 2008).
the shape of bodies, the design of clothes, and the beat of A second reason that the question of origins appears
music. People build preferences from blogs, chat rooms, to have been neglected is political. Examining the origins
and Twitter. The study of attitudes as it exists today provides of attitudes necessarily involves studying the connection
prima facie evidence of the vast and deep ways in which the between evolutionary and biological, as well as social,
social world presents, creates, imposes, cajoles, and sneaks forces. Though some psychologists have tackled the ques-
in attitudes of all forms all the time. tion of evolutionary influences on social behavior (e.g.,
One can learn social attitudes in many ways: from Pinker, 2002), many have been wary of considering such
parents (Sinclair, Dunn, & Lowery, 2005; Tenenbaum & explanations for topics such as group differences in math-
Leaper, 2002), peers (Poteat, 2007; van de Gaer, Pustjens, ematical ability or intelligence. Who can blame them, given
van Damme, & de Munter, 2007), and the media (Levina, the close association between the early analyses of herita-
Waldo, & Fitzgerald, 2000; Hargreaves & Tiggemann, bility and racial imperialism included among other politi-
2003), to name just a few sources. Of course, one’s cultural cally dubious uses of science?
tradition (Dunham, Baron, & Banaji, 2006; Hayes & Lee, William McGuire, writing in a precursor chapter on
2005; Sahar & Karasawa, 2005), the process of attitude this topic, notes that “[a] man of this writer ’s generation
contagion (Alexander, Piazza, Mekos, & Valente, 2001; considers the possibility that there may be a genetic com-
Cohen & Prinstein, 2006), and social learning (Bandura, ponent in attitude determination only with trepidation”
1977) all contribute to attitude formation as well. (McGuire, 1968, p. 161). Scientists should now be able to
To study attitudes, then, has been to study the processes overcome political resistance to pursuing intellectual mat-
of preference acquisition and change. Because this is the ters of importance so that such trepidation is legitimately
case, this chapter focuses on some of the lesser studied top- nonexistent. As psychology and other life sciences inter-
ics and approaches, as well as those that are in early stages act and even meld, integrative analyses of attitudes may
of growth, in the hope that their presence here will facili- also prosper. Such analyses will permit a more seamless
tate greater attention. Importantly, developmental mea- view of what is in the body and outside it, and they will
sures, especially those used with infants, are quite restricted surely reveal how people’s preferences have been shaped
because of infants’ limited capacities to express themselves. by the biological and cultural history of the human spe-
Such measures are thus open to multiple interpretations, cies, as well as the highly influential immediate situations
some of which are presented later. in which individuals find themselves.
The predominant understanding of attitudes concerns Such analyses should now proceed without their misuse
the structure of existing preferences and the processes of by eugenicists, a misuse in which psychology has played
attitude change in adult humans. Working with existing and no small role. In addition, psychologists can no longer turn
well-developed attitudes meant forfeiting analyses of their a blind eye to the fact that attitudes, like any other aspect
formation and change; thus, investigators often created new of human nature and culture, have an evolutionary his-
attitudes in the laboratory to have “clean” ones to dissect. But tory. Much can be learned from the open-mindedness of

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Origins of Attitudes 367

the early commentaries in social psychology. Allport’s first scattered studies measuring the heritability factor of attitudes
chapter on attitudes in the 1935 handbook remarks on the suggest two conclusions. First, heritable attitudes seem to
favored status of the attitude concept by stating, “It is a be psychologically more robust and accessible (Bourgeois,
concept which escapes the ancient controversy concern- 2002; Crelia & Tesser, 1996; Tesser, 1993). Genetic influ-
ing the relative influence of heredity and environment” ences on attitudes may emerge earlier and seem to be more
(p. 798). This chapter treats it as such conceptually, in the consequential (e.g., people tend to prefer those who share their
hope that the next handbook will contain more solid evi- attitudes over those who do not, and this effect appears to be
dence about the origins of attitudes that can be obtained slightly stronger for attitudes that are more heritable). More
only by paying heed to analyses not only of adult humans heritable preferences may also be less prone to change; par-
but to other species and younger humans as well. ticipants in a group discussion showed less attitude change
A third reason for ignoring the question of origins is the when discussing evaluations estimated to be more heritable.
more understandable one of the lack of availability of meth- The influences of heritable attitudes appear earlier than pre-
ods. Recent research has shown just how much progress viously thought, showing up during early adolescence in
new techniques permit. Methods to understand the minds some studies (Abrahamson, Baker, & Caspi, 2002).
of adults and children using both behavioral and brain mea- Second, attitudes vary greatly in what is considered to be
sures will surely play a major role in new understandings of their heritability factor (e.g., Olson, Vernon, Harris, & Jang,
the attitude concept. In the time between Gregor Mendel’s 2001; Crelia & Tesser, 1996; Tesser, 1993). For example,
discoveries of the laws of heredity in 1866 and their redis- relatively high heritability coefficients have been calculated
covery at the beginning of the 20th century, as well as the for attitudes toward a variety of objects, including the death
sequencing of the human genome in 2003, a new era of penalty, jazz, apartheid, and censorship (Tesser, 1993).
understanding the role of heredity in the nature of prefer- Attitudes toward abortion are highly heritable, whereas atti-
ence has opened. tudes toward easy access to birth control are only weakly
Social psychology focuses on the social environment, heritable (Olson et al., 2001). Political attitudes appear to
and this will naturally lead scientists working in this field to be more heritable than political party identification (Alford,
be appropriately skeptical of any simple genetic reduc- Funk, & Hibbing, 2005), and conservatism seems to be
tionism in understanding attitudes and all things important. more highly heritable than religious attitudes (Abrahamson
They should continue to be unconvinced when it comes to et al., 2002). In general, 40% to 50% of the variability in
understanding attitudes for obvious reasons, including the ideological attitudes may be because of genetic factors
more general indictment that Lewontin provides in his (Alford et al., 2005; Bouchard et al., 2003; Carmen, 2007).
book The Triple Helix (2002, p. 17): “Any computer that This may be explained by the heritability of other cognitive
did as poor a job of computation as an organism does from and motivational factors that underlie political orientation
its genetic ‘program’ would immediately be thrown into (e.g., orientations toward uncertainty and threat; Jost, 2006,
the trash and its manufacturer would be sued by the pur- but see also Alford & Hibbing, 2007).
chaser.” The same can be said for theories of environmental Heritability research faces many difficulties. For one,
input as well, but because there is always the fascination no explanation exists for why some attitudes are or should
that the genetic code will explain everything, it is partic- be more heritable than others, nor do psychologists know
ularly important to be aware of the bias to overattribute what mechanism(s) might be responsible for transmitting
causal importance to genetic factors. some attitudes from parent to child. In addition, studies of
Nevertheless, it remains important to examine the bio- heritability have mostly used twin samples (e.g., Eaves,
logical and social roots of preferences. Naïve theories about Eysenck, & Martin, 1989), which present well-known inter-
the heritability of attitudes go in two opposing directions. pretational difficulties. For example, monozygotic twins
The visible preferences of children and parents are clearly are treated more similarly by significant others (Eaves
shaped by their different age cohorts, making it easy to see et al., 1989) and may, therefore, show a stronger resem-
differences in attitudes. “I am so not like my mother” is a blance because of environmental and not genetic factors.
routine expression, especially when speaking about tastes This may be true even for identical twins reared apart
in music, attire, and views of parenting. Just as much, gen- because of shared features that may elicit similar treatment
erational similarity also comes through: “He and his daugh- (e.g., because physical attractiveness is known to play a
ter both scrunch up their faces when they are served carrots; role in how one is treated, e.g., Dion, Berscheid, & Walster,
it must be genetic.” 1972). Furthermore, attitudes may incorrectly reveal a
It would be nice if the research evidence pointed a way high heritability coefficient when all members of a group
out, ruling clearly in favor or not in favor of the partial heri- have been exposed to the same environmental input. For
tability of attitudes, but that is not the current situation. A few instance, if all members of a particular geographic region

