Module 3 Funnel Strategy

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Module 3: Part I: Funnel Strategy

How to Pick the Right Funnel  

In this module, we’re going to create a funnel plan and strategy for the offer you created in
Module 2. Inside the Clickfunnels Funnel Editor, there are a LOT of choices. However, there are
three types that drive MOST sales for MOST of the people who build funnels:

● Free + Shipping Offer (or modified as a Self-Liquidating Offer)

● Webinar Funnel
● Application Funnel

These funnels either take p​ ayment right in the funnel​, or in the case of the application funnel,
it’s on the phone after they’ve been through the funnel.

Some of you might not have anything to sell yet, and your primary goal currently is to generate
leads. The most popular lead generation funnels are lead magnet funnel, squeeze page funnel,
reverse squeeze page funnel, and bridge funnel. For the purposes of this course, we will focus
on the funnels that take payment since the whole point of this business is to get paid.

*If you need help picking a lead generation funnel, you can reference this blog post:

Pricing and Your Funnel Strategy 

It’s time to price your offer!

In module 2, you went through and starred the parts of your funnel that were the most valuable
and the least. Now it’s time to put some pricing on it.

If you are in the physical product space, you’ll have to factor in the expense of pick, pack, and
fulfillment. If you are in the online space, you’ll have more flexibility.

General Rules of “Thumbs” 

1. Whatever you sell your offer for, the value should be 10x it. If the value of your product is
$10,000.00, you can sell the product for $1000.00. Offers that help people solve BIG
problems (make money, build and keep relationships, or build and keep health) tend to
be higher priced.

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2. Physical products should be marked up 100% unless you’re planning to use it as a lead
magnet or bait to lure a customer in (and you have other products to sell them on the
3. If you are looking for a profit maximizer, you’ll want to go for the backend funnels (and
pricing). This means webinars and applications and offer prices above $500. We
recommend building a backend funnel and then several front-end funnels that can
collect customers and then send them ALL to the backend.
4. If you’re looking for a way to attract leads and get people into your business and using
your product, a front-end funnel is better and the pricing should be less than $297.00.
5. Play around with the 9’s and 7’s. They convert better. Choose $1997 vs. $2000 for
6. Sometimes you have to make your sexiest product (the thing you circled that you KNOW
people want) the front of the offer and “make up” for the value in the other offers.​ I’ll
explain more below.

For Offers $297 or Less 

If you feel your offer (and its pieces) are $297 or less (and this means EACH piece, not in total),
you’re usually best with a Free + Shipping Funnel or the Self-Liquidating Offer Funnel. Both of
these are FRONT END funnels, meaning they are designed to help you get people into your
company and testing out your products.

It’s important to note that with these front-end funnels, it’s best to keep your offer in pieces
(offering 3-4 pieces throughout the funnel).

Here are some popular pricing structures you can use:

● Tripwire $7.00 - $27.00

● Order Bump $12.00 - $47.00
● OTO (One Time Offer) $77.00 - $197.00
● Tripwire $7.00 - $27.00
● Order Bump $12.00 - $47.00
● 2nd Order Bump $37.00 - $97.00*
● Tripwire $7.00 - $27.00
● Order Bump $12.00 - $47.00
● OTO (One Time Offer) $77.00 - $197.00
Downsell $37.00 - $97.00
● Tripwire $7.00 - $27.00

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● Order Bump $12.00 - $47.00
● OTO (One Time Offer) $77.00 - $197.00
● 2nd OTO $97.00 - $297.00

*Needs a script add-on not built into the regular version of Clickfunnels.

For Offers $297 or More

If you feel your offers would be better priced at the $300-$1500 price point, webinar funnels are
your bread and butter.

Here are some popular pricing structures you can use:

● Tripwire (this would be offered on the countdown page while waiting for an automated
webinar to start) $7.00 - $37.00
● Offer $397.00 - $1500.00
● Order Bump $97.00 - $497.00
● Offer $397.00 - $1500.00
● Order Bump $97.00 - $497.00
● OTO (a VIP offer) $297.00 - $3000.00
● Offer $397.00 - $1500.00
● Order Bump $77.00 - $1500.00

For Offers $1500 or More 

If you sell high ticket (stuff over $2000), the decision is pretty simple. You need to either do a
Webinar or Application funnel, and the money is taken over the phone. Your sales team can
determine how best to sell/upsell the different pieces of your offer.

Perceived Value and its Place in the Funnel

Remember in Module 2 when I asked you to identify the perceived value of your offer? What
your customer wants MOST? The sexiest thing you can lead with?

If you’re working with high ticket funnels (webinar or application), you need to make sure that
piece of the offer is the one you FOCUS on when you sell. Highlight it as many ways as you

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If you’ve determined that your pieces aren’t more than $297 each and you’re going to do a
front-end funnel, then you have to do a little “offer acrobatics.” Because a Free + Shipping offer
and an Self-Liquidating Offer funnel have multiple pieces, you want the sexiest parts of the o​ ffer
to be right in front, to hook them in. T​ his means they should be either the Tripwire, or the
Order Bump, or the 2nd Order Bump. ​Basically on the first page of buying.

If you put the sexiest part as the OTO, only people who FIRST buy your tripwire will see it,
reducing the power of that piece of the offer. This happens a lot when you think your juiciest
piece is the most expensive, and you want to make it an upsell, but then you lose its power.

For example, people want Clickfunnels software more than a course. So Russell talks about
how people get six months of CF for FREE when they sign up for a course. It doesn’t sound half
as cool if you say “When you pay for CF for six months, you get a free course.” But so many
people frame things this way instead! Flip it!

That is how you lead with the juiciest offer.

If your customer favorite is your most expensive piece, you might be wondering, “How can I
make that the first piece when it should be the most expensive?”

This all comes down to average cart value. This means, what is the average amount of money
people are spending in the funnel?

If your funnel is F+S like Russell’s Expert Secrets….

● Book is the Tripwire - $7.95

● Order bump is the black box - $37.00
● OTO is the Course - $197.00

The most valuable asset in that whole bundle IS the book. But when 100 people go through the
funnel, there are those that will take the order bump and the OTO, just because they are in a
buying the average cart value is more like $32.00. S​ o Russell is really earning the
value of the book because of averaging.

If Russell tried to lead with something else, many people wouldn’t get over the hump of the first
piece, and you’d lose out.

Alex Hormozi is the founder of Gym Launch Secrets and he sells two products - a $16,000
product and a $90,000 product. When people ask him what the difference is in value between
the first and the second offer, he says, “The second offer is really just paying me retroactively for
the value of the first offer that I dropped significantly enough to get people to buy.”

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Value Ladder Considerations for Your Funnel 

By now you probably have an idea of what funnel you’re going to use. The last thing to consider
is your value ladder.

A value ladder is a visual diagram of how people move through your products. If you’ve picked a
Free + Shipping Offer or a Self-Liquidating Offer funnel, those are front end. That means they
are at the bottom of your value ladder (in the light blue space).

The idea is that you will ascend them to more expensive products eventually.

If you are doing a webinar or application funnel, that’s a back end funnel (so in the blue or red
area). This means that these offers sit either in the middle or the top of the value ladder. The
idea is that you may need build additional front-end funnels to get leads into your business and
then re-route them to your backend funnel once they know you better.

Understand where your funnel is in your value ladder!

In the next section, pick out the funnel workflow plan based on the funnel you’ve chosen. We’ll
go through the exact step by step work plan to create these funnels from scratch.

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