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Scholastic Processes and Outcomes

1.1 Curriculum Planning

1.1.1 Principal and teachers are familiar with the spirit and contents of NCF
0 2 4 7

The school has completely

Seminars/workshops are Teachers are encouraged to go
There is no acquaintance among integrated the NCF and
conducted to create awareness of through the NCF and a copy of
the Principal and staff with the recommendations in the Position
the NCF 2005 document is given to all the
NCF document. papers into all aspects of school
members of faculty.

NCF, 2005 • Position Papers NCERT • Records of Staff Meetings / Subject Meetings • Seminar •
Evidence/Records Workshop /Department Meetings held • Annual Curriculum Plan/ School Calendar • Teacher
Diaries • CCE Manuals• FA Manuals

Present Status Target Year


1 |V N M P S
I. Scholastic Processes and Outcomes

1.1 Curriculum Planning

1.1.2 Curriculum develops skills and abilities which prepare students for a global world of life-long learning

0 2 4 7
Schools create opportunities
for capacity building of teachers
Schools have integrated Schools conduct activities,
and students through
Schools are unaware of concept dimensions of social, emotional, assemblies, seminars and
collaborative exchanges with
of life long learning of Life Skills cognitive and spiritual aspects workshops to enhance skills
other Scholastic institutions at –
into Annual Curriculum Plan and abilities of students..
Regional Level National Level
International Level.

Life Skills Manuals VI, VII, VIII and IX-X • Report Books • Health Manuals (Vol. I-IV) AEP Manuals
• ACP • Teachers Diaries • Anecdotal Records • Report Cards • Teacher Time Table • ICT
(Time Table)

Present Status Target Year


2 |V N M P S
I. Scholastic Processes and Outcomes

1.1 Curriculum Planning

1.1.3 Principal and teachers are familiar with the curriculum documents and support material brought out by CBSE
0 2 4 7

There is no awareness about

Curriculum documents and All teachers are aware and School is effectively
the Curriculum documents
Teachers Manuals are used have copies of syllabus implementing the Annual
(Vol. I and II) of CBSE and
for drafting the Annual documents and Teachers Curriculum Plan based on
there are no copies available
Curriculum Plan Manuals documents of CBSE
in the Library..

CBSE Curriculum Documents (Vol. 1 & 2) • Teachers Manuals – CCE • FA Manuals • Records of
Evidence/Records Department Meetings • Scholastic Calendar • Time Table • Teachers Log Books • Teachers Diaries
• Lesson Plans • Website • Communication with Parents

Present Status Target Year


3 |V N M P S
I. Scholastic Processes and Outcomes

1.1 Curriculum Planning

1.1.4 There is an Annual Curriculum Plan for development of Scholastic Skills

0 2 4 7

The approved Annual Curriculum The approved Annual Curriculum

No documented Annual A documented draft Annual
Plan for development of scholastic Plan is effectively implemented,
Curriculum Plan is available for Curriculum Plan is available with
areas is communicated to teacher, monitored and reviewed at
development of Scholastic Skills. the Principal and Library.
students and parents. regular intervals.

Annual Curriculum Plan/ Scholastic Calendar, • School diary/ Teacher Diaries • Time Table
• Teachers Log Book • Lesson Plans • CBSE-Curriculum Documents • CCE Manuals • FA Manuals

Present Status Target Year


4 |V N M P S
I. Scholastic Processes and Outcomes

1.1 Curriculum Planning

1.1.5 There is an Annual Curriculum Plan for development of Co-Scholastic Skills(CSS)

0 2 4 7

A documented draft Annual The Annual Curriculum Plan for

No documented Annual The approved Annual Curriculum
Curriculum Plan for development development of CSS is effectively
Curriculum Plan for development of scholastic
of CSS is available with the implemented monitored and
Plan is available of development areas is communicated to teacher,
Principal/HM in the school reviewed at regular intervals in
of Co-Scholastic Skills (CSS).. students and parents.
Library the school.

Annual Curriculum Plan for CSS • Teachers log Books • Lesson Plans • School Calendar • Teacher
Evidence/Records Diaries • Anecdotal Records CCE Manuals • Time Table • Observation Schedules • Other Templates
• Records Health Manuals (Vol. I-IV)

Present Status Target Year


5 |V N M P S
I. Scholastic Processes and Outcomes

1.1 Curriculum Planning

1.1.6 Courses are completed as per curriculum planning

0 2 4 7
As per evidence from the Syllabus,
As per evidence from the Syllabus,
As per evidence from the Syllabus all courses have been completed
Courses are completed randomly over 50% but less than 75% of the
less than 50% of the planned without deviation and with
by all teachers at their own pace courses have been completed
courses have been completed additional
and inclination.. without
without deviation. inputs that enhance

Annual Curriculum Plan (ACP) • Teachers Diaries • Lesson Plans • Lesson Observation, List of
Resources used • List of Activities conducted • Time Table • ICT Integration

Present Status Target Year


6 |V N M P S
I. Scholastic Processes and Outcomes

1.1 Curriculum Planning

1.1.7 There is a mechanism of monitoring and mentoring of students through CCE and other mechanisms of progress within the
0 2 4 7
Monthly/Quarterly review reports
of each and every student of all
Mechanism exists and all the classes duly checked by
No documented mechanism for School practices the mechanism
stakeholders like teachers, Principal/Teachers/
monitoring and mentoring of and effectively uses feedback from
parents and students are aware of Parents/Peers where students,
students. teachers to improve curriculum.
it. teachers and parents participate
in setting goals and in drawing up
an improvement plan.

Anecdotal Record • Report Cards • Frequency of PTMs/Open House • Orientation Programmes

• Diagnosis and Remedial Records • CCE Cards • Teacher Diaries

Present Status Target Year


7 |V N M P S
I. Scholastic Processes and Outcomes

1.2 Teaching Learning Processes

1.2.1 School follows an optimum number of teaching days and teaching hours
0 2 4 7

School do not follow the minimum

number of working days (220) School works for 150-200 days in
School works for 180-220 days in School works for 220 days or
and works for only 100 days a year.
a year more in a year.
(50%), teachers work less than
1200 hours annually(Nursery-V).

Staff Muster • Attendance Records of Teacher • ACP • School Calendar • Holiday's Policy • Teachers
Time Table • Attendance Registers of each class • Student Time Table

Present Status Target Year


8 |V N M P S
I. Scholastic Processes and Outcomes

1.2 Teaching Learning Processes

1.2.2 Teacher Student Ratio
0 2 4 7

School does not follow the student School follows the student teacher School follows the student teacher School follows the student teacher
teacher ratio of 1 teacher for 40 ratio of 1 teacher for 35-40 ratio of 1 teachers for 30-35 ratio of one teacher for 25-30
students.. students. students. students.

Staff Records • Attendance Records • Admission/ Withdrawal Records • Time Table • Number of
Teachers • Number of Sections

Present Status Target Year


9 |V N M P S
I. Scholastic Processes and Outcomes

1.2 Teaching Learning Processes

1.2.3 Approaches to learning and teaching
0 2 4 7
The teacher uses multiple modes
of teaching learning strategies
that recognize diverse learners
The teacher is clear about The teacher uses activity based and learning styles including
The teacher adopts frontal
objectives of lesson, uses the black child cantered learning through differently
teaching, using the textbook with
board and charts but allows no air/group work and asks open abled and other categories of
almost no activities.
opportunities for interaction. ended questions. Inclusion. Integrates formative
assessment in the classroom with
emphasis on remediation and

List of Textbooks used • Teacher Diaries • Lesson Plans • Resources /Teaching Aids, • Activities
Evidence/Records Form
• Assessment Records (FA) • Reference Books • Technology Tools

Present Status Target Year


10 |V N M P S
I. Scholastic Processes and Outcomes

1.2 Teaching Learning Processes

1.2.4 Approaches to Assessment and feedback
0 2 4 7

The teacher conducts Formative

The teacher conducts different
The teacher follows up frequent and Summative Assessments for
The teacher conducts only paper types of assessment in class
testing with assigning projects the purpose of diagnosis and
pencil tests. including oral, research oriented
for homework. remediation leading to
and practical.
improvement of learners.

