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Excel Review Center GEAS QA 3

Q: What is the unit of stress? Q: What is the maximum shear stress of a Q: It is a measure of the stiffness of a material
A: Pa or psi hollow circular shaft? determined by the slope of the straight line
16TD portion on the stress-strain diagram
A: τmax = Excel Review Center
Q: What is the unit of strain?
A: unitless / dimensionless (
π D 4 − d4 ) A: Modulus of Elasticity (Young’s Modulus)

Q: Young’s modulus is a constant that relates

Q: What is the unit of Young’s Modulus? Q: It refers to the maximum safe stress that a the force per unit are applied perpendicularly
A: Pa or psi material can carry. at the surface of an object to ______.
A: Working stress A: the fractional change in length
Q: What is the unit of Shear Modulus?
A: Pa or psi Q: It occurs when a member carries a load that Q: Young’s modulus can be used to calculate
is perpendicular to its long axis while being the strain for a stress that is _________.
Q: It is defined as the ratio of the change in supported in a stable manner. A: well below the yield strength
length per original length, or the deformation A: Bending stress
of a physical body under the action of Q: What property of a material refers to its
applied forces. Q: It refers to the value of stress on the stress- ability to absorb applied energy without
A: Strain strain diagram at which the curve first failure?
deviates from a straight line. A: Toughness
Q: It refers to the internal resistance offered by A: Proportional Limit
a unit area of the material from which a Q: What property of a material refers to its
member is made to an externally applied Q: It is the maximum stress that may be resistance to indentation by a penetrator?
load. developed during a simple tension test such A: Hardness
A: Stress Excel Review Center that the stress is a linear function of strain.
A: Proportional limit Q: What refers to the measure of the resistance
Q: The bulk modulus is a constant that relates to twisting?
the pressure acting on an object to ______. Q: It refers to the value of stress on the stress- A: Torque
A: the fractional change in volume strain diagram at which the material has
deformed plastically (it will no longer return Q: It refers to materials that are hard, brittle,
Q: Who first postulated that axial stress is to its original size and shape once the load good insulators of electricity and heat and
proportional to axial strain in 1678? is removed) very resistance to high temperatures.
A: Robert Hooke A: Elastic limit A: Ceramics

Q: What refers to the components of the total Q: It refers to the value of stress on the stress- Q: It refers to materials that have a large
resistance to sliding the portion to one side strain diagram at which there is significant number of non-localized electrons and as an
of the exploratory section past the other? increase in strain with little or no increase in effect, are very good conductors of electricity
A: Shear forces stress. and heat.
A: Yield point A: Metals
Q: What refers to the measure of the total
resistance to sliding? Q: It refers to the point at which there is an Q: It refers to materials that are composed of
A: Shear force appreciable elongation of the material more than one material type and are
without any corresponding increase in the designed to display a combination of the
Q: It occurs when a cutting action is applies as load. best characteristics of each component
you would see in scissors or punches. A: Yield Point material.
A: Direct shear A: Composites
Q: The ______ of a solid is the stress at which
Q: It refers to the pulling or pushing action the sample breaks. Q: It refers to materials whose atomic
perpendicular to the sectional area. A: ultimate arrangement occurs as periodic, repeating
A: Axial forces structures over large distances.
Q: It refers to the region from zero stress to the A: Crystalline
Q: A force in tension will cause the member to elastic limit wherein the deformations are
____ its length. recoverable. Q: It refers to an elemental solid having a
A: increase A: Elastic range different crystal structure, usually due to the
prevailing temperature and pressure.
Q: A force in compression will cause the Q: What refers to the lateral contraction per unit A: Allotrope
member to ____ its length. length over the longitudinal elongation per
A: decrease Excel Review Center unit length? Q: It is a metal that is alloyed with steel to give
A: Poisson’s Ratio it corrosive resistant properties, resulting to
Q: It is the transfer of axial stress from one “stainless steel”.
member to another. Q: What is the Poisson’s ratio of a material if A: Chromium
A: Bearing stress the Young’s Modulus is 2.5 times the
modulus of rigidity? Q: What element is used in modern, super
Q: What is the elongation of springs after A: 0.25 strong permanent magnets because of their
application of tensile forces? high coercivities?
