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Microbes & Biotechnology

Role of microbes in the production of bulk chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and other

Raw ingredient(s) Product
- Starting materials or ‘ingredients’; includes the growth medium
- Should be available in large quantities
- Ideal if you can use waste from other processes as your substrate
- e.g. Whey – is a waste products of cheese production – can be used to produce

- Must be able to make large quantities of the product
- Must _____________________________________________________
- Must be stable – can’t mutate (change) easily – want consistent results
- so cultures must be preserved
- e.g. _____________________________________________________
- The search is always on for new and improved strains of microbes which are
capable of producing greater quantities of the product or a superior product –
called __________________________

- The original Penicillium isolated in 1921 by Alexander Fleming was Penicillium
_______________ the problem with this organism was that it could not produce
large quantities of penicillin
- In 1943, a strain of Penicillium chrysogenum was isolated
- apparently from a piece of fruit from a supermarket in Pretoria, Illinois
- The strain produced much greater quantities of penicillin
- Existing strains of microbes can also be genetically manipulated to improve their
- This can be achieved by treating the microbes with
- The Penicillium chrysogenum strain originally isolated from fruit, for
example, was later treated in the laboratory with
- These created mutations in the mold which resulted in a 20-fold increase
in penicillin production
- Need an efficient, economical way to recover and purify the desired end product
- At the end of the process, you may be left with:
o __________________________
o __________________________
o __________________________
o __________________________
o __________________________
- Have to be able to ‘recover’, therefore, the desired product from this mix
Note: These industrial processes frequently (but not always) involve fermentation

‘True’ (scientific) definition of fermentation:

An energy-yielding process that takes place under __________________________
conditions – involves the catabolism of sugars and other organic molecules.

But, in industry, fermentation refers to:

…any large-scale cultivation of microbes in order to produce a substance; process
may be ____________________________________________________
Industrial Fermentation Process:
- Industrial fermentations are carried out in large vessels or tanks called
__________________________ or __________________________
- These are designed to allow control of growth/reaction conditions such as
- Many are continuously stirred – air is introduced at the bottom of the vessel; a
series of paddles and baffles keep the microbial suspension agitated so that it
doesn’t ‘sink’ to the bottom
- These tanks can be very large – hundreds of thousands of liters; as such, setting
up a large-scale fermentation involves several steps – can’t just add a loopful of
stock to a huge bioreactor and hope it works – must proceed in a series of steps
– referred to as a __________________________
- must make sure that growth product and production is first successful in
a small tank
- The product is usually harvested in either the log
phase(__________________________) or in the stationary phase
- Primary metabolites are formed at the same time as new cells – they are related
to the synthesis and growth of microbial cells and include things like
- Secondary metabolites are not produced until growth has been completed; they
usually accumulate when the nutrients become limited and waste products
appear; they do not affect normal cell synthesis and growth; example –

Batch fermentation:
- Grow cells all at once – in one big batch
- Harvest when maximum amounts of product have been produced
- Drain bioreactor – harvest product – clean up – start again with new seed culture
- e.g. __________________________
Continuous culture:
- Is different from batch culture
- Is an ‘open’ rather than a ‘closed’ system
- Fresh growth medium (substrate) is constantly added
- Overflow of fluid occurs – spent media, waste products, and desired product are
removed continually
- Can keep the microbe in desired growth phase (_________________________)
for long periods; steady-state growth is maintained
- Can monitor cell density, pH, chemical composition, etc.
- Bioreactors used for continuous culture are also referred to as
______________________ or continuous reactors

Other systems:
- There are other ways to obtain mass culture of microbes
- E.g. __________________________ – the substrate is just kept moist to
maintain a thin surface film of water where microbes can grow
- __________________________ – microbes are associated with the surface of
support materials as biofilms; the media flows past

Bulk Chemicals
- certain chemicals produced with the help of microbes that are used for industrial

1. Glycerol
- Has pharmaceutical and industrial uses – e.g used in the production of skin
lotions and creams (glycerine), suppositories, cough syrups (provides
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Molasses (or other sugar source Glycerol
2. Acetic acid
- Vinegar is 3-5% acetic acid
- Acetic acid is also used in food flavouring and preservation

Need 2 microbes and 2 reactions:

Saccharomyces (yeast)
Fruit juice or cider (sugar source) Ethanol

Acrobacter aceti (bacteria)

Ethanol Acetic acid

3. Citric acid
- Natural constituents of citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, etc.)
- Wide range of uses
o e.g. anti-coagulants, food flavouring, food preservation, pH
adjusters, anti-oxidants, emulsifier
- Found in hundreds of products including soft drinks, cosmetics and
- Molds produce citric acid during their normal metabolism – it is produced as a
surplus intermediate compound of certain metabolic cycles
- More than 300,000 tons of citric acid is produced every year by Aspergillus
- The mold converts glucose (from a food substrate) to citric acid
- Can be synthesized chemically in the lab but not cheaply – the mold does a
better job!