Assessment Record • Project work • Practical Records • Homework • Remedial Records •

Evidence/Records Worksheets
• Marks Register in FA's Class VI-X

Present Status Target Year


11 |V N M P S
I. Scholastic Processes and Outcomes
1.2 Teaching Learning Processes
1.2.5 Schools encourage innovative practices through collaboration.
0 2 4 7
Teachers are self motivated and
Teachers are encouraged to go collaborate with peers and
Teachers continuously innovate
beyond textbooks and create experts through continuous
Teachers complete the textbooks and enrich classes through ICT
opportunities for students to capacity building to enhance
from cover to cover. and experiential learning with
apply their learning in real life their teaching learning practice
room for groups to collaborate.
situations. and willing to share best
practices acquired.

Syllabus break up • Teacher's Diaries • List of Activities • List of Excursions • Guest Lectures, • Field
Evidence/Records Trips • Use of Technology • List of Workshops attended by Principals/ Teacher • Exchange
Programs • Sahodaya Clusters

Present Status Target Year


12 |V N M P S
I. Scholastic Processes and Outcomes

1.3 Student Assessment and Performance

1.3.1 Student Strength
0 2 4 7

The class size is between 25-30

The school has large classes with The class size is between 35-40 The class size is between 30-35
with teacher paying individual
over 40-50 students per class. with adequate space. with space to conduct group work.
attention to each student.

Evidence/Records • Attendance Registers • Records • Building Plan

Present Status Target Year


13 |V N M P S
I. Scholastic Processes and Outcomes

1.3 Student Assessment and Performance

1.3.2 CCE Implementation

0 2 4 7

Schools are implementing CCE Teachers and students are aware

Schools are following CCE from
by conducting frequent paper of criteria for Scholastic,
Schools are unaware of CCE or classes I-X through Formative
pencil tests and project work in (Formative and Summative
Teachers' Manuals on CCE. Tasks, Project Work and
Scholastic areas. Assessment) and Co-Scholastic
areas. Teachers are well trained.

• CCE Manuals (I-VIII) • Life Skills Manual • Teachers Manuals on FA in different subjects
• CCE Cards • FA-Records • Teacher Diaries

Present Status Target Year


14 |V N M P S
I. Scholastic Processes and Outcomes

1.3 Student Assessment and Performance

1.3.3 Formative Assessment
0 2 4 7
Teachers and Students are
Students are aware of different
aware of criteria and need for
Students and teachers are Students and teachers are aware modes of FA and carry on oral
remediation based on diagnosis.
unaware of FAs and no FA and have frequent pen and and research based tasks in
Students are provided
Manual is available in school. paper tests under FA. class under direct supervision
opportunities for self
of the teacher.

Records of FAs and SA • Records Co- Scholastic Projects/ Assignments • Anecdotal Records • CCE
Evidence/Records Records • Quality of Worksheets • CCE Certificate • Use of Technology in Assessment, Report Cards
• Result analysis and Feedback and Corrective Action Report • Remedial Worksheets

Present Status Target Year


15 |V N M P S
I. Scholastic Processes and Outcomes

1.3 Student Assessment and Performance

1.3.4 Summative Assessment
0 2 4 7

Students and teachers work

Students are unaware of the Students are aware of pattern Students are aware of syllabus.
together to create good question
structure of SA or the syllabus but have had no practice in Teachers are also aware and
banks/papers for their own
of each term.. the class. conduct practice sessions in class

Question Papers/ Books • Exam Time Table • Exam syllabus • Report Cards • Sample Question
Papers (SQP) • CCE Cards

Present Status Target Year


16 |V N M P S
I. Scholastic Processes and Outcomes

1.3 Student Assessment and Performance

1.3.5 Schools ensures student participation in at least 75% classes
0 2 4 7
Principal and teachers and other Principal, teachers and
School is indifferent to regular Principal and teachers are aware stakeholders have informed stakeholders
absenteeism of students and does of students who regularly absent interactions of the child's regular are aware of the child's
not implement any strategy to themselves but do not take any absenteeism. Follow up is done by inclination to absent himself and
ensure attendance. step to ensure their attendance. being in touch with guardian to work in unison to ensure regular
ensure attendance. attendance by providing impetus.

Attendance Records • FA Records • Portfolio • Follow-up by school • Registration of Students

• Communication with Parents • FA/SA for Absentees.

Present Status Target Year


17 |V N M P S
I. Scholastic Processes and Outcomes

1.3 Student Assessment and Performance

1.3.6 Schools ensures all student achieve and Progress
0 2 4 7

The average result of Class XII is The average result of Class XII is The average result of Class XII is The average result of Class XII is
less than 50% (with reference to between 50% - 60% (with between 60% - 80% (with 100% (with reference to Board
the Board average). reference to Board average) reference to Board average). average).

• School result Class XII • Board results


Present Status Target Year


18 |V N M P S
2: Co-Scholastic Processes and Outcomes
2.1 Life Skills
2.1.1 School has Life Skills Development Programme
0 2 4 7
The school uses Life Skills
Besides records and time set
Manuals, CCE Manual and
aside for Life Skills, Parents and
There is no organized Life Skills programme is Health Manual and has
students attend orientations and
programme for Life Skills planned and implemented for documented assessment of Life
training workshops conducted
development. secondary classes only.. Skills across all classes and
by trained staff, counselor or
feedback is provided to all
guest speakers.
students and parents.

• Life Skills Manuals • Time Table / Schedule for Life Skills • Graded Activities from all Manuals
Evidence/Records • Records of Feedback, • Anecdotal Records(AR) • Report Cards • Observation Schedules (OS)
• Service Record of Counselor • Students Counseling Records

Present Status Target Year


19 |V N M P S
2: Co-Scholastic Processes and Outcomes
2.1 Life Skills
2.1.2 Life Skills is integrated with Health and Wellness and Adolescent Education.
0 2 4 7
Teachers have created resources
for equipping students with
Life Skill Activities are
Creative and Critical Thinking,
There is no Life Skills Program conducted using the Life Skills
Life Skills are carried out in Problem Solving and Decision
and no 'Health and Wellness Manuals. Health and Wellness
an informal way. Making, Communication and
Clubs' either. Clubs co-ordinate health and
Interpersonal Skills as well as
adolescence related activities..
Dealing with Stress and

Life Skills Manuals • Health Manuals (Vol. I-V)

• Health Cards
• Report Cards (AR)• Observational
Schedules (OS)

Present Status Target Year


20 |V N M P S
2: Co-Scholastic Processes and Outcomes
2.2 Value Systems
2.2.1 School has a well integrated value systems framework
0 2 4 7
The school has adopted the
School has adopted the value
value systems based on
systems and teachers have
The school is following value Article 51A of the Indian
The school does not have any created activities for promoting
systems in an informal way as Constitution – Fundamental
plan for value systems. values and also record them
part of their Vision and Mission. Duties given in the CCE
individually for each student
Manuals of CBSE and uses
using descriptors.
descriptors to record them.

Evidence/Records CCE Manuals (VI-VIII, IX-X) • School Curriculum Plans • Report Cards (I-V, VI-VIII, IX-X) • AR • OS

Present Status Target Year


21 |V N M P S
2: Co-Scholastic Processes and Outcomes
2.3 Attitudes
2.3.1 Students demonstrate positive attitudes
0 2 4 7
All school teachers and the
Teachers motivate and help
counsellor ensure the
Students are verbally encouraged students through counseling
development of positive attitudes
There is absence of developing to develop right attitudes and sessions to develop right attitudes
and values among students
right attitudes and values in values occasionally during school and values towards school mates,
through regular
students. assembly and no records are teachers, school programs and
counselling sessions in
maintained. maintain
collaboration with the parents
and maintain records..

