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Healing Flowers

"Agastache" The frequency of belonging

Opens and activates the higher heart center. Gently assists with feelings of
abandonment, grief, or feeling alone or unloved, self-abandonment or separation from
God. Helps to quickly neutralize emotionally-charged energies such as despair,
outrage, disillusionment and anger. Helps you understand your feelings more
clearly. Allows receiving of Source energy. Dissolves the unconscious belief that you
don’t have a right to be here. Allows you to feel. Adds joy and sweetness to life. A
wonderful essence for people who are overly sensitive to the horrors of the world

"Achillea Blanco" The frequency of elegant communication

Helps to clear the throat chakra. Supports those unable to articulate their thoughts and
feelings. Helps you communicate things that are difficult for you to say. Helps
eliminate frustration from not being able to understand others or be understood,
thereby improving rapport

"Ajuga" The frequency of self-clearing to awaken your intuition

An important essence that grounds, centers & stabilizes you while it expands and clears
your aura. Opens the 3rd eye to connect you to higher dimensions, higher self, and
your intuition. Clears negativity and unwanted energies that collect in your auric
field. Releases tension from being unconsciously guarded. Helps you transcend,
release, and free psychic toxins and any past debts (invisible attachments) you still owe
to others or others owe to you (ie karma, apologies, forgiveness, wrong-doings, etc).

"Amianthium" The frequency of graceful and loving self self acceptance

Releases deeply held self-punishment, self-sabotage, self-diminishment, and the belief
that you must suffer for your mistakes or sins

"Anemone" The frequency of unshakable self-esteem

Promotes calm, poised, unshakable confidence, self-esteem, and self
acceptance. Helps you feel competent, capable, and rooted. May release trapped
energy in hips

"Aquillegia" The frequency of a balanced ego

Overcomes a sense of diminishment or worthlessness. Enables the ego to relinquish its
hold. Addresses issues related to pride or vanity such as embarrassment, shame,
humiliation, resentment, stubbornness, self-righteousness, or not being flexible. Stops
venting of anger & impatience. Helps you to see other points of view, co-operate,
adapt, be gracious, humble, and rise above. Helps release resentment causing
inflammation and pain in knees

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