64PR3n Q: What is the maximum value of Poisson’s A: Neodymium
A: δ = ratio for any given solid subjected to triaxial
Gd4 Q: What is the deterioration of a material due to
A: 0.5 Excel Review Center interaction with diverse environments which
Q: What is the maximum shear stress of heavy lead to the degradation of its material
helical springs with n number of turns? properties?
Q: A ductile material is one that can be
16PR ⎡ 4m − 1 0.615 ⎤ D stretched, formed or drawn to a significant A: Corrosion
A: τmax = ⎢ + ; m=
πd3 ⎣ 4m − 4 m ⎥⎦ d degree before fracture. A metal that exhibits
a percent elongation greater than ___% is Q: It is a colorless solid capable of being cut
considered to be ductile. into brilliant crystals that is the hardest, most
Q: What is the polar moment of inertia of a solid
A: 5 abrasive mineral known.
circular shaft? A: Diamond
π 4 Q: A brittle material is one that fails suddenly
A: J = d
32 under load with little or no plastic Q: The ability of a material to absorb energy in
deformation. A metals that exhibits a percent the plastic range.
Q: What is the polar moment of inertia of a elongation ____ 5% is considered to be A: Toughness
hollow circular shaft? brittle.
A: less than Q: It refers to the ease with which a metal can
π 4
A: J =
D − d4 ) be machined to an acceptable surface finish.
A: Machinability
Q: What is the ratio of shearing stress to
shearing strain?
Q: What is the maximum shear stress of a solid A: Modulus of Rigidity (Shear Modulus) Q: The reciprocal of Bulk Modulus of any fluid
circular shaft? is called ________.
16T Q: What is the ratio of axial stress to axial strain A: Compressibility
A: τmax = Excel Review Center
πd3 or simple strain?
A: Modulus of Elasticity (Young’s Modulus) Excel Review Center

Excel Review Center GEAS QA 3
Q: The most important difference between steel Q: For a combination of two thin lenses, how do Q: A vector has a magnitude of 12. When its
and concrete is the difference in strain you get the effective focal length? tail is at the origin it lies between the positive
between the two. Steel stretches a lot more 1 1 1 ff x axis and the negative y axis and makes an
than concrete, therefore, steel is considered A: = + ; f = 1 2 angle of 30 degrees with the x axis. Its y
f f1 f2 f1 + f2
a ____ material and concrete is considered component is:
a ____ material. A: - 6
A: ductile, brittle Q: Each portion of a wav front acts a source of
new waves. Q: If the x component of a vector A is half as
Q: What principle or law states that each point A: Huygen’s Principle large as the magnitude of the vector, the
on a wavefront may be considered a new tangent of the angle between the vector and
wave source? Q: It is the amount by which the lens an change the x axis is:
A: Huygen’s Principle the curvature of a wave. A: 3/2
A: Power of the lens (Diopter)
Q: The collision between a photon and a free Q: A certain vector in the xy plane has an x
electron was first explained by which Q: It is the process wherein the cornea-lens component of 4 m and a y component of 10
scientist? system refracts light and focus the image of m. It is then rotated in the xy plane so its x
A: Compton an object upon the retinal surface. component is doubled. Its new y component
A: Accomodation is about ____.
Q: The wave nature of light is demonstrated by A: 7.2 m Excel Review Center
what phenomena: Q: What is the rms speed of gas molecules as
A: Reflection, Refraction and Diffraction a function of temperature? Q: If the magnitude of the sum of two vectors is
3RT less than the magnitude of either vector,
Q: Assume that a ray of light is incident on a A: v rms = Excel Review Center then _____.
smooth reflecting surface at an angle of M A: the scalar product of the vectors must be
incidence of 15 degrees to the normal. What negative
is the angle between the incident ray and the Q: What is the kinetic energy of ideal gas
reflected ray? molecules as a function of temperature? Q: A vector A points vertically upward and
A: 30 degrees 3 vector B points towards the north. The vector
A: KE = RT product AxB is:
Q: The focal length of a concave spherical A: Along the west
mirror is 1 m. What is the radius of curvature Q: What is the unit of the molar gas constant?