CCE Manuals (VIVIII, IX-X) • Report Cards • AR • OS • EE Manuals • Eco-Clubs • Grading Process
• Records / Documentation.

Present Status Target Year


22 |V N M P S
2: Co-Scholastic Processes and Outcomes
2.4 Work Education
2.4.1 School implements Work Education programme
0 2 4 7
The school provides
opportunities and maintains
The school provides 2-3 choices
The school provides for work records for all classes and
Work education is not and maintains records for all
education, but no records are provides feedback to students
implemented. classes from VI-X and gives
maintained. and parents, the records are
feedback to students and parents.
analyzed to improve/
motivate performance/skills.

• Record of Work Education • Time Table • Attendance • Performance Records • CCE Records
• Report Card

Present Status Target Year


23 |V N M P S
2: Co-Scholastic Processes and Outcomes
2.5 Visual and Performing Arts
2.5.1 School provides opportunity for Visual and Performing Arts
0 2 4 7
The school provides more
than two activities for Visual The students participate in
The school provides only and Performing Arts, assesses Visual and Performing Arts
The school provides only
two activities for Visual and them based on descriptors in activities at the Zonal / State,
two activities for Visual and
Performing Arts and the CCE Manuals and National and International
Performing Arts.
maintains records. maintains records and level. School has a special
provides feedback to students focus in this area.
and parents.

• ACP/SC Activities Conducted • Time Table • Teachers' Diaries • Attendance • Performance

Evidence/Records Records
• Record of Visual and Performing Arts • OS • AR

Present Status Target Year


24 |V N M P S
2: Co-Scholastic Processes and Outcomes
2.6 Co-Scholastic Activities
2.6.1 The school provides facilities to participate in Literary and Creative-Skills; Scientific Skills; Information and
Communication Technology skills, Organizational Leadership skills and Aesthetic skills
0 2 4 7
The school provides facilities
The school provides facilities to students of all classes and
to students of all classes at encourages them to
Students use these periods Schools provide facilities to
all levels and encourages participate in such activities
as free periods teachers students to participate in
them to participate in such at the district/state/ national
'finish portions' in this such activities and maintains
activities and maintains /international level and
period. informal records.
records based on descriptors maintains records of their
given in CCE Manuals. achievements and provides
regular feedback to parents.

Evidence/Records • CCE Manuals (VI-VIII and IX-X) • Records / Report Cards • Attendance / Grading • OS • AR

Present Status Target Year


25 |V N M P S
2: Co-Scholastic Processes and Outcomes
2.7 Health and Physical Activities - Health Care
2.7.1 School provides facilities to students in Sports, NCC, Scouting and Guiding, Swimming,
Gymnastics, Yoga, First Aid, Gardening etc.
0 2 4 7
School provides a variety of
facilities for Physical Education,
encourages students to participate
School encourages students in district/ state/national /
School provides for more
School provides for basic to participate in inter and international activities and
than two activities under
facilities in physical education. intra - school activities and maintains health and achievement
Physical Education.
maintains Health Cards. records and informs parents
regularly. Assessment Records are
based on descriptors in CCE

• CCE Manuals (VI-VIII and IX-X) • Records / CCE Report Cards • Attendance Grading/ Scores
Evidence/Records • Health Manuals (Vol. I-IV) • Health Cards • PE Cards • PE Manual • Special Ability
• PE Cards and Manual • NCC Records

Present Status Target Year


26 |V N M P S
3: Infrastructure – Adequacy, Functionality and Aesthetics
3.1 Classrooms, Library, Laboratory, Computer Labs, ICT Facilities, Playground
3.1.1 School has sufficient classrooms conducive to learning
0 2 4 7
Integrated classroom
Classrooms are designed to provides space for student:
Classrooms are available but Classrooms are available as provide for varied learning student and teacher: student
fall short of statutory norms. per statutory norms. needs and suitable for interactions with aesthetic
different levels. features and ICT facilities,
access for differently abled.

Evidence/Records Physical verification on site

Present Status Target Year


27 |V N M P S
3: Infrastructure – Adequacy, Functionality and Aesthetics
3.1 Classrooms, Library, Laboratory, Computer Labs, ICT Facilities, Playground

3.1.2 School Library as Resource Centre

0 2 4 7
School library is aesthetically
designed and provides
The school library has varied The school library resources
access to internet, e-library
resources to meet the are optimally utilized by
The school library or a basic and various digital media,
developmental needs of teachers and students with
room with a few books. with separate reference
students and are regularly a separate reference section
facilities for teachers to
updated / upgraded. and a Reading Room.
facilitate learning and a
Resource Centre.

• Number of books • Physical Verification • Scanned Photographs • SQAAF • Budget Allocation

• Process of procurement of books

Present Status Target Year


28 |V N M P S
3: Infrastructure – Adequacy, Functionality and Aesthetics
3.1 Classrooms, Library, Laboratory, Computer Labs, ICT Facilities, Playground

3.1.3 Laboratories are available to support learning activities

0 2 4 7
Laboratory and related
Laboratories are available The laboratory facilities are
emergency management
but permanent lab assistants more than adequate, and
A School has some facilities are available and
are not present OR the there is optimal utilization.
laboratories but they are not teachers and students are
facility is sub-optimally Resources are added based
sufficiently equipped. adequately trained to
utilized and safety measures on teacher and student
demonstrate safe and careful
are not in place. feedback.
use of equipments.

• Photographs Scanned • Physical Verification on site • Budget Allocation • Process of

Evidence/Records Procurement
of Material. • Time Table

Present Status Target Year


29 |V N M P S
3: Infrastructure – Adequacy, Functionality and Aesthetics
3.1 Classrooms, Library, Laboratory, Computer Labs, ICT Facilities, Playground

3.1.4 Computer and ICT facilities as resource

0 2 4 7
There are more than adequate
Computer and ICT facilities computers (2-3 students per
for Scholastics, co-scholastic computer/laptop) and are
There are no computers Computer and ICT facilities
activities, and school integrated with the learning
available in the school, or are available but are not
information management are design and optimally utilised
are available but are not integrated with the learning
available and are regularly for appropriate instructional
utilized. design of all subjects.
upgraded and effectively transaction and record keeping.
utilized. Evidence of personalised and
collaborative learning.

Evidence/Records • Photographs Scanned • Report Card • SCP/SC • Teacher Diaries • Time Table • Budget Allocation

Present Status Target Year


30 |V N M P S
3: Infrastructure – Adequacy, Functionality and Aesthetics
3.1 Classrooms, Library, Laboratory, Computer Labs, ICT Facilities, Playground

3.1.5 School Playground

0 2 4 7
The school playground is
The school playground is
optimally utilized by way of
The school has a playground aesthetically designed and
providing diverse & separate
The school does not have a meeting minimum statutory maintained regularly with
facilities for sports, games
playground or any requirements and is utilized opportunities for multi
and physical training; in an
alternative arrangement. for multiple sports and courts and games with PEC
age appropriate way with
activities. activities at Primary and
PEC activities at Primary and
Secondary Level.
Secondary Level.