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368 Attitudes

have consumed the same propaganda, they will likely show what they do know is restricted to a small number of
similar attitudes toward the object in question, leading to attitude domains. This situation appears to be changing,
a high heritability estimate despite the fact that the atti- with a more focused interest in understanding the minds of
tude was socially transmitted (Olson et al., 2001). Because infants and young children as they develop the ability for
genes can influence individuals’ responses to their environ- social cognition.
ment, genetic and environmental influences are difficult to Researchers typically use one of several measures when
separate (Eaves et al., 1989). studying infants. Looking time is among the most com-
mon, especially with infants who are not old enough to
reach for objects. Psychologists have used looking time as
an indication of the ability to differentiate different classes
To understand the attitudes people have and why, psycholo- of objects. For instance, if infants see nine female faces in
gists may look toward nonhuman primates, those closer to a row and then gaze longer at the tenth face if it is male,
humans in the ancestral chain, as well as those much further that is evidence that the infant recognizes the tenth face as
away. Understanding nonhuman primates alongside people different from the first nine. Psychologists have also used
provides yet another path toward deeper knowledge of looking time to index familiarity and preference. These
the origins of attitudes and preferences. Because attitudes, two constructs are difficult to differentiate among young
linked as they are to enabling survival, are so fundamental infants, who cannot give other indications of whether they
to the existence of every species, comparative studies may are looking longer at a particular object because it is famil-
also help those theorists whose primary task is to broadly iar or because they like it. Children who are old enough to
understand evolutionary processes that are psychological in grasp may provide evidence in favor of one or the other
nature. Exploring the social attitudes of primates is currently interpretation because they are likely to reach for the object
beyond the scope of this chapter because the research lies they prefer.
in disparate areas and needs concerted study and analysis Even in early infancy, the roots of mature social pref-
before review here. It also needs the expertise of those who erences are visible. A standard measure of preference is
are primatologists and other behavioral scientists, and such to examine the people or objects toward which a baby ori-
collaborations have recently begun to occur. For example, a ents. Such studies show that minutes after birth, infants
study with common marmoset monkeys showed that they show a preference for facelike configurations over equally
will provide food to genetically unrelated others, even if the complex but nonsocial patterns (Johnson, Dziurawiec,
others cannot reciprocate (Burkart, Fehr, Efferson, & van Ellis, & Morton, 1991; Mondloch et al., 1999; Valenza,
Schaik, 2007). In other research, Santos and colleagues have Simion, Cassia, & Umilta, 1996). Infants also prefer attrac-
shown that the complex mental operations that are involved tive over unattractive human (Ramsey, Langlois, Hoss,
in producing the effects of cognitive dissonance in humans Rubenstein, & Griffin, 2004) and animal (Quinn, Kelly,
can also be detected in capuchin monkeys (Egan, Santos, & Lee, Pascalis, & Slater, 2008) faces. These findings sug-
Bloom, 2007). Where humans obviously differ is in the abil- gest that the origins of the “what is beautiful is good” ste-
ity to be aware of preferences that are beneficial versus those reotype (Dion et al., 1972) are formed in early infancy.
that are harmful and make decisions that are opposed to the Surprisingly, infants also respond differently to sounds
dictates of simpler strategies of reproductive fitness. In fact, heard while in utero compared with more novel sounds. In
scholars writing about evolutionary theory have tended to one study, a group of pregnant women read Dr. Seuss’s
even-handedly analyze behaviors mindful of their long- delightful story The Cat in the Hat out loud, whereas
standing existence in the history of the species, as well as another group of pregnant women read a version where
the demands of culture and social environments in shaping the words “cat” and “hat” were replaced with “dog” and
them (e.g., Griskevicius, Goldstein, Mortensen, Cialdini, & “fog,” respectively. Newborns were able to listen to one
Kenrick, 2006; Schmitt, Realo, Voracek, & Allik, 2008; or the other version depending on how they sucked on a
Schwartz & Rubel, 2005). This work is highlighted here pacifier; for instance, if they sucked more vigorously,
because it is likely to become a shared space for collabo- a recording apparatus played a tape of a woman reading
ration between social psychology and primatology (e.g., the “cat in the hat” version, whereas if they sucked less
Mahajan, Martinez, Diesendruck, Banaji, & Santos, 2009). vigorously, the apparatus played a recording of the “dog
in the fog” version. Infants in both conditions altered
their sucking behavior to produce the more familiar story
Infants and Young Children
(DeCasper & Spence, 1986).
Psychologists know little about the social attitudes of As any parent knows, infants also show strong prefer-
infants and a bit more about such attitudes in children; ences for the face and voice of their primary caregivers