Aspergillus niger or A. wentii

Molasses (or corn starch, beets, raw sugar) citric acid
4. Acetone & Butanol

Clostridium acetobutylicum
Molasses acetone/butanol

5. Biopolymers
- Microbially-produced polymers (usually polysaccharides) which are used
industrially to alter the viscosity of various liquids, act as gelling agents or
stabilizers, or to promote water retention in a product
- e.g. Erwinia (bacteria) produces certain polysaccharides that are used in paints

Fine Chemicals:
- Includes vitamins amino acids, antibiotics, enzymes, etc.
1. Vitamins:
- Can be made synthetically or by microbes (less expensive)
- Example:
o Vitamin B12 – made by Pseudomonas, Propionibacterium
o Riboflavin (B2) – produced by a mold (Ashbya gossypil)
o Vitamin C – produced by Acetobacter

2. Amino Acids:
- microbes may secrete large quantities of amino acids into the culture medium
- Can manipulate metabolic pathways to achieve this
- Example: glutamic acid
o Used in monosodium glutamate (MSG) - ‘flavour enhancer’ in food
o More than 600,000 tons produced annually
o Microbe involved? – Corynebacterium glutamicum
o Same organism also produces lysine – used as a food supplement in
animal feeds and in cereals
o Industrial production is necessary because animals (including humans!)
cannot synthesize lysine (or methionine) and these amino acids are only
present in low levels in a normal diet
o Microbes are also used to produce the amino acids phenylalanine and
aspartic acid which help make up aspartame (NutraSweetTm) – artificial
sweetener in foods and beverages

3. Steroids
- Steroid hormones regulate metabolism
- Cortisone – relieves arthritis and other inflammatory reactions
- Can be chemically synthesized but…37 steps + expensive…$200/g to make!
- One step is very difficult and costly – therefore use a microbe to carry it out:
o Make a ‘pre-steroid’ in the lab and add it to a tank where Rhizopus
nigricans (mold) is growing
o The mold’s enzymes ‘modify’ the steroid structure and transform it to the
active form
o Filter out the mycelia (mold) and purify the steroid from the filtrate
o Cost is now $0.50/g
o A bacterium (Streptomyces) can also be used – adds a hydroxyl group to
the ‘pre-steroid’ to complete the synthesis
o These are examples of bioconversion where microbes are used to make
small (but significant) changes to an existing molecule
4. Human Proteins
- Genes coding for these are inserted into bacteria – are cloned
- Many copies are made because bacteria multiply so quickly
- Examples:
o Insulin (controls blood sugar levels in diabetics)
o Human growth hormone (stimulates growth in those with pituitary
o Blood clotting factor VIII (used to treat hemophiliacs – individuals whose
blood can’t clot)

5. Antibiotics
- e.g. Penicillium chrysogenum – penicillin, Streptomyces – erythromycin,
- Making penicillin
o mold is grown in a large tank
o mold secretes penicillin into the growth media
o eventually, the mold mycelia is filtered out and the penicillin in the filtrate is
- Problem with natural penicillin? – narrow spectrum of activity (effective only
against Gram positive organisms), destroyed by stomach acid (pH 2), susceptible
to penicillinases (enzymes produced by some microbes which inactivate
- Solution? – take the naturally produced penicillin to the lab and alter the side-
chain of the antibiotic chemically
- Result? – ampicillin, amoxicillin, methicillin, etc.
- These are referred to as semi-synthetic penicillins (microbe makes the base and
the rest is done in the lab)
- These are improved penicillins – have a broader spectrum of activity and are less
susceptible to stomach acid and penicillinases
6. Enzymes – numerous application

Examples of enzymes produced by microbes and their uses:

Enzyme Microbe(s) Use of Enzyme?
Amylase Aspergillus sp. (mold) Laundry detergents
Trichoderma viride
Cellulose Paper production
Aspergillus oryzae
Proteases Meat tenderizer
Rennin Mucor (mold) Cheese production
Streptokinase Lyses blood clots

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