• Photographs (Scanned) • School visit • PE Manuals • PEC Primary • PEC Ability • PEC

Present Status Target Year


31 |V N M P S
3: Infrastructure – Adequacy, Functionality and Aesthetics

3.2 Principal's Office, Staff Room, & Administration Offices

3.2.1 School has sufficient space for principal, staff and administration as per requirements
0 2 4 7
The school has aesthetically
designed offices, equipped
The school has a Principal's The school has a common In addition to the Principal
with relevant ICT facilities
Office but no provision for office for Principal, and Administrative Offices,
for Principal, Teaching Staff
Staff Room or Administrative Staff and for a separate Staff Room is
and Administrative Staff as
Administrative Offices. other purposes. available for teachers.
well as for Non-Teaching

Evidence/Records • School visit

Present Status Target Year


32 |V N M P S
3: Infrastructure – Adequacy, Functionality and Aesthetics

3.3 Sports and Games facilities, hobby rooms, Arts and Music facilities
3.3.1 Indoor and outdoor sport facilities are available and support differently abled students
0 2 4 7

Indoor / outdoor facilities Hobby rooms and Clubs are

The school does not have Available facilities also
are available in proportion available as well as training
dedicated indoor and / or support differently-abled
to the strength of the facilities for varied
outdoor sports facilities. students.
students. disciplines.

Evidence/Records • Photographs Scanned • Records budget • Accession Register

Present Status Target Year


33 |V N M P S
3: Infrastructure – Adequacy, Functionality and Aesthetics

3.4 Girls' Rest Room, Infirmary (Medical Room), Water and Sanitation, Health Management facilities
3.4.1 Information in terms of above is not only objective, functional but also aesthetic
0 2 4 7
Enough toilets separately for
Girls’ Rest Room, girls and boys, well Aesthetically designed Rest
Sick Room is available but is
Sick room, Health Centre maintained and safe Rooms, bathrooms, toilets,
not manned by a doctor/
and enough toilets are drinking water, medical water sources and Health
nurse at all times.
not available. rooms and girls' Rest Room Management facilities.
are part of the campus.

Evidence/Records • Building Plan

Present Status Target Year


34 |V N M P S
3: Infrastructure – Adequacy, Functionality and Aesthetics

3.5 Furniture, Lighting and Ventilation

3.5.1 Adequate furniture with adequate verification and aesthetic design of available
0 2 4 7
Aesthetically designed
Furniture is adequate and
Furniture is available as per furniture as per different
comfortable with enough
the teaching / learning levels, age-appropriate and
Proper illumination and attention being paid to
requirements with average pleasing. Building designed
ventilation is maintained. natural lighting and cross
ventilation and modest for natural lighting and
ventilation in building
furniture. ventilation in keeping with
the best international norms.

• Photographs
• Building Plan

Present Status Target Year


35 |V N M P S
3: Infrastructure – Adequacy, Functionality and Aesthetics
3.6 Disaster Management provisions (fire extinguisher, emergency exit)
3.6.1 Adequate provisions exist for Disaster Management
0 2 4 7
All students, teachers,
School stakeholders are
non-teaching staff are well
The school has sufficient trained to manage
trained to conduct evacuation
The school does not have any disaster management emergencies and disasters
drills. Stringent provisions for
disaster management plan. equipment and a clear with enough practice in
emergency management are in
Evacuation drill laid out. conducting mock drills and
place in terms of infrastructure
evacuation drills.
and behavior patterns.

Evidence/Records • Records • Building Plan • Safety Certificates

Present Status Target Year


36 |V N M P S
3: Infrastructure – Adequacy, Functionality and Aesthetics

3.7 Special provisions for differently abled children and counsellor activities
3.7.1 Adequate provisions exist for differently abled and school practices inclusion
0 2 4 7
Adheres to norms for
The infrastructure is built
differently abled in buildings,
with access such as ramps,
School facilities take care of School has ramps and admits toilets, inclusive practices are
lifts and inclusive classrooms
the needs of the differently abled. students of disadvantaged prevalent, teachers are sensitised
are the norm. Adequate
Only regular counsellor is groups and also has limited and work in close
number and areas specific
available number of special educators collaboration with Counsellors.
special educators (MR/HI/
without any special educators. apart from counsellor. Special educators and
VI/LD) etc. exist as per
rehabilitation professionals are
students disability.

• Records of differently abled students • Building Plan • Details of Counsellors, Special Educators
• Training of teachers

Present Status Target Year


37 |V N M P S
3: Infrastructure – Adequacy, Functionality and Aesthetics

3.8 Eco-friendly Orientation, Aesthetics, Lawns and Green Plants

3.8.1 School practices eco-friendly activities
0 2 4 7
Infrastructure aesthetically
built, the classrooms are Vermicomposting Rain
The school displays neat bright, age appropriate Water harvesting, solar
The school does not practice
surroundings, is concerned furniture, lawns, greenery, heating, detailed attention
eco-friendly activities.
with landscape. and environmental to surroundings, outreach
consciousness prevalent in to community.
every aspect.

Evidence/Records • Eco-Clubs, • SCP/SC • Budget • Photographs Scanned • Human Resource Personnel

Present Status Target Year


38 |V N M P S
4: Human Resources

4.1 School Staff

4.1.1 School recruits qualified teachers and non-teaching staff
0 2 4 7
The recruits are assessed in a
Interview panel is constituted
written test, face to face
of Educationists/ Experts/ The interviewee has to
Lists of staff qualifications interview with a competent
school heads / senior demonstrate his / her
and subjects/duties to be panel, demonstrate his/her
teachers/staff who will focus competency in a `real' class,
handled is available. competency in a class
on specific behavioural for observation of the panel.
demonstration, followed by
indicators of the interviewee.
further interaction.

HR Manual • Staff Records, • Staff Personal Files • Induction Policy • Staff Manuals • Staff
Appraisal Policy • Professional Development Program • Salaries - Records

Present Status Target Year


39 |V N M P S
4: Human Resources

4.1 School Staff

4.1.2 School has an induction policy in place for the recruits
0 2 4 7

Students and teachers work

Students are unaware of the Students are aware of pattern Students are aware of syllabus.
together to create good question
structure of SA or the syllabus but have had no practice in Teachers are also aware and
banks/papers for their own
of each term.. the class. conduct practice sessions in class

Question Papers/ Books • Exam Time Table • Exam syllabus • Report Cards • Sample Question
Papers (SQP) • CCE Cards

Present Status Target Year


40 |V N M P S
4: Human Resources

4.1 School Staff

4.1.3 School conducts staff appraisal
0 2 4 7

The entire appraisal system

No staff appraisals are done;
The staff is familiar with is designed after consultation A complete 360 degree
or they are done on a
the parameters for staff with the staff about the feedback based appraisal is
random basis and on
appraisals. various parameters to be carried out in the school.
unknown parameters.

• Staff Records • Staff Personal Files • Induction Policy • Staff Manual/HR manual / Teacher
Evidence/Records Handbook • Staff Appraisal Policy • Class Professional Development Program Records
• Compensation Salary Records

Present Status Target Year


41 |V N M P S
4: Human Resources

4.1 School Staff

4.1.4 School carries on staff development programmes and capacity building of teachers
0 2 4 7
There is an extensive succession
planning report in place for the
The Principal along with the
There is a well drafted teachers' Principal as well as teachers
Scholastic and Co-Scholastic
development report including including a report of the kind of
There is no emphasis given staff are periodically
their involvement in activities management and development
on staff development. involved in self and team
other than programmes they need to
development and management
teaching. undertake. There is a provision for
teacher development in the Annual

HR Manuals / Teacher Manual • Professional Development Programmes (CBSE) inhouse, external,

Evidence/Records international, exchange collaborations) • Staff Appraisal Meetings/ Record • Class Observation
Forms • Annual Budget for CPD • Income and Expenditure Statement • Staff Salary Records

Present Status Target Year


42 |V N M P S
4: Human Resources
4.1 School Staff
4.1.5 School decides the compensation according to the latest pay commission
0 2 4 7
The school gives the
The compensation provided compensation according to
The school gives
The school does not provide by the school is lesser than the latest pay commission
compensation including
the teachers with adequate the state/country/ and also provides teachers
benefits like HRA, DA,
monthly compensation. recommendation of pay with allowances, incentives
Travelling Allowance, etc.
commission. and appreciation for