of the mirror? A: J/mol-K Q: A vector is not changed if:
A: 2 m Excel Review Center A: It is slid parallel to itself
Q: What is the unit of the permittivity of free
Q: The focal length is positive for a ______. space? Q: The minimum number of vectors of equal
A: Concave mirror A: F/m magnitude required to produce zero
resultant is:
Q: It is the blurring of the image produced on a Q: What is the SI unit of magnetic field? A: Two
concave mirror due to the convergence of 2
A: Tesla (Wb/m )
rays far from the mirror to other points on the Q: The minimum number of vectors of unequal
principal axis. Q: What is the SI unit of magnetic flux? magnitude required to produce a zero
A: Spherical Aberration 2
A: Weber (kg-m /A-s )
2 resultant is:
A: Three
Q: In geometrical optics, a ray of light traverses Q: What is the SI unit of electric field?
from one point to another by a route which A: V/m Q: Which of the following is not essential for
takes the least time. three vectors to produce zero resultant?
A: Fermat’s Principle Q: What is the SI unit of electric flux? A: They should act along the sides of a
A: V-m parallelogram
Q: What is the momentum of a photon?
hv Q: What is the SI unit of entropy? Q: What can be the angle between vectors P +
A: Q and P – Q?
c A: J/K Excel Review Center
A: Between 0 degrees and 180 degrees
Q: What is the intensity of light at a distance r Q: A vector A of magnitude 6 and another
vector B of unknown magnitude has a sum Q: What is the angle between AxB and BxA?
from a point of source with power W and A: 180 degrees
pressure P? of magnitude 12. Vector T must have a
magnitude of ____.
I W Q: Angular momentum is:
A: P = = Excel Review Center A: at least 6 but not greater than 18
c 4πr 2c A: an axial vector ,Excel Review Center
Q: It consists of two forces, equal in magnitude,
Q: It refers to a type of illusion formed by light in parallel, but in opposite directions. Q: A vector is not changed if:
rays coming from the low region of the sky in A: couple A: it is slid parallel to itself
front of the observer on a sunny day.
Q: A vector may change if:
A: Mirage
Q: What is A ⋅ B × C ?) A: vector is rotated
Q: It is the type of lens that is needed to correct A: 1
myopia or nearsightedness. Q: The product of energy and time is called
A: Diverging Lens (
Q: What is A ⋅ A × B ?) action. The dimensional formula for action is
same as that for:
Q: It is the type of lens that is needed to correct A: 0 A: impulse x distance
hyperopia or farsightedness.
A: Converging Lens Q: If vectors A + B = A + B and neither A nor B Q: These are forces whose lines of action
all pass through a common point.
vanish, then ________. A: concurrent forces
Q: What type of mirror produces no image
A: A and B are parallel and in the same
when the object is at the focal point?
A: Concave/Converging Mirror direction Q: To calculate for the force exerted on a
charged particle by a magnetic field,
Q: It is a type of mirror that always produces a Q: If vectors A − B = A + B and neither A nor B _________ is used.
smaller and an upright image. A: vector product
vanish, then ________.
A: Convex/Diverging Mirror A: A and B are parallel and in the opposite Q: Two vibrating particles that are out of phase
direction differ in phase of their vibration by:
Q: These are lenses that make a set of parallel
rays converge after refraction. It forms real A: one-half cycle
Q: If vectors A and B lie in the xy plane, we can
images when the object is farther from the say that vector A = vector B if _______.
lens that the principal focus and virtual Q: An electroscope charged without contacting
images when the object is between the lens A: A x + A y = B x + By a charged body is charged by:
and the principal focus. A: Induction
A: Convex/Converging Lens Excel Review Center
Q: ML2T-2 represents:
Excel Review Center A: Moment of Force

Excel Review Center GEAS QA 3
Q: What is electric (electrostatic force) between Q: A copper rod which is 1 cm in diameter Q: A man’s life was saved in a car accident
two charges separated by distance r? carries a current of 5 A. The current is because the airbag expanded in front of his
kq q distributed uniformly throughout the rod. The head. If the car had no airbag, the
A: F = 12 2 magnetic field halfway between the axis of windshield would have stopped the motion
r the rod and its outside edge is: of his head in a much shorter time.