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Origins of Attitudes 369

(Pascalis, de Schonen, Morton, Deruelle, & Fabre-Grenet, Results such as these have challenged existing views
1995). Though it is often assumed that newborns orient that attitudes emerge from protracted social learning in
toward women, research shows that 3- to 4-month-old which children converge on adult forms of attitudes over
infants whose primary caregiver is a male individual prefer a long period of development (Dunham & Banaji, 2008).
men’s faces (Quinn et al., 2002), suggesting the openness Instead, even the first studies show that complex attitudes,
of the mind to literally turn toward that which is famil- such as those toward social collectives, exist in adult-
iar. So far, only these two dimensions of preference—that like form in the earliest years in which such tests can be
toward faces, particularly attractive ones, and that toward administered. Other work shows that children, like adults,
sounds heard in utero—have been identified as requiring often prefer members of their own group even when the
no learning; they are present at birth (see Pascalis & Slater, group is not socially meaningful (e.g., groups that are dif-
2003; Slater, 2002). ferentiated based on the color of the shirt participants are
Though newborns do not distinguish among racial ingroup asked to wear; Baron & Carey, 2009; Bigler, Spears
and outgroup faces, infants as young as 3 months exhibit Brown, & Markell, 2001). This suggests a strong conti-
a marked preference for faces of same-race targets (Kelly nuity for attitudes—at least those related to intergroup
et al., 2005, 2007a). This preference grows stronger as infants evaluations—across development.
age; by 9 months, babies in one study were no longer able to Preference for the familiar is not limited to race. In fact,
distinguish faces of racial outgroup members (Kelly et al., accent may trump race in certain circumstances. In a series
2007b). Importantly, many experiments examining looking of studies, infants were permitted to grasp objects that
preference have focused on babies who had not been exposed were presented to them simultaneously by speakers of dif-
to racially diverse faces before seeing other-race faces in the ferent languages or accents. The results indicate an early
study (Bar-Haim, Ziv, Lamy, & Hodes, 2006; Kelly et al., preference for familiar sounds: 10-month-old Americans
2005). Thus, similar to a preference for faces of the same sex prefer English speakers to French speakers (80% reach for
as the primary caregiver, an own-race preference may indi- the toy offered by the English speaker), whereas French
cate a preference for familiar stimuli. babies show the opposite and symmetric preference for
Providing evidence of very early learning and prefer- their familiar sounds (Kinzler, Dupoux, & Spelke, 2007).
ence formation, these remarkable results suggest that later White children at age 5, showed a preference for a white
preferences for the familiar may have their roots in expe- other over a black other; however, when race and accent
riences that occur even before the first year of life. Yet, are explicitly confounded, such that the standard American
caution is needed when interpreting findings from studies English speaker is Black and the English speaker with
that use preferential looking as an indication of preference; French accent is White, accent proves more influential
after all, looking times can reflect alternative processes of than race and children prefer the Black speaker (speak-
surprise, intrigue, and expectancy violation. Bypassing this ing standard English) over the White speaker (speaking
limitation by using the Child IAT mentioned in the mea- English with a French accent; Kinzler, Shutts, DeJesus, &
surement section, some evidence suggests that 6-year-old Spelke, under review).
White children show a preference for Whites of the same Children’s preference for the familiar may be
magnitude as the preference found among 10-year-olds explained by one of psychology’s best-known findings:
and adults. Explicit race attitudes follow a quite different the mere exposure effect (Zajonc, 1968). Simple expo-
course, with the strongest ingroup preferences expressed sure to a neutral object can cause people to rate it more
at age 6, weaker at age 10, and nonexistent in the adult favorably, even when the exposure happens too quickly
sample (Baron & Banaji, 2006). for conscious processing. This effect may rely on the fact
That attitudes formed even at such a young age are that it is easier to process a familiar rather than an unfamiliar
socially constructed is poignantly seen in the following stimulus (Seamon, Brody, & Kauff, 1983). Supporting
result. The previous finding, if it reflects a mere prefer- this perspective, recent work has found that people show
ence for one’s own group, should be visible in children of more liking for objects that are preceded by primes
all social groups equally. Such is not the case, however, that facilitate processing and less liking for objects that
with the evidence showing that children from disadvan- are preceded by primes that inhibit easy processing
taged social groups (Hispanic and Black Americans) do (Reber, Winkielman, & Schwarz, 1998; Schwarz & Clore,
not show implicit ingroup preference, on average, when 2007; Winkielman, Schwarz, Fazendeiro, & Reber, 2003).
the comparison is their group versus the dominant group
Social Learning
(Dunham, Baron, & Banaji, 2008). Indeed, such is also
the case among adults; 40% to 50% of Blacks show a pro- Social learning theory (Bandura, 1977) continues to be the
White bias on the IAT (Jost, Banaji, & Nosek, 2004). dominant account of how children acquire attitudes: by

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370 Attitudes

observing others. Indeed, new evidence suggests that knowledge of the paradigms used in the study, suggesting
children may use this strategy to learn attitudes toward that not all conditioning effects are due to demand charac-
novel objects. In one set of studies, children preferred teristics (Baeyens, Eelen, & van den Bergh, 1990; Olson &
unfamiliar stimulus items (e.g., blicket, spoodle) chosen Fazio, 2001).
by another person of their same sexgender and age. For Of course, classical conditioning accounts for acquisition
example, 3-year-old girls who heard that an unfamiliar girl of both positive and negative attitudes, and can be used for
liked to play with blicket whereas an unfamiliar boy liked virtuous and nefarious purposes. Classical conditioning as
to play with spoodle said that they would rather play with a form of learning is understood quite well, based as it is
blicket (Shutts, Banaji, & Spelke, in press). Young children on data from several species, including humans, and using
also learn attitudes from older people, particularly their fear as the attitude that is induced. In classical conditioning
caregivers. As discussed earlier, part of this link may be models, people learn fear in much the same way as they may
because of genetics, especially for attitudes that are par- learn positive associations. For instance, what if every time
ticularly heritable. However, a social learning explanation participants heard a bell they received an electric shock?
also seems likely. They would learn to fear the bell, even on trials where it was
Researchers have found an association between chil- not immediately followed by physical pain. Such results are
dren’s and parents’ attitudes across multiple domains. For of great importance because fear is one of the most devastat-
example, mothers’ hostile attitudes predict the development ing emotions an organism can experience. At extreme levels,
of similar attitudes in their children (Raikkonen, Katainen, fearful attitudes can significantly impair daily functioning
Keskivaara, & Kelikangas-Jarvinen, 2000). Furthermore, (Rapaport, Clary, Fayyad, & Endicott, 2005).
parents’ attitudes toward racial minorities and nontraditional Unfortunately, it may be easier for humans to associate
women predict their children’s attitudes toward these targets fear with outgroup members, particularly those of another
(Sinclair, Dunn, & Lowery, 2005; Tenenbaum & Leaper, race. In one experiment, participants showed longer-
2002), and parental prejudice also influences the frequency lasting fear to racial outgroup faces that had previously
and quality of young children’s interracial interactions been paired with an electric shock. That is, when Whites
(Towles-Schwen & Fazio, 2001). In the only such study to saw a Black face and were then shocked, they showed
date, children’s implicit racial bias was found to be corre- a larger SCR (see the section entitled, “Measures of the
lated with that of their parents, particularly for those who Autonomic System”) than when they received an electric
are highly identified with their caregivers (Sinclair, Dunn, & shock paired with a White face. Blacks showed a similar pat-
Lowery, 2005). Thus, levels of prejudice may be transmitted tern; they, too, had a more persistent fear response to racial
from older family members to future generations. outgroup (in this case, White) faces. These findings suggest
that images of racial outgroup members may function as
Classical Conditioning prepared stimuli, or stimuli that are more readily associated
First introduced by Pavlov (1927), classical conditioning is with fear (Olsson, Ebert, Banaji, & Phelps, 2005).
among the most basic forms of learning. It refers to the pro- Recent research has supplemented this Pavlovian model
cess whereby a person develops positive or negative associ- of fear learning with evidence suggesting that people can
ations with a previously neutral object through association acquire an attitude of fear toward objects that have been
of inherently positive or negative attributes. For example, a associated with pain in others. That is, fear may be acquired
particular dress may gain positive associations through its through a social learning (Bandura, 1977) process. Partic-
pairing with an attractive model in advertisements, whereas ipants who view a video of another person receiving
African Americans may be subjected to negative evalu- shocks linked with particular images, for example, show
ations stemming, in part, from their negative portrayal in signs of fearing those images but not similar ones of a
the media (e.g., the repeated pairing of Black male indi- different color (Olsson, Nearing, & Phelps, 2007). This
viduals with violence). Attitude acquisition through clas- process may be evolutionarily adaptive; the ability to
sical conditioning remains a contentious issue, however, learn from others’ misfortunes may come in handy if one
in part because some researchers have found significant has seen a family member attacked by a bear and later
effects only in situations where participants were aware encounters another furry creature wandering in the woods.
that a conditioning paradigm was being used (see Olson & However, this process also has drawbacks, particularly if it
Fazio, 2001). Such results call into question the validity of is overactivated. For instance, learning to fear all middle-
some other findings by suggesting that the effects may be aged men after being robbed by one is not adaptive.
because of demand characteristics rather than classical con- Neural evidence suggests that classical and observa-
ditioning per se. However, evidence of classical condition- tional fear learning may not be as different as they first
ing can be present even when participants did not report appear. The amygdala, a brain region that is known for