HR Manual/ Teachers Manual/ Code • Pay Slips • Staff Salary Record • Bank Certificate
• Pass Books Records • Increments Policy Central/State • Education Pay Commission

Present Status Target Year


43 |V N M P S
4: Human Resources

4.1 School Staff

4.1.6 School provides staff incentive and appreciation
0 2 4 7
There is a proper incentive plan
available work/activity -wise and
Incentives and appreciations are
There is no incentive or The school provides for the staff the teachers know and
a way of acknowledging efforts
appreciation plan available with appreciation certificates for their understand the basis of the
within the school as it is ingrained
the school. efforts. incentives and
in the culture of the school.
appreciations provided (HRA, DA,

Records Minutes of SMC • Staff Appraisal • HR Manual/ Teachers Manual/ Code • Staff Salary

Present Status Target Year


44 |V N M P S
4: Human Resources

4.1 School Staff

4.1.7 The school has a well developed mechanism of mentoring
0 2 4 7
There is a mentoring schedule
The mentoring is just restricted to and programme in place and the
There is no mentoring the weekly/ daily reports to the There is a mentoring programme mentor-mentee meetings are held
programme in the school. head of scheduled every month. every
department. week to discuss various school
plans and issues.

HR Manual/ Teacher Code • Records Minutes of Staff Meetings • Staff Mentoring Meetings
• Time Table

Present Status Target Year


45 |V N M P S
4: Human Resources

4.2 Parents
4.2.1 Parents interface with school
0 2 4 7
Structured and formal
interventions for parents, their
Parent Interface with school is
involvement in
consistent and frequent. All
The school has no interaction The school has a Parent Teacher developing and implementing
parents encouraged to participate
with parents. Association and meet once a year. School Annual curriculum Plan,
in school
activities in an informal manner.
interface leading to further

• School Calendar • PTA/PTM • Minutes of PTA Meetings • Record and Attendance of workshops
with parents online interaction. • Website • Newsletter/ Magazine • Electronic Communication
through Email/ Google Groups • Directory of Parents • SMS Software • Records of Substitution/
Guest Lectures by Parents, field trips organized by Parents

Present Status Target Year


46 |V N M P S
4: Human Resources

4.3 Alumni
4.3.1 School interacts with Alumni
0 2 4 7
The school provides a
The school has tracking
platform for alumni to
The school has Alumni mechanisms regarding
The school has no interaction participate in school
Association and meets once alumni and involves them in
with Alumni. activities and interact
a year. frequent interface leading
with the students
to further development.

• School Alumni Directory • Alumni Association Body • Minutes of the Meetings • Annual Meet
Details • Alumni website/ online interaction. • Electronic Communication through Email/ Google
Groups • Directory of Parents • SMS Software • Records of Substitution/ Guest Lectures by
Parents, field trips organized by Parents

Present Status Target Year


47 |V N M P S
4: Human Resources
4.4 Students
4.4.1 Students are prepared holistically
0 2 4 7
The school encourages the The school organises Career
students to participate in Mela/ Exhibition for
The school prepares the
The school has no different competitions students and parents to
students for performance and
development organised by different know more about different
participation in internal
plans for students. agencies at State/District/ careers and also provides
National/ International opportunities to get hands
level. on experience.

• School Calendar • Student/ Handbook • Student Council • Participation Records of Career

Evidence/Records Awareness • Exhibition and 'Hands on Experience' reports. • Records of Inter-School and Intra-
School (National and international) activities including Life Skills.

Present Status Target Year


48 |V N M P S
5: Management and Administration
5.1 Institutional Planning Mechanisms
5.1.1 Planning Mechanisms are Self Reflected
0 2 4 7
The management has both
long term and short term
The management has no The management has short The management has both planning drafted and have a
long term or short term term institutional planning long term and short term plan of action and
institutional planning for (not drafted) and no long plan and efforts are being implementation,
the school. term planning. made to implement them. mechanisms for monitoring,
mentoring and feedback for
further development exist.

• ACP/SC • School Calendar • SMC Minutes • Staff Meetings Minutes • Committees and Team
Evidence/Records Feedback
• Annual Management Conferences

Present Status Target Year


49 |V N M P S
5: Management and Administration

5.2 Institutional improvement and the process of Accreditation and Certification

5.2.1 Focus on Process and Institutional Improvement
0 2 4 7
Schools' Principal/Teachers
Management Principal/
know about Quality
Teachers know about Quality
The school Principal/Teachers Assessment and adhere
The school has no focus on Assessment and adhere
have a general awareness / to norms of institutional
Institutional improvement to norms and reports of
know-how of institutional improvement. They are
and on the process of institutional improvement.
improvement and about the involved in the process of
Accreditation and Are completely involved
process of accreditation Accreditation and
Certification. in the process of Accreditation
but are not involved. Certification and have
and certification are constantly
implemented norms according
looking for ways to innovate.
to it.

Evidence/Records • Self Study groups • SMC Minutes • Workshop/ Staff Meetings/ Records

Present Status Target Year


50 |V N M P S
5: Management and Administration

5.3 Goal Setting and Policy Making

5.3.1 There is an Annual Schedule for Goal Setting and Policy Making
0 2 4 7
Developing/ designing
short term and long term
The school has short term goals is a collective process
goals planned, and within the school, which is
The goals are designed on a
There are no goals or policy documented policies and carried out by management,
daily basis without any
documents available procedures in place to staff, alumni and parents
focus on the future
within the school. conduct them. However this together. The policies and
developments or the vision.
process is just restricted to procedures are documented
the management. and shared with everyone
and are reviewed from time
to time.

• Vision / Mission Statement • Logo • Slogan • Flags • Motto • Almanac • ACP • Staff Meetings
• Strategic Planning and Management Meetings

Present Status Target Year


51 |V N M P S
5: Management and Administration

5.4 Effective Co-ordination

5.4.1 The management ensures effective Coordination within the school
0 2 4 7
The management and the
The management is involved
There is very little administration is totally
in effective and aggressive
coordination between the The management conducts involved in obtaining the
coordination with the
various functionaries of the effective coordination with coordination from external
community for the activities
school (Eg.- Mgmt- admin, the school. agencies (such as Nationallevel
enlisted under the School
mngmt-staff etc.). Scholastic institutes,
alumni, etc.).

Evidence/Records • SMC Minutes • Staff Meetings • Organogram/ Organisation Chart

Present Status Target Year


52 |V N M P S
5: Management and Administration

5.5 Resource Management

5.5.1 There is a rationale for Resource Management and Mechanisms in place
0 2 4 7

The existing resources in the

Resource mobilization is the Resources of the school are
Resource management is form of infrastructure and
responsibility of only the properly taken care of and
not given much importance equipment are optimally
principal and is restricted to augmented, based on need
in the school. used and there is a need
fees collection. analysis.
analysis undertaken.

Evidence/Records • Stock Registers • Annual Budget • Audited Report

Present Status Target Year


53 |V N M P S
5: Management and Administration

5.6 Relationship Management

5.6.1 There is a formal mechanism of Relationship Management (staff, parents, community, alumni, etc.)
0 2 4 7
The staff is empowered to
All dealings are marked by
deal with routine and
The dealings of external and politeness and time
challenging queries and
internal service users are The Staff is trained to management with careful
feedback in a professional
characterized by indifference respond to all stakeholders. attention to documentation,
objective manner through
and lack of courtesy. follow up and feedback
telephone, interactions and
activity management.