A: circles the axis of the rod Compared to the windshield, the airbag
Q: What is the electric field for a point charge q ______.
at a distance r? Q: In Bohr’s theory of the atom, what force is A: exerts a much smaller force
kq responsible for holding the electrons in their
A: E = Excel Review Center
r orbit? Q: It is the change of momentum.
A: Coulomb force or the force of attraction A: Impulse
Q: What is the electric field for a sphere of between the proton and the electron
radius R of uniform charge distribution at a Q: It is the rate of change of momentum.
distance r? Q: What term refers to the average speed of A: Force
charge carriers in electromagnetics?
kqr kq
A: E = (r ≤ R) or E = 2 (r ≥ R) A: Drift Speed Q: The physical quantity “impulse” has the
R2 r same dimensions as that of ____.
Q: Induced electric currents can be explained A: momentum
Q: What is the electric field for a hollow sphere using what law?
with radius R of uniform charge distribution A: Faraday’s Law Q: Two bodies of unequal mass, placed at rest
at a distance r? on a frictionless surface, are acted on by
kq Q: The Tesla and the Gauss are units of equal horizontal forces for equal times. Just
A: E = 0 (r < R) or E = (r > R) measure of: after these forces are removed, the body of
A: Magnetic Field Strength greater mass will have _____.
A: the same momentum as the other body
Q: What is the electric potential energy
Q: The energy of a quantum of electromagnetic
between two charges?
radiation is ___ frequency of the Q: If the total momentum of a system is
kq q electromagnetic radiation. changing, then _______.
A: U = 1 2
r A: Directly proportional to A: a net external force must be acting on the
Q: What is the surface charge density coming Q: An electric field caused by an infinite uniform
from a charge q at a distance r? line charge will produce an equipotential Q: If a wheel turns with constant angular speed,
surface that is then the wheel turns through _____.
A: σ = A: cylindrical A: equal angles in equal times
4πr 2
Q: 1 erg of energy (erg is the cgs unit of Q: The rotational inertia of a wheel about its
Q: “When a strip of conductor carries a dc energy) is equivalent to ___ J (J is the SI axle does not depend upon its _____.
current along its length, a magnetic field set unit of energy) A: speed of rotation
up in a particular direction produces a A: 10

magnetic field sideways. The charge then Q: Two uniform circular disks having the same
builds up on one side and establishes a Q: 1 dyne of force (dyne is the cgs unit of force) mass and the same thickness are made
potential across the width of the strip.” is equivalent to ____ N (N is the SI unit of from different materials. The disk with the
A: The Hall Effect force). smaller rotational inertia is the one made
A: 10 from _____.
Q: If the electric field and magnetic fields are A: the more dense material
crossed i.e. arranged at right angles then the Q: The displacement of a particle is
charged particle is undeflected. This proportional to the cube of time. The Q: A uniform solid cylinder made of lead has
condition is known as _______. magnitude of its acceleration: the same mass and the same length as a
A: Null deflection A: Zero uniform solid cylinder made of wood. The
rotational inertia of the lead cylinder
Q: What is the unit of magnetic flux? Q: For the motion on a straight line path with compared to the wooden one is _____.
A: Weber constant acceleration, the ratio of the A: less
magnitude of displacement to the distance
Q: What is the SI unit of magnetic flux density? covered is: Q: What should you do to increase the
A: Tesla A: 1 rotational inertia of a solid disk about its axis
without changing its mass?
Q: 1 Tesla (T) = ____ Gauss (G) Q: For the motion on a curved path with A: drill holes near the axis and put the material
A: 10 constant acceleration, the ratio of the near the rim
magnitude of the displacement to the
Q: For a negative point charge, the electric field distance covered is: Q: A force with a given magnitude is to be
vectors: A: Less than 1 applied to a wheel. The torque can be
A: point radially in towards the charge maximized by applying a force _____.
Q: A simple pendulum hangs from the roof of a A: at the rim, tangent to the wheel
Q: For an infinite sheet of positive charge, the moving train. The string is inclined towards
electric field lines: the rear of the train. What is the nature of Q: The expression τ = Iα for an object rotating
A: are perpendicular to the sheet of charge and the motion of the train? about a fixed axis is a consequence of
point away A: Accelerated _____.