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The Attitude Toward Oneself 371

emotional processing and is particularly involved in fear, object toward which attitude is resoundingly positive,
is recruited both when subjects watch someone else receiv- that object is the self. Self-evaluations achieve consistency
ing shocks and when they receive shocks themselves during early adulthood and remain high before declining
(Olsson et al., 2007). This finding may explain why obser- after age 60 (Trzesniewski, Donnellan, & Robins, 2003).
vational learning is as effective as classically conditioned Additional variations across people and within the same
fear when the stimulus is consciously available (Olsson & person from circumstance to circumstance, perhaps even
Phelps, 2004). Notably, though amygdala activation was of moment to moment, have been investigated thoroughly,
comparable magnitude when participants were anticipat- making self-esteem a topic from which it is possible to
ing pain and when they actually received a shock, other learn much about the nature of attitudes.
brain regions were not similarly activated. The ACC As with the measurement of attitudes in general, attempts
and the anterior insula both exhibited greater activation to create new measures of implicit self-esteem have also
during the test than in the observation phase of the experi- grown in recent years. One such family of measures involves
ment (Olsson et al., 2007); thus, it appears that the amyg- looking at the degree to which one imbues the things and
dala responds to anticipation of pain differently than do people who have come to be associated with oneself with
other brain regions. positive regard (see Greenwald & Banaji, 1995). Known as
In summary, despite controversy surrounding the influence the name-letter effect, one technique measures the uncon-
of demand characteristics in classical conditioning exper- scious liking people show for the letters, and especially
iments, this paradigm remains a powerful tool to examine the initials, of their own name (developed by Nuttin, 1985;
the formation of various attitudes, particularly fear. From Krizan & Suls, 2008). Such preference can lead people to
studies of classical conditioning, psychologists know prefer products whose brand name starts with the same let-
that people can be taught to fear almost anything through ter as their own name (Brendl, Chattopadhyay, Pelham, &
association with a potent negative stimulus. Indeed, some Carvallo, 2005) and even to marry people whose first or
objects (e.g., images of racial outgroup members) are quite last name resembles their own (Jones, Pelham, Carvallo, &
easily associated with fear, an association that can be dif- Mirenberg, 2004). People are not only attracted to those
ficult to unlearn. who share their names but also to individuals with the same
Other stimulus items, in contrast, are quite easily associ- birth dates. One study showed that participants judged his-
ated with positive characteristics. One such target is the self. torical characters such as Rasputin less harshly when led to
believe that they shared a birthday with the unsavory char-
acter (Finch & Cialdini, 1989).
THE ATTITUDE TOWARD ONESELF Measures of implicit self-esteem look so different from
traditional (explicit) measures that the question of what
Human beings have a capacity that is the envy of every implicit measures might predict has acquired priority. In
chimpanzee—the ability to look into and evaluate the con- research with a clinical focus, measures of implicit self-
tents of their own minds. Remarkably, this capacity can be esteem have been shown to relate to narcissism (Zeigler-
turned on not only when evaluating all possible entities that Hill, 2006), symptoms of depression (Franck, de Raedt, &
exist in the world “out there” but also to evaluate one’s own de Houwer, 2007), and poor body image (Buhlmann,
worth along a subjectively meaningful good-bad continuum. Teachman, Gerbershagen, Kikul, & Rief, 2008). Such mea-
Self-esteem can be considered a primary attitude—an sures show more reliability than self-report questionnaires
evaluation of oneself. How good am I? Do I approve of what (Farnham, Greenwald, & Banaji, 1999) and may decrease
I have done? These questions can be posed and answered self-presentation concerns.
by engaging a conscious and third-person–like feeling for Although some researchers have found high correlations
oneself, an experience about which the self-esteem litera- between implicit and explicit self-esteem, most others report
ture has taught scientists a great deal (Baumeister, 1993; that two constructs are unrelated (see Dijksterhuis, Albers, &
Crocker & Major, 1989; Gray-Little & Hafdahl, 2000; Leary, Bongers, 2008; Greenwald & Farnham, 2000), and there are
1999, 2004; Major, Kaiser, & McCoy, 2003; Rosenberg, cases in which the two forms of self-attitude are sharply dis-
1965; Swann, Chang-Schneider, & Larsen McClarty, 2007; sociated. For example, stressful life events may influence
Twenge & Campbell, 2001). Swann and Bosson (this volume) implicit and explicit self-esteem differently, at least under
thoroughly review the self-esteem literature. This chapter some circumstances. Recent Asian American immigrants,
offers a brief glimpse into a perspective that views self- for instance, show a quick recovery in explicit self-esteem
esteem as an attitude. but persistently lowered implicit self-esteem after arriving in
The research findings detailed in the articles referenced the United States (Hetts, Sakuma, & Pelham, 1999). Thus,
earlier overwhelmingly demonstrate that if there is a single it seems safest to say that, on average, implicit and explicit