• SMC Minutes • Website school program • School Diary • Newsletter • Magazine • PTM Records
• Soft Skills • Training Records for Staff

Present Status Target Year


54 |V N M P S
5: Management and Administration

5.7 Activity Management

5.7.1 There is an complete Activity Management Mechanism available within the school
0 2 4 7
The responsibilities for
There is active participation
execution of school activities
School activities / Annual of students, teachers,
There is no Annual Plan for are widely decentralized
calendar is discussed with alumni, parents and
school activities. after meticulous planning
the staff. community in school
and are systematically

• SMC Minutes • Staff Meeting Minutes / Records • ACP/SCP/Sc • Duty Lists • Role and
Evidence/Records Responsibilities • Records of – - Parents Interface – Student Interface – Alumni Participation
- Student Participation

Present Status Target Year


55 |V N M P S
5: Management and Administration

5.8 Data and Record Maintenance

5.8.1 There is complete Data and Record Maintenance
0 2 4 7
There is a total online
The school computerizes
There is no mechanism to Traditional methodology to correspondence and
data which enables it to
collect data and storage store and collect data working mechanism within
access the data and processes
resulting into delay in (in forms of registers), is the school and efforts
are documented
compliance. maintained. towards paperless office
system are in place.

• School Management System and Database Management • Data Management Tools like Google
Apps • Computerised Report Cards • Online Electronic communication Channels

Present Status Target Year


56 |V N M P S
5: Management and Administration

5.9 Oral and Written Communication

5.9.1 Effective Oral and written Communication system are in place
0 2 4 7
There is a completely planned
There is an automated mechanism designed within
The mode of communication system of information the school that ensures
There is no emphasis given
is verbal along with some sharing available within the sharing of information via
on communication within
written documents provided school that can be accessed automated system and verbal
or outside the school.
to external stakeholders. by the management, staff, communication to ensure
students and parents. participation by all the
stakeholders effectively.

• Records Manual • Electronic Data • Electronic Data • SMS Circulars • Student Declaration Forms
• Admission Forms

Present Status Target Year


57 |V N M P S
5: Management and Administration

5.10 Standard Operating Procedures

5.10.1 The administration follows Standard Operating Procedures.
(The SOP is a documented procedure for recruitment, accounting, purchasing, material management, etc.)
0 2 4 7

The school works in an Operating procedures are

All the functionaries are The administration conducts
ad-hoc manner. Operating standardized for all the
involved in documentation up-gradation of these
procedures exist in the processes but the rationale is not
of the SOP and implemented procedures and processes on a
school but they are not clear and these are not
accordingly. regular basis.
standardized or documented. documented.

• SMC Records • SMC Minutes • Standard Operating Procedures for Recruitment, • Accounting,
Purchasing, Material Management

Present Status Target Year


58 |V N M P S
5: Management and Administration

5.11 Financial Administration

5.11.1 There is a mechanism for Financial Administration including record keeping budget, audit etc.
0 2 4 7

Sales and purchase Accounts are audited by

Systematic records of Financial transactions are
procedures are followed. internal and external
financial transactions are smooth, fast and there is no
Accounts are only agencies and no deficiencies
not maintained. mismanagement.
externally audited. or mismanagement is noted.

• Stock/Assets Records • Account • Registers Manuals • Annual Budget • Income Expenditure

Statements • Audited Accounts

Present Status Target Year


59 |V N M P S
6: Leadership

6.1 Vision and Mission Statement

6.1.1 A visioning exercise is built and shared on an ongoing basis with all stakeholders
0 2 4 7
There are procedures in
There is a written school vision
place for the periodic,
and mission statement that There is a process for
collaborative review of the
No visioning exercise is built encompasses values, challenges, ensuring that all staff and
vision by all Stakeholders.
and there is no vision or and opportunities for the other stakeholders are able
Logo Vision, Mission and
mission statement. Scholastic, social, and to articulate the vision and
slogans are part of the
emotional development of each work towards the mission.
exercise and publicized in
various documents/website.

• Vision • Mission • Logo • Slogans • Emblems • Motto • Flag • Almanac • Stationery • Annual
Management Conferences

Present Status Target Year


60 |V N M P S
6: Leadership

6.2 Strategic Plans for School Improvement

6.2.1 There is development of a School Improvement Plan that is promoted and implemented
0 2 4 7
There is very strong
evidence of an ongoing
There is clear evidence of the
There is evidence of a process of development of a
development of a School
There is no evidence of a process for the development School Improvement Plan to
Improvement Plan that is
School Improvement Plan . of a School Improvement which all parts are closely
promoted and to which all
Plan but it is not promoted. adhered to with feedback
parts are closely adhered to.
mechanisms based on
analysis of needs.

Evidence/Records • Strategic Planning and Management Meeting

Present Status Target Year


61 |V N M P S
6: Leadership

6.3 Systems for Ongoing Quality and Change Management

6.3.1 There are systems for monitoring and reviewing the performance of the school across Scholastic and Co-Scholastic
aspects to measure achievement with regard to the plan
0 2 4 7
There are systems for
There are systems for There are comprehensive
There are no systems for monitoring and reviewing
monitoring and reviewing systems for monitoring and
monitoring and reviewing the performance of the
the performance of the reviewing the performance
the performance of the school across the Scholastic
school across the Scholastic of the school across the
school across Scholastic aspects but there is a lack of
and Co-scholastic aspects but Scholastic and Co-scholastic
and Co-scholastic aspects to comparable monitoring and
there is still a need for aspects that are flexible and
measure achievement. review of the Co-scholastic
improvement. consistent.

Evidence/Records SMC Meetings/ Records

Present Status Target Year


62 |V N M P S
6: Leadership

6.4 Scholastic Leadership

6.4.1 Raising the bar of excellence, through the provision of continuous improvement
0 2 4 7
There are indicators of There are clear and practical There are very impressive
There are no clear indicators
leadership being provided to indicators of leadership indicators of leadership
of leadership being provided
support the process of being provided to support being provided to support
to support the process of
improving the working the process of improving the the process of improving the
improving the learning and
environment but not for the learning environment and learning and working
working environment.
learning environment. the working environment. environments.

Evidence/Records • Manuals • Graded Worksheets • Inclusion

Present Status Target Year


63 |V N M P S
6: Leadership

6.5 Collaborative Leadership

6.5.1 Problem solving across Scholastic and Co-Scholastic aspects is conducted in a collaborative and proactive manner
0 2 4 7
There is very impressive
evidence of problem solving
There is evidence of problem across Scholastic and Co-
solving conducted across There is some evidence of Scholastic aspects that is
Scholastic aspects only at the problem solving across being conducted in a
There is no evidence of level of the senior faculty Scholastic and Co-scholastic collaborative and proactive
problem solving. Co-scholastic aspects is aspects that is being manner by all the stakeholders
conducted by the teaching conducted in a collaborative including parents, teachers,
staff with little freedom to and proactive manner. students and Alumni leading
take the necessary decisions . to appreciation, cooperation,
mutual respect and effective
team work.