A: Newton’s Second Law
Q: A circuit which employs a direct current Q: The slope of the velocity-time graph for
source has a branch which contains a motion with uniform velocity is equal to: Q: For the hydrogren atom, what series
capacitor. After the circuit has reached a A: Zero describes electron transitions to the N = 1
steady state, what is the magnitude of the
orbit, the lowest energy electron orbit?
current in the circuit branch which contains Q: The slope of the velocity-time graph for A: Lyman Series
the capacitor? retarded motion is:
A: The current is zero. A: Negative Excel Review Center Q: Coulomb per second is a unit of ______.
A: electric current
Q: A charged particle is moving in a uniform Q: A particle moves along a straight line path.
magnetic field. If the direction of the motion After some time, it comes to rest. The motion Q: For an object moving in uniform circular
of the charged particle is parallel to the with an acceleration whose direction with motion, the direction of the instantaneous
magnetic field, describe the shape of the respect to displacement is: acceleration vector is ______.
charged particle’s path. A: Negative throughout the motion A: directed radially inward
A: Straight line
Q: What is the SI unit of capacitance? Q: Work is equal to the ______ product of force
Q: An infinitely long wire carries a current of A: Farad and displacement.
three amperes. The magnetic field outside
A: dot Excel Review Center
the wire: Q: It is the impossibility of knowing both the
A: circles the wire precise location and velocity of subatomic Q: The work done by friction is always _____.
particle at the same time. A: negative
Q: Iron is what type of a magnetic material? A: Uncertainty principle
A: Ferromagnetic
Excel Review Center GEAS QA 3
Q: As defined in physics, work is a _____ Q: Two steel balls are at a distance d from one Q: In fluid mechanics, this shows that the
quantity. another. As the mass of one of the balls is pressure of a fluid decreases as the speed
A: scalar Excel Review Center doubled, what happens to the gravitational of the fluid increases. In addition, the
force of attraction between them? pressure of a fluid decreases as the
Q: In physics, radians per second is a unit of: A: It will double elevation increases.
A: angular velocity A: Bernoulli’s Equation
Q: If the distance between the earth and the
Q: If the resultant force acting on a body of moon were halved, the force of attraction Q: A type of annuity where the payments are
constant mass is zero, the body’s between them would be: made at the start of each period, beginning
momentum is: A: Four times as great from the first period.
A: constant A: Annuity due
Q: As a longitudinal wave moves through a
Q: What condition should hold such that the net medium, the particles of the medium vibrate Q: A particle of mass m is moving in a circular
force and the net torque on a rigid body will in what manner? path of constant radius r such that its
both vanish? A: They vibrate in a path parallel to the path of centripetal acceleration a varies with time t
A: The rigid body should be in equilibrium the wave as a = k 2rt 2 where k is a constant. What is
the power delivered to the particle by the
Q: For an object in equilibrium, the net torque Q: As a simple pendulum is raised to higher forces acting on it?
acting on it vanishes only if each torque is altitudes, what happens to the period?
calculated about _____. A: The period increases A: P = mk 4r 2t 5 / 3
A: the same point
Q: Under force to voltage analogy, resistance is Q: A curve on a highway has a radius of
Q: For a body to be in equilibrium under the analogous to curvature r. The curved road is banked at θ
combined action of several forces, the sum A: Damping with the horizontal. If the coefficient of static
of the components of all forces in any friction is µ, what is the maximum speed that
direction must be ____. Q: It is the tendency of a body at rest to the car can go over the curve without
A: zero remain at rest, and of a body in motion skidding?