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372 Attitudes

self-esteem are weakly correlated. As with other attitudes parenting linked to high self-esteem (de Hart, Pelham, &
in the intergroup context, where this weak correlation has Tennen, 2006). Self-esteem can also arise from the ways
also been found, the conclusion is that implicit and explicit in which people respond to contingencies of self-worth
forms of self-esteem are related but sufficiently unique to be (e.g., appearance, relative performance in competitions),
regarded as distinct. and early childhood experiences can determine responses
Unambiguously high self-esteem is associated with a to events in these domains (Crocker & Park, 2003). Self-
number of positive outcomes. Related to research concern- esteem is also malleable across situations; for example,
ing the social origins of self-esteem (e.g., Murray, Griffin, evaluative conditioning has been shown to increase
Rose, & Bellavia, 2006), positive self-regard is associated self-esteem across a number of studies (Baccus, Baldwin, &
with healthy social relationships and relationship satis- Packer, 2004; Dijksterhuis, 2004). The debate on whether
faction (e.g., Murray, Holmes, & Griffin, 2000; Neyer & attitudes are stable or constructed lives on in debates about
Asendorpf, 2001), as well as positive evaluations by others self-attitudes, with evidence on both sides. On the one
(e.g., Robins, Hendin, & Trzesniewski, 2001). High self- hand, attitudes toward the self do show stability, as well as
esteem also predicts occupational success (e.g., Judge & individual differences that are reliable. On the other hand,
Bono, 2001), subjective well-being (e.g., Diener & Diener, however, self-esteem is critically influenced by people and
1995), and positive responses to failure (Di Paula & events in the social world, in predictable and lawful ways.
Campbell, 2002). From reading most of the work on self-attitudes, it is
Consistently low self-regard is associated with a num- easy to draw the conclusion that increasing positive self-
ber of negative outcomes, including depression and other regard is something to which all should strive. In con-
health problems (e.g., Franck et al., 2007; Roberts, Gotlib, & trast, high rather than low self-esteem can be the cause of
Kassel, 1996; Whisman & Kwon, 1993). People with low violence and aggression (Baumeister, Smart, & Boden,
self-esteem react more strongly to failures (Brown & 1996). Furthermore, high self-esteem is related to preferring
Dutton, 1995), experience a greater reduction in motiva- a novel ingroup to an equivalent outgroup member, sug-
tion after a lack of success (Greenwald & Farnham, 2000), gesting a link to discrimination (Gramzow & Gaertner,
and exhibit more anxiety during a confrontational inter- 2005; but see Brewer, 1999). These lines of research have
view (Spalding & Hardin, 1999). In fact, low self-esteem begun to question the value of the strong American belief
can prospectively predict depressive symptoms (Orth, in pumping up positive self-regard by showing that high
Robins, & Roberts, 2008), as well as criminal behavior and self-esteem may not be the panacea it is made out to be in
reduced economic prospects (Trzesniewski et al., 2006). the Western world.
Some outcomes may be preferentially linked with In conclusion, although psychologists have not tradi-
implicit self-esteem. For example, though depressed indi- tionally considered self-esteem an attitude, it does, indeed,
viduals tend to exhibit low explicit self-esteem, their fall into this category. Scientists have learned that self-
implicit self-esteem remains at levels comparable with a attitudes are likely to be robustly positive; that self-esteem,
nondepressed population (de Raedt, Schacht, Franck, & like other attitudes, has both implicit and explicit compo-
de Houwer, 2006). Though this finding is surprising in nents; and that these factors may differentially influence
light of cognitive theories of depression, de Raedt and col- behavioral outcomes. Self-esteem can vary within as well
leagues suggest that it is in line with findings suggesting as between individuals, and those people with high explicit
that depressed people do not lack positive self-schemas. self-esteem do not necessarily show correspondingly high
Perhaps implicit measures tap these underlying represen- levels of implicit self-esteem. The next section further
tations, which depressed individuals may not activate nor- addresses this topic of attitude dissociations.
mally. The dissociation is also evident in narcissism, which
is associated with high explicit paired with low implicit
self-esteem (Zeigler-Hill, 2006; but see also Campbell, ATTITUDE DISSOCIATIONS
Bosson, Goheen, Lakey, & Kernis, 2007).
Given the numerous benefits of high self-esteem, one This chapter, more than others on the topic of attitudes,
may wonder where this elixir comes from. Though peo- has focused on the implicit preferences that people can-
ple show robust and high self-esteem cross-culturally, not or will not report. Here, the topic of dissociations
this construct is clearly not invariable across individuals between conscious and less conscious forms of attitudes
and situations. Self-esteem is shaped by others’ favorable is addressed in greater detail, using the domain of inter-
(or unfavorable) opinions (e.g., Murray et al., 2006) and group attitudes as a case study simply because the bulk
people’s own upbringing, with overprotective parent- of the available research is focused there (see Yzerbyt &
ing linked to low implicit self-esteem and nurturing Demoulin, volume 2, and Dovidio & Gaertner, volume 2,

CH10.indd 372 10/5/09 7:19:44 PM

Attitude Dissociations 373

for a more comprehensive review of work conducted on signature result of modern research on two attitudinal sys-
intergroup relations). tems and has been reported in dozens of articles, making
As with human memory, implicit and explicit attitudes it impossible to refer to more than a handful of them (for
are assumed to be formed in different ways and expected reviews, see Fazio & Olson, 2003; Greenwald & Nosek,
to be susceptible to different influences; that is among the 2008; Hofmann, Gawronski, Gschwendner, Le, & Schmitt,
causes of their divergence (Craemer, 2007; Payne et al., 2005; Wilson et al., 2000). Among the underlying changes
2008). As beliefs and values about intergroup relations that such a result has silently produced is a shift in thinking
have changed, in particular, the social unacceptability of about the “prejudiced personality” as an aberrant and path-
expressing negativity toward groups other than one’s own, ological mental state to one that is ordinary and best under-
such attitudes have offered up a perfect place to observe stood as a continuum of individual difference (Dovidio &
disparities between expressed and elicited attitudes. Gaertner, 2004).
There is no better starting place than an article that Findings that are relevant to the question of dissocia-
appeared in 1989 and set off a flood of research on the tion do not come only from the intergroup literature, and
question of dissociations in automatic and controlled the dissociation (or lack thereof) in other domains has
intergroup attitudes. In her dissertation research, Patricia sometimes proved to be surprising. For example, as might
Devine showed that on a measure that elicited attitudes be expected, implicit and explicit attitudes toward abortion
through subliminal exposure of race primes, Whites who are highly correlated. In other cases, however, attitudes
consciously endorsed prejudicial views of Black Americans that might be expected to correlate are instead dissociated.
responded in essentially the same way as those who did There is little relationship, for instance, between whether
not. On other measures, where greater control over the atti- people say they prefer pants or skirts and the implicit pref-
tude expression was possible, the results looked quite dif- erence they show for one type of clothing over the other
ferent (Devine, 1989). Devine’s work was consistent with (Nosek, 2007).
existing proposals of aversive racism (Gaertner & Dovidio, From the basic finding that implicit and explicit prefer-
1986), which also spoke of a split between older forms of ences can diverge, several questions about the very nature of
prejudice that were explicit and blatant, and newer versions attitudes have emerged. Does the result really indicate two
that formed in response to shifts in American culture that (or more) systems of thought composed of separate rep-
precluded such expressions. As sociologists have shown, resentations, or do the methods of retrieving the attitude
values of fairness and equality have undermined endorse- merely tap different sides of the same underlying evalua-
ment of prejudice and discrimination, leading to a visible tion? How is such a dissociation to be computed? Is one of
shift in intergroup attitudes (Schuman, Steeh, Bobo, & these attitudes the “truer” one? How do the attitudes predict
Krysan, 1997). From such observations and the ability of behavior? For those who have argued that implicit mea-
a generation of methods to understand consciously inac- sures are not measures of attitude at all, this is an impor-
cessible intergroup attitudes, a wealth of data now exist on tant question. Explicitly stated attitudes have been studied
the dissociation between two fundamentally different forms for long enough that psychologists know something about
of attitudes that can be elicited from the same individual their nature—what goes into forming them, their malle-
toward the same group, depending on the probe that is used ability, their function. But what about implicit attitudes? If
(Dovidio, Kawakami, Smoak, & Gaertner, 2008; Fazio et al., they are so automatic, are they rigid and unbendable?
1986; Hofmann, Gschwendner, Nosek, & Schmitt, 2005). In most cases, a clear, simple, and often large differ-
When examining attitudes toward stigmatized groups, ence exists between the mean values of the implicit atti-
the data reveal stronger negative attitudes on implicit mea- tude and the explicit one. When these data are the focus,
sures than those expressed on explicit ones. In many cases, there is no question that a dissociation is evident. Its spe-
the effect size showing implicit group preference (usually cific nature takes on some interesting forms. For instance,
one’s own) can be two to three times the size obtained on White Americans report much less ingroup preference
self-report measures. Situational factors can influence the on explicit than on implicit measures; in contrast, Black
discrepancy between conscious and unconscious attitudes Americans report greater ingroup preference and lesser
and their different influences on behavior. For example, outgroup preference on explicit measures. This is not
different kinds of tests can predict different behaviors. uncommon among other stigmatized groups; the elderly
Implicit measures tend to predict nonverbal behaviors such show the same implicit preference for “young” over “old”
as leaning toward or away from one’s conversation partner, as their younger counterparts, and gay and lesbian individ-
whereas explicit questionnaires predict verbal behaviors uals do not show a strong preference for their own group;
(Dovidio, Kawakami, & Gaertner, 2002). The difference indeed, approximately 40% show a preference for straight
between explicit and implicit attitudes has been taken as a over gay (Jost et al., 2004; Nosek, Fitzsimons, & Kay,

