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Northern University of Business & Technology Khulna

Department of Business administration

Program BBA
Fall 2019

Course Outline
Course Title: Organizational Behavior
Course Code: BBA 210
Section: 6A
Instructor: S. M. Misbauddin Opu
Adjunct Faculty
Objectives of the Course:
This course examines the nature of individual and group employee behavior in a work
environment and how it affects organizational performance. Psychological principles explain
how and why people act as they do. It includes an emphasis on the use of theories as
conceptual tools for analyzing and solving personnel problems.


1. Continuous Assesment .................................................................30

a. Attendance 05

b. Class Participation & Performance 05

c. Class test(s) 10

d. Assignment & Presentation ..................................... 10

2. Midterm.........................................................................................30

3. Final ..............................................................................................40

Total 100
Number of
Chapter Contents of the Chapter
Organizational Behavior, Focus
area of Organizational Behavior,
Elements of Organizational
Behavior, Major Discipline Of
Lecture 1-3 Chapter 1
Organizational Behavior, Model of
Organizational Behavior,
Challenges and Opportunities of
Organizational Behavior
Biological Factor, Learned
Characteristics, Emotional
Lecture 4 - 5 Chapter 2 Intelligence, Classification of
Ability, Intellectual Ability,
Physical Ability.
Lecture 6 Class Test 1 and Chapter 2
Types of values, Factors of values,
Values, loyalty and ethical
behavior, Hofstead’s Framework
Lecture 7 - 9 Chapter 3 for assessing Cultures, Importance
of Values, Attitudes, How
employees can express job
Personality determinants and
Lecture 10 - 12 Chapter 4 personality attributes, Emotions,
Big Five model of personality
Lecture 13 Mid Term
Decision making in the
Lecture 14 - 16 Chapter 5, 6
organization, Perception, heuristics.
Motivation theories, motivation
Class Test 2 concepts, Management by
Lecture 17 - 19 and objectives, Employee recognition
Chapter 7 programs, Employee involvement
Chapter 8 Stages of group development,
Lecture 20-21 and group decision making techniques
Lecture 21-22 Chapter 11 Leadership approaches, leadership
and Chapter development
Lec. no Topics

01-03 Chapter 1 and Chapter 2: Introduction: Organization, Types of organization,

Organizational Behavior, Focus area of Organizational Behavior, Elements of
Organizational Behavior, Major Discipline Of Organizational Behavior, Model of
Organizational Behavior, Challenges and Opportunities of Organizational

04-05 Chapter 2: Foundation of Individual Behavior: Bio- logical Factor, Learned

Characteristics, Emotional Intelligence, Classification of Ability, Intellectual
C.T- 1
Ability, Physical Ability, Attitudes, Components of attitude

06-08 Chapter 3 and Chapter 4: Values, attitudes and Job satisfaction; Personality
and Emotions: Types of job attitude, Measuring Job Satisfaction, The effect of
job satisfaction on employee performance, How employees can express job

09-10 Chapter 4: Personality and Emotions: Motivation, Features of motivation,

Types of Motivation, Why Motivation, Theories of motivation Motivational
basics-Motivational applications-Apprising and Rewarding performance.
11-12 Chapter 5: Perception and Individual decision making: Morale, Ways to
measure the Employee morale, Indicators of low morale , Methods to increase
morale, values, Types of values, Factors of values, Values, loyalty and ethical
behavior, Hofstead’s Framework for assessing Cultures, Importance of Values.

13 Chapter 6: Basic motivation concepts: Personality: Meaning of Personality,

Determinants of personality, Personality model.
C.T- 2

14-16 Chapter 7: Group Dynamics and work teams: Group, Types of Group, reasons
for joining group, Concepts of Group dynamics, Importance of group dynamics,
Group vs team, 5 stage model of group formation, Group structures and its
important properties, Role, Norms, status, Size, Group Cohesiveness

17-18 Chapter 8: Conflict in organization: Industrial conflict-Organizational conflicts

at the individual and group level-Organizational reaction to conflicts at the
individual and group level-Organizational reaction to conflict-Inter organizational
19-20 Chapter 11Contemporary Issues in Leadership: Definition of Leadership,
Qualities of a good leader, Style of Leadership, Theories of Leadership, Power
and politics
21-22 Chapter 12: Contemporary Issues in Leadership : Conflict and Negotiation,
Work design and Technology, Organizational culture, Organizational Change and

General Instructions:

1. Attendance: Students are expected to be present in at least 90% classes, unavoidable

circumstances may be excused with prior concern of the course teacher (not more
than 02).

2. Dishonesty: Dishonesty in all forms (i.e. fake excuse, trying to use unfair means in
exam, etc) will be strongly penalized.

3. Mobile phones: Mobile phones should be turned off or kept in silent mode, using
laptop, tablet, and any other electronic gadget is completely prohibited during class

Suggested Readings:
1. Robbins, S.P., “Organizational Behavior”, Prentice Hall
2. Griffin R.W and Moorhead G., “Organizational Behavior”, Houghton Mifflin


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