Evidence/Records • MC Records/ Minutes • ACP/SC • Workshops Departments / Meetings

Present Status Target Year


64 |V N M P S
6: Leadership

6.6 Innovative Practices

6.6.1 The school explores new ways of transacting the curriculum in addressing the needs of students
0 2 4 7
The school displays
The school displays no The school displays The school displays Innovative Practices in most
Innovative practices in either Innovative Practices by only Innovative Practices in some of the Scholastic and
Scholastic or Co-Scholastic focusing on Scholastic areas of the Scholastic Co-Scholastic areas and is
areas. aspects. Co-Scholastic. constantly looks for more
avenues of excellence.
• Interventions in Curriculum - In house study material - Structured lesson plans with integration
of ICT/Values/PEC /LS Multidisciplinary approach. • Different Tools used for Formative
Assessments • Well Woven Co- Scholastic Activities in ACP • Integration of Visual and Performing
Evidence/Records Arts into the subject specific lesson plan • Utilization of space • Unique displays by students •
Innovative gardening and greening of campus • Maximum utilization of human resources
(SEP/Teachers/ Students) • Different waste Management practices devise • Utilization of financial
resources in different • ICT Practices • Effective display of students work

Present Status Target Year


65 |V N M P S
7: Beneficiary Satisfaction

7.1 Student Satisfaction

7.1.1 School allows students to express their opinions, views and suggestions on policies and develops a mechanism to
involve them in the decision making process
0 2 4 7
There is a documented
assessment methodology in
There is a documented
place with respect to students'
There is no process of process or methodology in
There is an informal method cognitive, affective and
feedback mechanism for place with respect to
of assessing overall student psychomotor domains and a
assessing overall students' cognitive, affective
satisfaction. documented review and
student satisfaction. and psychomotor domain
follow up of feedback in
terms of

Online Analysis of Questionnaire – Students – Parents – Teachers • Results – - Student Council

- Student Handbook – Students Resource Centre

Present Status Target Year


66 |V N M P S
7: Beneficiary Satisfaction

7.2 Teacher Satisfaction

7.2.1 School creates a non threatening and caring environment for the teachers to voice their feedback and develops a
mechanism to review this feedback periodically and use it in improvement, planning and assessing teacher satisfaction
0 2 4 7
There is a documented process to
assess teachers' professional
satisfaction and a documented
There is an informal process There is a documented
review and follow up of the
Teachers mechanically of assessing overall teacher process to assess a teachers'
feedback in terms of improvement
observe school norms, there satisfaction. However there professional satisfaction
including providing growth and
is no motivation. is substantial level of which is reflected through,
attrition (about 10%). monetary rewards only.
in-service training for career

• Interactions • Staff Meetings • Staff Handbook • Records of Workshops / Seminars/ Training

Programmes • Staff Appraisal • Staff Resource Centre

Present Status Target Year


67 |V N M P S
7: Beneficiary Satisfaction

7.3 Office Staff

7.3.1 School provides opportunities for the office staff to express their opinions, views and suggestions regarding the
policies and uses this feedback meaningfully for continual improvement and for assessing office staff's satisfaction
0 2 4 7
In addition to above
Management / Principal
The Office Manager oversees Satisfaction is judged interact periodically with the
The office staff report
and co-ordinates all areas through informal and formal administrative staff to
directly to the Principal.
of administration. channels. understand their levels of
job satisfaction. Issues are
resolved promptly.

• Staff Survey • Survey Interactions • Office Staff Meetings • Office Staff Handbook • Office Staff
Appraisals • Motivational benefits

Present Status Target Year


68 |V N M P S
7: Beneficiary Satisfaction

7.4 Principal
7.4.1 The Management/Society provides a mechanism for the principal to voice her/his suggestions, views and concerns
and periodically reviews the same for continual improvement and also uses it to assess the principal's satisfaction
0 2 4 7
Principal delegates most of
Principal does not initiate Principal conveys the planning / Management has a formal
schools' activities, rarely Management's decisions on implementation of school mechanism to measure the
communicates ideas to scholastic and co-scholastic activities to the Senior level of job satisfaction of
his/her staff. activities to his/her staff. Academic/Administrative the Principal.

• Survey • Management • Review Meetings/ Scholastic Meetings • Blue Print for Roadmap for
Future • CPD • Conferences attended • National/ International Exchange

Present Status Target Year


69 |V N M P S
7: Beneficiary Satisfaction

7.5 Management
7.5.1 The Management develops a mechanism for reviewing the vision and mission statement of the school and assesses
its satisfaction and uses it for developing a process of continual improvement
0 2 4 7

The Management is The Management convenes Management thrives on

The management does not concerned about community periodic meetings with fulfilling satisfaction for both
respond to community expectation and tries to various stakeholders to meet itself and others stakeholders
expectations. fulfill through informal their expectation through a with effective system of
means. formal system. feedback and follow-up.

Evidence/Records • SMC Records • SMC Minutes • Strategy Planning Meetings • Annual Management

Present Status Target Year


70 |V N M P S
7: Beneficiary Satisfaction

7.6 Parents and Alumni

7.6.1 School provides a platform for the parents and the alumni to share their feedback on the ongoing processes of the
school and review the same for improving performances and for assessing parents' and alumni' satisfaction
0 2 4 7
In addition to above, there is
There is an active and
a system for recording the
structured Parents and
outcomes of these meetings,
There is no process of a Parent Teacher Association / Alumni Association that
so that the reports can be a
feedback mechanism for Council exists but do not meets with school
source of feedback and
assessing parents' and have a structured management and principal
review of existing school
alumni satisfaction. mechanism. periodically to find ways and
practices and determination
means to contribute to the
of future course of action for
school's growth.
their growth.

• Minutes of Parent Teacher Meetings • Questionnaire • Website • Circulars • Newsletters

• Magazine • Prospectus • Diary • FAQ's

Present Status Target Year


71 |V N M P S
7: Beneficiary Satisfaction

7.7 Community
7.7.1 The school has a Provision for Free and Compulsory Education under the RTE Act 2010
0 2 4 7
Teachers and school heads
treat students admitted
The school has not yet The school has admitted under RTE Act /
admitted students under the students under the RTE Act In addition to above, special Inclusion Policy
RTE Act/ EWS / Sponsored / EWS / Sponsored category remedial classes have been equally so that they benefit
category for special category for special category as per arranged fo such students. equally from all the social ,
as per guidelines. guidelines. cultural, intellectual
opportunities offered by
the school.

• RTE notification • Admission Register providing details of such students admitted.

• Remedial Classes details

Present Status Target Year


72 |V N M P S
7: Beneficiary Satisfaction

7.7 Community
7.7.2 The school charts out relevant community out reach programmes (viz. preserving the heritage working with old
age home, preserving environment and integrating them in the Annual Curriculum Plan for all age groups
0 2 4 7
Relevance and
Community out reach
Community out reach programmes are conducted
No community out-reach community out reach
programmes are minimal on regular basis but those
programmes are planned or programmes are well
and not sufficiently are not uniformly integrated
implemented. integrated and conducted on
integrated. in the Annual curriculum
regular basis and community
Plan of the school.
satisfaction is vital for school.

• Time Table • Projects • Visit • Adopt a Monument • Health Camps/Shows • Clean City Drive
• Visit to Orphanages / Oldage homes /hospital • Tree Plantation • Eco Drive

Present Status Target Year


73 |V N M P S
School Profile and School Quality Assessment
Total Points Weightage Final
Part Domains Items
Points Obtained % Points

I Scholastic Processes and Outcomes 18 126 25

II Co-scholastic processes and outcomes 8 56 15

III Infrastructure - adequacy, functionality and aesthetics 12 84 15

IV Human Resources 11 77 10

V Management and administration 11 77 10

VI Leadership 6 42 15

VII Beneficiary satisfaction 8 56 10

Total Items 74 518 100

74 |V N M P S

1. Scholastics processes Curriculum planning, Teaching Learning Processes, Student

and products Assessment & performance

Life Skills, Values and Attitudes, Work Education Visual and

2. Co-scholastic
Processes & Products
Performing Arts, Co-scholastic Activities Health and Physical 15
Activities and Health Cards

3. Infrastructure– Classrooms, Library, Laboratory, Computer Labs, Sports and

Adequacy, Functionality Games Facilities, Arts and Music Facilities, Water and
& Aesthetics Sanitation, Staff Room, Health Management Facilities,
(*for residential school, Furniture, Lighting and Ventilation, Disaster Management
the hostel facilities, Provisions 15
services, catering, (Fire Extinguisher, Emergency Exit, Special provisions for
posting of warden etc. differently abled children, Eco-friendly Orientation Social
be Forestry, Lawns and Flower Plants)
included) (Reference Safety Checklist)