Q: For a body to be in equilibrium under the

to continue moving with unchanged
A: (
gr µ + tanθ )
combined action of several forces, the sum A: Inertia
of the torque about any point must be ____. Q: A small object of mass m is projected
A: zero Q: It is a tangential force acting on an horizontally with velocity v. It hits a spring of
object that opposes the sliding of that spring constant k attached inside an opening
Q: When will the center of gravity coincide with object across an adjacent surface with of a block resting on a frictionless surface.
the center of mass of the body? which it is in contact. What is the compression of the spring noting
A: Only if the acceleration due to gravity is A: Frictional force that the block will slide due to the impact?
uniform over the body mM
Q: If the units of force and length are doubles, A: x = v Excel Review Center
k(m + M)
Q: The location of ______ within an object the unit of energy will be:
might depend on the orientation of the A: 4 times
object. Q: Two equal spheres of mass 4m are at rest
A: center of gravity Q: Kilogram-meter per second is the unit of: and another sphere of mass m is moving
A: Momentum along their lines of centers between them.
Q: A cylinder placed so it can roll on a How many collisions will there be if the
horizontal tabletop, with its center of gravity 2
Q: It is the unit that denotes dimensions ML /Q
2 spheres are perfectly elastic?
above its geometrical center, is in _____ where Q denotes electric charge. A: There will be 2 collisions
equilibrium. A: Henry
A: unstable Q: A carbon-14 nucleus which is radioactive
Q: It represents the correct dimensions of the decays into a beta particle, a neutrino and
Q: A cylinder placed so it can roll on a coefficient of viscosity. N-14 nucleus. In a particular decay, the beta
horizontal tabletop, with its center of gravity A: ML T
-1 -1 particles has a momentum p and the
below its geometrical center, is in _____ nitrogen nucleus has momentum of
equilibrium. Q: An iron sphere and a wooden sphere of the magnitude 4p/3 at an angle of 90 degrees to
A: stable same mass are projected upwards in air with p. In what direction do you expect the
a velocity v in m/s. Neglecting the effect of neutrino to be emitted and what would be its
Q: Two wheels roll side by side without sliding, viscosity: momentum?
at the same speed. The radius of wheel 2 is A: Wooden sphere will rise higher A: 5p/3, 126 degrees with respect to the beta
twice the radius of wheel 1. The angular particle
velocity of wheel 2 is _____ of wheel 1. Q: Wind is blowing west to east along two
A: half the angular velocity parallel tracks. Two trains moving with same Q: If a particle of mass m collides elastically
speed in opposite directions have the steam with on of mass M at rest, and if the former
Q: It states that “the induced current will appear track one double than other. The speed of is scattered at an angle θ and the latter
in such a direction that it opposes the each train is: recoils at an angle β with respect to the line
change that produced it” A: Three times that of the wind of motion of the incident particle, what is the
A: Lenz Law ratio of m to M?
Q: Bernoulli’s Theorem is a consequence of the
A: =
m sin 2β + θ )
Q: It is defined as the luminous flux divided by law of conservation of: M sinθ
area. A: Energy
A: Illumination / Illuminance
Q: If k is the radius of gyration, what is the ratio
Q: Water is flowing through a long horizontal 2 2
k /r for a hollow cylinder?
Q: What is the SI unit for pressure? tube. If Pa and Pb are the pressures at two
A: Pascal A: 1
points A and B of the tube, then:
A: Pa and Pb are equal only if the cross-
Q: If k is the radius of gyration, what is the ratio
Q: It states that the moment of force about any sectional area at A and B are equal 2 2
point is equal to the algebraic sum of all k /r for a hollow sphere?
A: 2/3 Excel Review Center
moments of the components of the force Q: In order that a floating object be in a stable
about that point. equilibrium, its meta center should be:
A: Varignon's theorem Q: If k is the radius of gyration, what is the ratio
A: Vertically above its center of gravity 2 2
k /r for a solid cylinder?
A: 1/2
Q: To shear a cube-shaped object, forces of Q: The density of ice is 0.9 g/cc. What
equal magnitude and opposite directions percentage by volume of the block of ice
Q: If k is the radius of gyration, what is the ratio
might be applied to _______. floats outside the water? 2 2
k /r for a solid sphere?
A: opposite faces, parallel to the faces A: 10%
A: 2/5
Q: The value G, the universal gravitational Q: A and B are two metallic pieces. They are
Q: What is the moment of inertia of an object as
constant, was measured experimentally first fully immersed in water and then weighed.
by: a function of its radius of gyration?
Now they show same loss of weight. The
A: Cavendish conclusion is: A: I = Mk 2
A: A and B have equal volumes

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