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Wight graphs and you: how to calculate the shortest path to your destination

Juan Pablo Ivan Pineda Macea

Intitución Universatira Politecnico Grancolombiano

The second image ilustrats a directed weighted graph on thid

Abstract case we can se that the edges have an arrow, that arrow
When we talk about graphs not everyone thinks about the graph theory, indicates the direction of the Edge, a node cnat travel against With this we can see that graph theory is very useful all around the world
but this simple yet powerful theory is present in our life. It is in fact the direction , for example, the node 7 cant go directly to the and even over our lives because of this type of theories we can enjoy a lot
almost beside us at every single minute, if you don’t believe this, please
node 5 because of the arrow,, its the same with the roads you of commodities.
look at this picture:
cant go in counterroute.

Do you recognize that ? You probably use that form in your every-day life Whith this principles we can tart to talk about our Project,
That simple form can show you the best path from your location to your
calculate the best path from point A to point B
destination and it works with graphs! Well with other things to but on its
core its graphs.

Weighted Graphs are an important type of graphs because they can give
us a lot of information.

In this article we will see how a weighted graph can told how should we
go from one point to another.


Using the California's roads data set we can create a directed wighted graph
Introduction and again with this we canstart to trace routes to see the best path to go
from A to B in California, with this we can make a great way to mobe
Estimate is an extraordinary hard task, as humans we cant between the city because of the graph, the best part about this is that we
can extend this principles to another cities like Bogota.
measure time with easy, for that reason we search for ways
to do this with high precision, inspired for that needed we’ve
created different forms to calculate this, one of them is just
comparing the length of different routes, and then saying
guesses for their length in time, another of this methods is
using the graph theory, applying certain concepts of this
theory we can crate a map with enough information to say a
good estimate of the time needed to go from point A to point

This is an image of a weighted graph; a weighted graph is a

type of graph that has some values on the edges, that value
indicates the cost of the edge, depending on the total cost of
a travel from one point to another you can say if a travel is
more or less expensive and, with this values you can say if a
travel is worth or not because of the cost .

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