Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

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Date: September 17, 2019

Name: Jimima D. Medico Subject: English (GRADE 7)

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. Identify the two types of clause in a sentence;

b. Differentiate main clause from subordinate clause; and

c. Construct sentences using two types of clause.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Types Of Clause

Reference: K to 12 Essential English worktext in literature and language

(by Carolina Gonzalez)

Materials: Manila Paper, Hand outs and Worksheets

Strategy: Cooperative Learning

III. Procedure

a. Preliminary Activities

 Prayer

 Greetings

 Classroom Management

 Checking Of Attendance

b. Review- 3-2-1 Strategy

 Call some students to recall the previous lesson.

 Let them state three things that they'd learned from the previous lesson,
state two things that they think as interesting, and one question that they
want to clarify from their yesterday's lesson.

c. Motivation- It's A Match !

 Ask 10 students to volunteer. Each student will be given a piece of paper

with a part of a sentence. They will find the other half of the sentence to

complete it.

 Give them 2 minutes to find their match.

d. Presentation of the lesson

 Present the lesson of the day.

 Ask students to read the objectives

e. Lesson Proper

 Group the students into five.

 Instruct the students to proceed to their respected groups.

 Distribute the hand-outs.

 Present the quide questions:

1. What are the different types of clause?

2. What is main clause(independent clause)?

3. What is subordinate clause(dependent clause)?

4. What is the difference of main clause from subordinate clause?

5. What examples can you give ?

 Present the different subordinating conjunctions.

f. Application

 Present the rubric for rating the group activity.


15 pts. 10 pts. 5 pts.

Content All the ideas The ideas presented The ideas presented
preaented are well are well- thought of are not exact and are
thought of and but some are not not relevant to the
relevant to the task relevent to the task task given.
given. given.

Presentation The output was well- The output was well- The output was not
presented and presented but not presented well and
properly explained properly explained. not properly

Cooperation All the members of Few memmbers of Many members of

the group cooperated the group are not the group did not
in the activity. cooperate in the cooperate in the
activity. activity.

Group 1- compose a conversation using the two types of clause. Choose a

representatives to perform it infront.

Group2- compose your own lyrics of a song using the two types of clause

and sing it in chorus(all members).

Group3- compose a poem using the two types of clause and select 1

representative to perform.
Group4- compose a script for stage drama using the two types

of clause and act it infront.

Groul5- compose a paragraph using two types of clause amd perform

it by means of rap(any theme).

g. Generalization

 Ask students the following questions:

 What are the types of clause that we discussed today?

 What are the difference of main clause from subordinate clause?

 Can you give an example of main clause?

 Can you give an example of subordinate clause?

 Ask students to read again the objectives.

IV. Evaluation

Instruction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer.

 Identify the MAIN CLAUSE in sentence 1-5.

1. By the time that he arrived at the house, the rest of the group already had

A. The rest of the group.

B.The rest of the group already had left.

C. That he arrived at the house.

2. If it is raining, you should take an umbrella.

A. If it is raining.

B. An umbrella.

C. You should take an umbrella.

3. I know that you are still waiting.

A. Are still waiting.

B. I know.

C. That you are still waiting.

4. I saw a man who was crying.

A. I saw a man.

B. Who was crying.

C. Was crying.

5. I met a friend who helped me a lot.

A. Who helped me.

B. Who helped me a lot.

C. I met a friend.

 Identify the SUBORDINATE CLAUSE in sentence 6-10.

6. She loved her husband who never tells a lie.

A. She loved her husband.

B. Never tells a lie.

C. Who never tells a lie.

7. Jason take a nap before he left his friend's house.

A. Jason take a nap.

B. He left his friend's house.

C. Before he left his friend's house.

8. Although you may disagree, I still say Shiela is the best person

for the job.

A. The best person for the job.

B. Shiela is the best person.

C. Although you may disagree.

9. Since she was just around the corner, Paula decided to walk to the store

instead of driving.

A. Paula decided to walk.

B. She was just around the corner.

C. Since she was just around the corner.

10.before you go, would you please clean up the mess?

A. Clean up the mess.

B. Before you go.

C. Would you please clean up the mess?

V. Assignment

 Instructions: Compose an essay regarding to your dreams in life using

the types of clause, main clause and subordinate clause.

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