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374 Attitudes

2007). From such findings it is possible to see the different questions reflect a basic contrast between the assumptions
sources of influence that bear down on these two expres- concerning conscious and unconscious attitudes. Certainly,
sions of preference. research revealing neuroplasticity—that is, the ability of the
The question of dissociation takes on a different meaning brain to rewire and reconstruct itself to meet new demands
when attitudes toward targets other than stigmatized group or in response to new learning—suggests that change need
members are examined. Attitudes toward more neutral tar- not be consciously willed. It is in the nature of the demands
gets vary greatly depending on the domain of the attitude, made on the brain, on the new behaviors that are performed
but importantly, the correlation is hardly ever at zero or neg- that lead to change, regardless of whether such change is
ative. In many cases, the correlation between implicit and consciously willed.
explicit attitudes is substantial (see Nosek, 2005). In other In the early years of research on implicit attitudes,
words, the stronger the stated preference for X over Y, the there was, indeed, the sense that their lack of openness
stronger the implicit preference for X over Y. to conscious awareness and control must mean that they
Although strong positive correlations are obtained on would be rigid in response to change (Banaji, 2003). That
attitude topics such as Black-White, Coke-Pepsi, and cats- assumption turned out to be false. Evidence since the late
dogs, weak correlations are evident for topics that typically 1990s has accumulated at a rapid rate to show that implicit
do not represent intergroup contexts such as hot-cold and attitudes shift readily in response to contextual variables,
future-past (Nosek, 2007). Although self-presentation con- motivational states, and cognitive factors (see Blair, 2002;
cerns do play a role with those attitudes that are strongly Dasgupta, 2009; Gawronski & Bodenhausen, 2006). Such
susceptible to social desirability, measures tapping these evidence has found a home in theoretical models that have
attitudes tend to show lower implicit-explicit correlations. moved beyond the simple dual-process idea and probed
This is hardly the only factor accounting for the interrela- deeper into the nature of implicit social cognition, espe-
tionship, however (notice the low correlation for hot-cold cially the rapid responses that intergroup contexts elicit
and the strong correlation for Black-White). (Conrey et al., 2005; Gawronski & Bodenhausen, 2006).
Other factors, such as the distinctiveness of the atti- For example, attitudes toward Black Americans varied
tude (i.e., perceived difference of one’s own attitude significantly when the background of the photo represented
compared with that of others), the degree of personal poor rather than middle-class neighborhoods (Wittenbrink,
experience with the attitude object, and the clarity of Judd, & Park, 2001). Furthermore, Black female individuals
two poles (where the two ends of the spectrum are true elicited more positive attitudes when thought of as female
opposites), influence the degree of correlation as well. rather than as Black (Mitchell, Nosek, & Banaji, 2003).
Furthermore, attitudes that are well elaborated and high Exposure to positive Black exemplars (Denzel Washington,
in importance produce stronger implicit-explicit correla- Martin Luther King, Jr.) and negative White exemplars
tions. From such data it is difficult to maintain a “sepa- (Timothy McVeigh, Jeffrey Dahmer) led to lower anti-
rate system” view of these two forms of attitude. How to Black bias (Dasgupta & Greenwald, 2001; see also Lowery
think about their association and dissociation will surely et al., 2001). White participants also exhibited less preju-
be sorted out in the future as new ways of dividing them dice toward Black targets when subliminally primed with
become available. pairings of Black-good and White-bad (Olson & Fazio,
2006), when participating in a session run by a Black exper-
imenter (Lowery et al., 2001), and when taking the IAT in
AUTOMATIC ATTITUDE MALLEABILITY the presence of a likable experimenter who was perceived
as holding egalitarian views (Sinclair, Lowery, Hardin, &
The dissociation between conscious and unconscious atti- Colangelo, 2005). Malleability is not limited to racial atti-
tudes is evident when one examines the literature on tudes; context also influences evaluations of everything
attitude change. Researchers working with explicit attitudes from cigarettes to Bill Clinton, Mike Tyson, chocolate, and
typically ask questions such as: What makes a message per- the beach (see Ferguson & Bargh, 2004; Ferguson, Bargh, &
suasive? What makes people resistant to persuasion? (see Nayak, 2005). Such work is difficult to conduct using
Albarracin & Vargas, this volume). Those studying implicit explicit measures because participants’ self-reported atti-
attitudes ask different questions: Can something that is tudes are quite sensitive to situational concerns.
inherently outside the purview of conscious awareness and The malleability of implicit attitudes extends to the neu-
control even be a candidate for thinking about change? ral level. Perceptual processing of fearful or threatening
If so, do the interventions differ from those that facilitate stimuli is associated with greater amygdala activation that
change? How do subtle changes in the environment influ- is attenuated by cognitive processing of these same stim-
ence automatic attitudes? The differences between these uli (Hariri, Mattay, Tessitore, Fera, & Weinberger, 2003).

