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Total Points

NAME__________________________ SECTION TIME _______________

This report is a stand-alone writing project for each student.

1. Cover Page: full company name and ethical issue plus your name) ______ (2)

2. Letter of Transmittal ______ (4)

3. Table of Contents (left column chapters, right column page numbers) ______ (5)

4. Brief background of the company ______ (4)

5. Company’s position on the issue ______ (5)

6. Objective summary of the best arguments of all three critics ______ (9)

7. Graphic (table, line graph, bar graph, or pie chart) ______ (6)

8. Recommend a course of action for the company ______ (5)

9. Reference Page in APA format with minimum citations from: ______ (6)

one from ABI Inform/Complete

one from Global Newsstream
one from Business Source Premier Do not cite wire services.

10. APA entries typed, alphabetized, and single-spaced with double

spaces between each. Be consistent with your style and punctuation.
______ (4)

11. Length: the report must be a minimum of four (4) single-spaced pages.
starting with item #4 (one of the four pages can be your graphic);
Use double space between paragraphs with no indentations;
Use 12 pt New Times Roman font; margins 1”
Section headings must be in 14 font and bold
______ (5)
Staple your report

Due Date: Mon/Wed classes Wed Nov 14

Total Course Points _______ (55)

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