Principal, Teachers, Parents, Alumni, Students – Staff

4. Human Resources 10
Development, Recruitment & Retention, Parent Education and
Involvement, Alumni Contact and Involvement

75 |V N M P S
Data and Records, Oral and Written Communication, Finance
and Accounts, Connectivity and Social Networking
5. Management &
(Community Involvement and Service, Linkage with Resource 10
Institutions like CBSE, NCERT, NUEPA, SCERT, DOE, etc.
with peer agencies like schools in India and abroad)

-Academic Leadership, Team Leadership, Quality

6. Leadership Management, Change Management (Strategic Planning and 15

Students, Teachers, Office Staff, Principal, Management,

Parents, Alumni and Community
7. Beneficiary
Beneficiary Satisfaction Questionnaires 5


76 |V N M P S
Questionnaire for Students
As a student of the School I feel that:

Strongly Not Strongly

Disagree Agree
Disagree Sure Agree
S.No. Statement
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Scholastic and Co-Scholastic activities are adequately planned,

depicted in calendar and implemented appropriately
The curriculum of the school integrates academic, social,
physical and emotional developmental needs of the students
Teachers use a wide range of strategies / methods to cover
3 diverse learning styles to make the concepts understandable using
innovative methods
There is a structured assessment pattern in the school to assess the
4 performance of the student with the help of Formative and
Summative Assessment
Fire Evacuation / emergency drills are carried out from time to
Curriculum prepares students for lifelong learning and becoming
6 global citizens by equipping them with life skills and positive
School provides adequate opportunities for sports, games
and fitness activities
Computer Labs, Science Labs and Math Labs are appropriate and
meet expected standards
The school encourages participation in the Health and
Wellness Club/ Eco Club /Literary Club / Heritage Club/ etc.

77 |V N M P S
10 School plans excursions and field trips to support effective learning

School has adequate medical facilities including nurse/ doctor

in campus.

Rest rooms, toilets, laboratory, playground, classrooms are clean,

airy and well maintained

13 School has appropriately qualified & experienced Counsellor

Furniture and equipments for students are safe, comfortable and

age appropriate

School pays attention to conservation of environment and

places great emphasis on aesthetics.

Library is well equipped and has a good collection of books and

related material

Workshops/Seminars are arranged to enhance Skill Development /

Life Skills amongst the students

The School has facilities to provide clean drinking water &

mid-day meal / hygienic & nutritious food

There is peer system and mentoring for students in the


20 Administrative office is approachable and accessible

78 |V N M P S
Effective communication takes place between Students and
The Principal demonstrates administrative and collaborative

23 The Teachers demonstrates fairness and objectivity

24 Equal opportunities are given to all the students

Capabilities and potential of the students are recognized and further
25 groomed by the School for
reaching optimum levels
Total Score Value= Zs

Out of Maximum Score = 175 (25 items x7)

Satisfaction level expressed in % terms = Zs/ 175 x 100

Students Individual Satisfaction Index = Ss

79 |V N M P S
Questionnaire for Teachers
As a Teacher, I feel that:

Strongly Not Strongly

Disagree Agree
Disagree Sure Agree
S.No. Statement
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The school's vision, philosophy and objectives are referred to and

1 reflected in School decisions regarding Curriculum, Teacher
development, Assessment practices and Innovative Programs

The Annual Curriculum Plan of the school integrates academic,

social, physical and emotional needs of the students

School provides opportunities for continuous development and

3 capacity building of teachers for effective implementation of CCE
and other good practices

Teachers are free to use own strategies / methods/ innovations

to cover diverse learning styles to make the concepts understood

Infrastructure including Computer Labs, Science Labs, Math Labs

are appropriate and meet expected standards

School has adequate medical facilities and is equipped with

80 |V N M P S
nurse/ doctor to handle medical & other emergencies.

Rest rooms, toilets, laboratory, playground, classrooms are clean,

airy and well maintained

8 There are separate toilets for female and male staff

The school looks into the academic, social, physical and

emotional developmental needs of the teachers

Library is well equipped and has a good collection of books and

related material for teachers

School pays attention to conservation of environment and

11 has taken initiative on implementing waste management

12 The school has provisions for differently abled individuals

There is a sense of safety and security in the school and regular

evacuation/fire drills are carried out from time to time

Principal/head is approachable and accessible and believes in

building partnerships
The teachers are regularly involved in decision making process of
15 the school with teacher representatives on the management of the
Instructional leadership/ Mentoring is evident and innovative
practices are encouraged.
There is a system of continuous feedback to the teacher for his/her
performance and records are maintained

81 |V N M P S
18 Equal opportunities are given to all the teachers

Teachers are given in-house training and motivated to

participate/ collaborate with other educational endeavors / agencies

Recognition/appreciation/ incentive for the individual work

is given in the organization

Capabilities and potential of the teachers are recognized and further

groomed by the School for reaching optimum levels

22 School plans excursions and field trips for teachers

Abundant opportunities are provided for teachers to learn and

grow and demonstrate leadership skills opening career growth path

School facilitates academic research and undergoing educational

There are clear policies and instruction manuals for effective
25 teacher functioning with open communication channels in the
Total Score Value = Zt

Out of Maximum Score = 175 (25 items x7)

Satisfaction level expressed in % terms = Zt/ 175 x 100

Teachers Individual Satisfaction Index = St

82 |V N M P S
Questionnaire for Parents (Online)
As a Parent, I feel that:

Strongly Not Strongly

Disagree Agree
Disagree Sure Agree
S.No. Statement
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The school's vision, philosophy and objectives are referred to and

1 reflected in their decisions regarding curriculum, student-teacher
development, assessment practices and Innovative Programs

The Annual Curriculum Plan of the school integrates academic,

social, physical and emotional needs of the students

School provides opportunities for continuous development and

3 capacity building of students through effective implementation
of CCE and other good practices

Teachers use a wide range of strategies/methods/ innovations

4 to cover diverse learning styles to make the concepts

School provides adequate opportunities for sports, games

and fitness activities

83 |V N M P S
The School has facilities to provide clean drinking water &
mid-day meal / hygienic & nutritious food
School has adequate medical facilities including nurse/ doctor
in campus
Rest rooms, toilets, laboratory, playground, classrooms are clean,
airy and well maintained and clean drinking water is available

9 There are separate toilets for girls and boys

10 Furniture for students is safe, comfortable and age appropriate

Library is well equipped and has a good collection of books and

related material

School pays attention to conservation of environment and

places great emphasis on aesthetics.

13 The school has provisions for differently abled children.

There is a sense of safety and security in the school and regular

evacuation/fire drills for disaster management are carried out

Principal/Head is approachable and accessible and believes in

building partnerships.

Curriculum prepares students for lifelong learning and being global

citizens by equipping them with Life Skills and positive attitude.
School provides adequate opportunities for students to
participate in literary and scientific endeavors both inside and
outside the school

84 |V N M P S
The school encourages all students to participate in Health and
Wellness Club/ Eco Club /Literary Club / Heritage Club/ etc.

Parents are well informed about the student's school records

(FAs and SAs) at regular intervals

20 School has appropriately qualified & experienced Counsellor

Workshops/Seminars are arranged to enhance Skill Development /

Life Skills amongst the students

22 The Teachers demonstrates fairness and objectivity

The admission and other administrative procedures of the

school are fair, objective and transparent

24 Equal opportunities are given to all the students

Capabilities and potential of the students are recognized and

further groomed by the School for reaching optimum levels

Total Score Value = Zp

Out of Maximum Score = 175 (25 items x7)

Satisfaction level expressed in % terms = Zp/ 175 x 100

Teachers Individual Satisfaction Index = Sp

85 |V N M P S

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