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Ideology 375

A series of shocking studies showed that outgroup members in a variety of ways, from the intuitive expectation that
perceived as cold and incompetent (e.g., the homeless) those who hold attitude X (“abortion is wrong”) are also
are processed differently in the medial prefrontal cortex, a likely to hold attitude Y (“my faith brings me great joy”) to
brain region heavily involved in social cognition, than are the constant clash of opinions that occur at the intersection
ingroup members (Harris & Fiske, 2006, 2007). Asking of the left versus right of the political spectrum.
participants to make individuating judgments about the This being the case, it may surprise readers to know that, in
targets (e.g., “Does this person like broccoli?”) dampened the 1960s, a decade when America seemed to be particularly
this effect, demonstrating that cognition can override auto- politicized, several prominent social scientists proclaimed that
matic neural responses. the “end of ideology” had come (Bell, 1960/2000; Converse,
One explanation for implicit attitude malleability comes 1964; Lipset, 1960; Shils, 1968). The basis for the claim
from those theorists who stress that measures of implicit came in the form of some good arguments and some flimsy
attitudes are not necessarily tapping only unconscious eval- ones: the minds of ordinary citizens (read: unsophisticated
uations (Conrey et al., 2005; Payne, Lambert, & Jacoby, types, unlike the elites) did not possess logically ordered
2002). In other words, the degree of possible cognitive con- attitudes; many Americans gave “I have no idea” answers to
trol in a particular social context should account for the flex- political questions, and when they did not, they seemed unable
ibility observed in such shifts. Another view sympathetic to to give accurate reasons for holding the attitudes. Attitudes
connectionist ways of reasoning accounts for the flexibility changed willy-nilly, including in response to the mere order
of implicit attitudes by thinking of them as large networks of of question presentation; little coherence existed between the
associative learning (based on direct experience, mass media, affective and cognitive components of attitude, and respon-
and significant others; Gawronski & Bodenhausen, 2006; dents showed little consistency across attitudes that should be
Smith & DeCoster, 2000). Which aspects are activated related (McGuire, 1985).
depends on the match or goodness-of-fit between preexist- These arguments, and the evidence supporting them,
ing associations and the configuration of external inputs. formed the core of the position that ideology was overrated
Simple exposure or practiced associations between group and did not wield significant influence in most people’s
and attribute demonstrate the mechanism by which such mental lives. Some counterarguments were offered, how-
learning effects may occur, both in creating and in chang- ever. Situations, critics argued, have the power to moderate
ing attitudes. For example, simply seeing faces of one’s attitude expressions. And what if the measures are not sen-
own group may create negative outgroup attitudes. White sitive enough to reveal attitude consistencies? And (a radi-
participants who were exposed to White faces showed cal question!) what if the elites and the common folk are
more negative implicit and explicit attitude toward Blacks not so different, after all (Judd & Milburn, 1980; Milburn &
as compared with participants who did not see pictures of Judd, 1981)? Nevertheless, McGuire (1982) concluded his
faces. Though both implicit and explicit attitudes changed discussion about the situation by clearly siding with the
as a result of seeing White faces, the change in implicit atti- end-of-ideology position: “One can hope that these dialec-
tudes was somewhat weaker than the corresponding change tical confrontations of thesis with antithesis will arise to a
in the explicit ones (Smith, Dijksterhuis, & Chaiken, 2008). new and improved synthesis, though a puritanical observer
Though conscious and unconscious attitudes may change might wish that the workers would show more embarrass-
in the same direction, the magnitude of the change may not ment while waiting for it to emerge” (p. 90).
be equivalent. Such changes in intergroup attitudes can be Twenty-five years later, an answer emerged, less in the
influenced by ideology, the final topic of this chapter. form of a synthesis and more in the form of an out-and-out
challenge to the end-of-ideology position. Jost (2006), a
former student of McGuire’s, has argued that ideology is
IDEOLOGY alive and well, and very much a part of the lives of both
“ordinary” Americans and elites (see also Abramowitz &
If an attitude is a strand of feeling, then an ideology is a Saunders, 1998). Jost’s evidence comes from statistics
rope of intertwined attitudes and related fibers. Ideology about the number of individuals who regularly listen to
has been defined as “patterns or gestalts of attitudes” explicitly ideological talk radio and television shows, the
(Billig, 1984, p. 446), “an organization of opinions, atti- large number of American survey respondents (two thirds
tudes, and values—a way of thinking about man and soci- to three fourths) who identify themselves somewhere on the
ety” (Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson, & Sanford, liberal-conservative continuum, and the fact that ideologi-
1950, p. 2), and “an interrelated set of attitudes and values cal self-placement predicts many other attitudes, beliefs,
about the proper goals of society” (Tedin, 1987, p. 65). opinions, and behaviors (see also Jost, Federico, & Napier,
Expressions of attitudes indicate the presence of ideology 2009; Jost, Nosek, & Gosling, 2008).

