The Contemporary World: Lesson 1

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1. What is globalization in the contemporary

 Globalization is the process of interaction
and integration among people, companies,
and governments worldwide. Globalization
has grown due to advances in transportation
and communication technology with the
increased global interactions cum growth of
international trade, ideas and culture.

2. What are the three types of globalization?

 Political globalization
 Refers to the amount of political
cooperation that exist between
different countries.
 Social globalization
 Economic globalization

3. What are some examples of globalization?

 Nutella
 Computers
 Smartphones
 TV
 Cars

Top 10 Most convincing world issues according to

1. Climate change and destruction of nature
2. Large scale conflict and wars (38.9%)
3. Inequality (income and discrimination) (30.8%)
4. Poverty (29.2%)
5. Religious conflicts (23.9%)

6. Government accountability and transparency

and corruption (22.7%)
7. Good and water security (18.2%)
8. Lack of education (15.9%)
9. Safety, security and well-being (14.1%)

10. Lack of economic opportunity and

employment (12.1%)

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