English Class Cinthya Janeth Gomez Candela Abortion

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If a mother can kill his own child, what is left for me to kill you, and you to kill me? There’s
nothing between.

When we talk about abortion, we are talking about taking away a life from someone that is
not even born and that can’t choose about his own life because another person thinks it
has the right to decide if he or she deserves to life or die. Reports indicate that there are
approximately 1 million teenagers in America that become pregnant each year. Of those,
78% are unintended. Of all the teenage women that become pregnant, 35% choose to
have an abortion rather than bear a child. This indicates a problem in the amount of sexual
activity with teens even if they know this is illegal because it doesn’t matter who or the age,
abortion is murder.

Taking apart the moral issues of abortion they’re a massive number of consequences after
doing this. First, this is a process that needs the help from a doctor. The type of surgical
abortion procedure used is based on the woman’s stage of pregnancy. Before seeking a
surgical abortion procedure, you should obtain a sonogram to determine if the pregnancy is
viable and for accurate pregnancy dating. Even if the doctor has experience or not there’s
always the risk of something to go wrong and most women that don’t think well about what
they’re going to do, ended being not capable to get pregnant or with some difficulties to do
it, approximately 10% of women undergoing induced abortion suffer from immediate
complications, of which one-fifth (2%) were considered major. However, most of
complications take time to develop and will not be apparent for days, months or even
years. Maybe in that moment you don’t want a child, but what about the future? How can
you be sure that if the process ends badly, you’re going to be okay with it?

Most of the girls that go to the doctor to abort don’t think about his own feelings, abortion
can emotionally affect each woman differently. Some women report a sense of relief after
having an abortion. The reasons for relief also vary from woman to woman. Emotional and
psychological effects following abortion are more common than physical side effects and
can range from mild regret to more serious complications such as depression. Through the
days or months and even years women start to feel guilty, because they remember more
clearly what they don’t see in the moment, how they end with a life and that feeling follows
you all your life is not something that you can erase.

Abortion is as controversial abroad as it is in the United States. Many governments

struggle to strike a balance between the rights of pregnant women and the rights of unborn
As the following summary of abortion laws and practices in 30 countries shows, this often
leads to complex policies governing when and under what circumstances a woman may
legally have an abortion. For example, in Canada since 1988, when the Supreme Court of
Canada ruled that existing abortion restrictions were unconstitutional, abortion has been
legal for any reason at any stage of pregnancy. Provincial health insurance plans cover the
cost of abortions performed in hospitals but do not consistently provide funding for
abortions performed in free-standing clinics.

When women get pregnant and decide to abort is usually because they’re young and not
ready to be mother or by the abuse of someone else that is horrible and traumatic
situations but even if you don’t want to keep the baby abort is not the only way to solve the
problem because a baby, a new life is not a “problem”. If you don’t want to keep it for any
reason, there’s always the choice of giving it in adoption. They’re woman’s that we’re born
without the possibility of get pregnant or that loose one and they would do everything to
have it and see that the ones that actually can get pregnant are killing a baby destroys
them. Why would you kill a baby if out there is someone that can take care of them and
love them even more that his own mother.

So, should abortion be legal? Of course no. if now so many teenagers abort just imagine if
the government make it legal, they will be sending the message that killing someone is not
a big deal and by that women will start to think that they can have sex without care
because if they get pregnant is just that easy like go and taking away his life and not just
that abusers will take more girls and abuse of them and if before they worried about a girl
getting pregnant now they will think that it doesn’t matter and people will never know
because they can disappear the baby.

Everyone deserves to be born, to get to see the world and experience what life is. Where
not talking about an object, it’s a human being even if is not born, it’s crazy just to thing that
people at this days still think that a person that murder someone deserves to not go to jail,
but a person that kill a baby by his own decision is not a crime and, it’s justify. So, it’s
important to make women conscious about that decision and make that abort not be a
choice and implement alternative choices to make that life began.

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