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376 Attitudes

Starting with these observations, Jost and colleagues racial bias (e.g., the IAT and explicit self-report scales;
have accumulated evidence revealing the presence of ide- Livingston, 2009).
ology in everyday life (see, for example, Jost, 2006, 2007; Though conservatives show a great deal of tolerance for
Jost, Federico, & Napier, 2009; Jost, Fitzsimons, & Kay, social inequality, they do not show the same level of accep-
2004; Jost, Glaser, Kruglanski, & Sulloway, 2003a, 2003b, tance toward ambiguity and lack of structure. Liberals tend
Jost, Nosek, & Gosling, 2008). Through this work, they to be more open to new experiences (Jost, 2006) and novel
have also expounded on the left-right distinction and the stimulus items, including works of art (Wilson, 1973), for-
psychological differences that characterize the two attitu- eign films, and foreign travel. They engage in more cogni-
dinal positions. Given its novelty, Jost’s argument, as well tive complexity and have a lower need for closure than do
the broader accumulation of information about the network conservatives. And while liberals show higher preferences
of conscious and unconscious attitudes that constitute ide- for poetry (which is often ambiguous) and tattoos (which
ology, are worth examining. may reflect social change and the greater acceptability of
The simplest prediction states those who identify with modifying one’s body), conservatives show high opinions
left-wing ideology tend to adopt more liberal positions on of fraternities, sororities, sports utility vehicles, watching
specific issues, respond more favorably toward liberal can- television, and drinking alcohol (Jost et al., 2008).
didates, and vote for liberal politicians; the reverse should Perhaps stemming from a distaste of ambiguous situa-
be true for those on the right (e.g., Conover & Feldman, tions, conservatives tend to experience more fear of threat
1981; Jost, 2006; Kerlinger, 1984). The left and right ideo- and loss, a higher need for order, and a greater anxiety
logical stances are differentiated along two dimensions: concerning death than do many liberals (Jost et al., 2009).
those who identify as liberal tend to show less tolerance They are more likely to believe that the world is danger-
of inequality and more tolerance of change than those who ous (Duckitt, 2001), a belief that pairs with social confor-
identify as conservative (Jost, Fitzsimons, & Kay, 2004). mity to influence authoritarian attitudes. Authoritarianism,
The very definition of conservatism implies a desire to together with social dominance (Sidanius & Pratto, 2001),
keep things as they are, and indeed, liberals and conser- has been found to influence intergroup attitudes; thus, one’s
vatives think differently about modern social structures. political orientation can have a strong impact on one’s atti-
Individuals who see inequality as group based tend to iden- tudes and behaviors toward members of other groups
tify with their country’s more liberal party, whereas those (Duckitt, Wagner, du Plessis, & Birum, 2002). In line with
who see inequality as meritocracy based tend to identify this finding, conservatives tend to form more negative atti-
with more conservative ideologies (Jost, 2006; Napier & tudes toward people engaging in behavior they perceive to
Jost, 2008; Sibley & Wilson, 2007). be immoral (Haidt & Hersh, 2001). And, as expected from
The left-right divide also indicates a difference in ori- the very definition of what it means to be liberal and con-
entation toward the status quo, which right-leaning people servative, liberals tend to prefer social change more than
tend to support and left-leaning people tend to oppose (Jost their conservative counterparts (Jost et al., 2008).
et al., 2009). Conservatives are more likely to oppose poli- It is important to note that this research does not make
cies such as affirmative action, for example, and preju- claims about causality, which can be bidirectional. People
dice seems to play a large part in this stance despite the frequently form their political attitudes on the basis of
“principled” (race-neutral) objections conservatives say already-established beliefs about the social structure within
they are making (Federico & Sidanius, 2002; Sidanius, which they find themselves. The influence of attitudes can
Pratto, & Bobo, 1996). Rationalizations for inequality can go both ways, however; one’s attitudes toward inequality
partially account for the greater happiness of conserva- and the status quo can influence political affiliation, and
tives as compared with liberals; explaining inequality in political ideology can influence attitudes toward novel stim-
ways that do not challenge current social structures medi- ulus items. For example, liberals may favor foreign travel
ates the relationship between political orientation and because of their general openness to new experiences, and
subjective well-being, and increasing economic inequal- such travel likely provides the experiences that feed into the
ity widens the gap between liberals’ and conservatives’ further adoption of liberal attitudes.
happiness, perhaps because liberals are more troubled by Several scholars have taken exception to these broad
such disparity (Napier & Jost, 2008). Though conserva- characterizations of liberals and conservatives. Greenberg
tives sometimes argue that liberals are just oversensitive, and Jonas (2003) point out that extremism is not limited to
liberals are, in fact, more accurate at identifying preju- conservatives. However, liberal extremism is much less com-
dicial attitudes. When asked to determine behaviors that mon than extremism on the right side of the political scale.
are indicative of racism, liberals more accurately select Furthermore, though the exceptions pointed out by Greenberg
those that correlate highly with multiple measures of and Jonas—for example, political conservatives who appear

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References 377

to be seeking change—do exist, they are exceptions that This chapter introduces work on the origins of attitudes
prove the general rule, and many examples of conservative for the first time. Research on nonhuman primates and
“change” are actually attempts to undo liberal changes (Jost, infants is just beginning, and the early returns indicate that
Glaser, Kruglanski, & Sulloway, 2003a). it will teach us much about unique attitudes that charac-
Others have pointed out that conservatives may hold to terize human minds and that can grow only in complex
broader moral convictions than do liberals (e.g., Haidt & social environments while also supporting the idea of the
Graham, 2007). Liberals tend to explain their judgments of continuity of life. Research on young children has been
right and wrong by referencing autonomy, or the idea that surprising in revealing the presence of implicit intergroup
everyone has the right to do whatever they please as long as attitudes that are just as fully formed as in adults, even
they are not hurting anyone, and by the fairness/reciprocity though explicit attitudes vary across development. If the
principle, which states that it is right to treat others well. number of seemingly spontaneous symposia and confer-
Although conservatives also rely on these two ethics, three ences are an indication, research at the intersection of
others are also foundational to their thinking: ingroup/ social, cognitive, and developmental psychology will con-
loyalty (e.g., it is wrong to perform actions that offend tinue to generate interest and break down silly boundaries
one’s community), authority/respect, and purity/sanctity that currently separate areas of psychology.
(e.g., it is wrong to do things that are not in line with God’s The large remainder of the chapter focuses on the bread
plan for humans; Haidt & Hersh, 2001). and butter work of social psychologists who study attitudes,
Even more so than individual attitudes, the umbrella starting with the self, and looking outward to attitudes
status of ideology prompts the question of origins. Where toward social groups. Here the main lessons have been the
do particular orientations come from? Cultural influences dissociations between conscious and unconscious forms of
are an obvious input, as are early developmental influ- attitudes, as well as their malleability. That attitudes are
ences. For example, people who were highly reactive as not always consciously accessible or controllable, but nev-
4-month-old infants (e.g., those who exhibited strong ertheless guide behavior, has been a theme of much of the
emotional responses) tend to hold more positive attitudes work that is reviewed. Questions of how control may be
toward religion and less positive attitudes toward risk than asserted over attitudes that are consciously desired but out
others when they reached the age of 15 years. Low-reactive of reach and the ethics of changing less visible attitudes
infants, in contrast, grow into adolescents who hold favor- will require attention in the future. In this century, most of
able attitudes toward visiting new places and not worrying which lies ahead, psychologists have much to understand
excessively about unrealistic events (Kagan & Snidman, about the preferences people have, routinely acquire, and
2004). The highly influential constellation of attitudes that rely on to muddle through their ordinary lives. They will,
compromise ideology may originate in infancy and even no doubt, also speak about the extraordinary effects that
earlier, in the structures of one’s culture that were estab- even the most ordinary preferences create in shaping the
lished long before one’s birth. quality of lives. Indeed, what social psychologists have
learned about preferences has always been of general inter-
est because this simplest orientation to evaluate as good
SUMMARY and bad underlies so much of individual and group happi-
ness, safety, and progress.
Attitudes—the fundamental orientation to evaluate people,
other living beings, things, events, and ideas along a good-
bad dimension—have been studied with vigor through
much of the 20th century. This chapter focuses in some REFERENCES
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probed attitudes, changing in the process the very way in Abrahamson, A. C., Baker, L. A., & Caspi, C. (2002). Rebellious teens?
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nent lessons from recent decades have been the benefit of cents. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 1392–1408.
a simpler definition, treating the concept alongside other Abramowitz, A. I., & Saunders, K. L. (1998). Ideological realignment in
the American electorate. Journal of Politics, 60, 634–652.
mental constructs especially memory, tapping its less con-
Adorno, T. W., Frenkel-Brunswik, E., Levinson, D. J., & Sanford, R. N.
scious aspects, and allowing new methods to reveal its (1950). The authoritarian personality. Oxford: Harpers.
nature rather than abiding to a preconceived notion of what Agnew, C. R., van Lange, P. A. M., Rusbult, C. E., & Langston, C. A. (1998).
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378 Attitudes

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